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Jurans Normunds (Latvia), Anton Zajanckovskij (Lithuania)
Irina Fedoruk (Belarus), Mona Costi (Cyprus), Natasa Maksimovic (Serbia)
Marietta Zigalova (Slovakia), Jolanta Mileriute (Lithuania), Yamila Vanessa Toledo (Argentina)
model fitness
2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship.
November 14-16, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Sendriene E.<WFF' Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship.
November 14-16, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Sendriene E.<WFF' Wrote:
Sendriene E.<WFF' Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship.
November 14-16, Bydgoszcz, Poland
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