- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
Gimtadienio akimirkos...
- Gabriele - 08-20-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
Gimtadienio akimirkos...
pliazinis variantas...
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-20-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo dar vieną laišką iš JAV.
Atrodo, lapkričio mėnesį į WFF-WBBF pasaulio čempionatą Vilniuje ruošiasi atvykti visa delegacija IFBB ir NPC vadovų...
Smulkiau papasakosiu vėliau...
- WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-21-2007
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS toliau derina klausimus, susijusius su JAV delegacijos atvykimu į Vilnių lapkritį (tame tarpe ir dėl kultūrizmo legendos ROBBY ROBINSONO atvykimo):
Dear Ed,
With Joe Antouri on our WFF / WBBF team he has international connections with many Pro's and Amateurs. He wants to work with the WFF / WBBF WORLD WIDE.
I know you have good trainers, staff forums and athletes on your team in Russia. With Pro PTA on board it will be even greater. And having an Allie in the USA at Gold's Gym Venice Ca is a real plus for us.
If Joe and Robby will come to Lithuania for the Pro World he can work out a deal with you and your leaders.
I will handle things here.
While I am in Lithuania at the 2007 Pro. World Championship we have many strategic international things to talk about.
Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
- laima - 08-21-2007
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS toliau derina klausimus, susijusius su JAV delegacijos atvykimu į Vilnių lapkritį (tame tarpe ir dėl kultūrizmo legendos ROBBY ROBINSONO atvykimo):
Dear Ed,
With Joe Antouri on our WFF / WBBF team he has international connections with many Pro's and Amateurs. He wants to work with the WFF / WBBF WORLD WIDE.
I know you have good trainers, staff forums and athletes on your team in Russia. With Pro PTA on board it will be even greater. And having an Allie in the USA at Gold's Gym Venice Ca is a real plus for us.
If Joe and Robby will come to Lithuania for the Pro World he can work out a deal with you and your leaders.
I will handle things here.
While I am in Lithuania at the 2007 Pro. World Championship we have many strategic international things to talk about.
Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
gerai pavarote! saunuoliai!
- nerija - 08-21-2007
laima Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS toliau derina klausimus, susijusius su JAV delegacijos atvykimu į Vilnių lapkritį (tame tarpe ir dėl kultūrizmo legendos ROBBY ROBINSONO atvykimo):
Dear Ed,
With Joe Antouri on our WFF / WBBF team he has international connections with many Pro's and Amateurs. He wants to work with the WFF / WBBF WORLD WIDE.
I know you have good trainers, staff forums and athletes on your team in Russia. With Pro PTA on board it will be even greater. And having an Allie in the USA at Gold's Gym Venice Ca is a real plus for us.
If Joe and Robby will come to Lithuania for the Pro World he can work out a deal with you and your leaders.
I will handle things here.
While I am in Lithuania at the 2007 Pro. World Championship we have many strategic international things to talk about.
Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
gerai pavarote! saunuoliai!
cia tai bent... :roll:
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-22-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
Švarcenegeris mėgdžiojamas net gimtadieniuose...
- nerija - 08-22-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS drauge su kitomis mūsų sporto įžymybėmis lankėsi JOE ANTOURY gimtadienyje.
JOE ANTOURI yra Amerikos profesionalių trenerių asociacijos savininkas. Jam dirba visa eilė gerai pasaulyje žinomų profesionalių sportininkų.
JOE ANTOURI drauge su MAIKLU GLASU ruošiasi dalyvauti pasaulio čempionate Vilniuje. Kartu su jais į Vilnių nori atvykti kultūrizmo legenda ROBBY ROBINSONAS.
Dear Ed,
I had an opportunity to attend a nice Birthday party for my good friend JOE ANTOURI.
Mr. Antouri is the owner of Professional Trainers Association Inc and has IFBB Pro’s on his staff as fitness examiners.
He is entertaining very seriously coming to Russia with me and posssibly bringing IFBB Pro. Robby Robinson to the WFF / WBBF World Championships in November….
This could really display diplomatic relations by having PROPTA with the WFF / WBBF.
…Also at Joe’s the party was IFBB Masters Olympia winner Bob Cickherillo, IFBB Pro Roland Kickenger, Miss Fitness America winner Sherry Goggons, German IFFB Pro. David and Mike “The Zipper” Sabal - NABBA Universe winner and others.
Everyone had a good time.
Doing WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike Glass
Jei niekas nepasikeis, sporto gerbėjai galės Vilniuje legendinei kultūrizmo žvaigždei ROBBY ROBINSONUI paspausti ranką:
Švarcenegeris mėgdžiojamas net gimtadieniuose...
kaip idomiai...
- E_Sendriene_WFF - 08-23-2007
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS toliau derina klausimus, susijusius su JAV delegacijos atvykimu į Vilnių lapkritį (tame tarpe ir dėl kultūrizmo legendos ROBBY ROBINSONO atvykimo):
Dear Ed,
With Joe Antouri on our WFF / WBBF team he has international connections with many Pro's and Amateurs. He wants to work with the WFF / WBBF WORLD WIDE.
I know you have good trainers, staff forums and athletes on your team in Russia. With Pro PTA on board it will be even greater. And having an Allie in the USA at Gold's Gym Venice Ca is a real plus for us.
If Joe and Robby will come to Lithuania for the Pro World he can work out a deal with you and your leaders.
I will handle things here.
While I am in Lithuania at the 2007 Pro. World Championship we have many strategic international things to talk about.
Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
- Danas - 08-28-2007
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS toliau derina klausimus, susijusius su JAV delegacijos atvykimu į Vilnių lapkritį (tame tarpe ir dėl kultūrizmo legendos ROBBY ROBINSONO atvykimo):
Dear Ed,
With Joe Antouri on our WFF / WBBF team he has international connections with many Pro's and Amateurs. He wants to work with the WFF / WBBF WORLD WIDE.
I know you have good trainers, staff forums and athletes on your team in Russia. With Pro PTA on board it will be even greater. And having an Allie in the USA at Gold's Gym Venice Ca is a real plus for us.
If Joe and Robby will come to Lithuania for the Pro World he can work out a deal with you and your leaders.
I will handle things here.
While I am in Lithuania at the 2007 Pro. World Championship we have many strategic international things to talk about.
Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
garas vakarelis!
- WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 08-28-2007
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad šiomis dienomis Kalifornijoje vyks šventinis ARNOLDO ŠVARCENEGERIO, DŽO WEIDERIO ir JACK LA LANNE pagerbimas.
WFF-WBBF federacija šiame renginyje dalyvaus ir bus atspindėta nuotraukose:
Dear Ed,
We hope this email finds you and the staff in the very best of good health.
On the Labor Day weekend next Monday Muscle Beach will be having annual Contest. But more than this, Joe Weider, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jack La Lanne will be honored for a star on the Muscle Beach walk of fame.
All my best, Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike – USA
- Sonata - 08-30-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad šiomis dienomis Kalifornijoje vyks šventinis ARNOLDO ŠVARCENEGERIO, DŽO WEIDERIO ir JACK LA LANNE pagerbimas.
WFF-WBBF federacija šiame renginyje dalyvaus ir bus atspindėta nuotraukose:
Dear Ed,
We hope this email finds you and the staff in the very best of good health.
On the Labor Day weekend next Monday Muscle Beach will be having annual Contest. But more than this, Joe Weider, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jack La Lanne will be honored for a star on the Muscle Beach walk of fame.
All my best, Doing the WFF / WBBF work in the USA.
Mike – USA
- WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 09-15-2007
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad amerikiečiai gavo 26-tą WFF žurnalo numerį (anglų kalba) ir atsiliepia teigiamai aipe WFF leidinį.
Jis domisi, kokie WFF atstovai iš Europos šiais metais lankysis komerciniame "Olimpijos' turnyre Amerikoje:
Dear Edmundas,
Thank you for sending us a copy of the new WFF-WBBF 2007 Magazine. Both Julia Suchova and Aleksej Sebast Janov look great. The magazine is packed with many shows and events.
Do you know if Svetlana Pugaciova or Michail Malek be at the Mr. Olympia weekend and Expo in Las Vegas this year? It would be nice to see some of our members there.
All the best from the WFF / WBBF USA.
Mike Glass
- WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 09-15-2007
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS optimistiškai atsiliepia apie WFF vystymosi perspektyvas Amerikoje:
Dear Ed and E. Sendriene,
The Muscle Beach show was another big hit in California.
