E.Sendriene Wrote:Несколько фото
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:E.Sendriene Wrote:Несколько фото
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:ATUL TEHRAN (India).
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Спортсмены Индии посетили Клайпеду и позанимались в клубе "Центрас":
Дружеское общение в Клайпеде, координирование грандиозных планов по развитию спорта в Азии.
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Официальный представитель Ордена Тамплиеров с Иолантой и Аушрой
Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania
Делегация Индии несколько дней уделила знауомству с Литвой
2010 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 42-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania