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World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Printable Version +- WFF / WBBF forum (https://forum.wff.lt) +-- Forum: Forums in english (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Forum: Various federations (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=14) +--- Thread: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) (/showthread.php?tid=32) |
- edita_wff - 07-29-2010 E.Sendriene.LT Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:NON NOBIS, DOMINE, NON NOBIS, SED NOMINI TUO DA GLORIAM! Information on: www.osmth.lt - International Secretary - 08-10-2010 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION. MODEL FITNESS STARS. Picture: WFF World Champion EVA MARTINKOVA (Slovakia), WFF Europe Champion TOMA GECAITE (Lithuania) - International Secretary - 08-13-2010 E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION. MODEL FITNESS STARS. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 08-16-2010 NEW RESPOSIBILITIES During the last Congress of the WFF-WBBF Executive Council (July, 2010, Moscow, Russia) a well known Europe Sport Organizer MICHAIL DJAKONOV was elected to the position of the WFF-WBBF Europe Vice President for Public Relations. FOTO: International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, WFF-WBBF Europe Vice President MICHAIL DJAKONOV (July, 2010, Moscow, Russia) - International Secretary - 08-17-2010 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:NEW RESPOSIBILITIES - E.Sendriene - 09-22-2010 WFF-WBBF ASIA The Official document proves affiliation of the WFF-WBBF Asia to the International Federation. President WFF-WBBF Asia is PRINCE UPPAL (India). - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-04-2010 WE WORK TO MAKE BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED SPORT We are opening a new page of the sport life. As it was before the WFF (World Fitness Federation) and the WBBF (World Body Building Federation) remain the sole officially registered by law International No Profit Social Sport Organizations representing bodybuilding and fitness World Wide – the Federation and the Constitution has registration, hymn and flags. The year of 2010 was very important for the International Sport. We see a number of new unofficial not registered bodybuilding and fitness structures, that name themselves as “international federations, associations”. That gives the official sport even more misunderstandings. Last year the real international sport giants BEN WEIDER (Canada) and IVAN DUNBAR (UK) passed away. Inside the private commercial company of Ben Weider, named IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) which was presented in public as “international sport federation”, started secret fight for the property. A group of people headed by Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA secretly from others and using false documents took power in the private company of IFBB. Many IFBB members were angry of this and inside fighting ended by splitting IFBB in two parts. IFBB lower Austrian ALEX BAUER published juridical documents of IFBB that were sent to the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and to the IOC National Divisions. At the same time another part of the IFBB officials asked the WFF-WBBF International to publish these documents on the International Web www.wff.lt forum (topic „EFBB/IFBB illegal financial deals“). The sport world finally received documents proving that the IFBB is not a sport federation and it has never been. It is a private commercial company. Due to the IFBB inside war the new International Structure (IFBB-2) was born. It was led by the former President IFBB Asia Sheikh OSAMA AL SHAFAR (United Arab Emirates) and the former Vice President IFBB PAUL CHUA (Singapore). After the long lasting work the President of the UK sport public club NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) IVAN DUNBAR passed away the unknown for the International Sport society Australian took the leadership of the public club of NABBA. And that made the situation inside NABBA no better. Commercial supplement trading company of French FABIAN DE BECK, calling itself WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association) goes more and more away from the big sport and plays no role for the development of official sport. Due to chaotic work and illegal status of many International Bodybuilding and Fitness Organizations the situation in sport is complicated. Every year the IFBB looses confidence. Still there are many oppinions, but fact is fact: after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) refused to recognize the IFBB, after the World Games pushed away the IFBB from it‘s membership, after the IFBB split, all International Federations do not influence the development of the official sport on International level and most of them act illegally from the point of view of Law. This leaves the WFF-WBBF the sole International Federation which works to make bodybuilding and fitness officially recognized sport. MOVING AHEAD The WFF-WBBF International lives the important period of life. During the last few years many well known International sport persons representing various International and National sport and business structures are around the federation. They are addressing the WFF-WBBF with various projects and ideas. Sometimes those ideas seem to us unreal and fantastic, but the WFF-WBBF does not neglect them. We give them a try and then see what happens. Some projects do not work, but some do and it gives additional push for progress. Once the WFF-WBBF worked on the project making the International Headquarters in Germany. For this the highest famous sky-scraper of Frankfurt International Business Center was chosen. A number of meetings and visits to the place were organized then. Once we started a great International project with a famous Russia Company but inside misunderstandings between Russians made the project to last not long. The WFF-WBBF works on a tremendous long lasting Project in Slovakia. The Federation started with 2009 WFF-WBBF „Universe“ contest. In 2010 the WFF-WBBF Am and Pro World Championship as well as the „Universe“ were held in Slovak Brusno Kupele resort. In 2011 the WFF-WBBF starts anual „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ contests in the same Brusno Kupele resort and this is a really great step forward. WFF-WBBF on various levels collaborates with International and National sport organizations taking them as partners. Sometimes we get into unbelievable situations. Some time ago the WFF-WBBF worked with an Italian structure, that presented itself in public as “international sport association”. The common work ended at once when we were signing the Contract for the common work. The WFF-WBBF presented official registration documents and sealed the Contract. Our Italian partner presented himself only (as a private person) and went to the nearest post office to seal the Contract with the post seal as his “international association” had no registration and no seal. By the way, during the last years this Italian “international organization” three times split and as a result we are facing the same unserious level illegal three more “international federations” which are fooling people around with their nice names and nice Internet webs. So You see what kind of “international sport organizations” are around us. In 2009 the WFF-WBBF worked hard on a big International project in India. We did a lot to make the project living. But when the WFF-WBBF presented to the India partners a serious Contract with definite obligations for the both sides, the India partners had no courage and no power to sign it. Nevertheless the WFF-WBBF is still developing another International project in India now. After the split of the IFBB the part of it represented by more than 30 Asia and Arab Countries, that were supported by the OCA (Olympic Council of Asia), addressed the WFF-WBBF for collaboration. For this reason the meeting of the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the former President IFBB Asia Sheikh OSAMA AL SHAFAR (United Arab Emirates) and the former Vice President IFBB PAUL CHUA (Singapore) was planned in London (UK). Unfortunately the dates were the same of the WFF-WBBF Europe Championship in Klaipeda (Lithuania) and the WFF-WBBF President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS could not go to London. At the same time the Representatives of Asia could not get the EU visas so quickly to attend the WFF-WBBF Europe Championship in Lithuania and the meeting did not happen. Not long ago the WFF-WBBF International was addressed by some well known International Sport and Business Persons. They presented a four year financial project for the International development of bodybuilding sport. The project could be prolonged for the next four years. Knowing the real situation in the International sport today it is no surprise that they addressed the WFF-WBBF and not another International Sport Organization. No doubt, if we agree, the project will require lots of work and efforts. But at the same time the WFF-WBBF has it’s own clear position especially on the legal law point of view of the project. The negotiations go on and we will see what comes out in result. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 11-05-2010 RALF MOLLER, ALEKSANDR NEVSKY, SYLVESTER STALLONE Last weekend during the 2010 WFF-WBBF Pro and Am Championship in Slovak Brusno Kupele resort International Federation presented the Highest Honor Award – the Gold Medallion and Diploma to the famous bodybuilder and film actor RALF MOLLER. Today we received a letter from Russia. The WFF-WBBF World and „Universe“ Champion, a famous Hollywood film actor ALEKSANDR NEVSKY writes, that RALF MOLLER tanks the WFF-WBBF International. Also both RALF MOLLER and ALEKSANDR NEVSKY address the International Federation to present the next Gold Medallion to another famous bodybuilder and Hollywood actor SYLVESTER STALLONE. The Executive Committee WFF-WBBF International decided to present this Highest Award to SYLVESTER STALLONE at the 2011 WFF-WBBF „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“, that will be held again in Slovak Brusno Kupele resort in November. THE LETTER: АЛЕКСАНДР НЕВСКИЙ, РОЛЬФ МЁЛЛЕР, СИЛВЕСТЕР СТАЛЛОНЕ Сегодня из Москвы нам написал действующий чемпион мира и международного турнира «Юниверс» АЛЕКСАНДР НЕВСКИЙ, личный вклад которого в популяризации физкультуры и спорта через кино и СМИ на пространстве бывшего соц. лагеря огромнейший и ни с кем несравнимый. Используя все доступные возможности, несмотря на нападки завистливых болтунов, А.НЕВСКИЙ продолжает работать над этим добрым начинанием. Дорогой Эдмундас! Мой друг Ральф Мюллер был счастлив узнать, что в этом году именно он стал обладателем Почетной Медали Всемирной Федерации Бодибилдинга и Всемирной Федерации Фитнеса за заслуги в популяризации культуризма и здорового образа жизни. Только работа над картиной "Турист" (в которой также играют Джонни Депп и Анджелина Джоли) помешала Ральфу лично прибыть за своей Почетной Медалью в Брусно Купеле. Ральф передавал самые теплые слова благодарности Вам и всем Вашим коллегам по руководству WBBF/WFF. Также, Ральф передавал поздравления всем чемпионам прошедшего Чемпионата Мира и "Мистер Вселенная", а также организатору г-ну Штефану Хрчке. Я начинал свои тренировки глядя на фотографии Ральфа и Арнольда. Много лет спустя именно Мюллер представил меня Шварценеггеру (чьи статьи и книги я читал на русском языке благодаря тем изданиям, которые в 80-е годы публиковались Вами). Мне было очень приятно, когда именно Ральф одним из первых поздравил меня с титулом "Мистер Вселенная 2010"! Мы вместе с Ральфом Мюллером хотели попросить Вас рассмотреть возможность присуждения следующей Почетной Медали WBBF/WFF Сильвестру Сталлоне - легендарному актеру и прекрасному атлету, благодаря которому миллионы людей во всем мире занялись бодибилдингом и фитнесом. Вручение этой Почетной Медали могло бы произойти, к примеру, на Чемпионате "Янтарный Приз - Олимпия" в 2011 году. Посылаю Вам наше фото с Ральфом и Сильвестром сделанное в Беверли-Хиллз. Надеюсь, что Вы скоро сможете к нам присоединиться. С самыми наилучшими пожеланиями Вам и Вашим близким, Александр Невский WBBF/WFF Mr. Universe 2010 FOTO RALF MOLLER, ALEKSANDR NEVSKY, SYLVESTER STALLONE - Sendriene E.>WFF - 11-05-2010 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:RALF MOLLER, ALEKSANDR NEVSKY, SYLVESTER STALLONE - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-27-2010 October 16, 2010 Re. Membership in the WFF-WBBF International Federation Dear Sirs, We are confirming that the National Federation of the Republic of Belorussia for Bodybuilding and Fitness, represented by the President Mr. Uladzimir Kurylchyk, is the Official Representative of the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and the World Body Building Federation (WBBF) in the Republic of Belorussia. The WFF-WBBF International gives all rights to the National Federation Republic Belorussia to represent the WFF-WBBF Federation in the Republic of Belorussia as well as to organize the WFF-WBBF Contests in the Country. International President Edmundas Daubaras - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-27-2010 To: Whom it may concern November 27, 2010 Re. Membership in the WFF-WBBF International Federation Dear Sirs, We are confirming that the National Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Bodybuilding and Fitness, represented by the President Mr. Ali Reza Rasa, is the Official Representative of the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and the World Body Building Federation (WBBF) in the Islamic Republic of Iran . The WFF-WBBF International gives all rights to the National Federation Islamic Republic of Iran to represent the WFF-WBBF Federation in the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as to organize the WFF-WBBF Contests in the Country. International President Edmundas Daubaras - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-28-2010 2010 WFF-WBBF Executive Council International Congress Report (October 28-31, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia) World Fitness Federation (WFF) and World Body Building Federation (WBBF) uniting 94 Countries representing all Continents basing on the 2010 WFF-WBBF Executive Council International Congress decisions declare the following: INTERNATIONAL POSITION APPOINTMENTS: - President WFF-WBBF Asia PRINCE UPPAL (India) - Secretary General WFF-WBBF Asia MANPREET PURI (India) - Vice President WFF-WBBF Europe MIKHAIL DYAKONOV (Russia) - President WFF-WBBF for Scandinavia Countries PALLE RASMUSSEN (Denmark) - Chairman Disabled Sport Committee ANDREJUS LARIONOVAS (Lithuania) - Chairman “Fit-Kid” Sport Committee ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK (Poland). NATIONAL POSITION APPOINTMENTS: - President WFF-WBBF Belorussia VLADIMIR KURILCHIK - President WFF-WBBF Iran ALI REZA RASA - President WFF-WBBF Turkey TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI - President WFF-WBBF Argentina GENTILE FALUBBA MARCO PEDRO. 2011 BASIC INTERNATIONAL EVENTS - WFF-WBBF Asia Championship, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, April - WFF-WBBF Amateur Europe Championship, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 7-9 - 43-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 7-9 - WFF-WBBF Professional Europe Championship, 15 000 euro, Moscow, Russia, May 13-15 - WFF-WBBF South America Championship, Rosario, Argentina, October - WFF-WBBF Africa Championship, Republic South Africa, October - WFF-WBBF North America Championship, Mexico, Mexico, October - WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship, October 28-30, Gdansk, Poland - WFF-WBBF “Universe”, October 28-30, Gdansk, Poland - WFF-WBBF World Professional Championship, 20 000 euro, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia, November 4-6 - WFF-WBBF Professional “Amber Prix OLYMPIA”, 20 000 euro, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia, November 4-6 International Headquarters, Secretary WFF-WBBF International EDITA SENDRIENE - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-14-2011 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NAME COUNTRY POSITION EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS LITHUANIA INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT MIKCHAIL DYAKONOV RUSSIA INTERNATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT ANDREJ BASOV RUSSIA DIRECTOR PRO DIVISSION, SECRETARY GENERAL MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA JORGE CEDALE ARGENTINA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SOUTH AMERICA TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AFRICA PALLE RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SCANDINAVIA COUNTRIES PRINCE UPPAL JORDAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA and ARAB COUNTRIES GINTARAS MARTINKENAS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing EUROPE COUNTRIES ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AUSTRALIA ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC SERBIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BALCAN COUNTRIES MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MARKUS KITTNER GERMANY MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ANDRZEJ MACIEJEWSKI POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL DAYO AUDI UK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MARTIN KUTA CZECHIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, MEMBER MEDICAL COMMITTEE OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA OFFICIAL SECRETARY, MEMBER TRAINER'S COMMITTEE EDITA SENDRIENE LITHUANIA OFFICIAL SECRETARY, MEMBER TRAINER'S COMMITTEE MILERIUTE JOLANTA LITHUANIA OFFICIAL SECRETARY, MEMBER TRAINER'S COMMITTEE FERNANDA YOUGLAR ARGENTINA MEMBER AL SAKA HASSAN SYRIA MEMBER ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA MEMBER ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA MEMBER ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC SERBIA MEMBER ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER AMMY SHANTZ CANADA MEMBER ANDREY SUSEKIN RUSSIA MEMBER ANETT PESCI HUNGARY MEMBER ATLE KIELLAND NORWAY MEMBER BENGTSSON ANDERS SWEDEN MEMBER BREGER STONE BURUNDY MEMBER DAMIEN ROBSON IRELAND MEMBER DAMIR IVANCIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER DAVID AIRAPETIAN ARMENIA MEMBER DIMCE PALENZO MACEDONIA MEMBER DINO THIERRY QUADELUPPE MEMBER DONATAS ADOMAVICIUS ICELAND MEMBER EHAB NASSAR EGYPT MEMBER ELIAS DJARUDY RWANDA MEMBER ELISABETH HAURECH CHILE MEMBER ERIKA PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER EVA MARTINKOVA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EVGENY LATYPOV AFGANISTAN MEMBER FERNANDO ORIHUELA PERU MEMBER FILIPPO ALFANI ITALY MEMBER GASPER GROM SLOVENIA MEMBER GENTILE FALUBBA MARCO ARGENTINA MEMBER HAFEZIAN MAMED PAKISTAN MEMBER HASSAN AL SAKA UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER IAN CHAMBERS UK MEMBER ILJA AISELAMNN ISRAEL MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA SRI LANKA MEMBER IRINA VALETT FRANCE MEMBER IVAN KOZYREV KAZACHSTAN MEMBER IVAN LEPCIN CROATIA MEMBER IVAN MACH CZECHIA MEMBER IVAR HAUKSSON ICELAND MEMBER YANISLAV TACEV BULGARIA MEMBER JEAN-MARIE BERMER LUXEMBOURG MEMBER JIM PITT NEW ZEELAND MEMBER JOSE PARDO HIDALGO SPAIN MEMBER JUANITO TANNYAG PHILIPPINES MEMBER KAI KAKNES ANDRE NORWAY MEMBER KALYANGO MOHAMMED ZUBAEL UGANDA MEMBER KESTUTIS SINKONIS SPAIN MEMBER KIT SANDERSON MEXICO MEMBER LAURENCE CADE ENGLAND MEMBER LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER LOUVEL MICKAEL FRANCE MEMBER MANPREET PURI INDIA MEMBER MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER MANUEL ZAKARIAS PORTUGAL MEMBER MARCUS KITTNER GERMANY MEMBER MARGARITA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINA MEMBER MARIETA ZIGALOVA SOUTH KOREA MEMBER MARIOU ARTEMIOUS CYPRUS MEMBER MARTIN KUTA CZECHIA MEMBER MICHAEL GLASS USA MEMBER MICHAEL ORTEGA SWITZERLAND MEMBER MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER MILCIADES MARTINEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER MOHAMMED ZEKRAOUI MAROCCO MEMBER MONA COSTI CYPRUS MEMBER MONFARDINI MARIO ARGENTINA MEMBER MOUNIER PATRICK NEW -CALEDONIA MEMBER NANA NEBEREIDZE GEORGIA MEMBER NARINDER PAL SINGH INDIA MEMBER NATASA KUBIK SERBIA MEMBER NICOLA GRAVINA ITALY MEMBER NICOLETA MANUEL ROMANIA MEMBER OLAWALE DANIEL NIGERIA MEMBER OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA MEMBER OLEG PISKUN UKRAINE MEMBER OLIVEIRA RONALDO BRASIL MEMBER OMER YOUSAF PAKISTAN MEMBER OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY MEMBER PALLE V.E.RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER PAVEL KOSENKO ESTONIA MEMBER PETAR CELIK SERBIA MEMBER PETER BUVALA SLOVAKIA MEMBER PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER PETER VAN DEN VEEN HOLLAND MEMBER PREDRAG MILOSEVIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER PRINCE UPAL INDIA MEMBER PUNNAIN RICARDO DA CHUNA BRASIL MEMBER RAJAKARUNA INDUNIL MOLDIVES MEMBER RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU NIGERIA MEMBER RENATA KEVORK SHIRVANIAN BULGARIA MEMBER RENE SLEECKX BELGIUM MEMBER SAM CHIMBOMBI BOTSWANA MEMBER SAWAKO IWAMOTO JAPAN MEMBER SERBAN CARPARESCU ROMANIA MEMBER SHAMIM HUSEIN ZIMBABWE MEMBER SIMO BOGDANOFF FINLAND MEMBER SZILVIA LANG HUNGARY MEMBER TCHUINTE SERGE CAMEROON MEMBER TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI TURKEY MEMBER TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER VASILIOS SERETIS GREECE MEMBER VEDRAN JAKSIC CROATIA MEMBER VINCE BALZAN MALTA MEMBER VLADIMIR KURILCIK BALARUS MEMBER WILMA KERN SWITZERLAND MEMBER ZORAN MAKSIC SWEDEN MEMBER - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-17-2011 WFF-WBBF UNITES 99 COUNTIES! International Headquarters WFF-WBBF (World Body Building Federation, World Fitness Federation) are to inform that National Bodybuilding Federation Ghana joined the WFF-WBBF. That makes the National Bodybuilding Federation Ghana to be the 99-th Country member of the WFF-WBBF International. Led by the President WFF-WBBF Africa TOMMY DU RAND, today the Continental Federation Africa unites National Federations of the Republic South Africa, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 07-12-2011 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (103 Country Members representing all Continents, after International Congress, May 21, 2011, Tver, Russia) NAME COUNTRY POSITION EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS LITHUANIA INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT ANDREJ BASOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL, CHAIRMAN PRO DIVISSION MIKCHAIL DYAKONOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL for Public Relations JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA SECRETARY GENERAL INTERNATIONAL TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN TRAINERS COUNCIL, representing AFRICA JORGE CEDALE ARGENTINA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SOUTH AMERICA PRINCE UPPAL INDIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA and ARAB COUNTRIES MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA GINTARAS MARTINKENAS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing EUROPE COUNTRIES ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AUSTRALIA PALLE RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SCANDINAVIA COUNTRIES ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC SERBIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BALCAN COUNTRIES ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN FIT-KID DIVISSION EDITA SENDRIENE LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL KSENIJA VARFALOMEJEVA RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, VICE CHAIRMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, VICE CHAIRMAN TRAINERS COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL EVGENY LATYPOV JAPAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL for Asia ANDREJUS LARIONOVAS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN DISABLED SPORT DIVISION MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL VLADIMIR SUBOV GERMANY MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ANDRZEJ MACIEJEWSKI POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL DAYO AUDI UK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MARTIN KUTA CZECHIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, MEMBER MEDICAL COMMITTEE FERNANDA YOUGLAR ARGENTINA MEMBER AL SAKA HASSAN SYRIA MEMBER ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA MEMBER AHMAD RABIT IRAQ MEMBER ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER AMMY SHANTZ CANADA MEMBER ANDREY SUSEKIN RUSSIA MEMBER ANETT PESCI HUNGARY MEMBER ATLE KIELLAND NORWAY MEMBER BENGTSSON ANDERS SWEDEN MEMBER BREGER STONE BURUNDY MEMBER DAMIEN ROBSON IRELAND MEMBER DAMIR IVANCIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER DAVID AIRAPETIAN ARMENIA MEMBER DIMCE PALENZO MACEDONIA MEMBER DINO THIERRY QUADELUPPE MEMBER DONATAS ADOMAVICIUS ICELAND MEMBER EHAB NASSAR EGYPT MEMBER ELIAS DJARUDY RWANDA MEMBER ELISABETH HAURECH CHILE MEMBER ERIKA PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER EVA MARTINKOVA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EVGENY LATYPOV AFGANISTAN MEMBER FERNANDO ORIHUELA PERU MEMBER FILIPPO ALFANI ITALY MEMBER GASPER GROM SLOVENIA MEMBER GENTILE FALUBBA MARCO ARGENTINA MEMBER HENNIE CARSTENS GHANA MEMBER HAFEZIAN MAMED PAKISTAN MEMBER HASSAN AL SAKA UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER IAN CHAMBERS UK MEMBER ILJA AISELAMNN ISRAEL MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA SRI LANKA MEMBER IRINA VALETT FRANCE MEMBER IVAN KOZYREV KAZACHSTAN MEMBER IVAN LEPCIN CROATIA MEMBER IVAN MACH CZECHIA MEMBER IVAR HAUKSSON ICELAND MEMBER YANISLAV TACEV BULGARIA MEMBER JEAN-MARIE BERMER LUXEMBOURG MEMBER JIM PITT NEW ZEELAND MEMBER JOSE PARDO HIDALGO SPAIN MEMBER JUANITO TANNYAG PHILIPPINES MEMBER KAI KAKNES ANDRE NORWAY MEMBER KALYANGO MOHAMMED ZUBAEL UGANDA MEMBER KESTUTIS SINKONIS SPAIN MEMBER KIT SANDERSON MEXICO MEMBER LAURENCE CADE ENGLAND MEMBER LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER LOUVEL MICKAEL FRANCE MEMBER MANPREET PURI INDIA MEMBER MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER MANUEL ZAKARIAS PORTUGAL MEMBER MARCUS KITTNER GERMANY MEMBER MARGARITA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINA MEMBER MARIETA ZIGALOVA SOUTH KOREA MEMBER MARIOU ARTEMIOUS CYPRUS MEMBER MARTIN KUTA CZECHIA MEMBER MICHAEL GLASS USA MEMBER MICHAEL ORTEGA SWITZERLAND MEMBER MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER MILCIADES MARTINEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER MOHAMMED ZEKRAOUI MAROCCO MEMBER MONA COSTI CYPRUS MEMBER MONFARDINI MARIO ARGENTINA MEMBER MOUNIER PATRICK NEW -CALEDONIA MEMBER NANA NEBEREIDZE GEORGIA MEMBER NARINDER PAL SINGH INDIA MEMBER NATASA KUBIK SERBIA MEMBER NICOLA GRAVINA ITALY MEMBER NICOLETA MANUEL ROMANIA MEMBER OLAWALE DANIEL NIGERIA MEMBER OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA MEMBER OLEG PISKUN UKRAINE MEMBER OLIVEIRA RONALDO BRASIL MEMBER OMER YOUSAF PAKISTAN MEMBER OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY MEMBER PALLE V.E.RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER PAVEL KOSENKO ESTONIA MEMBER PETAR CELIK SERBIA MEMBER PETER BUVALA SLOVAKIA MEMBER PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER PETER VAN DEN VEEN HOLLAND MEMBER PREDRAG MILOSEVIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER PRINCE UPAL INDIA MEMBER PUNNAIN RICARDO DA CHUNA BRASIL MEMBER RAJAKARUNA INDUNIL MOLDIVES MEMBER RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU NIGERIA MEMBER RENATA KEVORK SHIRVANIAN BULGARIA MEMBER RENE SLEECKX BELGIUM MEMBER SAM CHIMBOMBI BOTSWANA MEMBER SAWAKO IWAMOTO JAPAN MEMBER SERBAN CARPARESCU ROMANIA MEMBER SHAMIM HUSEIN ZIMBABWE MEMBER SIMO BOGDANOFF FINLAND MEMBER SZILVIA LANG HUNGARY MEMBER TCHUINTE SERGE CAMEROON MEMBER TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI TURKEY MEMBER TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER VASILIOS SERETIS GREECE MEMBER VEDRAN JAKSIC CROATIA MEMBER VINCE BALZAN MALTA MEMBER VLADIMIR KURILCIK BALARUS MEMBER WILMA KERN SWITZERLAND MEMBER ZORAN MAKSIC SWEDEN MEMBER RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - edita_wff - 07-16-2011 WFF-WBBF – WORLD‘S BODYBUILDING LEADER WE WORK TO MAKE BODYBUILDING OFFICIAL RECOGNIZED SPORT The 2011 is the 113-th year of the World‘s Bodybuilding History (from EUGENY SANDOW, UK) and the 83-d year of the World‘s Fitness History (from BRONE DUBAR, NY, USA). The WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International is working to make Bodybuilding and Fitness sport official and recognized and that is the strategic aim of the Federation. Everybody knows very well that the former International Bodybuilding Leaders have chosen wrong way to develop the sport. Bodybuilding lost it‘s former „good name“ and public oppinion about it is very negative today. Different from all other International Federations the only one WFF-WBBF looks for the ways to change the situation. It takes time as the previous wrong way of development lasted for decades. Great work confronts the Federation and the WFF-WBBF is ready to do the best as it can and as much as the God blesses it‘s works. During the last years the Srtucture of the WFF-WBBF International became more concentrated and stable. Looking for the best ways the Federation is always in move. Not everybody can stand inovations and big activities the WFF-WBBF is involved. A number of weak persons leave the Federation from time to time. But this makes the WFF-WBBF International even more strong. Popularizing sport and fitness around the Woirld every year the WFF-WBBF holds over 60 International Events around the World. It publishes magazines in various languages, issues DVD‘s of the Contests, organizes International Trainer‘s and Judge‘s Seminars, makes and participates at various International Conferences. Today having great financial and organizing possibilities the WFF-WBBF International starts „exporting“ Contests. It means that the Federation pays tickets and living expences for the World‘s Best Athletes as well as for it‘s „working team“ (people occupied in organizing International Events). The International Federation has possibilities to offer Stipendium Contracts for the Best Bodybuilders now. Every year the number of Pro Card Qualifying International Contests is growing giving the best Sportsmen opportunities to receive a Pro Card. For the last two decades the World Federation runs the WORLD RANKING LIST, counting the contest results of a number of thousands of the World‘s Best Participating Athletes (see www.wff.lt, „World Ranking List“). The International Society see the activities done by the International Federation WFF-WBBF: supporting the healthy way of life for all people on International Level, involving in these activities children, disabled people, people of respectfull age etc.. Working hard for more than fourty years the WFF-WBBF International received definite recognition. Seeking the recognition of Bodybuilding Sport, today nobody can neglect the positive social work done by the WFF-WBBF. Diferent to other „International Federations“ the Official Juridical Status of the WFF-WBBF International alows it to get the common touches with the International Organizations like IOC, WADA, GAISF. Still there are some dificulties as those Organizations are Private Companies, they seek profit and business when the WFF-WBBF is an International Social No Profit Federation. But fact is fact – the WFF-WBBF is the only one International Federation which seeks the offical recognition of bodybuilding on official level. Other International Federatioins do not take part in the official International Sport movement and development. OFFICIAL MEETINGS Real positive work done by the International WFF-WBBF Federation opens doors of many Governmental, Political and Social Leaders of various Countries. Highest Level Official Meetings, friendly discussions are held to speak over the International Sport Problems and to coordinate common work. During the latest period of time the Heads of the WFF-WBBF International had a number of Official Meetings with a number of VIP Personalities: the President Republic Slovakia IVAN GASPAROVIC, the former President Republic Slovakia PhD RUDOLF SCHUSTER, the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL, President Parliament Republic Lithuania ARUNAS VALINSKAS, Prime Ministers Republic Slovakia VLADIMIR MECIAR and ROBERT FICO, Prime Minister Republic Lithuania GEDIMINAS KIRKILAS, Prime Minister Republic Latvia AIGARS KALVITIS, Ministers and Government Members of Vatican, Poland, Russia, Estonia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Heads of the National Olympic Commitees of Estonia and Lithuania, City Majors of Prague (Czech), Bydgoszcz and Katowice (Poland), Duisburg (Germany), Graz and Linz (Austria), Coimbra (Portugal), Eretria (Greece), Tallinn (Estonia), Tver and Jekaterinburg (Russia), and many Majors Cities Lithuania. In 2011 Official Meetings of the Heads WFF-WBBF International were held in the Parliaments Republic Slovakia and Republic Lithuania, the Official Meetings were held at the Embesses of Vatican, Italy, Cuba and India. EVALUATED WORK OF THE FEDERATION The positive work done by the WFF-WBBF International was seen and evaluated: - at the 2011 WFF-WBBF Official visit to Vatican the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by the Vatican Congregat Perfect J.EM. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO with the Pontific Medal (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI). This is the sole happening in the World‘s Sport History until now. - In Portugal during the IV-th Convent OSMTH the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by the Bishop ARCHIMANDRITE CHARALAMPY with the St. Nicholas the Wonderworker’s Silver-Gold Medal - International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded with the Diploma of Honour of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO - International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS together with the Governor State California ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER was honorably included to the Honour Book Kingdom Denmark - International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by International JOHN GRIMEK Award (Italy) - International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS awarded with the Latvia Auseklis Order. WHAT DO INTERNATIONAL FEDERATIONS LIE? We hear much, we speak much, but is it real? Is it the truth? No secret, that the contemporary story of the World’s Bodybuilding History is not correct. We all know that the Bodybuilding Sport Histroy was been written to satisfy the interests of the Commercial IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Company. Nobody elese wrote any other story of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport History (WFF-WBBF is going to present for public it‘s story soon). Getting wrong information the International Sport Society has been fooled for decades (see documents on www.wff.lt, read forum topic „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“). Our statement is easy to prove as the IFBB Highest Officials and Lowers after the IFBB split sent us over 600 pages of authentic IFBB documents and asked us to publish them. When a friendly International Federation asked us, so we did it. It is plainly seen how all of us were fooled by the Commercial IFBB Company Owners for so long time. Today the number of so called „International Sport Federations“ is fast growing. Again the World‘s Sport Society is being fooled as people think those federations are real, but they are not from the point of view of Law. Again it is easy to prove. Just have a look at the juridical documents of those „international federations“, see the Constitution, the Registration Certificate. But try to see the most important – have a look at their book keeping documents. There are no such documents as none of them do book keeping.And even if they are – that are of the documents some other Companies, not of an International Federation You look for. We underline – no book keeping means no federation. Sometimes „federations“ cheat people some other way: for example NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) declares to be an International Sport Association. But NABBA International has no juridic registration and it does no book keeping. You can not dare to show the financial documents of NABBA even to Your wife. You could say NABBA UK? But NABBA UK is a Public Club registered by Law. Where is NABBA - International then? So what is this? Children‘s game? It has nothing to do with any International Sport Activities in fact. And that is why NABBA never appears anywhere officially: no Official Meetings, no press etc... Well, let us see what have happened with the IFBB (all other „International Federations“ are in much worse position from the juridic Low point of view. They do not egzist in real life even as a Commercial Company as the IFBB is in real). Try to see the juridical and book keeping documents of the IFBB we received from the IFBB Officials to present and - „finito la comedia“ for all long lasting lies. Folowing these documents we can state - there is no International Federation of the IFBB, sorry. That is why again and again we state and underline that only the WFF-WBBF is officially registered by Law as a No Profit Social International Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation. Today the WFF-WBBF International unites organizations from 103 Countries, that represent all Continents. The WFF-WBBF has over fourty years lasting history and it goes on working basing on this history. „AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“ – LIVE WORLD‘S BODYBUILDING SPORT HISTORY The activities of the WFF-WBBF International are directly connected with one of the World‘s Oldest still running International Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ (1968 - 2011) Contest. The tradition goes on and in November, 2011 the WFF-WBBF holds it‘s first Professional „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ in Slovak Brusno Kupele resort. See more information on „Amber Prix International“ on www.wff.lt main page and sport history forum topics. WE ARE A PEACEFUL FEDERATION, BUT WE ARE READY TO STAND THE TRUTH AND TO STOP LIES OFFICIALLY IN COURT A number of officials representing illegal from the piont of view of Law International Sport Federations feel jealous and engry about the work the WFF-WBBF is doing. But why so? Nothing personal. Just make official registration of Your International Federation and we will be first to shake Your hand. But do it. Do the same as we are doing more that fourty years! Wishing to stop the WFF-WBBF World Championship in Bydgoszcz (Poland) in 2008 the International IFBB Official PAVEL FILEBORN published in Polish press false information about the WFF-WBBF. The WFF-WBBF warned him to face the Court Trial for this, and then he went down and stepped back. Even in Poland the WFF-WBBF is official and recognized (that proves the letter of the Minister Sport Poland). Today again we see a number of weak and jealous people in Latvia, Germany trying to do the same. We just friendly warn them – be careful about what You say and even more about what You write... In order to fool people and officials they go on speaking lies about the WFF-WBBF, sometimes they try to use the names: WFF, World Fitness Federation, „Amber Prix International“ etc.. which are Trade Marks of the WFF-WBBF International. In 2011 the WPF (World Phisyque Federation) and NABBA in Lithuania used the WFF-WBBF name without permittion at a contest and the WFF-WBBF friendly warned them offering a Court Trial. Preparing the documents for the Court the WFF-WBBF International started working with the Lowers, but finally the opponents got affrayed and changed the name of their event. The WFF-WBBF underlines once again: we are a peacefull Federation, registered as International Sport Federation officially, not fooling everybody as all other „International Federations“ did for years and still do. and we are ready to stand our honor at the Court. Writing lies, speaking and fooling around – it is not our business. We are official, we work official, we know what we say and we are ready to face anybody on official level even in Court if anybody is brave enough to face us. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - International Secretary - 03-11-2012 SLOVAKIA ELECTION. ROBERT FICO‘S SMER WINS On March 10, 2012 the social democrat opposition in Slovakia has won the general election outright, taking 84 out of 150 seats in the Parliament Republic Slovakia. The WFF-WBBF International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Buildingn Federation) Congratulates the Winners led by ROBERT FICO. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. FOTO: Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO, President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 04-29-2012 „We always wanted to to do something definite but now people want to be known personalities doing nothing“ Margaret Thatcher UNKNOWN WORLD‘S BODYBUILDING HISTORY. HOW IT WAS IN REAL. JUDGE ABOUT US NOT BY WORDS SPOKEN BUT BY REAL WORK DONE EVERYONE PRESENTS HIS OWN HISTORY, BUT NOBODY CAN NEGLECT AND ARGUE WITH THE DOCUMENTS AND FACTS World‘s Bodybuilding History of the former huge territory of Socialist Countries is not well known to the Western World. To say the truth – it is compleatelly unknown. We want to underline that the World‘s Bodybuilding History was and still is connected directly with one of the World‘s Oldest Traditional still running International Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Contest (1968-2012). Bodybuilding sport in Socialist Countries survived hard times during the „communist times“. Due to political reasons for more than two decades bodybuilding was prohibited and prosecuted in all Socialist Countries especially in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). We have presented this history in diferent languages in details at the International Page www.wff.lt and at the International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues No. 28 and 34) as wel as in various articles of the International Press and Internet Sites. For long lasting years of bodybuilding prosecution the contemporary International President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was the sole person who dared on his personal risk and responsibility to stand for bodybuilding sport on official level and to confront the highest Political Governmental Institutions of the Communist Times even the Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party in Moscow (Russia). We have spoken about this with the Highest Vatican State Officials in 2011 at the Vatican State Headquarters, when the Official Meeting of the International WFF-WBBF Officials was held there. The Highest Vatican State Officials positivelly evaluated the work done by the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the WFF-WBBF International. On the name of the Pontific the Vatican Congregat Prefect J.Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO awarded the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and High WFF-WBBF International Official STEFAN HRCKA with the Vatican Pontific Medals (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI). See detailed reports on the International Page www.wff.lt and International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues 33, 34). Thanks the God the risky activities and straight dialoque of EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Moscow Communist Political Institutions, Sport Ministry and Communist Press ended well. The prohibition of bodybuilding did not stop but they gave permittion for EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to go on organizing the anual Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Contest. This was the real win for all bodybuilders, the real political win against Communist regime of those severe tense times. For many years the „Amber Prix International“ was the sole regular International Bodybuilding Contest of all Socialist Countries as nobody else dared to organize International bodybuilding competitions on regular base but EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Looking from this angle it gives an extreme importance to the „Amber Prix International“ and it‘s organizers. The period of time from 1968 until now is not so short if to compare with other sports. And this period was extremelly important for the World‘s Bodybuilding as the times of the real risky fight for the sport was going on. Today various people speak various stories of themselves, but what is important – they have never been personally involved in the activities of those times and what they speak now is based on rumours only, not facts. Some of them are not interested to speak of times of bodybuilding prosecution as they were not present there or often some of them then were frightened and hiding themselves away from bodybuilding activities (see International Page www.wff.lt and read International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues 28, 33, 34). When the USSR Communist Party leader and the first USSR President MICHAIL GORBACIOV came to power and opened the doors for „perestroika“, the better times for bodybuioding sport appeared. A number of International Contests were organized in other Socialist Countries too ( for example „Comsomol Bodybuilding Contest“ in Kaunas City organized by RAMUTIS KAIRAITIS). Then many of those bodybuilders who were hiding away from prosecution during the „hard risky times“ appeared in public again. Among them was after 13 years of „hiding break“ the contemporary IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders“) Russia President VLADIMIR DUBININ. It happened under personal invitation of EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for him come to the „Amber Prix International“ to Klaipeda, Lithuania. And so he did, as the „dark times“ were over. Many such persons today present the Bodybuiding History as there were no „black days“ of bodybuilding prosecution because they also were frightened and were not present at the activities then. Now many of them are „respected heroes“ now, but where they were for the long lasting times of the fight with Communist Polititions for the survival of bodybuilding sport? It was a classic picture we are used to see – if all goes well, they say „we did it all together“, but when all goes bad, then they have the person guilty to sacrify and it is as always EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS who dared to confront the Communist regime in Moscow. Having in mind the background like this we look at the sole regular „Amber Prix International“ bodybuilding contest with diferent eyes an we can not underestimate it too much from political and historical point of view in the World‘s Bodybuilding History. REALLY SOLE OFFICIAL USSR BODYBUILDING FEDERATION For the twenty years of the prohibition ond prosecution of bodybuilding in the Socialist Countries until in 1988 the USSR Bodybuilding Federation was set and registered the Klaipeda Body Building Federation was the only one to be official. No other diferent level USSR bodybuilding units with various names and titles were official and legal. Thau were just free units of free sport lovers having no juridical status in real. That is why the Klaipeda Body Building Federation was the only one of the kind to be really legal to deal fith Governmental Institutions. As a result achieved through the EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS confrontation with the Communist Political Institutions Klaipeda Body Building Federation was officially registered and it had a unique permittion to have it‘s own finances and to organize anual „Amber Prix International“. Klaipeda Body Building Federation could not have another name and another higher status as already this was already against normal Communist mentality and position and the Communist regime would never permitted anything more. We were realistic and we were happy to have this. The Official Legal Status of the Klaipeda Body Building Federation was respected not only by Communist Political Governmental Institutions, but by all known International Bodybuilding Leaders of the Western World too. Being the Lower and as a Phylology specialist knowing a number of languages EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was in friendly relations and easy communicated with the Owner and President of the Private IFBB Company BEN WEIDER, Owner and President of WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association) SERGE NUBRET, President of the UK Public Club NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (see International Page www.wff.lt and read International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues 28, 33, 34). No surprise that many Bodybuilding Sport Organizers envied Klaipeda Body Building Federation. Some of them even tried to make problems for it. But the time put everybody and everything in it’s right places and today we have a clear picture of who is who and what is what. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF SOCIALIST COUNTRIES Let us underline once again that for the two dark and hard decades the „Amber Prix International“ was the sole anual International Bodybuilding Contest in the Socialist Countries. Having Official Legal Status for such a long period the „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial USSR Bodybuilding Championship in fact. This was recognized even by the USSR Sport Ministerium (Goskomsport) which started to give honorable „USSR Sport Master“ names for the „Amber Prix International“ Category Winners. Nobody else dared to fight the Communist regime to organize International Bodybuilding Contests and we can say that the sole recognized and official „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial World Championship of the Socialist Countries. „Amber Prix International“ collected best Socialist World Bodybuilders in Klaipeda every year. Even today many International Bodybuilding Federations can not reach the level of the „Amber Prix International“ contests of those times not by the level of the sportsmen participating and not by the number of participating athletes. For example in 1989 „Amber Prix International“ in four height categories participated nearly 200 bodybuilders representing 51 team. Today sole World Championship Categories of any International Federation have 50 participants. Chronologically the folowing activities went this way: paying no attention to the new coming threats from the Russian Moscow Communist regime again the sole one who dared to stand for the Bodybuilding Sport was EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. In 1991 EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was the first to register the National Body Building Association in the Independent Lithuania. Then aganist orders from Moscow EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected the best International Level Bodybuilders and went to Europe Championship that was held in Epinal (France). Only later when democratic changes came to Russia other Socialist Countries dared to register National Bodybuilding Federations. But again – they were afrayed and they were hiding themselves when EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was acting when there were the hard times for bodybuiders. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Diferent from all other International Bodybuilding Leaders through over 40 years lasting „Amber Prix International“ History EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS never went away from being personally resposible in his works and sayings and always fulfilled what he sayed. Nothing changed today. Nobody helped EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in his activities, especially International ones. Everything, every step forward like pioneers we had to do ourselves. Everything EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS did on his own risk and on his own mind. Bodybuilders needed a Gym – this is a Gym for You; Bodybuilders needed a federation – this is a federation for You; Bodybuilders needed a contest – this is the historical „Amber Prix International“ for You; Bodybuilders needed methodical training knowlidge – EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected and translated International Sport literature, systemized it and issued in different languages millions of issues of methodical Sport Magazines that grew a number of new generations of Bodybuilders of the World; Bodybuilders needed an International federation – this is the WFF-WBBF International for You too. It is time today to stop decades lasting lies in International Bodybuilding Sport and to start making permanent changes. The awful situation of the contemporary sport must be changed basically and the ordinary people should start respecting Bodybuilding Sport as it have been long ago. The WFF-WBBF International works hard on this question now. Try to present in wide public and to evaluate real works done by everybody of us in person. Everybody can speak. But what You have done? Try to do as we did, try to do it for more than 40 yaears non stop including the very hard times for bodybuilding. Be brave enough to pass the real dangerous obstacles. Then we can say we are