The Star on the Walk of Fame will be a new feature to the already center of Fitness and Muscle.
93 year old Jack La Lanne was well received.
See photo of Jack and I.
I understand my friend Joe Antoui and Oleg have been working on a deal for the PROPTA.
This is good and we hope this will carry to all major countries World Wide where the WBBF / WFF flyes their banners.
Please keep me informed in the circle of things what you and Oleg in your dealings with Mr. Antouri and others I send your way.
Maybe Oleg and I could start emailing our thoughts.
America is on the brink of a major change a many PRO / AM are getting feed up with the way things are run.
USA bodybuilders are interested in entering WFF / WBBF shows.
The more sponsor money the more new faces you will see.
Other photos are with present of Bodybuilding.com president Russ Deluca and Models.
Mr. DeLuca is the main sponsor for the Mr. Olympia this year. He is a nice man.
Best of Health,
Mike Glass – President WFF / WBBF NORTH AMERICA
- Sendriene Edita - 09-15-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS optimistiškai atsiliepia apie WFF vystymosi perspektyvas Amerikoje:
Dear Ed and E. Sendriene,
The Muscle Beach show was another big hit in California.
The Star on the Walk of Fame will be a new feature to the already center of Fitness and Muscle.
93 year old Jack La Lanne was well received.
See photo of Jack and I.
I understand my friend Joe Antoui and Oleg have been working on a deal for the PROPTA.
This is good and we hope this will carry to all major countries World Wide where the WBBF / WFF flyes their banners.
Please keep me informed in the circle of things what you and Oleg in your dealings with Mr. Antouri and others I send your way.
Maybe Oleg and I could start emailing our thoughts.
America is on the brink of a major change a many PRO / AM are getting feed up with the way things are run.
USA bodybuilders are interested in entering WFF / WBBF shows.
The more sponsor money the more new faces you will see.
Other photos are with present of Bodybuilding.com president Russ Deluca and Models.
Mr. DeLuca is the main sponsor for the Mr. Olympia this year. He is a nice man.
Best of Health,
Mike Glass – President WFF / WBBF NORTH AMERICA
- Sendriene Edita - 09-15-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS optimistiškai atsiliepia apie WFF vystymosi perspektyvas Amerikoje:
Dear Ed and E. Sendriene,
The Muscle Beach show was another big hit in California.
The Star on the Walk of Fame will be a new feature to the already center of Fitness and Muscle.
93 year old Jack La Lanne was well received.
See photo of Jack and I.
I understand my friend Joe Antoui and Oleg have been working on a deal for the PROPTA.
This is good and we hope this will carry to all major countries World Wide where the WBBF / WFF flyes their banners.
Please keep me informed in the circle of things what you and Oleg in your dealings with Mr. Antouri and others I send your way.
Maybe Oleg and I could start emailing our thoughts.
America is on the brink of a major change a many PRO / AM are getting feed up with the way things are run.
USA bodybuilders are interested in entering WFF / WBBF shows.
The more sponsor money the more new faces you will see.
Other photos are with present of Bodybuilding.com president Russ Deluca and Models.
Mr. DeLuca is the main sponsor for the Mr. Olympia this year. He is a nice man.
Best of Health,
Mike Glass – President WFF / WBBF NORTH AMERICA
- Sendriene Edita - 09-16-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS optimistiškai atsiliepia apie WFF vystymosi perspektyvas Amerikoje:
Dear Ed and E. Sendriene,
The Muscle Beach show was another big hit in California.
The Star on the Walk of Fame will be a new feature to the already center of Fitness and Muscle.
93 year old Jack La Lanne was well received.
See photo of Jack and I.
I understand my friend Joe Antoui and Oleg have been working on a deal for the PROPTA.
This is good and we hope this will carry to all major countries World Wide where the WBBF / WFF flyes their banners.
Please keep me informed in the circle of things what you and Oleg in your dealings with Mr. Antouri and others I send your way.
Maybe Oleg and I could start emailing our thoughts.
America is on the brink of a major change a many PRO / AM are getting feed up with the way things are run.
USA bodybuilders are interested in entering WFF / WBBF shows.
The more sponsor money the more new faces you will see.
