BIG MONEY $$$$$$$
Dear Mike, to compete for big money is ready everybody. When we have a lot of good competitiors - every time it is not so easy to win.
Wait for the results from 2026 WFF Pro World in Vilnius. You will see super stars of WFF!
BIG MONEY $$$$$$$
Dear Mike, to compete for big money is ready everybody. When we have a lot of good competitiors - every time it is not so easy to win.
Wait for the results from 2026 WFF Pro World in Vilnius. You will see super stars of WFF!
Fierce fight in Vilnius!
Hi Andrej,
Wish I was there with the top guns in Vilnius to see the battle of the WFF greats. Sound very exciting indeed!
Lots of Photo's Please! Tons of Photo's.
Mikeglass Wrote:Hi Andrej,
Wish I was there with the top guns in Vilnius to see the battle of the WFF greats. Sound very exciting indeed!
Lots of Photo's Please! Tons of Photo's.
No problems. There will be lots of fotos - as we are preparing the new WFF magazine's issue (the 25-th) to give it free at all greatest 2007 Spring International Bodybuilding and Fitness events. Ant to send via post to all who wants to get them!
During the last weeks the former IFBB Pro Director WAYNE DE MILIA two times addressed WFF-International Headquarters wishing to work together with WFF:
"...Dear Edmundas,
...I am very interested in having you and the WFF...
WFF-International resent the letters to the President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS.
MICHAEL GLASS reacted at once:
Please direct all emails to promote any and all events to the WFF North American rather than sending them to the WFF International office. They are very busy.
We would like to know your intent and hard numbers what you can bring to the WFF table. There are other promoters who are offering the same thing but we are more than happy to listen to your proposal anyway.
Have a nice 2007.
Thank you,
Mike Glass
WFF secretary service Wrote:During the last weeks the former IFBB Pro Director WAYNE DE MILIA two times addressed WFF-International Headquarters wishing to work together with WFF:
"...Dear Edmundas,
...I am very interested in having you and the WFF...
WFF-International resent the letters to the President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS.
MICHAEL GLASS reacted at once:
Please direct all emails to promote any and all events to the WFF North American rather than sending them to the WFF International office. They are very busy.
We would like to know your intent and hard numbers what you can bring to the WFF table. There are other promoters who are offering the same thing but we are more than happy to listen to your proposal anyway.
Have a nice 2007.
Thank you,
Mike Glass
Here in this forum you see a lot of letters concerning various federations.
To see the difference between them we put here a letter from WFF to SERGE NUBRET.
You rememeber when not so long ago via the President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS SERGE NUBRET was pretending to work with WFF-International.
Dear Michael,
Here are my short answers to Serge Nubret questions.
Why on the website of WFF, when they show the World Championship only name of eastern europe countries came out, no American, no french, no one country else, when they pretend that all these counties are affialiated to theme.
Today WFF-International has 83 country-members. Some are more active, some less.
There were 34 countries participating at last WFF World Championship (2006).
WFF is a social no profit seeking International Sport Organization and it takes NO FEES from country-members.
WFF is the OFFICIAL organization. It has full registration by law. It can not play games as other unregistered and not official organizations do (WABBA, NABBA, IBFA etc.) because WFF communicates with Governments, Parliaments, Olympic Committees of different countries. Other federations NEVER did it as they are not official.
All East Europe countries have official registered by law national federations. This is a MUST in our countries. Nearly all Western countries have NO OFFICIAL registered federations. They use to call groups of private persons "federation", but according the law it is incorrect and have no value by law. A group of private persons can not be a federation as it has nothing official: Registration Certificate, stamp, book-keeping etc. They only call themselves "federation" but in real life they are not.
The work of a registered federation and a group of friends is different. The status of them is different too.
WFF price money for the PROS is only 20 000$ whe the IFBB price money is WHAT ?....So which kind of Pros will join WFF for so litle money ?...When you know how much these Pros spend to get ready for a show.
WFF is not figthting with IFBB and we do not want to overcome IFBB. WFF just goes it's own way. WFF is not aiming to buy IFBB Pros (As Vince Mac Machon did it once). Anyway WFF is open to all of them.
Some ideas to think over and You will see the answer on the Serge's question about Pro's Prize Money:
Joe Weider (as many others) is businessman. Was Joe Weider so naive to throw so big money at "Olympias" each time? My pupil Natalia Murnikoviene two times won 3 place in "Olympias" and every time it was not so easy to receive even 10 000 USD (though she received a money-check).
My idea is that they only declare in public big money and nothing more.
Is anybody of "Olympia" winners very rich? A Millionaire?