equal to eveluate the situation and we can sit together and plan the Great Future of the sport we all love so much. After studying the documents presented in 2012 the Russia Journalists started naming EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS as the „Father of Russia Bodybuilding“ in their articles. Somebody do not like it? Again in this background what is the value of sayings of come people about the History of Bodybuilding when they were not themselves present in this history? The WFF-WBBF International do has a great long over 40 years lasting History. The WFF-WBBF International has World Wide well known Great Names of the International Level Bodybuilders. Due to the „Iron Wall“ the Socialist World was closed from the Democratic Society and unfortunatelly only few knew about our sport activities and our lives. But it does not mean that nothing happened on the other side of the „Iron Wall“. Many great things happened in Socialist Countries and many of them were better than those ones presented to public in the West. The new ideas and the Hostory of the World Bodybuilding Sport the WFF-WBBF International presents today are scrutinized and studied by sport specialists of many countries. National Olympic Committees of a number of Countries studied the background of the WFF-WBBF International and agreed with our position (Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Czech, Afghanistan). Ministries of sport of a number of Countries expressed the same position too (Canada, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Czech, Estonia, Lithuania, Uganda). Highest Parliament and Government Officials of different Countries open doors for the WFF-WBBF Officials to discuss the situation in sport and public (India, Canada, Russia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czech, Austria, Germany, Greece) . Many our articles are already published in diferent countries through the World. Well known International Bibliothecs ask for the WFF-WBBF International magazines (such as State Leipzig Bibliothec, Germany). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-25-2012 WORLD‘S BODYBUILDING MOVEMENT. ROLE OF RUSSIA For centuries Russia (now Russian Federation) played a very important role in the World‘s political, economic and social life. But we will speak about the bodybuilding sport only. No doubt, Russia has many great bodybuilders today. Very little Countries can be compared to Russia in this question. Among thousands of International sportsmen Russia bodybuilders are leading in the World‘s Bodybuilding Ranking List. This irritates many bodybuilders from other Countries, who do not dare to go fighting with Russians on the high level contest stage. This is the situation, but the real life is different. Due to the chaotic work of a number of the Russia National Federations Russian Bodybuilding can not take the real high place in the International Bodybuilding movement. The reasons are evident: Russia is lacking high level International professional organizers, that are positively accepted in other Countries; inner fighting between the National Bodybuilding units; a passive position of the Ministry Sport Russia and for this reason no politic solutions of the problem; long lasting public lies of the Russia National Bodybuilding units about their International Federations which they are representing in Russia. Often juridically by Law these International Federations do not egzist, often even the Russia National Bodybuilding units are just 2-3 regional gyms and nothing more. Most activities are based on lies. This is the background of the work that the Russia National WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Federation performs for twenty years in the Country. To get the positive results it is a complicated work indeed. But the general situation is good enough to proceed. While visiting Russia to discuss the future plans the International WFF-WBBF President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the President WFF-WBBF Russia ANDREJ BASOV were two times on the official visit to the Headquarters Administration President Russian Federation VLADIMIR PUTIN. A famous Hollywood actor and producer, two times WFF-WBBF „Universe“ Champion, called „Russia Schwarzenegger“ ALEKSANDR NEVSKY makes a good push forward for the future developing bodybuilding sport in Russia and on the International level as well. Representing the Team of the President Russian Federation VLADIMIR PUTIN, he works as a sport advisor for the Governor Russia State Tula. Having the WFF-WBBF International support ALEKSANDR NEVSKY has organized three huge social „Nevsky Classic“ events. Also he was one of the main organizers of the 2011 and 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro Europe Championships in the Russia States Tver and Tula. Then the World‘s best Russia contemporary bodybuilders LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA, MICHAIL MALEK, JEVGENIJ KLOCKOV, SERGEJ GRIGORJEV, JEVGENIJ GEMZIN were among the names that media mentioned hundreds of times. Russia Bodybuilding organizers never stop working. The Vice President WFF-WBBF International MIKHAIL DIAKONOV helps a lot. Ending the 2012 along with a number of regional competitions WFF-WBBF Russia will organize four Huge International Events: the WFF-WBBF Amateur „Universe“ and three International Pro Events („Russia Pro Grand Prix International“, 10 000 US dollars, Niznij Novgorod; „World Pro Cup“, 20 000 US dollars, Tula; World Pro Grand Prix“, US dollars, Moscow). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-27-2012 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (106 Country Members representing all Continents, after International Congress, May 23, 2012, Bobruisk, Belarus) NAME COUNTRY POSITION EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS LITHUANIA INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT ANDREJ BASOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL, CHAIRMAN PRO DIVISSION MIKCHAIL DYAKONOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL for Public Relations JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA SECRETARY GENERAL INTERNATIONAL TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN TRAINERS COUNCIL, representing AFRICA JORGE CEDALE ARGENTINA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SOUTH AMERICA PRINCE UPPAL INDIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA and ARAB COUNTRIES MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA ROBERT MADRID USA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA VLEDIMIR KURILCIK BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing EUROPE COUNTRIES ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AUSTRALIA PALLE RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SCANDINAVIA COUNTRIES ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC SERBIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BALCAN COUNTRIES ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL for Asia EDITA SENDRIENE LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL SERGEJ PANTELEJEV BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, VICE CHAIRMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL EVGENY LATYPOV JAPAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL for Asia ANDREJUS LARIONOVAS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN DISABLED SPORT DIVISION RANA AGLUWALIA CANADA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RUBEN PIBE RODRIGUEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CRECKY CHAVES BRAZIL MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ARTURAS VASKEVICIUS HOLLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL VLADIMIR SUBOV GERMANY MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MANPREET PURI INDIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ANDRZEY MAJCHRZYK POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ALEKSANDR VLADIMIROV UK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MARTIN KUTA CZECH MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ANGELINA ROMANOVIC LATVIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AHMAD RABIT IRAQ MEMBER AL SAKA HASSAN SYRIA MEMBER ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER AMMY SHANTZ CANADA MEMBER ANDREY SUSEKIN RUSSIA MEMBER ANDRZEJ MACIEJEWSKI POLAND MEMBER ANETT PESCI HUNGARY MEMBER ATLE KIELLAND NORWAY MEMBER BENGTSSON ANDERS SWEDEN MEMBER BREGER STONE BURUNDY MEMBER DAYO AUDI UK MEMBER DAMIEN ROBSON IRELAND MEMBER DAMIR IVANCIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER DAVID AIRAPETIAN ARMENIA MEMBER DIMCE PALENZO MACEDONIA MEMBER DINO THIERRY QUADELUPPE MEMBER DONATAS ADOMAVICIUS ICELAND MEMBER EHAB NASSAR EGYPT MEMBER ELIAS DJARUDY RWANDA MEMBER ELISABETH HAURECH CHILE MEMBER ERIKA PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER EVA MARTINKOVA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EVGENY LATYPOV AFGANISTAN MEMBER FERNANDA YOUGLAR ARGENTINA MEMBER FERNANDO ORIHUELA PERU MEMBER FILIPPO ALFANI ITALY MEMBER GASPER GROM SLOVENIA MEMBER GENTILE FALUBBA MARCO ARGENTINA MEMBER GINTARAS MARTINKENAS LITHUANIA MEMBER HAFEZIAN MAMED PAKISTAN MEMBER HASSAN AL SAKA UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER HENNIE CARSTENS GHANA MEMBER IAN CHAMBERS UK MEMBER ILJA AISELAMNN ISRAEL MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA SRI LANKA MEMBER IRINA VALETT FRANCE MEMBER IVAN BYEKWASO UGANDA MEMBER IVAN KOZYREV KAZACHSTAN MEMBER IVAN LEPCIN CROATIA MEMBER IVAN MACH CZECHIA MEMBER IVAR HAUKSSON ICELAND MEMBER YANISLAV TACEV BULGARIA MEMBER JEAN-MARIE BERMER LUXEMBOURG MEMBER JIM PITT NEW ZEELAND MEMBER JOSE PARDO HIDALGO SPAIN MEMBER JUANITO TANNYAG PHILIPPINES MEMBER KAI KAKNES ANDRE NORWAY MEMBER KALYANGO MOHAMMED ZUBAEL UGANDA MEMBER KESTUTIS SINKONIS SPAIN MEMBER KING IZOGIE BELGIUM MEMBER KIT SANDERSON MEXICO MEMBER LAURENCE CADE ENGLAND MEMBER LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER LOUVEL MICKAEL FRANCE MEMBER MANPREET PURI INDIA MEMBER MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER MANUEL ZAKARIAS PORTUGAL MEMBER MARCUS KITTNER GERMANY MEMBER MARGARITA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINA MEMBER MARIETA ZIGALOVA SOUTH KOREA MEMBER MARIOU ARTEMIOUS CYPRUS MEMBER MARTIN KUTA CZECHIA MEMBER MICHAEL GLASS USA MEMBER MICHAEL ORTEGA SWITZERLAND MEMBER MICKEY EL MASRI LEBANON MEMBER MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER MILCIADES MARTINEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER MOHAMMED ZEKRAOUI MAROCCO MEMBER MONA COSTI CYPRUS MEMBER MONFARDINI MARIO ARGENTINA MEMBER MOUNIER PATRICK NEW -CALEDONIA MEMBER NANA NEBEREIDZE GEORGIA MEMBER NARINDER PAL SINGH INDIA MEMBER NATASA KUBIK SERBIA MEMBER NICOLA GRAVINA ITALY MEMBER NICOLETA MANUEL ROMANIA MEMBER