Other photos are with present of Bodybuilding.com president Russ Deluca and Models.
Mr. DeLuca is the main sponsor for the Mr. Olympia this year. He is a nice man.
Best of Health,
Mike Glass – President WFF / WBBF NORTH AMERICA
- Tina - 09-17-2007
Sendriene Edita Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS optimistiškai atsiliepia apie WFF vystymosi perspektyvas Amerikoje:
Dear Ed and E. Sendriene,
The Muscle Beach show was another big hit in California.
The Star on the Walk of Fame will be a new feature to the already center of Fitness and Muscle.
93 year old Jack La Lanne was well received.
See photo of Jack and I.
I understand my friend Joe Antoui and Oleg have been working on a deal for the PROPTA.
This is good and we hope this will carry to all major countries World Wide where the WBBF / WFF flyes their banners.
Please keep me informed in the circle of things what you and Oleg in your dealings with Mr. Antouri and others I send your way.
Maybe Oleg and I could start emailing our thoughts.
America is on the brink of a major change a many PRO / AM are getting feed up with the way things are run.
USA bodybuilders are interested in entering WFF / WBBF shows.
The more sponsor money the more new faces you will see.
Other photos are with present of Bodybuilding.com president Russ Deluca and Models.
Mr. DeLuca is the main sponsor for the Mr. Olympia this year. He is a nice man.
Best of Health,
Mike Glass – President WFF / WBBF NORTH AMERICA
- WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 09-20-2007
Šiandien gavome laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF Prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad
labiausiai lankomas JAV Interneto kultūrizmo puslapis, anksčiau dirbęs tik su IFBb, nori bendradarboauti su WFF-WBBF federacija:
I received an emailing today from Bodybuilding.com President, Mr. Russ DeLuca.
Russ is the signature main sponsor of the 2007 Mr. Olympia Weekend and Expo.
He is interested in working with us together with Bodybuilding.com in North America in 2008.
I will be at the 2007 Mr. O next week working.
Hope to see some of our WFF / WBBF affiliates there.
- Sendriene Edita - 09-20-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF Prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad
labiausiai lankomas JAV Interneto kultūrizmo puslapis, anksčiau dirbęs tik su IFBb, nori bendradarboauti su WFF-WBBF federacija:
I received an emailing today from Bodybuilding.com President, Mr. Russ DeLuca.
Russ is the signature main sponsor of the 2007 Mr. Olympia Weekend and Expo.
He is interested in working with us together with Bodybuilding.com in North America in 2008.
I will be at the 2007 Mr. O next week working.
Hope to see some of our WFF / WBBF affiliates there.
- WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 09-21-2007
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS informuoja apie pasikeitimus Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos vykdomojoje taryboje:
Executive Council WFF-WBBF North America
Michael Glass - President North America
Larry Rolon - Vice President North America
Josh Stein - Attorney at Law North America
- laima - 09-23-2007
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF-WBBF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS informuoja apie pasikeitimus Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos vykdomojoje taryboje:
Executive Council WFF-WBBF North America
Michael Glass - President North America
Larry Rolon - Vice President North America
Josh Stein - Attorney at Law North America
- Sendriene Edita - 10-04-2007
Šiandien gavome išsamią informaciją iš neseniai JAV vykusio komercinio "Olympia" turnyro.
JAV WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS su komercinio "Olympia" turnyro dalyviais.
- E.Sendriene - 10-04-2007
Sendriene Edita Wrote:Šiandien gavome išsamią informaciją iš neseniai JAV vykusio komercinio "Olympia" turnyro.
JAV WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS su komercinio "Olympia" turnyro dalyviais.
Tarp kitko, praejusį savaitgalį Austrijoje tarptautinės NABBA asociacijos prezidentas viešai išsakė nuomonę, kad šiandien pasaulyje yra tik trys turintys senas tradicijas istoriškai svarbūs tarptautiniai kultūrizmo renginiai:
"Gintarinis prizas", Anglijos NABBA "Universe" ir "Olimpija".
- Sendriene Edita - 10-04-2007
Sendriene Edita Wrote:Šiandien gavome išsamią informaciją iš neseniai JAV vykusio komercinio "Olympia" turnyro.
JAV WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS su komercinio "Olympia" turnyro dalyviais.