The same happened with "Arnold Classic". Lithuanian strongman SAVICKAS has won "Arnold Classic" three times in a row. Two years Arnold received from sponsors Jeep "Hammer" cars (100 000 US dollars value). Two tmes SAVICKAS got a "Hammer" as a prize. In 2006 sponsors gave no expensive cars for "Arnold Classic" and SAVICKAS received only 10 000 USD. Even Arnold never throws his money away so easy.
A few years ago (I think 2001 or 2002 Serge still was the President of WABBA) there was Amateur and Pro Europe of WABBA. It was declared 30 000 US dollars prize money. The Pros received money-checks at the contest but next day all of them learned that the checks are of no value - there was no money to cover them. That was one of the reasons that Serge in not in WABBA anymore.
NABBA UK "Universe"
During the last few years only a few Pro competitors are present. The champion receives only 2 000 pounds... NABBA UK pays only first 3 places. At the same time there were a few NABBA Pro "Universe" contests with only one Pro competitor present.
De Milia
Being in Europe in 2004 Wayne has spoken over millions of dollars for his Pros. This year he has only 20 000 US dollars prize money...
WFF already holds two Pro Shows with 20 000 US dollars every year. WFF is going to have more Pro Shows next year.
So What is the question of Serge Nubret? Again his dreams? He told You he has been dreaming all his life about some certain things. He is still dreaming.
Sorry, but we can not let us to be dreamers. We have future plans, but they are more or less REAL.
I am very sorry for my open answers but You are to know my position.
Edmundas Daubaras
Many federations are not happy reading this... But life is life, truth is truth...
Alicija Wrote:Many federations are not happy reading this... But life is life, truth is truth...
Go the official way and you will see the truth and the diference.
edita_wff Wrote:Alicija Wrote:Many federations are not happy reading this... But life is life, truth is truth...
Go the official way and you will see the truth and the diference.
We started to know this.
Today WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from Brasil.
Some former IFBB Brasil leaders would like to cooperate with WFF and to take part in the official 2007 WFF International contests.
Today WFF-International Hedaquarters received a letter from the owner of WPF federation italian ARTURO PETRARKA:
Aversa, 18/12/2006
Dear Edmundas,
I’m Arturo Petrarca, the responsible for World Physique Federation in the world.
You know I have all European countries and you have all easts countries, this is the reason why I ask you if, by the next year, we will collaborate togheter.
Good regards
Arturo Petrarca
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today WFF-International Hedaquarters received a letter from the owner of WPF federation italian ARTURO PETRARKA:
Aversa, 18/12/2006
Dear Edmundas,
I’m Arturo Petrarca, the responsible for World Physique Federation in the world.
You know I have all European countries and you have all easts countries, this is the reason why I ask you if, by the next year, we will collaborate togheter.
Good regards
Arturo Petrarca
As we can see from the letter of ARTURO PETRARKA, there are 15 country-members in WPF.
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Today WFF-International Hedaquarters received a letter from the owner of WPF federation italian ARTURO PETRARKA:
Aversa, 18/12/2006
Dear Edmundas,
I’m Arturo Petrarca, the responsible for World Physique Federation in the world.
You know I have all European countries and you have all easts countries, this is the reason why I ask you if, by the next year, we will collaborate togheter.
Good regards
Arturo Petrarca
As we can see from the letter of ARTURO PETRARKA, there are 15 country-members in WPF.
President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS invited ARTURO PETRARKA to the 2007 WFF-International Seminar of Trainers in Latvia (end of January):
Dear Arturo,
Thank You for Your nice intentions.
Why not? We must discuss the conditions.
Is it convenient for You to come to 2007 WFF-International Seminar of Trainers in Latvia (last weekend of January)?
It would be fine to meet You personally and speak over all interested questions.
Edmundas Daubaras
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Today WFF-International Hedaquarters received a letter from the owner of WPF federation italian ARTURO PETRARKA:
Aversa, 18/12/2006
Dear Edmundas,
I’m Arturo Petrarca, the responsible for World Physique Federation in the world.
You know I have all European countries and you have all easts countries, this is the reason why I ask you if, by the next year, we will collaborate togheter.
Good regards
Arturo Petrarca
As we can see from the letter of ARTURO PETRARKA, there are 15 country-members in WPF.
It is interesting!
Kyle Wrote:E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Today WFF-International Hedaquarters received a letter from the owner of WPF federation italian ARTURO PETRARKA:
Aversa, 18/12/2006
Dear Edmundas,
I’m Arturo Petrarca, the responsible for World Physique Federation in the world.
You know I have all European countries and you have all easts countries, this is the reason why I ask you if, by the next year, we will collaborate togheter.
Good regards
Arturo Petrarca
As we can see from the letter of ARTURO PETRARKA, there are 15 country-members in WPF.
It is interesting!
At least Arturo say the truth.
News’s Flash from the WFF USA!!!
