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RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 09-13-2013 REMEMBER BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. WORLD BODYBUILDING ANNIVERSARY. 2013 is the extraordinary year for the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport. In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 45-th anniversary (1968-2013). Of the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International“ (международный турнир „Янтарный приз»). In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 115-th anniversary of the first bodybuilding contest ever (held in 1898 in England and Russia). In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 115-th anniversary of the first Bodybuilding magazine ever. In 1898 in England the first Bodybuilding „Health and Strenght“ Magazine was started to issue and it is issued until now by ROY EDWARDS. In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the historiclal 85-th anniversary of female fitness. It is connected with BRONE‘s DUBAR regular trainings and participation in the New York City in 1928. We are glad that the Americans started collecting additional historic information about BRONE DUBAR for the coming „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. BRONE DUBAR with her family emigrated from Lithuania to the USA right before the First World War. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nobody even tried to work on such a huge Global Project. To be frank, only few people can do it as the Project needs lots of permanent historical materials and documents. A number of previous Authors and Writers made attempts to name their works „Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ has been written about Arnold himself in person mostly). In general the Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fifty years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented for us by the Owner and the President of WABBA (World Body Building Association) SERGE NUBRET (France), presented for us by the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), also presented for us by the Owners and Heads of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1200 known Bodybuildings Sport Personalities who were really very important for the Official World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1200 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all of the historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language as well. „AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“. TIME OF PROHIBITION AND PROSECUTION OF BODYBUILDING. Due to the political reasons in the early seventies of the last century for nearly two decades Bodybuilding was prohibited and prosecuted in the Socialits Countries, especially in the USSR (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics). Most Bodybuilding leaders got afrayed of the Communist Regime and step away, but not all of them. Among the few left fighters for the recognition of Bodybuilding was DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS who on his own initiative and his own risk began the dialoque with the USSR Communist Party Central Committee (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической Партии), the USSR Government (Правительство СССР), the USSR Sport Ministry (Goskomsport, Госкомспорт) administration and the most important communist press – Newspapers „Pravda“ (Правда), „Izvestija“ (Известия) and „Sovietskij Sport“ Советский спорт). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote many letters, many times he spoke on phone with the represntatives of the Institutions mentioned above. Finally DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS personally went to to the USSR Capital City Moscow (Russia) to present the officially registered Bodybuilding defending letters to the Headquarters of the all mentioned above Institutions. Those letters of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was like a real „petition“ of the Bodybuilding Sport. Nobody of the Communist Regime leaders stopped the prohibition and the prosecution of Bodybuilding, but they gave the unbelievable unique permittion for DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to go on organizing „Amber Prix International“ Bodybuilding Contest in Klaipeda City (Lithuania). In fact for the two decades of Bodybuilding prohibition the „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial USSR Bodybuilding Championship and this fact later was accepted by the USSR Sport Ministry when it began presenting honourable „USSR Sport Master“ names for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions. In fact, having no other alternative for the over twenty years time the „Amber Prix International“ was the World Champiosnip of the Socialist Countries. In that time World level Contests in the Western Countries were no higher in the level of Bodybuilders and in the level of organisation, no higher in the number of the participating Countries. In some aspects „Amber Prix International“ was even higher that those in the West. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: 1981 „Amber Prix International“ Awards. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-03-2013 BODYBUILDING IN USA. ANALYTICAL REVUE. CONTEMPORARY SITUATION. IN USA NO ONE WANTS TO DEVELOP BODYBUILDING ON OFFICIAL LEVEL. Up to this time nobody ever tried to make a more or less thorough analysis of bodybuilding in USA. We need to do it today. Through such an analysis we can see plainly the complicated situation USA and World‘s bodybuilding is at. We see the great need to find the way out of the situation. Today bodybuilders pray for wrong idols and the wide public society is beeing fooled for so long time. USA State Governmental Institutions have nothing to do with the official bodybuilding sport as they treat it not the serious way. Bodybuilding became so much commercial and the majority of the International Bodybuilding Leaders look for the profit only forgeting the real sport. During the last time in the US as well as in Europe lots of „Festivals“, „Fiestas“, „Shows“ and various „Classics“ („FIBO“, „Olympia“, „Arnold Classic“ etc.) appeared. But nobody understans that this is not sport, not real sport. Try to say at the Sport Ministry of any Country that You are the Champion of „FIBO“ or any „Classic“ – nobody even listen to You... These events have no official recognition of any National or International Sport Institution. This way makes bodybuilding sport more and more away from the official recognition as a real kind of sport in our plain understanding. It is eveident for bodybuilding specialists, that today USA quickly looses it‘s International Leaders positions in bodybuilding. Due to the decades lasting mistaken and false politics of the former USA bodybuilding leaders, today we face the negative results all the World through. On the Official Level bodybuilding is not accepted as sport in general. Majority of important bodybuilding contests in the USA are just commercial shows for public, more like a theater, but not real sport. Everything is slod, everything money can buy – places, contests or even „International federations‘. Does anybody remember a strong USA National Team at a World Championship of any federation? It was at least twenty five years ago. LONG LASTING LIES. For our fivety years lasting International work and efforts finally today we have nothing connected with official sport, but selling – buying - playing theater only. Especially in the US. When the owner of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Commercial Company our respected BEN WEIDER (Canada) tried to get the IOC (International Olympic Committee) recognition, finally he received the strict IOC refusal to support and to recognize the IFBB. Then the WEIDER brothers (Joseph and Ben) sold all their magazines and the Professional Commercial „Joe Weider‘s Olympia“ contest. And after BEN WEIDER died the private IFBB Commercial Company was sold for another businessman as well. During the last fiveteen years the International bodybuilding situation evidently goes worse and worse. Welook from the side of the official sport and official recognition. In 2009 the International IFBB was spulit (the details You may finf in our other articles). The new owner of the IFBB Commercial Company (remark: IFBB does not egzist as an official International Sport Federation by Law) RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) took some permanent America contest names to Europe, but the majority of them they still are just commercial shows and fare away from the officialy recognized sport competitions. IFBB as a sport federation never egzisted by Law in the US. After AAU (American Athletes Union) lost their strong positions in 1982, from that time the USA bodybuilding sport has been governed by the NPC (National Physique Committee), but again, by the Law requirements it is not really true (you can see the historic and juridic documents on the International Site www.wff.lt forum topics „World‘s Bodybuilding History. How it was in real“, „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“, „Various International Federations“). Plain and clear presentation of the International Bodybuilding problems is the IFBB itself: juridical lies, cheating other International Sport Organizations, lies to the sportsmen (see documents on the International Site www.wff.lt, read forum topic „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“). We have mentioned above that the IOC refused to support and to recognize the IFBB. Today we confront some more negative news: the International Organizations the „World Games“ and the „Asia Games“ excluded IFBB from their membership and refused to work with the IFBB any longer too. Also the Asia Olympic Committee officially refused to recognize the IFBB. USA BODYBUILDING FESTIVALS. FESTIVALS REPLACE OFFICIAL SPORT CONTESTS. There in no one legal National and International Bodybuilding Federation that covers all the US having Law registration as it is required for a normal sport federation. Bodybuilding in the US is based on many private Companies, which are the owners of the so called „federations“. Even if there would be a Bodybuilding Sport Federation registered by the Law in the US, it is so unimportant, that nobody knows it. All competitions in the US belong to private Commercial Companies as a private property. Bodybuilding in the US is a kind of business and the Company owners often are selling everytinig, often including contest places. During the last years it is clear as daylight. As we spoke before – just look at the names of the bodybuilding contests in the USA – that are variuos „festivals“, „nights of champions“, variuos „classics“ etc.. Nobody wants to develop official sport and nobody cares for the sportsmen as they have no profit out of this. Even more – the private structures always fight for profit in between. For propaganda reasons they say for naive sportsmen that they use to pay millions of dollars or the professionals. But has anybody seen at least one famous Professional bBdybuilder who became rich of bodybuilding contests? We do not know any... Sometimes it looks like absurd: not long ago a Professional Bodybuilding agent preposed for the WFF-WBBF International to buy a number of World Wide known Pro Bodybuilders to participate at the popular WFF-WBBF Pro Events. The price of them was very low, even under our respect of those Great Names... This is the reason, why the USA bodybuilding still lives in the chaotic dissorder and it never ends. It negativelly influences all International Sport in general. There is no one to think of sane lives, total fitness and of the official recognized sport of bodybuilding. But even if they want to, they can not do this as their private Companies are not sport federations registered by Law. They cheat all of us from the very beginning. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. USA has never pretended to be historically connected with the very beginning of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding has come to America from Europe and it always lived a chaotic life. Starting from 1903 BERNARR MACFADDEN started organizing bodybuilding events in the US. In the time between the two World Wars there were a number of prominent bodybuilding persons in the US. First of all we should underline CHARLES ATLAS (also named Angelo Siciliano). In 1921 after winning one of BERNARR‘S MACFADDEN competitions CHARLES ATLAS got the respectable title of the „Most Prefectly Developed Man in America“. BRONE DUBAR PHENOMENA. In 2013 the International Sport Society was celebrating the 85-th anniversary of female fitness. It is connected with BRONE‘s DUBAR regular trainings and participation in New York City in 1928 - 1931. Many years are away and today we have not so much information about this sport Pioneer. We know that right before the First World War BRONE DUBAR with her family emigrated from Lithuania to the USA. We are glad to say that the Americans started collecting additional historic information about BRONE DUBAR for the our coming „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. USA CHOOSES COMMERCIAL WAY. When we speak about the bodybuilding sport in USA, we mean that there is no official recognized bodybuilding sport in this country. It has never been. We underline once again, that everything conected with bodybuilding in the US is commerce and business only. You can buy everything, you can sell everything: definite athletes, titles, places even competitions and „international federations“. It is like You are in a super market shop. The history of bodybuilding sport (especially the International History) has been written under the reguest and under the interests of a number of private Commercial Sport Companies in order to satisfy their private interests. But this history of bodybuilding is not real. Some powerful enough bodybuilding businesmen have written the bodybuilding history for themselves and for their commercial companies and this is the reason that so many of us still are being fooled. There are still many misunderstandings in the bodybuilding history they represent. For example, the WEIDER brothers (Joseph and Ben) say that the first IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) America Championhip was held in 1949. But somehow the second America Championship was organized only after ten years in 1958... Strange. Nobody was working??? They say that the JOE WEIDR‘S (Joseph Weider) private commercial contest „Joe Weider OLYMPIA“ has been organized from 1965, but we see the beginning of real competitions starts only from 1975 (held South Africa). Until this time we see no real sport contest in fact. Until 1975 most usually at the „Joe Weider OLYMPIA“ was only one competitor who „fighted“ alone with himself... Is this a real sport sport contest? Competing alone against himself? Often they say that JOE WEIDER is the „Trainer of Champions“ from 1936. Fine, but in 1936 he was only seventeen years old... It is hardly believable he was in bodybuilding sport at all at this age. We understant that later the WEIDER brothers needed very much a „Great Champion‘s Face“ for their commercial companies and their