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World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Printable Version +- WFF / WBBF forum (https://forum.wff.lt) +-- Forum: Forums in english (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Forum: Various federations (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=14) +--- Thread: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) (/showthread.php?tid=32) |
RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-23-2012 "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" WFF-WBBF Official Magazine (issued from 1989 in English, Russian and Lithuanian) 36-th Issue Content Important International Bodybuilding News. Article. Prime Minister Republic Slovakia. Official Meeting. 2012 World Pro Championship "Amber Prix OLYMPIA". Over All Pro World Champions (2004-2012). Famous Hollywood Actors support WFF-WBBF International. 2012 World Amateur Championship. Over All Amateur World Champions (1990-2012). International Federations. IFBB Juridical Documents. Article. 2012 Professional "Universe". Pro Bodybuilding Theater. Article. 2012 "Stefan Hrcka Professional World Grand Prix". Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Article. Bodybuilding in Iran. Article. 2012 Pro Europe Championship. Over All Pro Europe Champions (2006-2012). Bodybuilding in USA. Article. 2012 Europe Amateur Championship. Over All Amateur Europe Champions (2000-2012). Bodybuilding in India. Press Conferences. Over All "Amber Prix International" Champions (1968-2012). Over All "Universe" Champions (2000-2012). Bodybuilding in South America. Paraguay National Championship. Over All "Lithuania Cup Open" Champions (1994-2012). Over All "Baltic Cup International" Champions (2007-2012). 2013 International Events Calendar. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-26-2012 HISTORIC HERALDIC WELCOME FROM GERMANY. At the very start developing WFF-International for 15 years period the contemporary WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was working together with the President NABBA-International KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN. Then KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN sent EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS a letter with the heraldic folowing words, that could be Real Cristmass Greetings on the occassion. And as every can see KLAUS HOFFMANN said heraldic words and now the WFF-WBBF International is developing International Amateur and Professional Sport and it is the World’s Bodybuilding and Fitness Leader, uniting 108 Countries from all Continents. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 12-29-2012 REMEMBER WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. WORLD BODYBUILDING ANNIVERSARY. In 2013 the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International“ (международный турнир „Янтарный приз») will celebrate it‘s 45-th anniversary (1968-2013). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGEND. World Bodybuilding Legend LINAS BALTRIMAVICIUS (Линас Балтримавичус, Lithuania), World‘s Oldest Bodybuilding Traditional „Amber Prix International“ Contest Champion. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. FOTO: World Bodybuilding Legend LINAS BALTRIMAVICIUS at the „Amber Prix International“ (1988, Lithuania). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-29-2012 World Fitness Federation (WFF) World Body Building Federation (WBBF) BALTIC CUP INTERNATIONAL Over All Winners Men Year Competitors Name Country 2012 Vladimirov Aleksandr England 2011 Pauliukevicius Andrius Lithuania 2010 Bruzas Nerijus Lithuania 2009 Aleksandrov Vitalij Latvia 2008 Sciogolev Aleksandr Russia 2007 Dzikevicius Dainius Lithuania 2006 Liubomirov Aleksandr Latvia Women Year Competitors Name Country 2012 Kokos Ilona Lithuania 2011 Bogdanova Airida Lithuania 2010 Talmakova Tatjana Russia 2009 Satkauskaite Zita Lithuania 2008 Kokos Ilona Lithuania 2007 Jokubauskyte Radvile Lithuania 2006 Kukina Julija Latvia Chairman International WFF-WBBF Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-31-2012 2013. The Congratulating Words of the President WFF-WBBF International Edmundas Daubaras. We have been working much and achieved good positive results in 2012 again. I would like to underline tremendous work done by the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International VIP Officials Stefan Hrcka (Slovakia) and Aleksandr Nevsky, a famous Hollywood Actor and Producer called “Russia Schwarzenegger”. Today the WFF-WBBF unites National Organizations from 108 Countries that represent all Continents. In 2012 WFF-WBBF International organized over 60 various level competitions in various Countries. Among them the 44-th World’s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest “Amber Prix International” (Tula, Russia, 1968-2012). Great importance was of the World Amateur Championship and World Professional Championship “Amber Prix OLYMPIA” (30 000 US dollars, Brusno Kupele resort, Slovakia). Ending the year the WFF-WBBF International started working on the Unique Global Bodybuilding Project - „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедию современного культуризма»). That has been never done before by anyone else. Both WFF-International and WBBF-International still are the only ones World Wide Officially Registered International Non Profit Sport Organizations (Bodybuilding and Fitness). The 2012 activities of the WFF-WBBF International were evaluated positively: the Roman Pope Benedictus XVI (Benedetto XVI) blessed the WFF-WBBF International and the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia Robert Fico awarded the Heads of the WFF-WBBF International. New ideas and tremendous work done for the International sport make the WFF and WBBF to be the today’s International Leaders in Bodybuilding and Fitness World Wide. The WFF and WBBF do not live yesterday’s life. We have lots of new Global Bodybuilding Projects ahead. HEALTH, SUCCESS, LUCK AND HAPPINESS IN 2013!!! God bless all of us in our sincere pray! RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 01-06-2013 2013 WFF-WBBF WELCOME FOR PAKISTAN BODYBUILDING. The International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Headquarters received a letter from Pakistan: „To the President WFF-WBBF International Edmundas Daubaras. I had organized bodybuilding competitions in Pakistan at city level,provincial and National level and Organizes these all competition free for all. My bodybuilding organization name is „Youth Bodybuilding Promoters“. We are individual here in Pakistan and i want to join my „Youth Bodybuilding Promoters“ with your federation. I hope your faith with me and my organization Youth Bodybuilding Promoters. Thanks. Regards, Allaoudin Bhatti Mr. Pakistan Top10. 6 Time National Champion. Mr. Lahore. Mr. Super Lahore. Mr. Lahore Division. Mr. Punjab (Gold). Mr. Pakistan Olympia (3 Time Medalist). International Coach in U.A.E. „. The WFF-WBBF International welcomes this National Pakistan Bodybuilding Organization to join the WFF-WBBF Asia participants and looks forward to meet our friends in sport already in 2013. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-08-2013 Statistic information for the issue in the Russian language: Всемирная федерация ВФФ-ВББФ (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Абсолютные чемпионы международного турнира «Янтарный приз» (“Amber Prix International”), 1968-2012 Мужчины Год, имя спортсмена, страна 2012 Пир Сарандиб Мехди (Pir Sarandib Mehdi, Иран) 2011 Нафтедж Синх (Naftej Singh, Индия) 2010 Дармендер Синх (Darhmender Singh, Индия) 2009 Александр Щёголев (Aleksandr Sciogolev, Россия) 2008 Дарюс Букшнайтис (Darius Buksnaitis, Литва) 2007 Александр Шевцов (Aleksandr Sevcov, Эстония) 2006 Александр Любомиров (Alexander Liubomirov, Латвия) 2005 Иван Сергеев (Ivan Sergejev, Россия) 2004 Александр Масловский (Aleksandr Maslovskij, Латвия) 2003 Айварс Висоцкис (Aivars Visockis, Латвия) 2002 Радик Манафов (Radik Manafov, Литва) 2001 Александр Масловский (Aleksandr Maslovskij, Латвия) 2000 Радик Манафов (Radik Manafov, Литва) 1999 Дарюс Букшнайтис (Darius Buksnaitis, Литва) 1998 Ричардас Гурскас (Ricardas Gurskas, Литва) 1997 Роландас Поцюс (Rolandas Pocius, Литва) 1996 Альгирдас Кильчаускас (Algirdas Kilciauskas, Литва) 1995 Сергей Огородников (Sergej Ogorodnikov, Россия) 1994 Альгирдас Кильчаускас (Algirdas Kilciauskas, Литва) 1993 соревнований не было 1992 соревнований не было 1991 Олег Жур (Olegas Zuras, Литва) 1990 Олег Жур (Olegas Zuras, Литва) 1989 Викторас Юцис (Viktoras Jucys, Литва) 1988 Викторас Юцис (Viktoras Jucys, Литва) 1987 Викторас Юцис (Viktoras Jucys, Литва) 1986 Роландас Бучинскас (Rolandas Bucinskas, Литва) 1985 Альгирдас Иванаускас (Algirdas Ivanauskas, Литва) 1984 Винцас Дубицкас (Vincas Dubickas, Литва) 1983 Винцас Дубицкас (Vincas Dubickas, Литва) 1982 Евгений Горелик (Jevgenij Gorelik, Литва) 1981 Саулюс Мисявичус (Saulius Misevicius, Литва) 1980 Владас Капцявичус (Vladas Kapcevicius, Литва) 1979 Олев Аннус (Olev Annus, Эстония) 1978 Олев Аннус (Olev Annus, Эстония) 1977 Стасис Цукановас (Stasys Cukanovas, Литва) 1976 запрет и преследование культуризма в СССР, соревнований не было 1975 запрет и преследование культуризма в СССР, соревнований не было 1974 запрет и преследование культуризма в СССР, соревнований не было 1973 запрет и преследование культуризма в СССР, соревнований не было 1972 запрет и преследование культуризма в СССР, соревнований не было 1971 запрет и преследование культуризма в СССР, соревнований не было 1970 Владимир Дубинин (Vladimir Dubinin, Россия) 1969 Антанас Минейкис (Antanas Mineikis, Литва) 1968 Ляонас Пиворюнас (Leonas Pivoriunas, Литва) Всемирная федерация ВФФ-ВББФ (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Абсолютные чемпионы международного турнира «Янтарный приз» (“Amber Prix International”), 1968-2012 Женщины Год, имя спортсмена, страна 2012 Валентина Козловская (Kozlovskaja Valentina, Беларусь) 2011 Ямила Ванесса Толедо (Yamila Vanessa Toledo, Аргентина) 2010 Вера Власова (Vera Vlasova, Россия) 2009 Алина Исидорова (Alina Isidorova, Латвия) 2008 Ямила Ванесса Толедо (Yamila Vanessa Toledo, Аргентина) 2007 Елене Френкель (Jelena Frenkel, Израиль) 2006 Иоланта Милярюте (Jolanta Mileriute, Литва) 2005 Ольга Яковлева (Olga Jakovleva, Россия) 2004 Светлана Борисова (Svetlana Borisova, Латвия) 2003 Светлана Пугачёва (Svetlana Pugaciova, Россия) 2002 Лилия Дягутене (Lilija Degutiene, Литва) 2001 Виктория Глаголева (Viktoria Glagoleva, Россия) 2000 Марина Буринская (Marina Burinskaja, Латвия) 1999 Симона Мисявичене (Simona Miseviciene, Литва) 1998 Симона Мисявичене (Simona Miseviciene, Литва) 1997 Симона Валюкявичуте (Simona Valiukeviciute, Литва) 1996 Идалия Каминскайте (Idalija Kaminskaite, Литва) 1995 Татьяна Ковалько (Tatjana Kovalko, Беларусь) 1994 Идалия Каминскайте (Idalija Kaminskaite, Литва) 1993 соревнований в женских категориях не было 1992 соревнований в женских категориях не было 1991 Наталия Мурниковене -Духович (Natalija Murnikoviene, Литва) 1990 Наталия Мурниковене - Духович (Natalija Murnikoviene, Литва) Всемирная федерация ВФФ-ВББФ (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Абсолютные чемпионы международного турнира «Янтарный приз» (“Amber Prix International”), 1968-2012 Юниоры Год, имя спортсмена, страна 2012 Ташакори Ния Маджид (Tashakori Nia Majid, Иран) 2011 Герман Юханов (German Juchanov, Россия) 2010 Воин Иванович (Vojin Ivanovic, Сербия) 2009 Дмитрий Смагин (Dmitrij Smagin, Россия) 2008 Эрик Тотх (Erik Toth, Словакия) 2007 Юлюс Тамулайтис (Julius Tamulaitis, Литва) 2006 Юлюс Тамулайтис (Julius Tamulaitis, Литва) 2005 соревнований среди юниоров не было 2004 Арнольдас Невера (Arnoldas Nevera, Литва) 2003 Константин Бурлуцкий (Konstantin Burluckij, Россия) 2002 Ауримас Вилкас (Aurimas Vilkas, Литва) 2001 Марюс Вайтяле (Marius Vaitele, Литва) 2000 Гинтарас Букаускас (Gintaras Bukauskas, Литва) 1999 Отт Кивикас (Ott Kiivikas, Эстония) 1998 Миндаугас Квасис (Mindaugas Kvasys, Литва) 1997 Гарольдас Дамбраускас (Haroldas Dambrauskas, Литва) 1996 Андрей Буткевич (Andrej Butkevic, Литва) 1995 Роман Польшин (Roman Polsin, Эстония) 1994 соревнований среди юниоров не было 1993 соревнований среди юниоров не было 1992 соревнований среди юниоров не было 1991 соревнований среди юниоров не было 1990 Константин Солодков (Konstantin Solodkov, Россия) 1989 Олег Жур (Olegas Zuras, Литва) 1988 Борис Великоиваненко (Boris Velikoivanenko, Россия) 1987 Олег Жур (Olegas Zuras, Литва) 1986 Олег Жур (Olegas Zuras, Литва) 1985 Викторас Юцис (Viktoras Jucys, Литва) 1984 Викторас Юцис (Viktoras Jucys, Литва) 1983 Роландас Бучинскас (Rolandas Bucinskas, Литва) 1982 Ричардас Петраускас (Ricardas Petrauskas, Литва) 1981 Юрий Гусев (Jurij Gusev, Литва) 1980 Вячеслав Хлебородов (Viaceslav Chleborodov, Литва) 1979 Вячеслав Хлебородов (Viaceslav Chleborodov, Литва) 1978 Вячеслав Хлебородов (Viaceslav Chleborodov, Литва) 1977 Борис Долгов (Boris Dolgov, Литва) RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-09-2013 World Body Building Federation (WBBF) World Fitness Federation (WFF) EUROPE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIPS OVER ALL WINNERS MEN Year Champion's Name Country 2012 MOHAMED MORAVEJ IRAN 2011 ALEKSANDR SILIN RUSSIA 2010 DANIL BRATISKA RUSSIA 2009 VITALIJ ALEKSANDROV LATVIA 2008 VLADIMIR POLIAKOV RUSSIA 2007 ROMAN DUBOVICKIJ RUSSIA 2006 MICHAIL MALEK RUSSIA 2005 MASSIMO MONACO ITALY 2004 ALEKSANDR MASLOVSKIJ LATVIA 2003 GERMAN SELEST RUSSIA 2002 JURIJ KARSETIANS LATVIA 2001 MAREK KALMUS ESTONIA 2000 MASSIMO MONACO ITALY World Body Building Federation (WBBF) World Fitness Federation (WFF) EUROPE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIPS OVER ALL WINNERS WOMEN Year Champion's Name Country 2012 VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA BELARUS 2011 AGNIESZKA URBANIAK POLAND 2010 VERA VLASOVA RUSSIA 2009 IRINA PATESKINA RUSSIA 2008 ILONA KOKOS LITHUANIA 2007 MARIJA AKIZANOVA UKRAINE 2006 DIANA DECESARE BRASIL-UKRAINE 2005 IDA GUSCHA RUSSIA 2004 SVETLANA PUGACEVA RUSSIA 2003 SVETLANA PUGACEVA RUSSIA 2002 VALERIJA JUDINA RUSSIA 2001 AKSANA LEN LITHUANIA 2000 MARINA BURINSKAJA LATVIA Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-10-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP OVER ALL WINNERS (1990-2012) MEN YEAR COMPETITOR'S NAME COUNTRY 2012 NIKOLAJ VOROBJOV RUSSIA 2011 ALI IMANI IRAN 2010 ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA 2009 ALEKSANDR ANASKIN RUSSIA 2008 WOJCIECH NADOLSKI POLAND 2007 ROMAN DUBOVICKIJ RUSSIA 2006 ANTONIO OSTA URUGUAY 2005 ALEKSANDR BALDIN RUSSIA 2004 KONSTANTIN ZACHAROV RUSSIA 2003 ALEKSANDR TUMASEVIC RUSSIA 2002 FRANCO CARLOTTO SWITZERLAND 2001 MINDAUGAS KVASYS LITHUANIA 2000 MASSIMO MONACO ITALY 1999 FRANCO CARLOTTO SWITZERLAND 1998 JURGEN KOCH GERMANY 1997 JURGEN KOCH GERMANY 1996 JAN BOLKEN GERMANY 1995 HOLGER DANNHEIM GERMANY 1994 DIRK KARREGARN GERMANY 1993 KLAUS MARTIN GERMANY 1992 MURAT AIBBYAK TURKEY 1991 REINER GORBRACHT GERMANY 1990 VOLKER FORTSCH GERMANY WOMEN YEAR COMPETITOR'S NAME COUNTRY 2012 DALVANIZA AQUINO BRAZIL 2011 CRECKY CHAVES BRAZIL 2010 LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA RUSSIA 2009 LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA RUSSIA 2008 JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA 2007 IRINA RIABOVA RUSSIA 2006 ROSALIA DUTRA DE CAMPOS ARGENTINA 2005 RACHEL KAUPPILA FINLAND 2004 MARINA BURINSKAJA LATVIA 2003 MARIE PIERRE DOMINIQUE RIPERT FRANCE 2002 IRINA ZINCENKO RUSSIA 2001 SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA 2000 MARIA KONSTANTINIDOU GREECE 1999 TINA PUSH GERMANY 1998 CLAUDIA MACHMOR GERMANY 1997 EDITA DAUBARAITE LITHUANIA 1996 DANIELA HARIC CROATIA 1995 ALEXANDRA BAUMANN GERMANY 1994 MANUELA NOUGEBAUER GERMANY 1993 SANDRA BAUERTLE GERMANY 1992 MANUELA FRANC GERMANY 1991 SABINE WICK GERMANY 1990 BETTINA BINDER GERMANY AEROBICS YEAR COMPETITOR'S NAME COUNTRY 2012 KLAUDIJA KORPAN POLAND 2011 MARIETTA ZIGALOVA SLOVAKIA 2010 ALINA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINE 2009 CAROLINA ELIZABETH MIGNANI ARGENTINA 2008 NATALIA BOCIAN POLAND 2007 MARIJA DEKSNE LATVIA 2006 SILVIA MALACHOVSKA SLOVAKIA 2005 JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA 2004 JANA VODICKOVA CZECH 2003 MARINA FAKTOROVIC RUSSIA 2002 RAMONA PAOLI ITALY 2001 RAMONA PAOLI ITALY 2000 TANJA BAUMANN SWITZERLAND 1999 TANJA BAUMANN SWITZERLAND 1998 TANJA BAUMANN SWITZERLAND 1997 DIANA PARTHEYMULLER GERMANY 1996 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1995 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1994 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1993 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1992 VERA HESSE GERMANY 1991 VERA HESSE GERMANY Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 01-11-2013 2013. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER MET «RUSSIA SCHWARZENEGGER“. Today the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Headquarters received a letter from the USA. In California (USA) ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (called the „Russia Schwarcenegger“) met ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (called the „Austian Oak“). Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian and American former professional bodybuilder, actor, businessman, investor, and politician. Schwarzenegger served two terms as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 until 2011. «Здравствуйте, дорогой Эдмундас! Еще раз поздравляю Вас и всю Вашу семью со всеми прошедшими праздниками! Я нахожусь в Лос-Анджелесе и только что встречался с Арнольдом Шварценеггером. Он находится в отличной форме и участвует сейчас в рекламной компании его новой картины Last Stand. Мы беседовали с Арнольдом не только о бодибилдинге и кино, но и о пропаганде массового спорта во всем мире. В нашей встрече принимал участие и чемпион мира, звезда сериала "Конан" Ральф Мюллер, который также просил передать Вам поздравления и самые наилучшие пожелания! Я пригласил Арнольда и Ральфа посетить Россию. Мюллер сразу принял приглашение приехать в качестве почетного гостя на чемпионат Всемирной Федерации Бодибилдинга и Всемирной Федерации Фитнеса "Александр Невский Бодибилдинг Классик 2013". Кстати, Ральф гордится тем, что Вы и ВББФ/ВФФ вручили ему почетную медаль наших Федераций! Посылаю Вам наше фото с Арнольдом для сайта ВББФ/ВФФ, и надеюсь, что оно вдохновит Ваших многочисленных учеников - молодых культуристов - на еще более усердные тренировки! Крепко жму Вам руку, с наилучшими пожеланиями из Лос-Анджелеса, Александр Невский WBBF Mr Universe 2010-12» RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-13-2013 World Fitness Federation (WFF) World Body Building Federation (WBBF) "Amber Prix International" World Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest Category Winners (1968-2012) 2012 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Marina Bekojeva Russia Tashakkori Nia Majid Iran Pir Sarandib Mehdi Iran Michail Malek Russia Jevgenij Klockov Russia Aleksandr Sevcov Estonia OVER ALL WINNERS: Marina Bekojeva, Pir Sanandib Mehdi 2011 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Jamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina Manpreet Singh India Kiril Chudiajev Ukraine Navtej Singh India Aleksandr Silin Russia Aleksandr Sevcov Estonia OVER ALL WINNERS: Jamila Vanessa Toledo, Navtej Singh 2010 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Vera Vlasova Russia Darhminder Singh India Jan Smirnovskij Estonia Atul Tehran India Danil Bratiska Russia Aleksandr Silin Russia OVER ALL WINNERS: Vera Vlasova, Darhminder Singh 2009 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Irina Pateskina Russia Aleksandr Sciogolev Russia Vitalij Aleksandrov Latvia Leonid Filatov Russia Andrius Pauliukevicius Lithuania Aleksandr Zukov Russia OVER ALL WINNERS: Irina Pateskina, Aleksandr Sciogolev 2008 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Jamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina Anton Jezov Russia Arvydas Miseikis Lithuania Darius Buksnaitis Lithuania Vladimir Poliakov Russia Vitalijus Kuzmycius Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Jamila Vanessa Toledo, Darius Buksnaitis 2007 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Jelena Frenkel Israel Arvydas Miseikis Lithuania Marios Artemiou Cyprus Jurij Solionov Lithuania Roman Dubovickij Russia Aleksandr Sevcov Estonia OVER ALL WINNERS: Jelena Frenkel, Aleksandr Sevcov 2006 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Jolanta Mileriute Lithuania Michail Malek Russia Marius Leonavicius Lithuania Andrej Susekin Russia Aleksandr Liubomirov Latvia Hermanis Plisko Latvia OVER ALL WINNERS: Jolanta Mileriute, Aleksandr Liubomirov 2005 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Olga Jakovleva Russia Inav Sergejev Russia Aleksandr Liubomirov Latvia Aleksandr Anaskin Russia Aleksej Podolckij Russia Igor Baikov Russia OVER ALL WINNERS: Olga Jakovleva, Ivan Sergejev 2004 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Svetlana Borisova Latvia Ilja Zuravliov Russia Dmitrij Kuznecov Russia Aleksej Popov Russia Jurij Gucan Latvia Aleksandr Maslovskij Latvia OVER ALL WINNERS: Svetlana Borisova, Aleksandr Maslovskij 2003 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Svetlana Pugaciova Russia Aivars Visockis Latvia Aleksandr Maslovskij Latvia Aleksej Popov Russia Jurij Gucan Latvia Nikolaj Kornysev Estonia OVER ALL WINNERS: Svetlana Pugaciova, Aivars Visockis 2002 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Lilija Degutienė Lithuania Gintaras Martinkenas Lithuania Aretas Kolmakovas Lithuania Andrej Tokarev Latvia Aurimas Vilkas Lithuania Radik Manafov Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Lilija Degutiene, Radik Manafov 2001 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Viktorija Glagoleva Russia Jan Smirnovskij Russia Dmitrij Jasankin Russia Aleksandr Maslovskij Latvia Gintaras Zilys Lithuania Marius Vaitele Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Viktorija Glagoleva, Aleksandr Maslovskij 2000 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Marina Burinskaja Latvia Gintaras Bukauskas Lithuania Denis Doronin Lithuania Ramunas Peleda Lithuania Radik Manafov Lithuania Vladislav Labudz Latvia OVER ALL WINNERS: Marina Burinskaja, Radik Manafov 1999 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Simona Miseviciene Lithuania Paulius Stankevicius Lithuania Aivars Visockis Latvia Darius Buksnaitis Lithuania Koovit Taavi Estonia Ott Kivikas Estonia OVER ALL WINNERS: Simona Miseviciene, Darius Buksnaitis 1998 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Simona Miseviciene Lithuania Aleksandr Vochmianin Latvia Gediminas Bacevicius Lithuania Jurij Solionov Lithuania Mecislav Cveckovskij Latvia Ricardas Gurskas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Simona Misevisiene, Ricardas Gurskas 1997 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Simona Miseviciene Lithuania Haroldas Dambrauskas Lithuania Sigitas Griskenas Lithuania Tadeuš Jusel Lithuania Vytautas Kindurys Lithuania Rolandas Pocius Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Simona Miseviciene, Rolandas Pocius 1996 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Simona Valiukeviciute Lithuania Edita Daubaraite Lithuania Vidas Janonis Lithuania Rimantas Markevicius Lithuania Andrej Butkevic Lithuania Rolandas Pocius Lithuania Algirdas Kilciauskas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Simona Valiukeviciute, Algirdas Kilciauskas 1995 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Tatjana Kovalko Belarus Idalija Kaminskaite Lithuania Algirdas Kilciauskas Lithuania Vyatutas Kindurys Lithuania Viktor Sacharuk Belarus Sergej Ogorodnikov Russia OVER ALL WINNERS: Tatjana Kovalko, Sergej Ogorodnikov 1994 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Idalija Kaminskaite Lithuania Mindaugas Kvasys Lithuania Haroldas Dambrauskas Lithuania Rolandas Pocius Lithuania Vytautas Kindurys Lithuania Algirdas Kilciauskas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Idalija Kaminskaite, Algirdas Kilciauskas 1991 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Natalija Murnikoviene Lithuania Viaceslav Chleborodov Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Vadim Sryvkin Lithuania Edmundas Repsys Lithuania Oleg Zur Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Natalija Murnikoviene, Oleg Zur 1990 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Natalija Murnikoviene Lithuania Arturas Bartkevicius Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Raimondas Kazakevicius Lithuania Edmundas Repsys Lithuania Oleg Zur Lithuania OVER ALL WINNERS: Natalija Murnikoviene, Oleg Zur 1989 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Oleg Zur Lithuania Raimondas Petraitis Lithuania Rolandas Bucinskas Lithuania Viktoras Jucys Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Viktoras Jucys 1988 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Oleg Zur Lithuania Nikolaj Malysev Russia Zigmas Pralgauskas Lithuania Viktoras Jucys Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Viktoras Jucys 1987 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Valerij Bogdanovic Belarus Vladimir Aleksandrovic Belarus Saulius Misevicius Lithuania Viktoras Jucys Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Viktoras Jucys 1986 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Georgij Judenkov Belarus Raimondas Petraitis Lithuania Rolandas Bucinskas Lithuania Valerij Bogdanovic Belarus OVER ALL WINNER: Rolandas Bucinskas 1985 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Algirdas Ivanauskas Lithuania Saulius Misevicius Lithuania Vincas Dubickas Lithuania Vladas Kapcevicius Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Algirdas Ivanauskas 1984 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Ksistof Cerniavskij Lithuania Oleg Maslov Russia Vincas Dubickas Lithuania Vladimir Aleksandrovic Belarus OVER ALL WINNER: Vincas Dubickas 1983 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Algirdas Ivanauskas Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Vincas Dubickas Lithuania Sergej Zaicev Russia OVER ALL WINNER: Vincas Dubickas 1982 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Jevgenij Zurcev Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Gediminas Bacevicius Lithuania Arkadi Aju Estonia OVER ALL WINNER: Jevgenij Gorelik 1981 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Saulius Misevicius Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Olev Annus Estonia Indrek Otsus Estonia OVER ALL WINNER: Saulius Misevicius 1980 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Saulius Misevicius Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Jevgenij Zurcev Lithuania Vladas Kapcevicius Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Vladas Kapcevicius 1979 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Saulius Misevicius Lithuania Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Olev Annus Estonia Vladas Kapcevicius Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Olev Annus 1978 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Jevgenij Gorelik Lithuania Olev Annus Estonia Stasys Cukanovas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Olev Annus 1977 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Algirdas Kersulis Lithuania Kastutis Petrosius Estonia Stasys Cukanovas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Stasys Cukanovas 1970 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Vladimir Dubinin Russia Antanas Mineikis Lithuania Jurgis Janciauskas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Vladimir Dubinin 1969 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Ceslav Tamulevic Lithuania Antanas Mineikis Lithuania Konstantin Belikov Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Antanas Mineikis 1968 "Amber Prix International" CHAMPION'S NAME COUNTRY Leonas Pivoriunas Lithuania Antanas Mineikis Lithuania Jurgis Janciauskas Lithuania OVER ALL WINNER: Leonas Pivoriunas RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-22-2013 World Body Building Federation (WBBF) World Fitness Federation (WFF) WFF-WBBF South America SOUTH AMERICA CHAMIONSHIP Over All Winners (2003-2012) WOMEN Year Competitor's Name Country 2003 Fernanda Daniela Youglar Argentina 2004 Fernanda Daniela Youglar Argentina 2005 Rosalia Dutra De Campos Argentina 2006 Rosalia Dutra De Campos Argentina 2007 Yamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina 2008 Yamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina 2009 Yamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina 2010 Yamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina 2011 Dalvaniza Aquino Brazil 2012 Yamila Vanessa Toledo Argentina MEN Year Competitor's Name Country 2003 Carlos Rodriguez Argentina 2004 Carlos Rodriguez Argentina 2005 Raul Altamirano Argentina 2006 Gonzalo Arrua Argentina 2007 Gustavo Medina Argentina 2008 Luis Gonzalez Paraguay 2009 Cesar Lacuesta Uruguay 2010 Rony Santos Paraguay 2011 Javier Vazquez Argentina 2012 Javier Vazquez Argentina President WFF-WBBF South America Jorge Cedale RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-22-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION WORLD RANKING LIST (1968-2013, after 2012 World Championships; only first 50 Places) WOMEN Competitor's Name Country Points Place MILERIUTE JOLANTA LITHUANIA 252 1 DEKSNE MARIA LATVIA 172 2 MARTINKOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 147 3 TOLEDO YAMILA VANESSA ARGENTINA 93 4 RIABOVA IRINA RUSSIA 89 5 BURINSKAJA MARINA LATVIA 85 6 PUGACHEVA SVETLANA RUSSIA 83 7 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA SLOVAKIA 82 8 OLEFIRENKO ALINA UKRAINE 79 9 KAZLOUSKAYA VALIANTSINA BELARUS 77 10 URBANIAK AGNIESZKA POLAND 72 11 ZIGALOVA MIRIAMA SLOVAKIA 71 12 FEDORUK VALETT IRINA FRANCE 71 12 ELKSNINIA RITA LATVIA 68 13 LEBEDYNSKA VIKTORIYA UKRAINE 68 13 TASIUKEVICIUTE AUSRA LITHUANIA 68 13 GLAGOLEVA VIKTORYA RUSSIA 65 14 DEGUTIENE LILIJA LITHUANIA 64 15 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA LITHUANIA 61 16 LAPSHOVA OKSANA RUSSIA 59 17 MATOUSHKOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 59 17 PANOVA ELENA RUSSIA 59 17 STAVITSKAYA IRINA RUSSIA 59 17 BOCIAN NATALIA POLAND 58 18 KORPAN KLAUDIA POLAND 57 19 MUHLHAUS CLAUDIA GERMANY 55 20 KUKRES ALEKSANDRA LITHUANIA 53 21 MALACHOVSKA SILVIA SLOVAKIA 52 22 RIPERT MARIE PIERRE FRANCE 52 22 ZAKIROVA EKATERINA RUSSIA 52 22 BORISOVA SVETLANA LATVIA 51 23 BEKUS ANITA POLAND 50 24 COSTI MONA CYPRUS 50 24 JOKUBAUSKYTE RADVILE LITHUANIA 50 24 SUDAREVA ELENA RUSSIA 48 25 ZDRACUK VIKRORIJA LITHUANIA 48 25 KUKINA JULIA LATVIA 48 25 PETRENKO SKAIDRYTE LATVIA 48 25 GIRTAVICIUTE EGLE LITHUANIA 47 26 JUKNEVICIUTE GRETA LITHUANIA 47 26 MISEVICIENE SIMONA LITHUANIA 47 26 USACHEVA OKSANA RUSSIA 45 27 KISELIOVA JULIJA LITHUANIA 44 28 BEUVING JOLANDA HOLLAND 44 28 JAKOVLEVA OLGA RUSSIA 44 28 CZERKAWSKA AGATA POLAND 43 29 BORUTOVA CERVENA LENKA CZECH 42 30 ZINCHENKO IRINA RUSSIA 42 30 HORVATH SZUSANNA HUNGARY 41 31 SENCHUGOVA LIUDMILA RUSSIA 41 31 STASIUKYNIENE ELENA LITHUANIA 41 31 BARISEVICIUTE EGLE LITHUANIA 40 32 BUDVYDAITE SALNE LITHUANIA 40 32 KAMINSKAITE IDALIJA LITHUANIA 40 32 RAPAJIC ALEKSANDRA SERBIA 40 32 ZAMIATINA NATALIA LATVIA 40 32 AGALAROVA SVETLANA RUSSIA 39 33 ISIDOROVA ALINA LATVIA 39 33 JEGOROVA VERA RUSSIA 39 33 KONSTANTINIDU ANNA MARIA GREECE 39 33 GUSCHA IDA RUSSIA 37 34 LIEPA GINTA LATVIA 37 34 PATESHKINA IRINA RUSSIA 37 34 VLASOVA VERA RUSSIA 37 34 TIEKEN MASHA GERMANY 37 34 KACZMAREK SYLVIA POLAND 36 35 KOLESNIKOVA LIUDMILA RUSSIA 36 35 KRYZHAN TATJANA UKRAINE 36 35 VOGEL ILKA GERMANY 36 35 ESMENJAUD SYLVIE FRANCE 36 35 GARIFULINA GULNARA RUSSIA 35 36 LEN AKSANA LITHUANIA 35 36 SYCIOVA SANDRA LITHUANIA 35 36 TUROVA EKATERINA LATVIA 35 36 GOTTSCHALK TRACEY LEE SOUTH AFRICA 34 37 KAUPILLA RACHEL FINLAND 34 37 KATKOVA MARINA RUSSIA 33 38 KAUBRYTE AGNE LITHUANIA 33 38 LUTSINA MARIA RUSSIA 33 38 MASIULIENE LIJANA LITHUANIA 33 38 PIOTROWSKA AGATA POLAND 33 38 WEEKE SABINE GERMANY 33 38 GOGOU CHRISTINA GREECE 33 38 BRNCALOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 32 39 DAUBARAITE SENDRIENE EDITA LITHUANIA 32 39 GOROVENKO OLGA RUSSIA 32 39 JUDINA VALERYA BELARUS 32 39 KOKOS ILONA LITHUANIA 32 39 SATKAUSKAITE ZITA LITHUANIA 32 39 SZYDLOWSKA NIKOLA POLAND 32 39 ZARUBINSKAYA TAMARA ESTONIA 32 39 ALEKSANDRENKOVA KORBUT ILONA LATVIA 31 40 HERZOG ELIZABETH HUNGARY 31 40 KOMISAROVA ANNA RUSSIA 31 40 PERROTT LINETTE UNITED KINGDOM 31 40 SLAIDINA UNA LATVIA 31 40 VOLKOVA ELENA RUSSIA 31 40 PAOLI ROMINA ITALY 31 40 ASIJAVICIENE VILMA LITHUANIA 30 41 KURSANOVA ELENA RUSSIA 30 41 POSKEVICIUTE JOVITA LITHUANIA 30 41 SEIDLOVA MARTINA SLOVAKIA 30 41 SKVORTSOVA KSENIA RUSSIA 30 41 ELVIKYTE ZIVILE LITHUANIA 30 41 HELFRICH MELANIE GERMANY 30 41 LEGENZOVA MARINA LITHUANIA 29 42 NAGINYTE LORETA LITHUANIA 29 42 SCHLEIS SONJA GERMANY 29 42 TSINARI POPI GREECE 29 42 BUROKAITE ROBERTA LITHUANIA 28 43 GRICIUTE IEVA LITHUANIA 28 43 KWIATKOWSKA JOANNA POLAND 28 43 ROMERAITE LAURA LITHUANIA 28 43 SERKSNAITE KRISTINA LITHUANIA 28 43 WINIECKA JULIA POLAND 28 43 LEBEDEVA MARINA BELARUS 28 43 BABEL INGE GERMANY 27 44 CIKONAITE GINTARE LITHUANIA 27 44 GUSKOVIENE SAULE LITHUANIA 27 44 HARIC DANIELA CROATIA 27 44 JAKOB VERONIKA GERMANY 27 44 MALEKPUR SUSAN GERMANY 27 44 BOICHIUK TATJANA RUSSIA 26 45 KOKKINOU AFRODITI GREECE 26 45 SAPRYKINA JELENA LITHUANIA 26 45 BACHMANN CLAUDIA SWITZERLAND 26 45 MEYER TANJA-LEONA GERMANY 26 45 BYKOVA NATALIA RUSSIA 25 46 DE CESARE DIANA BRASIL 25 46 YESYPENKO VERONOKA UKRAINE 25 46 LODAITE SIGITA LITHUANIA 25 46 SEMANOVA PATRICIA SLOVAKIA 25 46 BAUMANN ALEKSANDRA GERMANY 24 47 CIUKINA ALEKSANDRA LITHUANIA 24 47 GOLIKOVA ANNA RUSSIA 24 47 YOUGLAR FERNANDA ARGENTINA 24 47 KOVALKO TATJANA RUSSIA 24 47 MALINAUSKAITE KAROLINA LITHUANIA 24 47 POROZYNSKA MARCELINA POLAND 24 47 TUOMINEN KIRSI FINLAND 24 47 KALACIOVA OKSANA LITHUANIA 23 48 LIPKOWSKA DOMINIKA POLAND 23 48 MLYNARCZYK EWA POLAND 23 48 MLOT KAROLINA POLAND 23 48 ROHRS CLAUDIA GERMANY 23 48 SAMULIONYTE SNIEGYNA LITHUANIA 23 48 VALIUKEVICIUTE SIMONA LITHUANIA 23 48 SCHAFER MIRA GERMANY 23 48 CESAITYTE DIANA LITHUANIA 22 49 DIRZININKAITE EDITA LITHUANIA 22 49 GEDVILAITE JURATE LITHUANIA 22 49 GUBINA GALINA UKRAINE 22 49 HRYSHANAVA YULIYA BELARUS 22 49 PECKO EKATERINA LITHUANIA 22 49 PRONINA NATALIA RUSSIA 22 49 SERGEEVA ELENA RUSSIA 22 49 STAUDER VERENA GERMANY 22 49 VEDERNIKOVA KRISTINE LATVIA 22 49 DIDUKH OKSANA UKRAINE 21 50 FIRSOVA ALIONA KAZACHSTAN 21 50 GERINA ANITA LATVIA 21 50 KALIUZNAJA OLGA LITHUANIA 21 50 KISIEL DANUTA POLAND 21 50 KUUSIK KADRI ESTONIA 21 50 MAIER JANA AUSTRIA 21 50 NORGIALAITE INGRIDA LITHUANIA 21 50 PUSH TINA GERMANY 21 50 SHUMSKA VEGA LATVIA 21 50 TICHONOVA OLGA RUSSIA 21 50 BEIL DUNJA GERMANY 21 50 KUNICKAJA TATJANA LATVIA 21 50 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-23-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION WORLD RANKING LIST (1968-2013, after 2012 World Championships; only first 50 Places) MEN Competitor's Name Country Points Place SEVTSOV ALEKSANDR ESTONIA 147 1 MALEK MIKHAIL RUSSIA 110 2 LIUBOMIROV ALEKSANDR LATVIA 109 3 KRIVCHIKOV DMITRIJ RUSSIA 86 4 JURANS NORMUNDS LATVIA 83 5 MALAKAUSKAS VIDMANTAS LITHUANIA 78 6 SARKO VIKTOR LATVIA 76 7 ANASHKIN ALEXANDER RUSSIA 74 8 DZIKEVICIUS DAINIUS LITHUANIA 70 9 MISEVICIUS SAULIUS LITHUANIA 69 10 KHASHALOV FEDIR UKRAINE 68 11 VLADIMIROV ALEKSANDR UNITED KINGDOM 67 12 GORELIK EVGENY LITHUANIA 66 13 MONACO MASSIMO ITALY 66 13 RASMUSSEN PALLE DENMARK 65 14 HEISEL PATRICK GERMANY 62 15 MASLOVSKY ALEXANDER LATVIA 61 16 KALMUS MAREK ESTONIA 58 17 KLIAVINS MARIS LATVIA 58 17 FILATOV LEONID RUSSIA 57 18 SENDRIUS RAMUNAS LITHUANIA 57 18 KUZMICIUS VITALIJUS LITHUANIA 56 19 SACHENKO YURY RUSSIA 56 19 STEFANOVIC MAREK LITHUANIA 56 19 SUSEKIN ANDREY RUSSIA 55 20 CARLOTTO FRANCO SWITZERLAND 54 21 BESAKIRSKAS ALBERTAS LITHUANIA 53 22 ARTEMIOU MARIOS CYPRUS 51 23 SKRIPNIK DMITRIJ RUSSIA 51 23 LABUDZ VLADISLAV LATVIA 50 24 SHEVCHENKO EDUARD LATVIA 50 24 SOLIONOV JURIJ LITHUANIA 50 24 KITTNER MARCUS GERMANY 49 25 JUKNEVICIUS VYTAUTAS LITHUANIA 48 26 KIRIUCHIN SERGEJ LITHUANIA 47 27 PLIGIN PAVEL RUSSIA 47 27 POPOV ALEXEY RUSSIA 47 27 SENTI ROMAN SWITZERLAND 47 27 ZILYS GINTARAS LITHUANIA 47 27 BOGDANOVICH VALERIY BELARUS 46 28 FEDOROV OLEG ESTONIA 46 28 MISEIKIS ARVYDAS LITHUANIA 46 28 SHCHEGOLEV ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 45 29 DUBOVICKY ROMAN RUSSIA 44 30 IVANAUSKAS ALGIRDAS LITHUANIA 44 30 KARSETIAN YURY LATVIA 44 30 KLOCHKOV EVGENY RUSSIA 44 30 BUKSNAITIS DARIUS LITHUANIA 43 31 KORNYSHEV NIKOLAY ESTONIA 43 31 OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY 43 31 PAULIUKEVICIUS ANDRIUS LITHUANIA 43 31 POLSHIN ROMAN ESTONIA 43 31 SMIRNOVSKY JAN RUSSIA 43 31 VISOCKIS AIVARS LATVIA 43 31 DUBICKAS VINCAS LITHUANIA 42 32 KVASYS MINDAUGAS LITHUANIA 42 32 TRUKHANOV OLEG RUSSIA 42 32 CHLEBORODOVAS VIACESLAVAS LITHUANIA 41 33 AGAMALOV SERGEY RUSSIA 40 34 YASHANKIN DMITRIJ RUSSIA 40 34 KOTUNOV SERGEY UKRAINE 40 34 MARTINKENAS GINTARAS LITHUANIA 40 34 MEDO DANIEL SLOVAKIA 40 34 POLYAKOV VLADIMIR RUSSIA 40 34 WILMS ANDREAS GERMANY 40 34 ALEKSANDROVICH VLADIMIR BELARUS 39 35 DORONINAS DENISAS LITHUANIA 39 35 LARIN EDUARD RUSSIA 39 35 SEBASTJANOV ALEKSEJ RUSSIA 39 35 GUCANS YURY LATVIA 38 36 TAMULAITIS JULIUS LITHUANIA 38 36 ZURCEVAS JEVGENIJUS LITHUANIA 38 36 GRISKENAS SIGITAS LITHUANIA 37 37 KRUTULIS ARTURAS LITHUANIA 37 37 MINEIKIS ANTANAS LITHUANIA 37 37 MOSALYOV GEORGY RUSSIA 37 37 OGORODNIKOV SERGEY RUSSIA 37 37 POLYAKOV STANISLAV LATVIA 37 37 BLINOV SERGEJ RUSSIA 36 38 DELIS VASSILI GREECE 36 38 GOLUB OLEKSANDR UKRAINE 36 38 KOLMAKOVAS ARETAS LITHUANIA 36 38 ZURAS OLEGAS LITHUANIA 36 38 KAZAKS ILGVARS LATVIA 35 39 WENZL THOMAS AUSTRIA 35 39 ZACHAROV KONSTANTIN RUSSIA 35 39 FEDYUK VLADIMIR BELARUS 34 40 KINDURYS VYTAUTAS LITHUANIA 34 40 KOSENKO PAVEL ESTONIA 34 40 MIRONOV NIKOLAJ LITHUANIA 34 40 PETRAUSKAS RICARDAS LITHUANIA 34 40 TKACHENKO VIKTOR ESTONIA 34 40 GORIUNOV VLADIMIR RUSSIA 33 41 ANNUS OLEV ESTONIA 32 42 BEGLIK SERGEY LITHUANIA 32 42 BURMISTROV DENIS RUSSIA 32 42 DZUMAEV SOBIR RUSSIA 32 42 IZMAILOV NIIAS UKRAINE 32 42 JUCYS VIKTORAS LITHUANIA 32 42 NEVSKY ALEXANDER RUSSIA 32 42 POTAPOVAS PAVELAS LITHUANIA 32 42 SILIN ALEXANDER RUSSIA 32 42 TOPOL VIKTOR LITHUANIA 32 42 ZOLIN DMITRIJ RUSSIA 32 42 BABICKAS ZYGIMANTAS LITHUANIA 31 43 BRATISHKA DANIL RUSSIA 31 43 CHIGAROV ALEXEY RUSSIA 31 43 FALUBBA MARCO ARGENTINA 31 43 KAYGORODOV ALEXEY RUSSIA 31 43 KAPCEVICIUS VLADAS LITHUANIA 31 43 MASLOV OLEG RUSSIA 31 43 POPOV ANDREY RUSSIA 31 43 SACHARUK VIKTOR BELARUS 31 43 GUSAROVAS OLEGAS LITHUANIA 30 44 PALMER HENRICH AUSTRIA 30 44 SERGEEV IVAN RUSSIA 30 44 SHELEST GERMAN RUSSIA 30 44 BOCHAROV ALEXANDER RUSSIA 29 45 EZHOV ANTON RUSSIA 29 45 IBEN WOLFGANG GERMANY 29 45 LEONAVICIUS MARIUS LITHUANIA 29 45 MANAFOVAS RADIKAS LITHUANIA 29 45 OVSOJAN ARTIOM ARMENIA 29 45 POCIUS ROLANDAS LITHUANIA 29 45 VOHMJANIN ALEKSANDR UNITED KINGDOM 29 45 CHIZHOV DMITRY RUSSIA 28 46 KILCIAUSKAS ALGIRDAS LITHUANIA 28 46 POBER IGOR UKRAINE 28 46 PODOLSKY ALEXEY RUSSIA 28 46 ROKOSHKOV VIACHESLAV RUSSIA 28 46 SEROV OLEG LITHUANIA 28 46 ZHITINSKY BORIS ESTONIA 28 46 BALDIN ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 27 47 CULLINGSWORTH SAMUEL UNITED KINGDOM 27 47 MITCHEL MIKE UNITED KINGDOM 27 47 FUKS NIKOLAY RUSSIA 26 48 JENTZSH ANDRE GERMANY 26 48 JUSEL TADEUS LITHUANIA 26 48 TUKHTAEV DAVID RUSSIA 26 48 ALEKSANDROV VITALIJ LATVIA 25 49 AUDI DAYO UNITED KINGDOM 25 49 BOHLER PETER GERMANY 25 49 IVANCHICH DAMIR SERBIA 25 49 KAZLOU DZIANIS BELARUS 25 49 NADEZHDIN IEVGEN UKRAINE 25 49 PODUNOV VALENTIN LATVIA 25 49 RAYEV BORIS RUSSIA 25 49 TARASOV ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 25 49 BUCINSKAS ROLANDAS LITHUANIA 24 50 MAJCHRZYK ANDRZEJ POLAND 24 50 MARACHOVSKIJ VLADIMIR LATVIA 24 50 MARKEVICIUS RIMANTAS LITHUANIA 24 50 MAZIONIS RIMONTAS LITHUANIA 24 50 MONASTIRSKY ALEXANDER RUSSIA 24 50 SVEIDUKS MARIS LATVIA 24 50 TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI TURKEY 24 50 VOLOCHKO RUSLANS LATVIA 24 50 WOJCIECH NADOLSKI POLAND 24 50 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 01-24-2013 WORLD BODYBUILDING RANKING LIST. AMATEURS. This is the updated World Ranking List. This new Ranking List represent placings of the amateur Europe and World Championships, "Amber Prix International" and "Universe" Competitions from 1968 Year until this moment (2013). The previous World Ranking List has been calculated from 1991 Year. It was a very big work to re-calculate World Ranking List and include the period in total of nearly 50 years, so if You see some error, please write on e'mail wff.wbbf.secretary.general@gmail.com More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-11-2013 UKRAINE BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS. Historically the first representative of Ukraine on International level was VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Василий Беспаленко, City Lvov) and that was fourty years in the beginning of seventies. Due to political reasons bodybuilding was prohibited and prosecuted in the USSR. Then VASILIJ BESPALENKO together with other Ukraine Athletes used to participate at the „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2012) in Lithuanian Klaipeda City. In real „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial USSR Bodybuilding Championship and the World Championship of the Socialist Countries. Proving this the USSR Sport Ministry (Goskomsport) used to give the „USSR Sport Master“ degrees for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions (you can see the documents of this on the International Site www.wff.lt, read articles, find documents in the forum topics „International Bodybuilding Organizations“, „World Oldest Bodybuilding Contest AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“, „World‘s Bodybuilding History. How it was in real“). During the „perestrojka“ time more and more Ukraine bodybuilders appear and they regularly represent a number of new regions at the „Amber Prix International“. Among them contest organizer ARKADIJ KASANSKIJ (Аркадий Кашанский) and bodybuilders OLEG ZUR (Олег Жур) and VALERIJ LUCAK (Валерий Луцак). During the last period of time Ukraine at the International activities of the WFF-WBBF International was represented by the National Presidents SPARTAK VASKOVSKIJ (Спартак Васьковский), VIKTORIJA POSMITINA (Виктория Посмитина) and MARGARITA OLEFIRENKO (Маргарита Олефиренко). From 2012 the National President WFF-WBBF Ukraine is OLGA GLADKOVA (Ольга Гладкова) and she has been recognized by the WFF-WBBF International for this position. 2013. WFF-WBBF AMATEUR EUROPE CHAMPIONSHIP The WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Europe Championship Open will be held on June 1, 2013 in one of the biggest Ukranine Charkov City (over 1 500 000 Cityzen). The Venue is the famous Charkov „Ukraine“ Culture Palace. It is a tradition that the Europe Championship is Open and the participants from other Continents will take part at the Event too. As never before the Over All Winner will receive a unique big and valuable Prize. Such a high level International Bodybuilding Event hes never been organized in Charkov City before. At the Europe Championship Opening Ceremonies and numerous VIP Meetings the WFF-WBBF World Champion, three times Over All „Universe“ Winner, the famous Hollywood Actor and Producer, called „Russia Schwarzenegger“ ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (Александр Невский) will be present too. INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING CHAIRMEN CAME TO CHARKOV, UKRAINE. Presenting the WFF-WBBF International activities in Ukraine and other countries in February, 2013 the the WFF-WBBF International Chairmen came together to Charkov. Executive Council Congress and several Press Conferences was held in Charkov Press Center and popular TV Headquarters. Together with the Heads of the National WFF-WBBF federation Ukraine at the Congress and Conference participated the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Эдмундас Даубарас), Vice President WFF-WBBF International ANDREJ BASOV (Андрей Басов), President WFF-WBBF Europe VLADIMIR KURILCIK (Владимир Курильчик), President WFF-WBBF Ukraine OLGA GLADKOVA. LOTS OF DISABLED SPORTSMEN WILL PARTICIPATE AT EUROPE CHAMPIONSHIP. Visiting City Charkov, International Bodybuilding Leaders had the Official Meeting with the Chairman Disabled Sport Charkov Organization „Vitasport“ ALEKSANDR GROMOV (Александр Громов). ALEKSANDR GROMOV confirmed that over 50 Disabled Ukraine Sportsmen will take part at the 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship in Charkov City. CITY MAJOR LEADS WFF-WBBF EUROPE CHAMPIONSHIP. Being in Ukraine City Charkov the Heads of the International WFF-WBBF federation took part at the International Congress. The 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship Organizing Committee was elected at the Congress. The Chairman of the Organizing Committe is the Charkov City Vice Major ALEKSANDR POPOV (Александр Попов). The Organizing Committe spoke over the questions of the venue, transport, hotels for the coming 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship participants. INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCES AND THE CONGRESS. Presenting the WFF-WBBF International activities in Ukraine and other countries in February, 2013 the WFF-WBBF International Executive Council Congress and several Press Conferences were held in Charkov Press Center and popular TV Headquarters. Together with the Heads National WFF-WBBF federation Ukraine at the Conference participated the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, Vice President WFF-WBBF International ANDREJ BASOV, President WFF-WBBF Europe VLADIMIR KURILCIK, President WFF-WBBF Ukraine OLGA GLADKOVA. 2013. WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL SIGNED MEMORANDUM WITH HEAD CITY CHARKOV ADMINISTRATION. During the Official Visit to Ukraine in Charkov the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS has signed the Memorandum with the Vice Chairman City Charkov ALEKSANDR POPOV. The Memorandum Ceremony took place at the Headquarters Major City Charkov. Also at the Ceremony were present a number of high WFF-WBBF International and Charkov City Officials and the President WFF-WBBF Ukraine OLGA GLADKOVA. The Memorandum declares common mutual activities organizing the coming 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship in Charkov. Right after the Memorandum Ceremony a wide press conference was held at the Headquarters Major City Charkov for the occassion. INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR FOR TRAINERS. It was decided, that right after the 2013 WFF-WBBF Amateur Europe Championship in Charkov WFF-WBBF International will organize the International Seminar for trainers. Ukraine trainers will participate at the theoretical and practical courses and works and after the examination they will get the International Trainer‘s Certificate tht are giving the permitino to work as trainers. Basing on the International Trainer‘s Certificates today trainers are working in 14 Europe, America and Asia Countries. There are over 300 big gyms in Charkov and the trainers will get a good chance to enlarge their knowlidge. According the Charkov International Trainer‘s Seminar programme, the Seminar lecturers will represent Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 02-12-2013 RESPECTFUL BLESSING FROM VATICAN In 2012 the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Headquarters received a letter from the State Vatican. Sending this Honourable Blessing Letter the Pontific BENEDETTO XVI once again positively evaluated the efforts of the WFF-WBBF International. That underlines the huge work done by all members of the WFF-WBBF International and it‘s International Chairmen: International WFF-WBBF President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Lithuania), WFF-WBBF VIP Officials STEFAN HRCKA (Slovakia) and ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (Russia), International Vice Presidents ANDREJ BASOV and MICHAIL DYAKONOV (both Russia), President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE (Argentina), President WFF-WBBF Asia PRINCE UPPAL (India), President WFF-WBBF Africa TOMMY DU RAND (South Africa), President WFF-WBBF Norts America ROBERT MADRID (USA). More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa. FOTO: Honourable blessing letter from the State Vatican RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 02-15-2013 2013. HISTORIC INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING MAGAZINE. 36-TH ISSUE Some Content changes. Devoted to the coming nearest International Events the new Issue of the WFF-WBBF International Magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" is under the preparation. "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" WFF-WBBF Official Magazine (issued from 1989 in English, Russian and Lithuanian) 36-th Issue Content Important International Bodybuilding News. Article. Prime Minister Republic Slovakia. Official Meeting. Ukraine Charkov City Headquarters. Official meeting. Memorandum. 2012 World Pro Championship "Amber Prix OLYMPIA". Over All Pro World Champions (2004-2012). Famous Hollywood Actors support WFF-WBBF International. 2012 World Amateur Championship. Over All Amateur World Champions (1990-2012). Anti Corruption Committee. Honorable Award. 2012 Professional "Universe". India Shamli Press Conference. India Chandigarh Press Conference. 2012 "Stefan Hrcka Professional World Grand Prix". Pro Bodybuilding Theater. Article. Vatican. Benedetto XVI Blessing. Bodybuilding in Iran. Article. 2012 Pro Europe Championship. Final Results. Over All Pro Europe Champions (2006-2012). 2012 Europe Amateur Championship. Over All Amateur Europe Champions (2000-2012). Bodybuilding in South America. Paraguay National Championship. Over All South America Champions (2003-2012). International Federations. IFBB Juridical Documents. Article. Over All "Amber Prix International" Champions (1968-2012). Over All "Lithuania Cup Open" Champions (1975-2012). Over All "Baltic Cup International" Champions (2007-2012). Bodybuilding in USA. Article. Photo Revue. 2013 International Events Calendar. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-21-2013 PROVOSLAV ORTODOX CHURCH AWARDED AND VATICAN NAMED DISIDENTS. PREVIEW. TIME OF PROHIBITION AND PROSECUTION OF BODYBUILDING. Due to the political reasons in the early seventies of the last century for nearly two decades bodybuilding was prohibited and prosecuted in the Socialits Countries, especially in the USSR. Most bodybuilding leaders got afrayed and step away, but not all of them. Among them was EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS who on his own risk began the dialoque with the USSR Communist Party Central Committee, theUSSR Government, the USSR Sport Ministry (Goskomsport) administration and the most important communist press – Newspapers „Pravda“, „Izvestija“ and „Sovietskij Sport“. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote letters, spoke on phone with them and finally personally went to Moscow (Russia) to present the officially registered bodybuilding defending letters the the Headquarters of the mentioned above Institutions. Those letters of EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was like real „petitions“ of bodybuilding. Nobody stopped the prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding, but they gave permittion for EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to go on organizing „Amber Prix International“ Contest in Klaipeda (Lithuania). In fact the „Amber Prix International“ was an unofficial USSR Bodybuilding Championship and this was accepted by the USSR Sport Ministry when it began presenting honourable „USSR Sport Master“ names for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions. They say, the „Amber Prix International“ was the World Champiosnip of the Socialist Countries. World level Contests in the Western Countries were no higher in the level of bodybuilders and in the level of organisation, number of the participating Countries. In some aspects „Amber Prix International“ was even higher that those in the West. VATICAN NAMES BODYBUILDING DISIDENTS. In 2011 the Official Meeting of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Interantional Leaders was organized in Vatican to present the WFF-WBBF activities. Listening about the bodybuilding activities during the years of prohibition of this sport in the Socialist Countries Vatican Congregat Perfect J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO was interested very much. The Congregat evaluated our efforts and named us „disidents of the Communist regime“. Most impressive was the Vatican State evaluation of the positive work of the WFF-WBBF in developing total fitness and bodybuilding throughout the World. For this work done the Vatican Congregat Perfect J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO presented the Vatican Pontific Medals (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI) to the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the WFF-WBBF VIP Official Slovak STEFAN HRCKA (Headquarters State Vatican, Cita del Vaticano, March 29, 2011). During the Official Visit to vatican the Vatican State Administrator PADRE PAOLO presented the the WFF-WBBF Officials the Vatican Administration Headquarters, the Closed Historic Treasure Archieves and the Storage Place of the historically valuable personal items of all Pontifics of Vatican State. Early morning at St. Peter‘s Basilica the President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS participated at the unique personal Mess. RESPECTFUL BLESSING FROM VATICAN in 2012 the WFF-WBBF International Headquarters received a letter from the State Vatican. Sending this Honourable Blessing Letter the Pontific BENEDETTO XVI-th once again positively evaluated the efforts of the WFF-WBBF International. GOOD WORK NOTICED BY PROVOSLAV ORTODOX CHURCH. The good and positive work done by the WFF-WBBF International was noticed by the Pravoslav Ortodox Church too. In 2010 the IV-th International Convent of the Order of Temple (Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Herosolymitani) was held in Coimbra (Portugal). In recognition of the new ideas to unite all Christian Confessions Bishop ARCHIMANDRITE CHARALAMPY awarded EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the St. Nicholas the Wonderworker’s Silver-Gold Medal. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-22-2013 (02-21-2013, 05:14 PM)WFF secretary service Wrote: PROVOSLAV ORTODOX CHURCH AWARDED AND VATICAN NAMED DISIDENTS. FOTO: International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the WFF-WBBF VIP Official Slovak STEFAN HRCKA (Headquarters State Vatican, Cita del Vaticano, March 29, 2011). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - International Secretary - 02-22-2013 WFF-WBBF International aims to make BODYBUILDING OFFICIAL AND RECOGNIZED AND RESPECTED SPORT. We do not like the todays situation. Today bodybuilding is just business and not official private games. No sport, just festivals, shows and etc.. That is why WFF-WBBF International communicates with the Heads of many International Organizations, Country Governments, Sport Ministries, Municipal Leaders and Leaders of all religions of the World. We respect all of them. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-23-2013 2013. THE 36-TH ISSUE OF HISTORIC INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING MAGAZINE. Devoted to the coming nearest most important International Events the new 36-th Issue of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" in various languages is under the preparation for printing. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 02-25-2013 2013. OFFICIAL INVITATION TO MOSCOW, RUSSIA. Today the Headquarters WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International received information from the Russia. Russia State Tula Governor‘s Adviser for Sport, a famous Bodybuilder (called „Russia Schwarzenegger“), a famous Hollywood Actor and Producer ALEKSANDR NEVSKY informed, that the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is officially invited by the Civic Chamber of Russian Federation to a special meeting to discuss the general sport questions. The meeting will be held at the Headquarters Civic Chamber of Russian Federation in Moscow City. «Здравствуйте, дорогой Эдмундас! Я вернулся в Москву из Лос-Анджелеса и уже приступил к активной работе. 28 февраля, в Общественной Палате Российской Федерации, состоится круглый стол посвященный развитию массового спорта в России. Пересылаю Вам личное приглашение от Общественной Палаты РФ и надеюсь, что Вы сможете найти время и оказать нам честь своим присутствием. Обнимаю Вас и надеюсь на скорую встречу в Москве! Александр Невский (WBBF Mr. Universe 2010-2012)». President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS accepted this Official Invitation and will leave to Moscow soon. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-05-2013 BODYBUILDING: “SPORTS FESTIVAL” PROJECT - IMPORTANT ROLE IN PEACE AND COOPERATION. Since the beginning of the crises in the Syrian Arab Republic, more than 1.5 million people have lost their homes and livelihoods. People have been suffering not only physically but also mentally as a result of constant fears, uncertainties and lack of a support. In order to support those in need, once again, world’s leading sport organizations, athletes and enthusiasts use the power of sports to promote a culture of non-violence and peace; where social, cultural, political, religious and other differences are respected and humanity and the love dominates. To address issues which became terrifying reality for people in Syria and boost their physical and mental health and show that they still have friends, National Federation WFF Japan, WFF-WBBF International and National Olympic Committee Syria (NOC) came to work together in organizing 2013 “Peace Sports Festival” in Damascus, Syria (September, 2013). OFFICIAL VISIT TO SYRIA. On January, 2013 the Founder and Chairman of the International Project “Peace Sports Festival”, President of the National Federation WFF-WBBF Japan, Vice- President WFF Asia and a former European Amateur Fitness Champion Mr. EVGENY LATYPOV was on the official visit to Damascus to meet the President NOC Syria Gen. MUWAFFAQ JUMA and other NOC officials to discus possibilities of organizing the International “Peace Sports Festival” in Syria. The President of NOC Gen. MUWAFFAQ JUMA received Mr. EVGENY LATYPOV at the NOC’s Headquarters, where the decision to organize the festival was reached. Mr. EVGENY LATYPOV and the Gen. MUWAFFAQ JUMA concentrated not only on the technical side of the festival, but also on its social impact. Important question how sports included into the festival (Bodybuilding, Fitness, Boxing, Athletics, Swimming, and Chess etc.) would benefit the society was closely studied. NOC has insured Mr. EVGENY LATYPOV to support organizing the festival. Mr. EVGENY LATYPOV visited two Olympic Sports Complexes in order to asses them as possible sites for the Festival. Both are fully equipped for the festival and ready to welcome International guests at the on-site located hotels (currently the Syrian Government and NOC transformed the hotel rooms into the classrooms so the children who live in high-violence areas and/or whose schools were damaged could continue their education). IMPORTANT GUESTS OF PEACE SPORTS FESTIVAL. Along with Professional Athletes from Iran, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, India, Japan, UAE etc., VIP Guests from friendly countries are invited to attend the festival and support the Syrian people too. Among them: International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Lithuania), President National Federation WFF-WBBF Russia ANDREJ BASOV, President WFF-WBBF Asia PRINCE UPPAL (India), a famous International Businessman and Mecenat STEFAN HRCKA (Slovakia), a Kuwaiti Politician, President Olympic Council of Asia, Member of the International Olympic Committee SHEIKH AHMAD AL-FAHAD AL-AHMED AL-SABAH (Kuwait), Ambassador of Peace and University Professor, a former actor (acted with the legendary BRUCE LEE) and the first World Champion of middle weight full contact karate professional KEN KAZAMA (Japan). PURPOSE AND VISION OF THE “SPORTS FESTIVAL”. The International “Peace Sports Festival” fallows the same core principle as any other Professional Sport Event. The festival is not discriminatory and it does not serve the purpose of promoting political policies and it is not affected by any particular nation. The festival encourages participating all people within a given society, including the disabled, children, men and women, professionals, amateurs and those who have never practiced sports, with proper adjustments made to suit the condition of participants. Sports Festival contributes to personal development of its participants. Professional Athletes benefit from the opportunity to communicate with each other and international friends and exchange experience. For disable athletes, it provides opportunity return to increase self esteem and set new goals. For children, Sports Festival is a tool which helps them to develop within values related to respect, peace and cooperation. For women, is a venue for encouragement, and most important the possibility to get away from fears and difficulties women face during the conflict. By putting all of these people together, albeit in separate events, it also creates a sense of encouraging of one another and not simply competition, and thus creating new avenues of community which can be applied outside of the “Peace Sports Festival”. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE “SPORTS FESTIVAL”. The idea to organize “Peace Sport Festival” (former known as “Afghan Power”) originated in 2010. Afghanistan was chosen as the location. At first it was a single sport event, with only bodybuilding in consideration. However, with time and a positive influence from KEN KAZAMA the event was renamed to “Peace Sports Festival” and more sports were included. By April 2012 with support from Afghans local community, National Federation WFF-WBBF Japan, Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo, Afghanistan National Olympic Committee and private donors the first “Peace Sports Festival” was organized in Kabul, Afghanistan. After its success and positive influence on all participants the festival was recognized by the President National Olympic Committee Afghanistan Gen. MOHAMMAD ZAHIR AGHBAR as the official - yearly based event. In 2013 the NOC Syria has also recognized the festival. For more information about the festival or WFF-WBBF Japan activities please visit: www.wff.jp or www.latypovevgeny.com RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-07-2013 2013. WHO DARES TO WORK FOR BODYBUILDING SPORT AS MUCH AS WE DO? OFFICIAL EUROPE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP REPORT. In March 2013 the President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was on Official Visit to Ukraine Charkov City the second time. The International President was assisted by the Vice President WFF-WBBF International ANDREJ BASOV, who came from Russia. OFFICIAL MEETING AT THE CITY MAJOR HEADQUARTERS. The Official Meeting at the Headquarters Major City Charkov was organized again. To go on with the coming event the Vice Chairman City Charkov ALEKSANDR POPOV and the President Ukraine National WFF-WBBF Federation OLGA GLADKOVA signed the 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship Statute documents. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. During the official visit the 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship Organizing Committe was finished to collect and it was announced for the multiple Ukraine media and press. Among the Members of the Organizing Committee there is a number of the Directors of various Municipal Departments too. Many organizing questions were discussed and important decissions on the Event were made too. IFBB SUPPORTS «RUSSIAN SCHWARCENEGGER». Ukraine IFBB officials addressed the Administration City Charkov and presented information about the respected Russia Federation Governmental State Official, the WFF-WBBF VIP International Official, three times WFF-WBBF „Universe“ («Юниверс» ВФФ-ВББФ) Champion, a famous Hollywood Actor and Producer, called „Russia Schwarzenegger“ («Русским Шварценеггером») ALEKSANDR NEVSKY. At once the Chairman City Charkov decided to invite ALEKSANDR NEVSKY to be a VIP Charkov City Quest during the time of the coming WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship in Charkov. The Chairman City Charkov called ALEKSANDR NEVSKY to Moscow and received the preliminary agreement of ALEKSANDR NEVSKY to participate in Charkov. CHARKOV BODYBUILDING PRO WORLD GRAND PRIX. The Organizing Committee works on the possibility to organize for Professional Bodybuilders right after the 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship at the same Venue in Charkov City the 2013 WFF-WBBF „Charkov Professional World Grand Prix“ with the usual Prize Money on June 2. That will be already the fourth WFF-WBBF International Pro Event in one month period! More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-18-2013 2013. 36-TH ISSUE OF HISTORIC INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING MAGAZINE WENT TO PRINTING HOUSE! Devoted to the multiple coming nearest International Events the new Issue of the WFF-WBBF International Magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" is already in the Printing House! More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 04-03-2013 2013. WFF-WBBF IN PANAMA. 110-th COUNTRY MEMBER OF WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL. President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Paraguay RUBEN PIBE RODRIGUEZ goes on working on the strenghtening WFF-WBBF Federation in America. Due to his work done the WFF-WBBF International Headquarters received official address to join the activities from the representatives of Panama Republic. Joining us the Panama Republic will be already the 110-th Country-member of the WFF-WBBF International. Soon the representatives led by the National President WFF-WBBF Republic Panama RICARDO RIEGA will participate at the 2013 WFF-WBBF International Events. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 04-04-2013 REMEMBER BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. WORLD BODYBUILDING ANNIVERSARY. 2013 is an extraordinary year for the World‘s bodybuilding. In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International“ (международный турнир „Янтарный приз») 45-th anniversary (1968-2013). In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 115-th anniversary of the first bodybuilding contest ever (held in 1898 in England and Russia). Also in 1898 in England the first Bodybuilding „Health and Strenght“ Magazine was started to issue and it is issued until now by ROY EDWARDS. In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 85-th anniversary of female fitness. It is connected with BRONE‘s DUBAR regular trainings and participation in New York City in 1928. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 700 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. LITHUANIA BODYBUILDING LEGEND. Lithuania Bodybuilding Legend RAIMUNDAS PETRAITIS (Раймундас Петрайтис, Lithuania), World‘s Oldest Bodybuilding Traditional „Amber Prix International“ Contest Champion, multiple National Champion Lithuania. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. FOTO: Lithuania Bodybuilding Legend RAIMUNDAS PETRAITIS at „Amber Prix International“ (1986, Klaipeda, Lithuania). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 04-06-2013 2013. WFF-WBBF IN COSTA RICA. 111-th COUNTRY MEMBER OF WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL. President National WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Federation Panama RICARDO RIEGA goes on working on the strenghtening WFF-WBBF Federation in North America. Due to his efforts today the National Bodybuilding Federation of Costa Rica joined the WFF-WBBF International Activities. Joining us the Costa Rica Republic is already the 111-th Country-member of the WFF-WBBF International. Very soon the representatives led by the National President WFF-WBBF Republic Costa Rica FRANKLIN NAJERA BARQUERO will participate at the 2013 WFF-WBBF International Events. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 04-21-2013 2013. WFF-WBBF IN COLOMBIA. 112-th COUNTRY MEMBER OF WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL. Central America Countries became very active during the last period of time. After Panama and Costa Rica follows Colombia. Some days ago the representatives of the National Bodybuilding Federation Colombia addressed the International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Federation Headquarters and asked to join the WFF-WBBF activities. After the positive decission of the WFF-WBBF International Executive Council the National Bodybuilding Federation of Colombia became the 112-th Country-Member of the International Federation. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. |