OLAWALE DANIEL NIGERIA MEMBER OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA MEMBER OLEG PISKUN UKRAINE MEMBER OLGA LEBEDINSKA UKRAINA MEMBER OLIVEIRA RONALDO BRASIL MEMBER OMER YOUSAF PAKISTAN MEMBER OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY MEMBER PALLE V.E.RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER PAVEL KOSENKO ESTONIA MEMBER PETAR CELIK SERBIA MEMBER PETER BUVALA SLOVAKIA MEMBER PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER PETER VAN DEN VEEN HOLLAND MEMBER PREDRAG MILOSEVIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER PRINCE UPAL INDIA MEMBER PUNNAIN RICARDO DA CHUNA BRASIL MEMBER RAJAKARUNA INDUNIL MOLDIVES MEMBER RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU NIGERIA MEMBER RENATA KEVORK SHIRVANIAN BULGARIA MEMBER RENE SLEECKX BELGIUM MEMBER SAM CHIMBOMBI BOTSWANA MEMBER SAWAKO IWAMOTO JAPAN MEMBER SERBAN CARPARESCU ROMANIA MEMBER SHAMIM HUSEIN ZIMBABWE MEMBER SIMO BOGDANOFF FINLAND MEMBER SZILVIA LANG HUNGARY MEMBER TCHUINTE SERGE CAMEROON MEMBER TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI TURKEY MEMBER TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER VASILIOS SERETIS GREECE MEMBER VEDRAN JAKSIC CROATIA MEMBER VINCE BALZAN MALTA MEMBER VLADIMIR KURILCIK BALARUS MEMBER WILMA KERN SWITZERLAND MEMBER ZORAN MAKSIC SWEDEN MEMBER RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 09-02-2012 IN USA NO ONE WANTS TO DEVELOP BODYBUILDING ON OFFICIAL LEVEL (refreshed) For bodybuilding specialists it is eveident, that USA quickly looses it‘s International leaders positions in bodybuilding. Due to the decades lasting mistaken politics of the former USA bodybuilding leaders, today we face the negative results all World through. On the Official Level bodybuilding is not accepted as sport in general. Majority of important bodybuilding contests in the USA are just commercial shows for public, more like a theater, but not real sport. Everything is slod, everything money can buy. Does anybody remember a strong USA National Team at a World Championship of any federation? OFFICIAL SPORT CONTESTS CHANGED BY SPORT FESTIVALS There in no one legal National and International Bodybuilding Federation that covers all the US having Law registration as it is required for a normal sport federation. Bodybuilding in the US is based on many private Companies, which are the owners of the so called „federations“, all competitions belong to them as a private property. Bodybuilding in the US is a kind of business and the owners often are selling everytinig, including contest places. During the last years it is clear as daylight. Look at the names of the bodybuilding contests in the USA – variuos „festivals“, „Nights of Champions“ etc.. Nobody wants to develop sport, nobody cares for the sportsmen as they have no profit of this. Even more – the private structures always fight for profit in between. For propaganda reasons for naive sportsmen they say they pay millions for the professionals. But has anybody seen at least one famous pro bodybuilder who became rich of bodybuilding contests? We do not know any... Sometimes it looks like absurd: not long ago a Professional bodybuilding agent preposed for the WFF-WBBF International to buy a number of World Wide known Pro Bodybuilders to participate at the popular WFF-WBBF Pro Events. The price of them was very low, even under respect of those Great Names... This is the reason, why the USA bodybuilding still lives in the chaotic dissorder and it never ends. It negativelly influences all International Sport in general. There is no one to think of sane lives, total fitness and of the official sport of bodybuilding. But even if they want to, they can not do this as private Companies are not sport federations by Law. LONG LASTING LIES For our 50 years lasting work and efforts finally today we have nothing connected with official sport, but selling-buying-playing theater only. When the owner of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Commercial Company our respected BEN WEIDER (Canada) tried to get the IOC recognition, finally he got the IOC refusal to support and to recognize the IFBB. Then the WEIDER brothers sold all their magazines, the Pro „Olympia“ contest and after BEN WEIDER died the IFBB Company was sold as well. During the last fiveteen years the International bodybuilding situation evidently goes worse and worse. After IFBB split three years ago, the new owner of the IFBB Commercial Company (IFBB does not egzist as official International Sport Federation by Law) RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) took some permanent America contest names to Europe, but the majority of them they still are commercial Shows, not official recognized sport competitions. IFBB as sport federation never egzisted by Law in the US. Bodybuilding sport was governed by the NPC (National Physique Committee), but again, by the Law requirements it is not true (you can see the historic and juridic documents in the International Site www.wff.lt forum topics „World‘s Bodybuilding History. How it was in real“, „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“, „Various International Federations“). During the last period of time the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation received letters from a number of High NPC (National Physique Committee) Officials, Judges and well known-sportsmen. They want to join the International activities of the WFF-WBBF. All of them were invited to come to the nearst International WFF-WBBF Events and start the „live“ dialogue direct. Let us be frank. The recent private family affair of our respected sport Heroe, the former Governor State California ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER makes the negative position of the World‘s Bodybuilding even worse. This scandal in the USA was one of the reasons that ARNOLD took his private contest „Arnold Classic“ from the USA to Europe too. The first steps of this Private Contest in Europe are not strong, but let us hope for the best. Plain and clear presentation of the International Bodybuilding problems is the IFBB itself: juridical lies, cheating other International Organizations, lies to the sportsmen (see documents on the International Site www.wff.lt, read forum topic „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“). We mentioned above that IOC refused to support and to recognize the IFBB. Today we confront more negative news: the International Organizations „World Games“ and the „Asia Games“ excluded IFBB from their membership and refused to work with the IFBB too. OPTIMISTIC WAY It seems that the sole WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) uniting today 108 Country-members and representing all Continents do care for saving the image of bodybuilding and making it the official recognized Sport. The WFF-WBBF remains the sole no profit International bodybuilding organization, that is registered according Law requirements and working based on Olympic system. Along with the over 60 International Events World Wide the WFF-WBBF International organizes anual Am and Pro World and Continent Championships, it makes still running one of the World‘s oldest bodybuilding contest „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2012). Many many new changes are on the way of our sport and we are proud that with the God‘s blessing after our constant work through the last 50 years we have positive results like this finally. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 09-16-2012 2012 IRAN TAKES THE LEADERSHIP. OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT‘S VISIT TO IRAN The International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was with the official visit to Tehran (Islamic Republic of Iran). At the very first site there were a number of nice pleasant happenings: free of charge Iran visa without any hesitation and paper formalities at the airport, friendly people around, opportunities to stay in the superious appartments of the Tehran 5 Star International „Parsian Azadi Hotel“ with a beautiful picture through the window towards the seventeen million Citizen campacting city. A very big impression was that Iran is a really well developed contemporary country and the people of Iran do not know about many problematic life questions that we meet in Europe every day. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran AYATOLAH KHAMENEHE is extremelly respected in the country but Iranians do it in some very calm and polite way. NEAREST GOALS. „2013 WFF-WBBF PROFESSIONAL WORLD CUP“ Already a number of meetings and visits were held. The huge coming 2013 WFF-WBBF International Project for Professional bodybuilders in Iran was spoken over. The event „2013 WFF-WBBF Professional World Cup“ is going to take place on a famous beautiful Kish Island in the Parsian Gulf. The organizers will give 30 000 US dollars as prize money for three Pro men bodybuilding weight categories: 80, 90 and over 90 kilograms. Each Pro category will receive 10 000 US dollars, the Winner 5 000 US dollars. „2013 WFF-WBBF Professional World Cup“ will be held on the third weekend of November right after the WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (30 000 US dollars, next weekend of November, Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort). BIG POPULARITY OF BODYBUILDING During the official visit of the International President to Iran a big National Bodybuilding contest was held in Tehran City. There the International President met and spoke with the Iran State sport leaders, organizers and sportsmen. We would like to underline, that bodybuilding is very popular in the country. Only in Tehran city work nearly six thousand bodybuilding gyms and clubs. NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE IRAN. OFFICIAL MEETING At the visit of the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to the Islamic Republic of Iran in September the official meeting with the Governmental Sport Heads was organized in the Headquarters of the National Olympic Committee Islamic Republic of Iran. State Sport Official of Iran Dr. MOHAMMAD REZA KAZEM ASHTEYANI positively evaluated WFF-WBBF International activities. He expressed full understanding and support for the Vice President WFF-WBBF Asia and President Iran National WFF-WBBF Federation ALI REZA RASA. Also Dr. MOHAMMAD REZA KAZEM ASHTEYANI agreed support and recognize coming „2013 WFF-WBBF Professional World Cup“ , that will be held in Iran Parsian Gulf Kish Island. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. FOTO: International WFF-WBBF President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, State Sport Official Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. MOHAMMAD REZA KAZEM ASHTEYANI, Vice President WFF-WBBF Asia and President Iran National WFF-WBBF Federation ALI REZA RASA, September 14, 2012, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 09-23-2012 2012. WORLD PRO BODYBUILDING REALITY. PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDER. WHAT IS IT? All bodybuilders dream of a Pro Card and of the becoming a Pro Competitor. Let us talk of this. Though a number of International Bodybuilding Federations tried do organize competitions for the Professional Bodybuilders, nobody even tried to give for the Professional Bodybuilding the required Official Legal Status by the Law. Only the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) did it. Today only WFF-WBBF and IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) have Pro Leagues (Divisions) that unite Best World‘s Bodybuilders and which use to do it on the serious constant basis. All other International Federations do not have Professional Leagues which provide Pro Cards for the sportsmen and which organize Pro Bodybuilding Competitions (to be frank, most of them have a very doubtful juridical legal status, including the IFBB. Read forum topic „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals „ on the International Internet Site www.wff.lt ). In 2012 WFF-WBBF already organized four Pro Bodybuilding Events in Europe and it is going to organize four more in the nearest weeks. All remember that at the 2011 WFF-WBBF Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ in Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort nearly 50 World‘s best bodybuilders from Asia, Ameriva, Africa and Europe participated for the highest respected title and money awards. The WFF-WBBF is the only one in the World to organize Official Contests for Pros, like World and Continental Championships and Cups, that are recognized by Highest International and National Sport Organizations. Pros participating at the unrecognized contests are more like show-men, not real sportsmen from the point of view of the Governmental sport institutions and this is the reason they have never been supported and recognized officially, especially in the USA. Leading the World‘s Bodybuilding and seeking the Recognition of Bodybuilding Sport, the WFF-WBBF International has chosen the Official Way of development that is different from other federations. Foto: WFF-WBBF Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ Winner ALI IMANI (Iran) RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 10-01-2012 2012. INTERNETIONAL BODYBUILDING STRATEGIC GOALS. WFF-WBBF PRO WORLD CUP „NEVSKY CLASSIC“. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. International President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS arrived for the official visit to Russia. Together with EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS powerful contemporary World‘s Bodybuilding Giants ALEKSANDR NEVSKY, STEFAN HRCKA, ANDREY BASOV, MICHAIL DYAKONOV arrived to Moscow too. Aiming for the recognition of bodybuilding the official meetings and friendly talks on today‘s most important International bodybuilding questions started. Also supporting the WFF-WBBF International activities to Moscow arrived famous Hollywood Cinema Actors that connectet their lives with our sport: MATHIAS HUES, SYNTHIA ROTROCK, ROBERT MADRID (he is the National President WFF-WBBF USA), ADRIAN PAUL. The only only missing was ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Already on the first day eleven Luxorious Class Limusines respectfully took the delegates from the placed in Moscow Red Square Ritz Carlton Hotel to the City Tula. INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE. Presenting the nearest most important International bodybuilding events a wide International Press Conference has been held in the Culture Centre City Tula. Together with the Heads WFF-WBBF International the National President WFF-WBBF USA ROBERT MADRID took part in the Press Conference too. Two times „Mr. Universe“ Winner and one of the main organizers of the Professional 2012 WFF-WBBF World Pro Cup "NEVSKY CLASSIC" (15 000 US dollars, November 3, Tula, Russia) ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (called „Russia Schwarzenegger“) presented this very spacial International Event for media as well. NEAREST STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING GOALS. During the four days lasting official visit of the Heads of the WFF-WBBF International to Russia the most important strategic International goals were underlined and spoken over. The official meetings with the Heads of the Russia National Olympic Committee, Sport Ministry and Christian Orthodox Church has been planned. The official meeting with the Russia State Governmental Officials of the City Sankt Peterburg has been already organized. The WFF-WBBF International Leaders were invited to particiapte as VIP Guests at the coming Winter Olympic Games that will take place in Russia soon. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-25-2012 2012. AWARD FROM PRIME MINISTER SLOVAKIA. On June 8 the President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and WFF-WBBF VIP Official STEFAN HRCKA were on the Official Visit to the Headquarters Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO in Bratislava. The new wide International bodybuilding and fitness projects were spoken over during the meeting. During the 2012 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Brusno Kupele resort EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and STEFAN HRCKA were awarded by the Diplomas of Honor of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO. «President of the Global Federation of WBBF and WFF is awarded for his Life Contribution to Fitness and Bodybuilding and Promotion of the Sport between Youth and Physically Disabled People around the World“. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-26-2012 2012. ANTI CORRUPTION COMMITTEE PRESIDENT AWARD In October 2012 in Moscow City (Russia) the Official representatives of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International signed a Contract of the mutual common work with the Russian Federation Anti Corruption Committee (Комиссия по борьбе с коррупцией Российской Федерации). Being in Moscow the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS by the President of the Russian Federation Anti Corruption Committee was awarded with the “Honor Medal” («Медаль Чести», Order No. 074/12). «За активную жизненную позицию, вклад в развитие фитнеса, пропаганду здорового образа жизни, высокие моральные качества, личное самоотверженное участие в продвижении идеалов атлетического спорта“. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 12-07-2012 2013. WORKING ON THE 36-TH INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING MAGAZINE. The work on the 36-th International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Magazine „Sport of Fitness nad Bodybuilding“ started. The Magazine is published in variuous languages from 1989. It is spread during the most important International Bodybuilding Events World Wide and in the 108 Country-Members of the WFF-WBBF International as well. The Magazine covers most important International Bodybuilding Events and happenings od the last period of time. Some International Sport History moments will be covered too. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. FOTO: 2012 best World‘s Professional Bodybuilder, Pro World Champion and „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ Champion ALI REZAEI (Iran) RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 12-08-2012 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. ANOTHER VIEW. After evaluating the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International bodybuilding activities that are lasting of nearly 50 years, the WFF-WBBF received political and financial support for a huge global project called „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“, the ultimate book on bodybuilding («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). At the moment the support reaches over 200 000 US dollars, but as the encyclopedia will be translated into various languages, the amount of money will be enlarged. The real work over the global Project already started. The Encyclopedia will be as the „opponent“ to the previous Bodybuilding Histories that were written for the commercial private sport structures, most of the USA. As you know – sport commercial people wrote our history for themselves in person and there was no place for lots of the Bodybuilding Legends, many importtant International Persons and International Bodybuilding activities in the mentioned previous historical works. We will do our best to write the real another Bodybuilding History, that will be proved by the presented real documents. We will present the legal and also unofficial federations and various kind of sport units. We will present many until now hidden VIP Persons, Bodybuilding Legends, sportsmen and their trainers. We will show a number of hidden International Contests, that played and still play a great role for the development of the global sport in general. Also on the real bodybuilding examples we will present the inovations in the contemporary bodybuilding training methods and thechnologies and dieting. We hope the Encyclopedia will be a success as we work on preparing and publishing bodybuilding materials from 1989. Some of our previous magazines were published in various languages in over 2 000 000 issues and spread in various countries. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 12-17-2012 WORLD BEST MODEL FITNESS ATHLETE. We are presenting the Best World Model Fitness Athlete EVA MARTINKOVA (Slovakia). EVA MARTINKOVA is six times WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Model Fitness Over All Amateur World Champion (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), six times WFF-WBBF Over All Amateur Europe Champion (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), 2010 WFF-WBBF Pro World Champion, 2011, 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ Champion. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 12-17-2012 REMEMBER WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. WORLD BODYBUILDING ANNIVERSARY. In 2013 the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contets „Amber Prix International“ will celebrate it‘s 45-th anniversary (1968-2013). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGEND. World Bodybuilding Legend JURAS JANCIAUSKAS (Юрас Янчаускас, Lithuania), World‘s Oldest Bodybuilding Traditional „Amber Prix International“ Contest Champion (participated 1968-1970). More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. FOTO: World Bodybuilding Legend JURAS JANCIAUSKAS (1969, Vilnius, Lithuania). [/u] |