commercial products. And they found the „commercial face“ in Europe when they by nice offers invited the best Europe bodybuilder ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER from Austria to California. Nothing ever comes easy. The WEIDER brothers always had to fight for the commercial bodybuilding market in the World as well as in the US. Sometimes they were not successful. Once they appealed to the US Court against AAU (American Athletes Union) for the name „Mr.America“ and lost the case. It is the fact is that the AAU was the first to start more or less serious bodybuilding sport in USA. As the bodybuilding specialist Ph.D. FREDERICK C.HATFIELD informes, the bodybuilding sport in the US started in 1939 with AAU „Mr. America“ Competitions. Then the Winner was BERT GOODRICH. Strange, but in the same year AAU organized another „Mr. America“ Contest and the next Winner was ROLAND ESSEMAKER. After the Second World War the International leader of bodybuilding sport was the NABBA UK (National Amateur Body Building Association). NABBA UK was and still is a public sport club by juridical registration. From 1950 NABBA UK organizes anual „Universe“ competition. In 1947 and in 1948 the first two „Universe“ competitions were organized in England by the UK bodybuilding magazine „Strength and Health“ („Strength and Health“ issued from 1898 until now in the UK. It is the World‘s Oldest Bodybuilding Magazine). There was no „Universe“ contest in 1949. Finally in 1950 „Strength and Health“ magazine gave all juridical rights for NABBA UK to organize anual bodybuilding „Universe“ contest and so it does until now. After the Second World War the NABBA „Universe“ was the only one regular International Bodybuilding Contest in the World every year organized in England. For many years representing America and the US the best AAU bodybuilders participated at the NABBA „Universe“ competitions. As there was no more International Contests around the World in the fivties of the last Century the later Owner and Organizer of the „Joe Weider OLYMPIA“ competition JOE WEIDER also participated at the NABBA „Universe“ but unfortunatelly he was out of the finals. This fact neglects many today‘s historical lies and proves that for such a long period of time no other federation organized International Events but NABBA UK. IFBB organized it‘s first World Amateur Championship in 1959 in Mexico. Then there participated only eight bodybuilders from three Countries: Mexico, Canada and USA. By the way, copying the NABBA UK, for many years the WEIDER brothers called their World Amateur Championships „IFBB Universe“ too. AAU for several decades organizing anual „Mr. America“ contests was the real bodybuilding sport leader in the US. Having no power to win against AAU in the open competition in 1982 the WEIDER brothers made a clever strategic decission. They suggested the AAU leaders to divide the World‘s commercial bodybuilding market and the Global influence on it. The USA amateur bodybuilding was given for the new organized National NPC (National Physigue Committee) Organization that was owned and run by JIM MANION. Commercial amateur bodybuilding market of all other Countries of the World were covered by the Owner and President of the Commercial IFBB Company BEN WEIDER. The World‘s Professional Bodybuilding Market was given to the Owner of the private Commercial „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ contest JOE WEIDER. Below we present the list of the AAU „Mr.America“ Winners (until the NPC appeared) Year, Name of the Winner 1939 BERT GOODRICH 1940 JOHN GRIMEK 1941 JOHN GRIMEK 1942 FRANK LEIGHT 1943 JULES BACON 1944 STEVE STANKO 1945 CLANCY ROSS 1946 ALAN STEPHAN 1947 STEVE REEVES 1948 GEORGE EIFERMAN 1949 JACK DELLINGER 1950 JOHN FARBOTNIK 1951 RAY HILLIGEN 1952 JIM PARK 1953 BILL PEARL 1954 DICK DUBOIS 1955 STEVE KLISANIN 1956 RAY SCHAEFER 1957 RON LACY 1958 TOM SANSONE 1959 HARRY JOHNSON 1960 LLOYD LERILLE 1961 RAY RUTLEDGE 1962 JOE ABENDA 1963 VERN WEAVER 1964 VAL VASILEF 1965 JERRY DANIELS 1966 BOB GAJDA 1967 DENNIS TINERINO 1968 JIM HAISLOP 1969 BOYER COE 1970 CHRIS DICKERSON 1971 CASEY VIATOR 1972 STEVE MICHALIK 1973 JIM MORRIS 1974 RON THOMPSON 1975 DALE ADRIAN 1976 KAL SZKALAK 1977 DAVE JOHNS 1978 TONY PEARSON 1979 RAY MENTZER 1980 GARY LEONARD 1981 TIM BELKNAP 1982 RUFUS HOWARD 1983 JEFF KING BOB HOFFMAN. After the Second World War another America prominent personality BOB HOFFMAN was the International Level Leader and Organizer of bodybuilding sport in the US. BOB HOFFMAN was one of the first to start official weight lifting sport. Also he published many bodybuilding books and magazines. Being not different from all other bodybuilding organizers and businessman of the time BOB HOFFMAN had a private Commercial Company too. BOB HOFFMAN was among the first to start sport supplement business. Also he worked on making and selling variuos sport equipment. Due to the personal initiative and efforts of BOB HOFFMAN bodybuilding became much more popular in the USA. DAN LURIE. After the Second World War one more famous and important USA sport organizer and bodybuilder was DAN LURIE. DAN LURIE set his own International Bodybuilding Organization called the WBBG (World Body Building Guild) that was very active in 1967-1979. Popularizing bodybuiolding DAN LURIE worked organizing Amateur and Professional competitions (among them „Olympus“ contest) and publishing bodybuilding magazines. For many years DAN LURIE was surrounded by such Great World‘s Bodybuilding Legends as HAROLD POOLE, RICK WAYNE, BILL GRANT, CHRIS DICKERSON, BOYER COE, TONY EMMOTT, SERGE NUBRET, TONY PEARSON and SERGIO OLIVA. It was a really great work done for the bodybuilding sport by DAN LURIE but unfortunatelly the WBBG did not play a big noticeble role on the International Bodybuilding Level. Espacially when we speak about the official and recognized bodybuilding sport. By the way, it was DAN LURIE who used the IFBB name first and only later BEN WEIDER named his Commercial Company the same name too. OVERTURN IN PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDING. HOW US „FEDERATIONS“ LOOK LIKE. WBF OF VINCE MC. MAHON. The World Bodybuilding Federation (WBF) was a private bodybuilding organization founded in 1990 in the US by VINCE MC. MAHON (Vincent Kennedy Mc. Mahon). VINCE MC. MAHON created the WBF as „a commercial competition to the long established IFBB company owned by BEN WEIDER“. VINCE MC. MAHON presented a bodybuilding magazine called „Bodybuilding Lifestyles“. He hired a famous International Bodybuilding Personality TOM PLAZ („The Golden Eagle“) to oversee the publication of the „Bodybuilding Lifestyles“ magazine. After 1990 „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ contest in Chicago VINCE MC. MAHON and TOM PLAZ handed out press releases announcing the WBF's formation. Then VINCE MC. MAHON stated that the WBF would "revamp professional bodybuilding with dramatic new events and the richest prize money in the history of the sport." TOM PLATZ was announced as the Director of Talent Development for the WBF organization. In 1991 in the WBF of VINCE MC. MAHON had signed thirteen competitors (all famous IFBB Professionals) to long-term contracts: AARON BAKER, MIKE CHRISTIAN, VINCE COMERFORD, DAVID DEARTH, BERRY DEMEY, JOHNNIE MORANT, DANNY PADILLA, TONY PEARSON, JIM QUINN, MIKE QUINN, EDDIE ROBINSON, GARY STRYDOM AND TROY ZUCCOLOTTO. This made nearly a catastrophy for the WEIDER brother‘s „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ commercial contest that time. During the history of the WBF VINCE MC. MAHON organized two nice commericial bodybuildng events. The Winner of the both VINCE‘S MC. MAHON events was GARY STRYDOM (1991, 1992). In 1992 MC. MAHON made another try and it was a deal with one more International Legendary Bodybuilder LOU FERRIGNO, to bring him in as a competitor. After when the 1992 VINCE‘S MC. MAHON event received a low buyrate, he called the owners of the IFBB and announced that the WBF was disbanding. The WEIDER brothers let all bodybuilders come back and they let them even to participate at their Professional contests, but they never let them take high places at their contests again. The bodybuilding carreer of many of them was ended for ever. WAYNE DE MILIA. Another prominent International Professional Bodybuilding Person in the US was WAYNE DE MILIA. He was always working with WEDER brothers, mostly with JOE WEIDER. The Owner of the private commercial „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ contest JOE WEIDER appоinted WAYNE DE MILIA to be the Director of the Professional League that was a private property of JOE WEIDER too. Working for many years WAYNE DE MILIA did a lot to rise the Professional bodybuilding to the level it is today. After JOE WEIDER sold his private „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ contest to another businessman WAYNE DE MILIA was pressed by the new Owner to leave the the position of the Professional League Director. Then in 2006 WAYNE DE MILIA tried to make his own Bodybuilding Organization: „Our Pro Division is a corporation that deals with bodybuilding sports entertainment. We are not a sports federation, so we can go to our own set of rules, so to speak. If you are a sports federation, you have to abide by certain rules, according to the Covenant. Because we are a company that will pay taxes, we have a little more leeway“. WAYNE DE MILIA organized Pro Events in the US and UK, but thay were not successfull. Once he tried to work tohether with the WFF-WBBF International, but a hard desease made him to leave the sport business. First time the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS met WAYNE DE MILIA in the New York City in 1990. Then to the Commercial Contest „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ for the negotiations of the future common work DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was invited as a Personal Guest of the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER. In New York DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS discussed with BEN WEIDER the ways to register with the IFBB Commercial Firm a Joint – Wenture Company and then a definite Protocol was signed. See historical documents in different languages on the International Internet Site www.wff.lt , check forum topic „WFF-WBBF North America“. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Most popular bodybuilder of all times ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER („Austrian Oak“) does not participate at bodybuilding contests any more. The biggest popularity ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER received after he started working with a number of successfull cinema roles in Hollywood. The extremelly cussessfull wedding opened him the doors of the famous KENNEDY Family and that was a great push for the future political career as the Governor of the US California State. This made ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER even more popular. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER started his International bodybuilding life participating at the NABBA UK „Universe“ competitions. He received a great assistance from his trainer KURT MARNUL (Graz, Austria) and also from the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL. After winning a number of NABBA UK „Universe“ Amateur and Professional contests and already being the best bodybuilder in Europe ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER received a nice preposal from the WEIDER brothers to come to the US. And he did it. At that time the commercial bodybuilding market in the US was occupied and rulled by the WEIDER brothers and JIM MANION. In such a situation aftel living in the US over ten years ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER started his own business with a small bodybuilding Project named „Arnold Classic“. Today this Project is very famous International Event and it coveres over twenty various kinds of sport. We can say that the contemporary ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is a product of the important efforts of a number of people. His life was very successful because of ALFRED GERSTL, the KENNEDY family, the WEIDER brothers, KURT MARNUL and many other persons. Without them ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER never could reach such big goals. We would like to remind that ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER as well as the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) both are included into the Hall of Fame of the Kingdom of Denmark (2008). ROBERT KENNEDY. Speaking about the bodybuilding in the US we must mention another Prominent Bodybuilding Person and it is ROBERT KENNEDY. For many years on ROBERT KENNEDY was a painetr, variuos art collector, a famous bodybuilding organizer and productive publisher of the bodybuilding literature. Lots of bodybuilders had been educated on his works. During the life ROBERT KENNEDY wrote and published fivety three books and among them some were bestsellers. From 1974 in various languages mostuly for both America Continents ROBERT KENNEDY issued a popular bodybuilding „MuscleMag International“ magazine. LOUIS ZWICK. One more representing the US Prominent International Bodybuilding Person is LOUIS ZWICK. LOUIS ZWICK started his own commercial sport business in 1988. That was a famous Unique International Bodybuilding Project named „USA versus USSR“. Then LOUIS ZWICK was a very risky person as he financed this Project. On the other hand LOUIS ZWICK could have a good profit if the Project was successfull as he aimed to sell the filmed in the USSR materials for the ESPN television. LOUIS ZWICK hired a filming group and through short term Contracts collected a number of known USA Amateur and Professional bodybuilders and brought them to the USSR. Among the selected US bodybuilders were such well known athletes of the time as TROY ZUCCOLOTTO, JEAN PAUL GUILLAUME, DIANA DENNIS, CARLA DUNLAP, LAURA BEAUDRY, CATHEY PALYO, DOROTHY HERNDON, RANDY PETERSON, REX LETTO. During the „USA versus USSR“ competition LOUIS ZWICK made acquaintance of the contemporary President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. It is not strange as DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was the only one among the all USSR bodybuilding leaders to know well the English language. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS came to the „USA versus USSR“ contest accompanied with his sport pupils. That were alerady famous USSR bodybuilders - the Over All Winner of the first Official and Recognized USSR Bodybuilding Championship VIKTORAS JUCYS and also the USSR Champion ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS. At that time both bodybuilders were also multiple Over All Champions of the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International“ (1968 - 2013). As LOUIS ZWICK wanted a professional comment on his filmed materials he asked the assistance of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. No Secret that all foreign people visiting the USSR were followed and covered by the Russia special services at that time. All contacts were under the fierce control. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and LOUIS ZWICK spoke over the plan to run away from the following secret services. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took his both Lithuania bodybuilders together with him. Unexpectidly to all present all of them together jumped in a taxy and ran away to a bodybuilding gym in the subburbs of the Russia Leningrad City. Also to the same gym arrived the US filming group of LOUIS ZWICK. They shot a film about the training routines of VIKTORAS JUCYS and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS and took the needed comments of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Later this film was a big success of LOUIS ZWICK in the US as it was televised several times by ESPN television. The sport projects started by LOUIS ZWICK in the USSR still work. Today LOUIS ZWICK organizes and films competitions like „Fame“, „America Pageant“, „World Fitness Tour“ etc. After it he sells the materials to various US Television Companies, among them ESPN television. Once LOUIS ZWICK invited DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to take part at one of his contemporary projects in Europe. That was the 2002 „Fame“ Europe Championship in the Stuttgart City (Germany). LOUIS ZWICK brought six professional fitness athletes from the US to this event. Again the main goal of the contest was to make a film. No doubt that all these six participants from the US won the first six places leaving all other participants behind. LOUIS ZWICK shot a good film for the US television and left Europe. While communicating with the Owner of another US Private Commercial International Sport Organization MESHELLE BOYKO DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS learned that long before LOUIS ZWICK had been working at the MESHELLE BOYKO Commercial Company. She told to DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS that LOUIS ZWICK copied her ideas and went on doing alone the same work as he did while working at her Company. SERGE NUBRET. SERGE NUBRET has never been an ordinary bodybuilder. We could even say that during all the history of the World‘s Bodybuilding SERGE NUBRET is the second one International Bodybuilder right after ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. We will always remember SERGE NUBRET as a superious World‘s Bodybuilding Legend, as a successfull Cinema Actor, as a bodybuilding competitive friend of ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, also as a close friend of the Owner and the President of the IFBB private Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (until 1974). For some years SERGE NUBRET served for BEN WEIDER as the first International IFBB Vice President (1973 - 1974). In 1976 SERGE NUBRET set his own International Bodybuilding Organization and named it the WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association). From that time SERGE NUBRET was the Organizer of numerous International Bodybuilding Events too. Some periods of SERGE NUBRET‘s life are closely connected with the US. He was the multiple Champion of the bodybuilding „Olympus“ competitions that were organized in the USA by the WBBG of DAN LURIE. Once in the US in the beginning of the eighties of the last Century SERGE NUBRET organized the World Amateur Championship of his own Company of WABBA. But that was the only one International Contest to be organized by him in America. WFF-WBBF IN THE US. Somehow happens that the Official Representatives of the WFF-WBBF International in the USA are not constant and always change. There are various reasons for this. The first WFF-WBBF Official in the US was BOB GRUSKIN (2002 - 2004). He used to come with the USA bodybuilders to the WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships held in Europe (Germany, Russia). Then for some time a famous US Professional Bodybuilder CRAIG TITUS made a try to work for the WFF-WBBF International as the WFF-WBBF Official (2005). The longest working person was the President WFF-WBBF USA and also the President WFF-WBBF North America MICHAEL GLASS (2005 - 2010). During the years MICHAEL GLASS attended a number of the WFF-WBBF Amateur and Professional World Championships (2006 - 2007). Among the WFF-WBBF International Officials MICHAEL GLASS participated at the Official Meetings at the Parliament Republic Lithuania (2007, 2008) and also at the Official meetings with the Administration Governor Russia State Tver (2006). Also MICHAEL GLASS was one of the organizers of the 2006 National WFF-WBBF Mexico Chapionship that was held in the Mexico City. From 2011 the President WFF-WBBF USA is a famous Hollywood Actor and Sportsman ROBERT MADRID. IMPORTANT REMARK. We would like to underline that when bodybuilding was quite definite in the Western World and in the US, this sport went it‘s own different way in the socialist countries. Remember that socialist countries covered half of the World‘s territory and the majority of living people. After the period of the „good times“ of the sixties of the last Century the bodybuilders of the socialist countries lived the hard twenty years of the prosecution and prohibition of bodybuilding. Lived and survived. At this time World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Contests (1968 - 2013) served as unofficial World Amateur Championship of the Socialist Countries and as the the unofficial Bodybuilding Championship of the USSR as well. The history of bodybuilding in details you can read in different languages and see the documents on the International Bodybuilding Site www.wff.lt (see historical articles on the main page and forum topics) and also in the WFF-WBBF International Magazines „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“, Issues No. 28, 33, 34. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-20-2013 2013. WFF-WBBF OFFICIAL INFORMATION. 2013 WORLD AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP. In October 2013 the anual WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) World Amateur Championship was held in Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort. Representing all Continents over 250 best World bodybuilders and fitness athletes competed for the high awards and prestigeous titles. The highest titles went to: Over All Winner of All Women Fitness Categories RENATA KALADZINSKAJA (Belarus) Over All Winner of All Men Fitness Categories JEVGENIJ NADEZHDIN (Ukraine) Over All Winner of All Model Fitness Categories KRISTINA NARBUTAITYTE (Lithuania) Over All Winner of All Women Bodybuilding Categories MARINELLI MARIA SOL (Argentina) Over All Winner of All Men Bodybuilding Categories ESKANDARI MOSTAFA GOLMIREZA (Iran) Over All Winner of All Disabled Bodybuilding Categories OLEG ABORBUJEV (Ukraine). 2013. HEAD PARLIAMENT SLOVAKIA AT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. With the official congratulations Vice President Parliament Republic Slovakia JAN FIGEL was present at the 2013 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship in Brusno. After the WFF-WBBF International Himna was played, the Vice President Parliament Republic Slovakia JAN FIGEL awarded the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Silver Medal of the Parliament Republic Slovakia and the Parliament Diploma of Honour. „DIPLOMA OF HONOUR to the President of the Global Federation of WBBF and WFF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for his lifetime contribution to fitness and bodybuilding and promotion of the sport between youth and physically disabled people around the world“. PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC SLOVAKIA MEETS WFF-WBBF. 2013 OFFICIAL VISIT TO PARLIAMENT. During the visit to the 2013 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship in Brusno Kupele resort the Vice President Parliament Republic Slovakia JAN FIGEL invited the International President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to pay the Official Visit to the Parliament Republic Slovakia. Right after the World Championship in Brusno the International President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS came to the Slovakia Capital City Bratislava where the Official Meeting at the Headquarters Parliament Republic Slovakia was payed. During the meeting in the Parliament a number of important National and International sport and fitness questions were discussed and spoken over. 2013. AWARD FROM GOVERNMENT REPUBLIC SLOVAKIA. VICE PRIME MINISTER SLOVAKIA AWARDS. Representing the Government Republic Slovakia on the occasion of the 2013 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship the Vice Prime Minister Republic Slovakia LUBOMIR VAZNY awarded the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Diploma of Honour. PREVIOUS OFFICIAL MEETING. Also we would like to underline that the 2012 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship was organized under the supervision and support of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia REBERT FICO. In 2012 also right after the the World Championship the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS came to Bratislava where the Official Meeting at the Headquarters Prime Minister Republic Slovakia was payed. Then the the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by the Diploma of Honour of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Edita Sendriene - 10-21-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP OVER ALL WINNERS (1990-2013) WOMEN YEAR COMPETITOR'S NAME COUNTRY 2013 FARINELLI MARIA SOL ARGENTINA 2012 DALVANIZA AQUINO BRAZIL 2011 CRECKY CHAVES BRAZIL 2010 LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA RUSSIA 2009 LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA RUSSIA 2008 JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA 2007 IRINA RIABOVA RUSSIA 2006 ROSALIA DUTRA DE CAMPOS ARGENTINA 2005 RACHEL KAUPPILA FINLAND 2004 MARINA BURINSKAJA LATVIA 2003 MARIE PIERRE DOMINIQUE RIPERT FRANCE 2002 IRINA ZINCENKO RUSSIA 2001 SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA 2000 MARIA KONSTANTINIDOU GREECE 1999 TINA PUSH GERMANY 1998 CLAUDIA MACHMOR GERMANY 1997 EDITA DAUBARAITE LITHUANIA 1996 DANIELA HARIC CROATIA 1995 ALEXANDRA BAUMANN GERMANY 1994 MANUELA NOUGEBAUER GERMANY 1993 SANDRA BAUERTLE GERMANY 1992 MANUELA FRANC GERMANY 1991 SABINE WICK GERMANY 1990 BETTINA BINDER GERMANY Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Edita Sendriene - 10-21-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP OVER ALL WINNERS (1990-2013) AEROBICS YEAR COMPETITOR'S NAME COUNTRY 2013 RENATA KALADZINSKAJA BELARUS 2012 KLAUDIJA KORPAN POLAND 2011 MARIETTA ZIGALOVA SLOVAKIA 2010 ALINA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINE 2009 CAROLINA ELIZABETH MIGNANI ARGENTINA 2008 NATALIA BOCIAN POLAND 2007 MARIJA DEKSNE LATVIA 2006 SILVIA MALACHOVSKA SLOVAKIA 2005 JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA 2004 JANA VODICKOVA CZECH 2003 MARINA FAKTOROVIC RUSSIA 2002 RAMONA PAOLI ITALY 2001 RAMONA PAOLI ITALY 2000 TANJA BAUMANN SWITZERLAND 1999 TANJA BAUMANN SWITZERLAND 1998 TANJA BAUMANN SWITZERLAND 1997 DIANA PARTHEYMULLER GERMANY 1996 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1995 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1994 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1993 INES VOGEL GERMANY 1992 VERA HESSE GERMANY 1991 VERA HESSE GERMANY Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Edita Sendriene - 10-21-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP OVER ALL WINNERS (1990-2013) MEN YEAR COMPETITOR'S NAME COUNTRY 2013 MOSTAFA GOLMIRZA ESKANDARI IRAN 2012 NIKOLAJ VOROBJOV RUSSIA 2011 ALI IMANI IRAN 2010 ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA 2009 ALEKSANDR ANASKIN RUSSIA 2008 WOJCIECH NADOLSKI POLAND 2007 ROMAN DUBOVICKIJ RUSSIA 2006 ANTONIO OSTA URUGUAY 2005 ALEKSANDR BALDIN RUSSIA 2004 KONSTANTIN ZACHAROV RUSSIA 2003 ALEKSANDR TUMASEVIC RUSSIA 2002 FRANCO CARLOTTO SWITZERLAND 2001 MINDAUGAS KVASYS LITHUANIA 2000 MASSIMO MONACO ITALY 1999 FRANCO CARLOTTO SWITZERLAND 1998 JURGEN KOCH GERMANY 1997 JURGEN KOCH GERMANY 1996 JAN BOLKEN GERMANY 1995 HOLGER DANNHEIM GERMANY 1994 DIRK KARREGARN GERMANY 1993 KLAUS MARTIN GERMANY 1992 MURAT AIBBYAK TURKEY 1991 REINER GORBRACHT GERMANY 1990 VOLKER FORTSCH GERMANY Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-24-2013 2013. BODYBUILDING IN UK. ANALYTICAL REVUE. WORLD BODYBUILDING REVUE. ARTICLE. THE START. During the life nearly everybody somehow is connected with Bodybuilding and Fitness. Being the World‘s leader of the Official Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation is working over the Article-revue of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport. The International Bodybuilding Organizations and the Countries that were and still are really important for the Official International Bodybuilding Sport will be covered in this Article. You know that many of so called „International federations“ just fool the public as they are not official and play no role for the Official Sport in real. BODYBUILDING IN UK. ANALYTICAL REVUE. Working on the above mentioned materials the WFF-WBBF International prepares analytical revue of the bodybuilding sport in the UK. The revue will include the history of the UK bodybuilding, most important sportsmen and sport organizers of all times. The similar revues are already done about the bodybuilding sport in USA, France, Scandinavia Countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Estonia. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. DOCTOR OF BODYBUILDING SCIENCES. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is one of those who work very hard on the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-30-2013 2013. THE 37-TH ISSUE OF HISTORIC INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING MAGAZINE. Devoted to the coming nearest most important International Bodybuilding Events the new 37-th Issue of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" in various languages is under the preparation for printing. CONTENT. "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" WFF-WBBF Official Magazine (issued from 1989 in English, Russian and Lithuanian) 37-th Issue Content 1. Important International Bodybuilding News. Article. 2. Chairman Parliament Republic Slovakia. Official Meeting. 3. Doctor of Bodybuilding Sciences. Informative Article. 4. 2013 World Pro Championship "Amber Prix OLYMPIA". 5. Bodybuilding in USA. Analytical Article. 6. 2013 World Amateur Championship. 7. Business and Sport Lady. 8. Bodybuilding in France. Analytical Article. 9. 2013 WFF-WBBF "Universe". 10. Bodybuilding in Estonia. Analytical Article. 11. 45-th "Amber Prix International". Kaunas, Lithuania. 12. 2013 WBBF Pro World Grand Prix. Saratov, Russia. 13. 2013 WFF-WBBF Paraguay Championship. 14. 2013 WFF-WBBF Brazil Championship. 15. Over All "Amber Prix International" Champions (1968-2013). 16. Photo Revue. 17. Over All Pro World Champions (2004-2013). 18. Over All Amateur World Champions (1990-2013). 19. Over All Amateur Europe Champions (2000-2013). 20. Over All "Lithuania Cup Open" Champions (1975-2013). 21. 2014 International Events Calendar. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 10-31-2013 REMEMBER BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. WORLD BODYBUILDING ANNIVERSARY. 2013 is an extraordinary year for the World‘s bodybuilding. In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International“ (международный турнир „Янтарный приз») 45-th anniversary (1968-2013). In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 115-th anniversary of the first bodybuilding contest ever (held in 1898 in England and Russia). Also in 1898 in England the first Bodybuilding „Health and Strenght“ Magazine was started to issue and it is issued until now by ROY EDWARDS. In 2013 the International Sport Society is celebrating the 85-th anniversary of female fitness. It is connected with BRONE‘s DUBAR regular trainings and participation in New York City in 1928. We are glad that the Americans started collecting additional historic information about BRONE DUBAR for the coming „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. BRONE DUBAR with her family emigrated from Lithuania to the USA right before the First World War. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGEND. World Bodybuilding Legend VIKTORAS JUCYS (Викторас Юцис, Klaipeda, Lithuania), three times Over All World‘s Oldest Bodybuilding Traditional „Amber Prix International“ Contest Champion (1987, 1988, 1989) and also the Over All „Amber Prix International“ Contest Junior Champion (1985). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. FOTO: World Bodybuilding Legend VIKTORAS JUCYS at the „Amber Prix International“ (1989, Klaipeda, Lithuania). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-09-2013 World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) World Body Building Federation (WBBF-International) Professional World Championship "Amber Prix OLYMPIA" (20 000 US dollars, November 5-7, 2013, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia) FINAL RESULTS (Only first three places) Women Bodybuilding No. Competitors Name Country Place 77 AQUINO DALVANIZA Brazil 1 31 KRZYWORZEKA ALEKSANDRA AGATA Poland 2 22 KISEVIC DANIELA Montenegro 3 Men Bodybuilding No. Competitors Name Country Place 51 REZA BAGHERZADEH Iran 1 88 LESLIE JOHN South Africa 2 18 DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO Portugal 3 27 KANAS MAROSZ Slovakia 4 35 BRZEZINSKI ANDRZEJ Poland 5 26 FIODOROV OLEG Estonia 6 Model Fitness No. Competitors Name Country Place 70 MARTINKOVA EVA Slovakia 1 55 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA Lithuania 2 40 SHUKAITYTE AGNE Lithuania 3 Judges International Mikuckis Vytautas Lithuania Lebedinskaja Olga Ukraine Ali Reza Rasa Iran Nadolski Wojciech Max Poland Martinka Liubomir Slovakia Filatov Aleksej Estonia Brzezinska Malgorzata Poland International Secretary ANNA GAVRILOVA (Slovakia) RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-13-2013 2013. ATTENTION. IMPORTANT INTERNATIONAL NEWS. HIGH INTERNATIONAL POSITION. During the International Congress held in Slovakia the International President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS presented Official Nominating Document to EHSAN FARAHI (USA), nominating him the National President WFF-WBBF USA. „PHYSIQUE MAGAZINE“. EHSAN FARAHI has been all his life connected with the bodybuilding sport. EHSAN FARAHI is the co-founded „Physique Magazine“ and this is the first English Bodybuilding magazine in Middle East. „PHYSIQUE TV“. In 2009 EHSAN FARAHI with his partners launched the first television satellite channel dedicated to bodybuilding, fitness, nutrition and extreme sports, with the same investors from Inmuscle, called „Physique TV“, on the largest satellite, Hotbird. WFF-WBBF CONTESTS IN THE US. Living and working in the USA EHSAN FARAHI is able to organize WFF-WBBF competitions an he has many great ideas that can help us in this path. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-14-2013 2013. WFF-WBBF CZECH NATIONAL FEDERATION PRESIDENT NOMINATED. 2014. NEW CHANGES AHEAD. During the International Congress held in Slovakia (November 5-7, 2013) the International President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS presented Official Nominating Document to MARIAN JANCIAR, nominating him the President National WFF-WBBF Czech Federation. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 11-17-2013 BODYBUILDING IN THE UK. HISTORIC REVUE. THE BEGINNING. EUGENE SANDOW. When we speak of the World‘s and UK bodybuilding history, we always have in mind the bodybuilding pioneer of the German origin EUGENE SANDOW. Living in England EUGENE SANDOW started competitive bodybuilding activities in 1898. After emigrating to the US he continued his activities ans bodybuilder and as organizer as well. Today You can find lots of materials about EUGENE SANDOW at every artcle covering World‘s bodybuilding history. “HEALTH & STRENGTH”. Speaking about the bodybuilding history we would like to underline the importance of the first International bodybuilding magazine ever printed and published. And this is the non commercial “Health & Strength” magazine started in England in 1898 and still issued until now by the editor and publisher ROY EDWARDS. To develop physical culture in 1906 the Health & Strength League was established in England. THE UNIVERSE CONTEST. It was the “Health & Strength” magazine to start organizing in 1948 in England today well known “Universe” contests. Next year after the successful 1948 contest the “Health & Strength” magazine decided to stop organizing the “Universe” any longer. NABBA UK. Then in 1950 the British Social Sport Club NABBA (NABBA UK, National Amateur Body Building Association) was established and it addressed the “Health & Strength” magazine to get the permit to use the “Universe” name for their organized annual contests. The magazine gave them the positive answer and in 1950 the NABBA UK organized it’s first NABBA “Universe” in London. For a long time NABBA “Universe’ was the only one International Bodybuilding Contest World Wide. World’s best bodybuilders used to come and participate at this event. In general through the NABBA UK organized various level contests the bodybuilding sport in the UK is well ruled and developed in the country today. Speaking of the competition and sportsmen in the UK all other bodybuilding organizations are in the shadow of NABBA and never rise to the same high level as NABBA UK is and always has been. Remark: the second one regular International Bodybuilding Contest was organized in the World as well. As we know that for a long time politically the World was divided into the “Western Capitalist Countries” and the “Eastern Socialist Countries” which were confronting one another. Bodybuilders of the each part of the World could not travel through the “Iron Wall” and they could not participate at the competitions of the other part. To say more for political reasons in the Socialist World and especially in the USSR the bodybuilding sport was prohibited and prosecuted for the period of twenty years. Gyms were closed, no bodybuilding contests were organized. The situation was very problematic. The only one exception was the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinio prizo” turnyras, 1968-2013) held from 1968 in Lithuania Klaipeda City by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. During the prohibition of bodybuilding the “Amber Prix International” was the only one International Bodybuilding Contest in the Socialist World that was organized annually. If fact the “Amber Prix International” was the unofficial World Bodybuilding Championship of the Socialist Countries and the unofficial Bodybuilding Championship of the USSR. At the “Gorbachov Perestrojka” times the Ministry Sport USSR recognized the “Amber Prix International” as the USSR Bodybuilding Championship and started presenting