РАЗНЫЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИ - Printable Version +- WFF / WBBF forum (https://forum.wff.lt) +-- Forum: Форумы на русском языке (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- Forum: Разные федерации (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=19) +--- Thread: РАЗНЫЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИ (/showthread.php?tid=20) |
- WFF-WBBF secretary service - 05-23-2009 Сегодня мы получили письмо для публикации на форуме от ген. секретаря федерации культуризма Азии DATUK PAUL CHUA. Он предупреждает, что Федерация тяжёлой атлетики и культуризма Катара (там культуризм и тяжёлая атлетика в одной федерации) Федерацией культуризма Азии недавно была наказана за подделку документов по проверке на допинг. Ввиду этого криминального деяния деятельность Федерации Катара была остановлена. Несмотря на свою явную криминальную деятельность Федерация Катара пробует развивать пропаганду против 50 лет существующей Федерации культуризма Азии. Информируйте повсеместно, включая ваши правительства и Олимпийские комитеты, о реальной деятельности Федерации Катара, а документы в подтверждение допинг криминала Федерации Катара мы предоставим. Не дайте возможности Федерации Катара и ИФББ ввести вас в заблуждение. ИФББ в реальности не существует, это самозванцы. В подтверждение сего мы любому всегда предоставим документальные доказательства, включая и последние обманы: ИФББ даже в Испании не существует в любом официальном виде, ни федерации такой нет, ни ассоциации, ни частной фирмы. ИФББ не признана в Испании ни одной официальной структурой или институцией спорта. . On Wed, 20/5/09, CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> wrote: From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Subject: QATAR WEIGTLIFTING AND BODYBUILDING FEDERATION & IFBB To: "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com>, "ALSHAFAR UAE" <osama@alshafar.ae> Cc: "hussin UAE alsaffar" <alsafarww73@yahoo.com> Date: Wednesday, 20 May, 2009, 5:38 PM Dear Members of ABBF: Please be informed that the Qatar Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation was suspended by the Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation for FORGERY (cheating) of doping documents. This is a CRIMINAL offence under the law. Now they are going around and canvassing for support to go against the 50 years established organisation of ASIAN BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS FEDERATION. Your may inform you government departments and Olympic Committees on this matter, and if they require any documents, we will be very happy to provide them. Do not let the Qatar Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation and the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) to misled your government or sports ministry. The IFBB in reality does not exist and they are bogus. We can also provide documents to show proof that they IFBB has no legal presence in Spain (whether in the form of a branch, a subsidiary or an established local company). The IFBB under this denomination, is not an association/trust/officially recognised sports body in Spain. Thank you Datuk Paul Chua ABBF Secretary-General - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 05-24-2009 Сегодня мы получили ещё одно письмо для публикации на форуме. Главный финансист ИФББ обращается к Европейцам и призывает отстаивать свои права, дабы покончить с диктатурой клоуна РАФАЭЛЯ САНТОХИ. Р.САНТОХА с помощью охраны не допустил президента ИФББ Австрии, главного финансиста ИФББ-ЕФББ к участию в конгрессе ЕФББ. Какие могут быть коментары? Так Р.САНТОХА старается продлить свои дни и избежать правдивых высказываний и ему неудобных вопросов, в первую очередь, юридических и финансовых. Поверьте, финансист ИФББ-ЕФББ имеет что сказать о финансовом аферисте Р.САНТОХЕ на публике… Но ему это не удастся! На чемпионате мира он не сможет уйти от ответа. Поведение Р.САНТОХИ с представителями Азии, сокрытие применения допинга спортсменами и игнорирование наказания допинговой федерации Катара – дело грязное. Многие Олимпийские комитеты смеются над этим. Иран плюнул РАФАЭЛЮ в лицо и отказался проводить чемпионат Азии под его флагом. Время расплаты приближается! ifbbeurope@yahoo.com wrote: Friends and brave fellow countryman of Europe, Stand-up for your rights!!! For the first time in the history, we have seen the greatest coward named Rafael Santonja. He is a tyrant, dictator and a clown (midget). He used security guards and practically threatened Axel Bauer, President of the Austrian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation from attending the EBBF meeting. This cowardly and stupid act is a bad example in showing to the world how desperate and arrogant Rafael is, abnormal misbehaviour. He wish to protect his image being tarnished in the presence of all the members. He is afraid that he will be exposed of all his stupid mistakes and evil doings, of course, the accounts of the EBBF/IFBB will be questioned, and this will hurt him most. How long can he hide, surely at the World Championships (IF ANY) he together with his Senior Officers will face a barrage of questions and he cannot escape. We will put them to SHAME. Will he employ the same tactics to rough fellow members?? Why does Rafael have to resort to this dirty tactics to keep out Axel? The answer is simple: Rafael does not want Axel to tell the TRUTH. Rafael is worried and terrified of Axel because he knows that Axel knows everything from A - Z about the accounts and the secret transactions. Axel's first question will be where is the Bank's account of the IFBB & EBBF and the transfer of money from Canada to Spain, Contracts, all the fees collected from registration, sanction etc. etc. etc. WHERE ARE THEY ??? Rafael thinking is that all Europeans are silly/stupid and they can be treated like robots but he forgets that one day he and his Senior Officers will face the wrath of the members. This cannot go for too long. I understand that many Asians are fed-up with the way Rafael is acting, no manners, too arrogant and high-handed. How on earth can Rafael and his Senior Officers suspend ABBF provisionally and at the same time they formed a "SCA" Special Commission for Asia" led by a renegade federation member Mr.. Ibrahim Kafoud of Qatar Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation (QWBBF).. The QWBBF forged and cheated the doping documents in 2007 and they were caught and such a person is appointed to head the SCA??? Where is the credibility? Here again Rafael and his Senior Officers flawed. Many people in the Olympic Committees are laughing at this episode. Iran slapped Rafael on his face and proceeding to organise the Asian Championships under the purview of the Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation. Why Rafael don't take them to task? He is a COWARD. GOD IS GREAT and RAFAEL cannot escape God's punishment, it is only a matter of time. Victor Mendis - Dita - 05-24-2009 СКАЗКИ ОТ ИФББ Просто уму не постижимо, как хозяева ИФББ умудрились так долго всех дурачить? «Империя ИФББ», «тренер чемпионов с 1936 года», «фабрики» протеинов, «научные лаборатории» и много подобной лжи десятилетиями кушали и до селе кушают обманутые энтузиасты спорта. Наглядны и последние «итальянские макароны», которые сегодня украшают уши патриотов ИФББ: вот фото штаб-квартиры ИФББ в Мадриде, которая больше похожа на базарную лавочку. Хорош пример и «Информативного центра ИФББ», рассылающего инфу: центр представлен одним лицом и это хорошо английский язык знающая домохозяйка Рафаэля Сантохи, которая в промежутках мытья посуды и стирки белья сотворяет «официальную информацию ИФББ»… - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 05-25-2009 Сегодня мы получили письмо от вице президента ИФББ ПОЛА ЧУА. Он пересылает письмо представителя ИФББ, который пишет, что не верит в то, что ИФББ представляет на официальном сайте. По его словам там нет ни одного документа, подтверждающего заявления ИФББ. Он не верит в честность РАФАЭЛЯ САНТОХИ. Много энтузиастов спорта считают себя одураченными и униженными проделками руководства ИФББ и ждут ответа. On Sat, 23/5/09, dr.vellusamyrajan@ymail.com <dr.vellusamyrajan@ymail.com> wrote: From: dr.vellusamyrajan@ymail.com <dr.vellusamyrajan@ymail.com> Subject: NON PROFT ORGANIZATION To: internacional@santonja.com Cc: abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg Date: Saturday, 23 May, 2009, 6:08 PM Dr. Rafael, I have been reading all the emails which has been forwarded to me by several members of the Indian Bodybuilding Federations (4 association in India in total), and I have also been reading all your articles in the IFBB website and sadly the stories are slanted and one sided. I do not see any criticism or attack by the ABBF in their website against you and the IFBB. To this end, I must say they are man of good standing. I read thoroughly the JOINT DECLARATION which you signed with the late Ben Weider and it states that the IFBB is a NON PROFIT CORPORATION. I am pretty sure Doctor Rafael that this need to be proved. This is indeed a SERIOUS STATEMENT. If it is a NON PROFIT CORPORATION, surely you need to submit all the ex-office bearers name list (Stake-Holders), Balance sheets stating profits in financial year endings and reserve funds shown in the Balance Sheets, Investments by the IFBB Corporation and Charities if done any. This accounts has to be audited and approved by the Canadian Government under their law. You need to produce all the documents to show where, when and how the funds were used. This is the norm for non profit organizations to the best of my knowledge. I am sorry if this touches your nerves...you also have to produce documents from the Canadian authorities that all the transactions were done above board since you are one of the Directors of this IFBB Inc. in Canada as it shows in the Joint Declaration. I hope to hear from you Doctor and my apologies for taking your good time but as a physical culture enthusiasts, I am very much concerned about the financial situation of the IFBB Inc. because many poor athletes and countries have contributed immensely to the success of the IFBB and all these people should not be taken for a ride and ridiculed. Thank you and have a GOOD DAY. Dr. Vellusamy Rajan c.c. Dr. Paul Chua - wff_edita - 05-27-2009 Как то незаметна жизнь ИФББ в Латвии стала. Оказывается, что после финансового скандала в федерации, спортивные власти страны прекратили отношения с ИФББ: "Впрочем, то что ИФББ вычеркнута из списка спортивных федераций Латвии, может убедиться любой желающий на официальном сайте Управления Спорта Латвии: www.latsports.lv Их от туда убрали ещё в прошлом году". - wff_Edita.S - 05-30-2009 На прошлой неделе в Риге прошёл турнир, где очень "честно" посудили литовцев. Сегодня в Каунасе прошёл турнир, где очень "честно" посудили аж двух латышей, которые так дружно и "массово" участвовали у братьев-литовцев (два латыша - большая кoманда и сила!). Кстати, при взаимно благодарном литовско-латышском "честном" судействе в Каунасе Юра Гуцан сегодня "пролетел" (проиграл качковский путь начинающему парнишке из северо-литовского района, который ещё серьёзных побед и титулов не имеет). Кстати, дело не новое: литовская ИФББ благодаря добрым литовским качкам районного масштаба уже пол года наглядно разделывается с идолом культуризма всех времён, потом и кровью заслуженнмым истинным и уважаемым спортсменом Олегом Журом. Опять, как всегда, "честное" судейство... Показательная "деревенская" расправа с Олегом. Наглядных причин для серии деревенских проигрышей Олега Жура не так уж много: один раз Олег проиграл самому районному вице президенту ИФББ Литвы, другой раз за сто баксов купленному вильнюсскому качку, который выступал за спорт клуб второго вице президента ИФББ Литвы. Соревнования то клубные, баллы клубу собрать то надо.. И по-х, что это сам Жур! А может даже и приятно в очередной раз поиздеваться... Всё проще простого... А что по нынешним соревнованиям, то может в Риге и Каунасе футболисты или биллиардисты судили: вы нам в Латвии мячик - мы вам в Литве обратно... Да, это вам не ВФФ, которая ругулярно проводит курсы судей и таких судейских "обломов" не допускает. Да здравствует "честное" судейство, так крепко сплочающее качковские ряды бартских народов!!! - BUGAY-RU - 05-31-2009 wff_Edita.S Wrote:На прошлой неделе в Риге прошёл турнир, где очень "честно" посудили литовцев. ничего удивительного! - Gena - 06-01-2009 BUGAY-RU Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:На прошлой неделе в Риге прошёл турнир, где очень "честно" посудили литовцев. и я не удивляюсь... - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-02-2009 Не секрет, что после ссор ИФББ заспалась на две организации и сегодня в мире действуют две ИФББ. Сегодня мы получили письмо из Сингапура. Вице президент ИФББ ПОЛ ЧУА пишет, что при поддержке Олимпийских комитетов стран Азии в октябре в Тайланде пройдут международные мероприятия ИФББ, но уже без скомпромитировавшегося РАФАЭЛЯ САНТОХИ: On Tue, 2/6/09, CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> wrote: PHOTO TAKEN WITH THE THAI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE. COURTESY CALL TO THE OFFICE OF THE OLYMPIC COMMITTEE OF THAILAND Datuk Paul Chua. ABBF Secretary-General made a courtesy call to thank the President of the National Olympic Committee of Thailand, General Yuthasak Sasiprha for accepting the position of Advisor to the Multi- Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships which will take place from 14 - 19 October, 2009 in Pattaya City, Thailand. Datuk Chua made a presentation of the ABBF GOLD MEDAL on behalf of President Osama Alshafar to the President of the NOC. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-02-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Не секрет, что после ссор ИФББ заспалась на две организации и сегодня в мире действуют две ИФББ. PHOTO Photo standing from left: General Bancha Marinpong, Director, National Olympic Committee of Thailand, President Office, Dr. Varin Tansuphasiri, Deputy Secretary-General, Sir Douglas Latchford, President of TBBA and Patron of ABBF, General Sakan Mitkasem, Vice-President of TBBA, General Yuthasak Sasipraha, President, National Olympic Committee of Thailand and Honorary Life President of SEA Games Federation, Datuk Paul Chua, Ms. Christina Kam, Executive Director and Mr. Sugree Supawarikul, Secretary-General of TBBA and Vice-President of ABBF. - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-02-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Не секрет, что после ссор ИФББ заспалась на две организации и сегодня в мире действуют две ИФББ. Официальные власти Тайланда поддерживают ИФББ ПОЛА ЧУА и устраивают супер турнир для его руководимой ИФББ (опять без скомпромитировавшегося РАФАЭЛЯ САНТОХИ): On Tue, 2/6/09, CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> wrote: CAPTION: THE MAYOR OF PATTAYA CITY, H.E. MR. ITTHIPHOL KUNPLOME WARMLY WELCOMES DATUK PAUL CHUA, ABBF SECRETARY-GENERAL.IN HIS OFFICE ON 26TH MAY, 2009. TEXT: From 14 - 19 October, 2009 the Asian Women's Bodybuilding, Fitness, Bodyfitness, Men's Fitness, Asian Jr. and Masters Bodybuilding, 10th SEA Bodybuilding Championships (6 categories) and the 50th Golden Anniversary Championships and Classic Bodybuilding plus the WORLD INVITATIONAL OPEN BODYBUILDING CHAMPIONSHIPS with a prize money of US$10,000.- will take place in PATTAYA, the world-renowned beach town for its beautiful beaches, paradise islands, amazing attractions, pubs and nightclubs, world-class sport facilities, and international cuisine restaurants. The pre-judging and finals of the competition will be held in the ALANGKARN THEATRE, one of the most beautiful theatre in the world. Click www..alangkarnthailand.com to view the beauty of the theatre. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-03-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Не секрет, что после ссор ИФББ заспалась на две организации и сегодня в мире действуют две ИФББ. PHOTO FROM LEFT: Mr. Suttikorn Jearpaitoon, Managing Director of Unique & Fun Organizer Co. Ltd.(the owner of Alangkarn theatre), Mayor of Pattaya City, H.E. Itthiphol Kunplome receiving the ABBF PRESIDENT'S GOLD MEDAL from Datuk Paul Chua, Secretary-General of ABBF. Ms. Christina Kam, Executive Director of ABBF and Mr. Sugree Supawarikul, Secretary-General of Thailand Bodybuilding Association & Vice-President of ABBF were present during this occasion - Boriska - 06-03-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Не секрет, что после ссор ИФББ заспалась на две организации и сегодня в мире действуют две ИФББ. :roll: - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-05-2009 Сегодня мы получили письмо из Сингапура. Вице президент ИФББ ПОЛ ЧУА пересылает сегодняшние письма руководителей ИФББ Тайланда, адресованных РАФАЭЛЮ САНТОХЕ с вопросами, на которые Р.САНТОХА боится ответить: 1. куда он дел спортивные деньги национальных федераций и почему Р.САНТОХА всё это скрывает от членов ИФББ? 2. кто уполномочил его подписать документ с Б.ВЕЙДЕРОМ? 3. почему Р.САНТОХА игнорирует правомерные вопросы финансиста ИФББ? From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Subject: Fw: MR. SANTONJA...THAILAND QUESTIONING YOU, PLEASE ANSWER To: vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health.gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 10:53 AM On Fri, 5/6/09, Sugree Supawarikul <seabbf@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Sugree Supawarikul <seabbf@yahoo.com> Subject: MR. SANTONJA...THAILAND QUESTIONING YOU, PLEASE ANSWER To: "Dr. Rafael SANTONJA" <internacional@santonja.com> Cc: "PAUL CHUA" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>, "Douglas Latchford" <skanda@loxinfo.co.th>, "ALSHAFAR" <osama@alshafar.ae> Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 12:03 AM Dear Rafael I sent you an email on 28th May, 2009. You are not answering them. WHY? We have a committee meeting this coming Sunday 7 JUNE, 2009 and including a Press Conference. Can you please be man enough to reply to the email shown below. I thank you in advance Sugree Suprawakil General-Secretary - Thailand Bodybuilding Association Secretary-General - East Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Vice-President, Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-05-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из Сингапура. From: seabbf@yahoo.com <seabbf@yahoo.com> Subject: MR. SANTONJA...THAILAND QUESTIONING YOU, PLEASE ANSWER To: "Dr. Rafael SANTONJA" <internacional@santonja.com> Cc: "PAUL CHUA" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>, "Douglas Latchford" <skanda@loxinfo.co.th>, "ALSHAFAR" <osama@alshafar.ae> Date: Thursday, 28 May, 2009, 12:39 AM Dear Mr. Santonja, We have not failed paying the IFBB our affiliation fees and we have the legal rights to ask these questions. My President and Committee members have asked me to ask you the following questions and I hope that you will respond immediately. 1. WHO AUTHORISED YOU TO SIGN THE JOINT DECLARATION WITH THE LATE DR. BEN WEIDER? 2. WHY WE (ALL MEMBER NATIONS OF THE IFBB) WERE NOT INFORMED OF THIS JOINT DECLARATION IN THE YEARS 2006, 2007 AND 2008 CONGRESSES? 3. HOW MUCH MONEY YOU RECEIVED FROM DR. BEN WEIDER OR THE IFBB INCORPORATION AND DID YOU BANK THE MONEY DIRECTLY TO THE IFBB ACCOUNT IN SPAIN? WE UNDERSTAND THERE IS NO IFBB EXISTING IN SPAIN? 4. WHY ARE YOU CONCEALING (HIDING) THE PAYMENT QUESTIONS WHEN MR. AXEL BAUER, PRESIDENT OF THE AUSTRIAN BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS FEDERATION QUESTIONING YOU? WE READ ALL HIS EMAILS AND IN OUR OPINION THEY ARE LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS, WHY CAN'T YOU ANSWER THEM INSTEAD OF APPLYING SUSPENSION AND TRYING TO KEEP HIM GAGGED. Your reply to the above will be greatly appreciated and I am sending this to all members of the ABBF and IFBB. We hope that you will answer them. Thank you Sugree Suprawakil General-Secretary - Thailand Bodybuilding Association Vice-President - Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation Secretary-General - East Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Fed. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-05-2009 Сегодня мы получили письмо от руководителя медицинской комиссии ИФББ Dangsina Moeloek. Он, как и весь спортивный мир, тщательно следит за происходящим. Являясь президентом ИФББ (а сегодня всем известно, что ИФББ в реальном мире не существует!!!), Р.САНТОХА хочет перечеркнуть 50-летнюю историю культуризма Азии? Секретарь Р.САНТОХИ (General Secretary William Tierney) национальным федерациям и спортсменам рассылает письма с угрозами, что ещё раз характеризует деятельность корпорации ИФББ. Не преувеличивайте свои возможности – Азию не напугать! Азия не согласится и не смирится с ложью. Европа, Америка и Африка тоже скажут своё слово, не сомневайтесь и этим покончат с ложью испанца! Множество обманутых спортсменов, ровно, как и президент ИФББ Азии и главный финансист ИФББ, ждут ответов на вопросы. Время ответить пришло… Пора прекратить продолжающийся обман об ИФББ, особенно теперь, об ИФББ в «испанском» варианте! On Fri, 5/6/09, Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com> Subject: Why you hide Mr President To: "Rafael Santonja" <international@santonja.com> Cc: "Alshafar UAE" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Chua Paul" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 12:13 PM Dear Dr. Santonja, I read all emails and especially the one sent by Mr. Sugree Suprawakul, General-Secretary of the Thailand Bodybuilding Association today. Being a professional gentleman and being the President of the "IFBB" (which in truth does not exist), you must pluck the courtesy, decency and politeness to reply all emails which are sent to you. You are ducking all the shots and instead you seem to guide your Actor General Secretary William Tierney to write all the letters and ask questions and threaten people and associations. ABBF was founded 50 years ago by Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Mynamar, Thailand and Malaysia and you and your Senior Officers are trying to erase this foundation from the history of bodybuilding. This will not work please do not underestimate the Asians and all other sports loving people in the world including Europeans, South Americans and Africans, they know for sure what is going on but some of them fear to speak up. Time will tell for sure Dr. Santonja. ABBF is led by an able President Mr. Osama Alshafar and he will not tolerate all your nonsense. Mr. Axel Bauer is another perfect, honest and decent gentleman, and he exposed all the games of the "IFBB" in Spain to the world. I heard that you are now plotting to get rid of the Austrian federation, is this the way for a International President to act and behave? Why can't you sit and talk and face the facts? Why are you so adamant and ruthless? I will speak to Mr. Osama and Datuk Chua to invite you to the ABBF Congress in Tehran, Iran this coming August 2009. Will you come, please let me know so that I can arrange for you to speak in the presence of all the Asian members at the Congress with QUESTION & ANSWERS sessions. We will also invite Mr. Axel Bauer to be fair to him for his opinion to be heard since we are living in a democratic world and not in the jungle. Dr. Dangsina Moeloek Chairperson of ABBF Medical Committee - vasilij - 06-05-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо от руководителя медицинской комиссии ИФББ Dangsina Moeloek. бедняжка сантоха... - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-09-2009 Сегодня пришла свежая информация из Тайланда. Письмо для публикации прислал главный финансист ИФББ. РАФАЭЛЬ САНТОХА и его помощник ВИЛЛИ ТЭРНИ продолжают давить и запугивать национальные федерации. Федерация культуристов Азии на САНТОХУ готовит серьёзные письма в МОК, ГАИСФ и другие международные организации. И САНТОХА не имеет никаких прав соваться в дела культуристов Азии, т.к. страны Азии не являются членами ИФББ и ей юридически не подчиняются. Федерация культуристов Азии через свои НОКи подчинена только МОКу. Р.САНТОХА перешёл все границы, ведёт себя по хулигански. Такое его поведение должно быть остановлено, а сам он наказан. ifbbpro wrote: From: Sugree Supawarikul <seabbf@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: IFBB THREATS BY WILLIAM TIERNERY AND HIS BOSS RAFAEL SANTONJA To: abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg Cc: "Douglas Latchford" <skanda@loxinfo.co.th> Date: Sunday, 7 June, 2009, 12:26 AM Dear ABBF Members, The Thailand Bodybuilding Association wish to register its great disappointment with the barbaric and uncouth behaviour of the so called "ifbb" officers. We are members of ABBF and we recognise its existence and we are organising the Asian Championships and an International Invitational Competition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary founding of this great continental federation. The IFBB is trying to dictate terms and harassing us, and we will not bow to their threats. They refuse to reply all our emails and they have the audacity to write to us and warn us. This is ridiculous and unimaginable... William Tierney and his boss Rafael Santonja together with his JUNIOR officers are picking on everyone and this is no good for Bodybuilding's image. You ask question, you get either suspended or expelled. Where is DEMOCRACY in the so called "ifbb". THAILAND will not give way to their threats and intimidation's....we will not give way to the IFBB because they are hiding and playing dirty tactics to destroy the Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation. Come what may we will fight and see that justice is done. We will be writing a strong letter to IOC, OCA, GAISF and IWGF about the behaviour of IFBB and their junior officers. They have no right to control us from promoting the sport, we obtained this sanction from the continental federation which is the ABBF and they are recognised by the Olympic Council of Asia. We PROTEST strongly this kind of bullying tactics by the so called "ifbb" and their puppets. Sugree Suprawakul General-Secretary- Thailand Bodybuilding Association Secretary-General, South East Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Vice-President, Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation c.c. Sir Douglas Latchford, President TBBA Note: Datuk Paul Chua, kindly send this email to all members of the ABBF as well to all the IFBB members because Rafael Santonja and William Tierney are going over board and they must be stopped for their tyranny behaviour. - Edita Sendriene - 06-09-2009 ВФФ-ВББФ готовит уже 31-ый номер официального журнала международной федерации ВФФ-ВББФ «Спортивный фитнес и культуризм». Как известно, журнал издаётся на английском, русском и литовском языках и распространяется в 90 странах-членах ВФФ-ВББФ и во время важнейших международных соревнований в мире. Ведущая статья обобщит последнюю информацию по основным федерациям, особенно последнюю информацию касающуюся корпорации-федерации ИФББ. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-11-2009 Сегодня пришло ещё одно письмо от Пола Чуа для публикации на форуме. Председатель медицинского комитета ИФББ Азии Dr. Dangsina Moeloek возмущён поведением РАФАЭЛЯ САНТОХИ, его манипуляциям с результатами допинг контроля и уклонением от ответов высокопоставленным лицам ИФББ: From: Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com> Subject: Respons To: "Rafael Santonja" <international@santonja.com> Cc: "Alshafar UAE" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Chua Paul" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Date: Thursday, 11 June, 2009, 3:45 PM On Thu, 11/6/09, Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com> wrote: Dear Rafael, This is disgraceful and shameful that you are keeping quiet and supporting competitions which are tainted with drugs. Remember you are a member of WADA. At the same time you pick fault against Mr. Paul Chua saying that he concealed the doping results of the 2005 and reduced the suspension of the 3 athletes from Hongkong from 2 years to 1 year. The IFBB supported the reductions and YOU are definitely aware of this. Since you do not see eye-to-eye with Mr. Chua you have now conveniently taken the warpath to attack him. You are not a gentleman RAFAEL. Never have I seen a man claiming to be a President ignorning all the emails. You are scared and hiding. I look forward to your reply about my offer for you to be in Tehran, Iran to address the ABBF Congress with Question and Answers. I spoke to ABBF Officials and they are ready to take you on. Come on Rafael if you are honest and a true gentleman - PLEASE ACCEPT THIS OFFER. Dr. Dangsina Moeloek Chairperson, ABBF Medical Committee - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-12-2009 Сегодня мы получили ещё одно письмо для публикации на форуме по «нехорошим» делам с ВАДА, касающихся юридических и допинговых вопросов в ИФББ Австралии: From: ifbbeurope@yahoo.com <ifbbeurope@yahoo.com> Subject: NPC OF AUSTRALIA MEMBER OF THE IFBB To: abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg, internacional@santonja.com Cc: efbb@tedata..net.eg, ehderose@terra.com.br, "Hitoshi Tamari" <mkymiyao@yahoo.co.jp>, ifbbcaribbean@msn.com, ifbbmauritius@yahoo.com, info@wada-ama.org, info@wff.lt, interbody@home.pl, jeffschucroft@gmail.com, juliettebergmann@planet.nl, kp.ourama@kpfitness.fi, lawfirm.bauer@chello.at, osama@alshafar.ae, p.filleborn@neostrada.pl, pcgraham@ozemail.com.au, pkagan@ifbbprofessionalleague.com, prof.beuker@t-online.de, rechtsanwaltskanzlei.bauer@chello.at, sekretariat@skfcr.cz, smishek@sasktel.net, tamas.ajan@iwfnet.net, tzolamedee@yahoo.fr, ulf.bjoernfot@telia.com, wanda.tierney@ukonline.co.uk, ysgouros@weightlifting.gr Date: Thursday, 11 June, 2009, 9:52 PM Dear Mr. Chua This is very interesting news for you. The NPC in Australia is not enrolled in the country's national drug testing programme (as all credible amateur sports are), nor is it affiliated to, or recognized by the AOC (Australian Olympic Committee). There has never been annual elections, or disclosure regards annual accounts. The NPC is wholly owned by Paul and Carol Graham and I believe his daughter and son are also involved. They do not conform to WADA rules. Will the IFBB suspend this federation for not following the WADA rules????? Please ask Rafael to give answers to these questions. We will provide you more ammunition. Pena sympathize with you Mr. Chua, she knows what is going on and if you need her help, please let me know. I can speak to her. Sincerely Victor Mendis - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-13-2009 ФАЛЬСИФИКАЦИЯ Сегодня мы получили письмо от главного финансиста ИФББ. Он обвиняет ПАМЕЛУ КАГАН в фальсификации документов конгресса корпорации-федерации ИФББ, благодаря которым Р.САНТОХА стал президентом корпорации-федерации ИФББ и на основе этой подделки получил солидную денежную инъекцию. По документам в решении этого вопроса присутствовал и ПОЛ ЧУА, хотя он недавно только сам узнал об этом: From: Fair Play <ifbbeurope@yahoo.com> Subject: MINUTES PREPARED BY PAMELA ??? To: vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health..gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es Fair Play <ifbbeurope@yahoo.com> wrote: THIS IS THE MINUTES PREPARED BY PAMELA KAGAN. RAFAEL DID NOT UTTER A SINGLE WORD AGAINST THIS MINUTE BECAUSE ALL THE MONIES WERE TRANSFERRED TO HIM. THE BIGGEST FOOL WAS PAUL CHUA BECAUSE HE WAS NOT AWARE THAT HIS NAME WAS USED NOR HE WAS AWARE OF ALL THESE TRANSACTIONS? WAKE UP CHUA?????? THIS IS FORGERY AND PAMELA IS ANSWERABLE TOGETHER WITH RAFAEL. ALL OF US WERE CONNED/CHEATED AND TAKEN FOR A RIDE............ I WILL BE ATTENDING THE MEETINGS OF THE EUROPEAN CONGRESS. THIS MONTH.. I WILL ASK QUESTIONS AND I EXPECT ANSWERS ??? VICTOR - Batia - 06-15-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо для публикации на форуме от ген. секретаря федерации культуризма Азии DATUK PAUL CHUA. Он предупреждает, что Федерация тяжёлой атлетики и культуризма Катара (там культуризм и тяжёлая атлетика в одной федерации) Федерацией культуризма Азии недавно была наказана за подделку документов по проверке на допинг. Ввиду этого криминального деяния деятельность Федерации Катара была остановлена. Несмотря на свою явную криминальную деятельность Федерация Катара пробует развивать пропаганду против 50 лет существующей Федерации культуризма Азии. Информируйте повсеместно, включая ваши правительства и Олимпийские комитеты, о реальной деятельности Федерации Катара, а документы в подтверждение допинг криминала Федерации Катара мы предоставим. жизнь продолжается! - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-15-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:ФАЛЬСИФИКАЦИЯ - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 06-16-2009 СЕМЕЙНЫЙ ПОДРЯД ИФББ Сегодня мы получили ещё одно письмо из Сингапура для публикации на форуме. Основатель ИФББ в Канаде БЕН ВЕЙДЕР вместе с сыном ЭРИКОМ десятилетиями управляли им принадлежащей частной собственностью корпорацией - федерацией ИФББ. Сегодня старые добрые традиции продолжаются и на более низком уровне. Основатель ИФББ на Мальдивах, вице президент ИФББ Азии Mohamed Haleem пишет о семейном подряде в частных фирмах корпорации-федерации ИФББ: В США наивными спортсменами манипулирует семейка Ванды и Вильяма ТЭРНИ, в Австралии семейка Пола и Кароли ГРАХАМОВ. Кто хоть одного из них выбирал на пост руководства ИФББ??? From: Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com> Subject: Are you choosing IFBB turn into a marriage counseling service?. To: stanislav.pesat@pepasport.cz, j.zigrai@quick.cz, aon.912456590@aon.at, vajdova@markiza.sk, cernotaJ@seznam.cz, wwp@seznam.cz, zdeneksedmik@seznam..cz, elcoach2010@yahoo.com, peterek.michal@centrum.cz, ott@kulturism.ee, lukasosladil-ifbb@volny.cz, andrej.mozolani@orangemail.sk, viktoska@seznam.cz, jkubik@tiscali.cz, tazmann@quick.cz, Hanak.Mirek@seznam.cz, kontakt@musclegym.de, universal.gym@tiscali.cz, wiltavsky@hbtisk.cz, maradek@quick.cz, mach@narwall.cz, vojtovic@interier.com, bohumir.vojtovic@opava.cz, georgvisny@tiscali.ch, f.vincourek@tiscali.cz, rcernoskova@bvv.cz, pnavratil@bvv.cz, vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, vagner@kwk.cz, bretislav.tuma@ferram.cz, m.triska@interier.com, m_tichy@sendme.cz, ivana.bednarikova@czech-tv.cz, jaromir.bosak@czech-tv.cz, rostislav.sumbera@ceskatelevize.cz, m.srubar@centrum.cz, PSedenka@seznam.cz, julius.safr@volny.cz, syrovatko@syner.cz, eva..sukupova@seznam.cz, kuruc@akkh.cz, S.Pesat@seznam.cz, skramlik@totalsport.cz, R.Sklar@seznam.cz, rehacek@reemtsma.cz, to=profitala@tiscali.cz, zorves@post.cz, cardio-kt@comp.cz, zdenek.saman@vasbo.cz Cc: "Paul Chua" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Date: Monday, 15 June, 2009, 11:23 PM On Mon, 15/6/09, Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com> wrote: ARE YOU CHOOSING IFBB TURN INTO A MARRIAGE COUNSELING SERVICE? Dear Rafael This is Haleem of the Maldives again. It's sad to see that you have still not replied to any of my emails. The case between the ABBF and the IFBB came up recently while I was having a discussion with some of my colleagues who are also involved in promoting sport in Asia. I told them how you suspended the ABBF for no apparent reason and set up a 'Commission' for Asia. They agree that this a great insult to all Asians. Did you expect to step on the tigers tail and walk away unscathed? All this could have been avoided if you hadn't taken your rash and hasty decisions. They laughed when I showed them the IFBB stationery. When I asked them why, they replied that they had not seen a husband and wife get appointed as members of an Executive Committee in any other Federation. Wouldn't they have two votes? I am ofcourse referring to William Tierney and his wife Wanda, and Paul Graham and Carol. This is indeed ridiculous. There are many intelligent and important officials from several countries who could contribute greatly to this sport and you choose to turn it into a marriage counseling service. Can you please explain yourself? Mohamed Haleem Founder and Hon President Bodybuilding Federation of Maldives (BBFM) Executive Vice-President South Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation Maldives - edita_wff - 06-16-2009 ПРИБЛИЖАЕТСЯ КОНЕЦ ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО КУЛЬУТРИЗМА Мы уже несколько лет говорим о наступающих больших изменениях в спорте культуризма. С каждым днём общественность всё негативнее относится к кульутризму. Нарастающая активность ВАДА, международные конвенции по анти допингу и т.д.. Близится то день, когда реальный допинговый контроль будет осуществляется во всех цивилизованных странах на всех соревнованиях кульутризма, в т.ч. и на региональных. Некоторые страны это уже делают. Тогда культуризм сразу займёт своё настоящее место и станет не видом спорта, а вариантом проведения свободного времени, свойским хобби, а общество культуристов будет похожим на закрытую религиозную секту и будет вариться в собственном соку. В некоторых странах так уже и есть. 17 мая в Бельгии проходил турнир НАББА. Пришла допинговая контроль. Организатор соревнований опустил занавес, а все культуристы, не смывая грима, разошлись по домам. Вот отрывок из бельгийской печати: NABBA TODAY In a tale almost too wild to be true, every single competitor at the 2009 NABBA Belgian National Championships rushed from the venue leaving the promoter no choice but to cancel the show, and approximately 300 spectators went home without seeing a single bodybuilder compete. Why? Three doping inspectors entered the venue with intent to perform testing and all the competitors scheduled to compete sprinted from the venue. One of the inspectors, Dr. Hans Cooman, “I have never seen anything like it and hope never to see anything like it again“. In a case of stating the obvious, the Doctor said he had no choice but to conclude that all the competitors were using steroids based on their abrupt departure from the venue. Reports say that all the competitors just grabbed all their items and ran off when the doping inspectors entered the room. - Boriska - 06-28-2009 edita_wff Wrote:ПРИБЛИЖАЕТСЯ КОНЕЦ ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО КУЛЬУТРИЗМА :roll: - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-28-2009 Сегодня пришло письмо из Сингапура. Вице президент ИФББ ПОЛ ЧУА просит опубликовать очередной материал на сайте. В переписке с руководством ИФББ Индии подчеркивается манипуляция ИФББ с допингом, постоянный обман ВАДА, освобождение от наказания за деньги. Недавно во время чемпионата ИФББ Арабских стран в присутствии РАФАЭЛЯ САНТОХИ со сцены соревнований на носилках унесли двух спортсменов. Допинг контроля не было. Р. САНТОХА на ответственную должность ИФББ назначает индийца СУРЕША ПАЯ, который, мягко говоря, пьяница. Далее в письме следуют старые обвинения в юридических и финансовых махинациях в ИФББ: From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Subject: SURESH PAI'S MEDIA COMMISSION OFFICER OF IFBB??? To: "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com>, "Rajesh Babu Nepal Shrestha" <rajesh@chitawoncoe.com> Date: Saturday, 27 June, 2009, 12:46 PM Dear Mr. Rajesh, Suresh Pai of India is harping on WADA rules etc. why don't he ask the IFBB or he answer us the following questions: 1. The cover up of Kamal of Qatar for doping offences committed twice, he should have been banned for life. The IFBB reduced the two athletes' suspensions from 2 years to 8 months and received a sum of US$20,000.- to settle the issue. Rafael was the Executive Asst. to the IFBB President at that time. By allowing Kamal to participate in competitions while serving his suspension and till today no action was taken. WHY? 2. The FORGING OF DOPING DOCUMENTS by the Qatar W/Lifting and Bodybuilding Federation which is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE under the law and the IFBB under Rafael forgave them by lifting their suspension and gave recognition and directing them to form a special commission against the legally recognised ABBF by the Olympic Council of Asia. The lifting of the suspension is against the WADA rules. We have all the documents to show proof from the Penang Lab. in Malaysia. The IFBB does not keep their record for doping.. Ask them to send us all the doping documents for the past 10 years and we will know the TRUTH. They are scared to death to reveal all these to us. They are HIDING all doping matters . 3. The covering up of the doping offence of Jose from Brazil who was tested positive in the 2008 World Championships. IFBB President Rafael and the Doping Committee by mistake sent to me a copy of their email where they were conspiring to assist this athlete. They were exposed in nude and were put on shame. Nobody will trust them anymore on doping matters, only GOD knows how many cases they have cheated in the past. 4. No doping tests were conducted in the Arab Championships and two of the athletes were rushed to hospital last week when they collapsed on the stage witnessed by the audience and by Rafael and Adel Fahim. The IFBB President condoning such competitions. They are talking rubbish and nonsense about WADA taking action against me? What action? I am walking tall everyday. 5. Why the IFBB President is not answering all the emails about the IFBB accounts and the non- existence of the so called IFBB in Spain. We have a complete report against this bogus organisation submitted by a Private Investigator. An account was GARNISHED by the Court!!! 6. Why all their payments was settled by Rafael Santonja's company and not by the IFBB 7. Why IFBB President did not disclose the "joint declaration" signed by him and the late Ben Weider to the IFBB Congress in Ostrava in 2006, Jeju in 2007 and Manama in 2008? Why he is concealing this transaction; 8. Why the Executive Director of the IFBB Ms.. Pamela Kagan committed a forgery by including my name in the minutes when I was not present; The name of Rafael was also included but he is not objecting. 9. Why up till today there is no HEARING fixed over our suspensions? They fear that we will ask questions and they have no answers; We are represented by DLA PIPER in England which is one of the most well respected legal firm in the world. We are proceeding with our legal action and will not let them go easily. There is NO DEMOCRACY in the IFBB, democracy is dead in the IFBB. 10. Why they have no guts to come for an open debate at our ABBF Congress ? They know that we will expose their dirty games. We have many more questions but I thought that the above will suffice. The man Suresh PAI was punched in the stomach by the former President of the ABBF when he was drunk and arguing in the suite room at New Delhi in 1996 and witnessed by several people. Suresh PAI is now claiming to be a member of media commission of the IFBB ....this is a JOKE. We will extend an invitation to Pai to our ABBF Congress and explain to him on constitutional matters. He need to know about Article 20.1 of the IFBB Constitution about his President's absolute power. Brotherly regards, Paul Chua Secretary-General - ABBF - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-28-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня пришло письмо из Сингапура. Вице президент ИФББ ПОЛ ЧУА просит опубликовать очередной материал на сайте. Двух культуристов со сцены чемпионата ИФББ арабских стран на носилках увезли в больницу. Допинг контроль не проводился. РАФАЭЛЬ САНТОХА присутствовал при параде. - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-29-2009 Сегодня мы получили письмо из Сингапура для дальнейшей публикации на форуме. Вице президент ИФББ ПОЛ ЧУА пишет, что РАФАЭЛЬ САНТОХА из последних сил через посредников старается вернуть развалившуюся структуру ИФББ в Азии. From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Subject: Fw: Official Invitation - Asian Championship To: "Palestine" abujaffar50@gmail.com, vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health.gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Axel Bauer" <axel.bauer@chello.at> Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 2:08 AM Dear President Rajesh B. Shrestha of Nepal Bodybuilding Federation, You are bold to say NO to a man who is trying to destroy the existence of the ABBF which is duly recognised by the Olympic Council of Asia. This man Adel Fahim is in charge of Africa as the Vice-President and was recently appointed by his darling friend Rafael to the Executive Asst. to the President so he want to show to the world he has the power to dictate terms. He does not know the loyalty and honesty of the Nepalese people. It is a pity they are so desperate to get countries to support them. Adel could not promote Africa and he is trying his dirty tactics to confuse us but we are not stupid. You hit the nail on his brain and I admire you. A few minutes ago I sent an email which I received from an Arab gentleman which shows how Adel and his compatriots of the IFBB conduct their championships and bring the athletes to the door of death. Is this the type of leader or commander we want in Asia...SAY NO TO THEM, THEY CAN GO TO HELL. They are scared of Asia because they know our might and our true family virtues and culture. You are a great man and ABBF salute you ....you also exposed Suresh Pai and now this guy Adel Fahim from Egypt...he should concentrate on Africa -- our Arab brothers are fed-up with him and they dislike his uncouth behaviour. Regards, Paul Chua Secretary-General - ABBF |