The legendary Model, Writer and IFBB Competitor Brenda Kelly and Promoter Mike Glass are in the final stages of signing to a 2007 Multi State WFF Figure, Model, Fitness and Bodybuilding competition tour in the USA.
Also, the legendary former IFBB Bodybuilding great Diana Dennis will be having her own WFF show in summer 2007 produced with Mike Glass. Look for this soon!
Many new values and constitutions orders will be implemented in the USA to protect competitors against problems. The World of competition is changing. Those that go along with change will see a bright new and happy future, those that don’t will stay in their oppressed and prohibited point of view.
Join the Jewel in the Crown! Join the WFF!
Bigger and Better in 2007!
Mike Glass ~ WFF North America
Mikeglass Wrote:DIANA DENNIS
Super girls!
There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
So what is about De Beck? He plans to organize WABBA World in Russia next year?
Ema Wrote:andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
So what is about De Beck? He plans to organize WABBA World in Russia next year?
There are ideas and steps from IFBB Russia to stop it and to prohibit the World of WABBA as being not official.
timoxa Wrote:Ema Wrote:andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
So what is about De Beck? He plans to organize WABBA World in Russia next year?
There are ideas and steps from IFBB Russia to stop it and to prohibit the World of WABBA as being not official.
How they can do it?
galka Wrote:timoxa Wrote:Ema Wrote:andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
So what is about De Beck? He plans to organize WABBA World in Russia next year?
There are ideas and steps from IFBB Russia to stop it and to prohibit the World of WABBA as being not official.
How they can do it?
Russia is a great and a big country. Government simply must controll a lot of things that use to happen in this huge country. Without order there is a mess everywhere. Everything should be done respecting the law.
timoxa Wrote:galka Wrote:timoxa Wrote:Ema Wrote:andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
So what is about De Beck? He plans to organize WABBA World in Russia next year?
There are ideas and steps from IFBB Russia to stop it and to prohibit the World of WABBA as being not official.
How they can do it?
Russia is a great and a big country. Government simply must controll a lot of things that use to happen in this huge country. Without order there is a mess everywhere. Everything should be done respecting the law.
Problematic and complicated guestion. It takes time, but finaly all federations must choose: go official way and be recognized, or to go away and have their "world championships" without respect and without recognition in some other countries ( as Klaus does it in small German villages...without support, without recognition, without sponsors...).
andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:galka Wrote:timoxa Wrote:Ema Wrote:andrej_wff Wrote:timoxa Wrote:There is a big official Government movement in Russia now. There are a lot of various sport organizations around. Government Russia supports and recognizes only IFBB Russia and WFF Russia. All other "federations" MUST declare and prove their officiality or go away.
In this case HOW TO PROVE? Fabian de Beck should declare that WABBA is a commercial supplement shop (not federation), Ivan Dunbar with NABBA should prove that it really is (because there is no NABBA-International at all. Only NABBA UK).
I do not say anything about IBFA and a lot of federations like this - that are not official federations at all from the point of view of ANY STATE INSTITUTIONS of any country.
Yes, the situation for any not official federation is complicated now in Russia. Thanks God WFF-International is OFFICIAL and fully RECOGNIZED by our Government!
So what is about De Beck? He plans to organize WABBA World in Russia next year?
There are ideas and steps from IFBB Russia to stop it and to prohibit the World of WABBA as being not official.
How they can do it?
Russia is a great and a big country. Government simply must controll a lot of things that use to happen in this huge country. Without order there is a mess everywhere. Everything should be done respecting the law.
Problematic and complicated guestion. It takes time, but finaly all federations must choose: go official way and be recognized, or to go away and have their "world championships" without respect and without recognition in some other countries ( as Klaus does it in small German villages...without support, without recognition, without sponsors...).
Now I understand this.
Interesting suggestion:
Today WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from Italy.
The owner of the WPF federation Italian ARTURO PETRARKA suggests to organize the common WFF-WPF 2007 Europe Amateur Championship.
The Common Europe should be organized by WFF federation in any active WFF country.
Some part of organizing money WPF is ready to pay for WFF.
edita_wff Wrote:Interesting suggestion:
Today WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from Italy.
The owner of the WPF federation Italian ARTURO PETRARKA suggests to organize the common WFF-WPF 2007 Europe Amateur Championship.
The Common Europe should be organized by WFF federation in any active WFF country.
Some part of organizing money WPF is ready to pay for WFF.
The today's letter of Arturo Petrarka:
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:edita_wff Wrote:Interesting suggestion:
Today WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from Italy.
The owner of the WPF federation Italian ARTURO PETRARKA suggests to organize the common WFF-WPF 2007 Europe Amateur Championship.
The Common Europe should be organized by WFF federation in any active WFF country.
Some part of organizing money WPF is ready to pay for WFF.
The today's letter of Arturo Petrarka: