World Fitness Federation (WFF-International)
World Bodybuilding Federation (WBBF-International)
(October 7-11, 2013, Brusno Kupele, Republic Slovakia)
To All National Federations and International Athletes
This Statute is the official invitation to 2013 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships. The Contest is Open to the athletes and delegates from all Continents.
1.1.Time schedule:
October 7, Monday – 1. arriving of the National WFF (fitness) Teams (Hotel Brusno, 642, 97662 Brusno, Slovakia). Registration of Participants all day through.
2. 15.00 - Press Conference. Headquarters Resort Brusno Kupele.
3. 21.00 - International Congress for WFF-WBBF Executive Members. Discussion on strategic projects of the 2014.
October 8, Tuesday - 1. The WFF (fitness) Contest.
09.00 – 10.00 final registration
10.00 – semi finals
19.00 – finals
2. 22.00 Closing Banquet. Headquarters Resort Brusno Kupele.
October 9, Wednesday - 1. 12.00 – WFF Teams departures.
2. after 12.00 arriving of the National WBBF (bodybuilding) Teams (Hotel Brusno, 642, 97662 Brusno, Slovakia). Registration of Participants all day through.
October 10, Thursday - 2. The WBBF (bodybuilding) Contest.
09.00 – 10.00 final registration
10.00 – semi finals
19.00 – finals
2. 22.00 Closing Banquet. Headquarters Resort Brusno Kupele.
October 11, Friday - 1. 12.00 – WBBF (bodybuilding) Teams departures.
International Events will take place in the Culture Palace City Brusno: Brusno, 97662 Brusno (next to Hotel Brusno)
3.1.The organizer of the World Championship is WFF-WBBF International and Partners.
3.2.Categories and Age Groups
- “Fit-Kid” Age Categories (Male and Female Competitors 8, 10, 12, 14 years)
- Aerobic Fitness Categories (Male and Female Competitors 16, 18, 21, Over 21 years)
- Senior Categories (Male and Female Competitors Over 40, 50, 60 years)
- Disabled Athletes Categories (a Wheel-Chair and a General Category 1 and 2)
- Model Fitness (4 High Categories)
- Model Fitness Juniors (18, 21 years)
- Power Fitness (Male and Female Competitors 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21 and over 21 years)
Male and Female Classic (Categories 1, 2 and 3), Performance, Athletic, Super Athletic and Extreme Bodybuilding Categories and Pairs (Age Groups of 16, 18, 21, over 21, 40, 50, 60 years)
3.3. Information and Contacts:
All organizing questions:
Miriam Tonhauserová
Kúpele Brusno , a.s., Kúpeľná ½, 976 62 Brusno
Telefón : +421 48 43 11 547
GSM : +421 910 83 83 83
Fax : +421 48 43 11 541
e-mail :,
Any extra questions:
Edmundas Daubaras, International President WFF-WBBF:
E. mail address:
Ph. 00 370 614 57895
Telefax No. 00 370 46 218637
3.4. Amateur Entry Fees are Standard: 50 euro a Participant’s entry fee over 21 years of age; 30 euro until 21 years; 10 euro until 16 years.
3.5. All entry forms should be sent to the organizer before October 1, 2013.
3.6. The organizers will help the Participants and International Delegates with hotels, transport and food but the payment conditions of all these questions should be spoken individually with the organizers.
3.7. The Organizers have right to make some technical changes in the Statute on time and place of the activities.