the honorable State “USSR Sport Master’s” titles for the “Amber Prix International” Champions. All this was possible due to the personal risk and efforts of the contemporary President WFF-WBBF International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. In 2011 the State Vatican evaluated the risky efforts and activities of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and called him a “dissident” this way fighting with the political Communist Regime and awarded DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Personal Vatican Pontific Benedict XVI-th Medal (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI, Headquarters State Vatican, Cita del Vaticano, March 29, 2011). (Detailed information is in various languages on the International Site www.wff.lt , read historic articles on the main page and forum. Also information is published in various languages in the International Magazines „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (Issues No. 28, 33, 34) and in Spanish for the South America Countries in the „Fitness Alive“ Magazine that is printed in Argentina). OSCAR HEIDENSTAM. OSCAR HEIDENSTAM started bodybuilding activities in the thirties of the last Century when he competed at the International Competitions held in England and France. From 1955 OSCAR HEIDENSTAM started to lead the Public Sport Club NABBA UK. Due to OSCAR HEIDENSTAM personal efforts the NABBA „Universe“ was held so long on regular basis and bodybuilding sport became so popular in England as it is today. IVAN DUNBAR. After OSCAR HEIDENSTAM died in 1991 his position in the NABBA UK took IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland). In 1995 IVAN DUNBAR starts developing the virtual „NABBA-International“ structure. We say the „virtual NABBA-International“ because it had never been juridically registered by Law as an International Sport Organization and always until now was placed behind the NABBA UK Sport Club Structure. No doubt – information about the real NABBA juridical status always was hidden from the members of this organization. The idea of the NABBA-International started in 1984 and it beleongs to OSCAR HEIDENSTAM. But at that time the idea was not so popular as it was when IVAN DUNBAR took the position. When the work with NABBA-International started, at once the fight for the Chairman‘s positions began too. For a long time there were always several persons to be the leader of NABBA-International. Until the third noisy split of NABBA in 1999 there were three „presidents“ of NABBA-International at one time: IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), and another two appeared in 1990 from WABBA - KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN (Germany) and JOE LOPEZ (Australia). All of them use to name themselves „President NABBA-International“ and always fighted in between who will collect the anual fee of the participans first. But NABBA being only the National Organization by origin and by Law always cared only for the UK and the NABBA „Universe“ that never went out of the Country. Being very well organized inside the NABBA UK did not care very much of what was going outside especially on the International Level. When there was a definite initiator to organize a World or Europe Championship outside the UK, then this Event happened. When there was no one – there were no NABBA World or Europe Championship held. This way three NABBA Europe Championships and one World Championship were hold in Lithuania (1996, 1997, 1998). In 2013 German KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN left NABBA. After IVAN DUNBAR died the position of the President NABBA-International went to a not very famous International person from Australia, but it did nothing better for NABBA. Having in mind that NABBA never cared for the official sport and never tried to make this sport more or less recognized during the last twenty years NABBA goes on loosing it‘s power on the International Level. FAMOUS BODYBUILDERS. During the sport history there were many talanted bodybuilders in such a perfect bodybuilding country as the UK is who achieved famous wins. Speaking of this we would like to underline EDDIE ELWOOD, DORIAN YATES, GARY LISTER and CHARLES CLAIRMONT most of all. EDDIE ELWOOD was five times Over All Winner of the NABBA “Universe” (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001). DORIAN YATES was six times Winner of the commercial „Joe Weider‘s OLYMPIA“ Pro Contest (1992, 1993 , 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997). CHARLES CLAIRMONT was four times Over All Winner of the NABBA “Universe (1986, 1988, 1989, 1990). By the way, a famous Hollywwod actor and producer ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER also was four times Over All Winner of the NABBA “Universe” (1967, 1968, 1969, 1970). After winning the Amateur Europe Championship in Vilnius (Lithuania, 1997) another UK heavyweight bodybuilder GARY LISTER was three times Over All Winner of the NABBA “Universe” (1998, 2002, 2003). Speaking of the UK women bodybuilders we would like to mention LYNN PERROT. LYNN PERROT always struck the audience with the beautiful complicated artistic performance that was in tune with the perfectly developed athletic body. Public still remember her presentations at the 1996, 1997, 1998 World and Europe Championships that were held in Lithuania (Vilnius, Klaipeda, Palanga). WABBA UK. We have written before in details about WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association) in our previous articles “Bodybuilding in France” and “Serge Nubret Story”. WABBA has never had legal juridic registration as an International Sport Organization. Only the name and logo was registered. Through the International Bodybuilding history WABBA was very active in the eighties and ninethies of the last Century. Then the Leader of the WABBA UK was a famous bodybuilder EUGENE LAVISCOUNT who organized a number of great International Events in the UK. IFBB UK. No doubt, the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) also has it’s National Division in the UK too. But we hear of the English IFBB very seldom and most only when it holds an International Event. Compearing to NABBA and WABBA the IFBB in the UK never had any famous leaders who ever played important role on the International Level. The esception could be only DORIAN YATES and several persons who left NABBA UK and used to work for the IFBB for some time. Bodybuilders of the IFBB UK never went high on International Level as nobody wanted them in America commercial bodybuilding market. Unfortunatelly IFBB UK has no future vision of ot’s own and it means it has no future at all for the IFBB UK bodybuilders. Having good potential and being very talented UK bodybuilders were not famous in Europe too as they used to participate outside the UK very seldom. WFF-WBBF UK. During the last twenty years bodybuilders representing the UK participate at the WFF-WBBF International Events individually. During this time there were several attempts to register the National WFF-WBBF organization in the Country. Finally a famous UK bodybuilder DAYO AUDI registrated the National Company WFF-WBBF UK. Also DAYO AUDI won the title of the Over All WFF-WBBF Amateur „Universe“ Champion (2008). In 2013 another famous UK bodybuilder ROB REINALDO (Da Cruz Reinaldo Jose Roberto) participated at the WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“. Now ROB REINALDO took the initiative to organize the National WFF-WBBF Federation in the UK and to represent the WFF-WBBF in the WFF-WBBF International activities. For the time spoken another heavyweight bodybuilder ALEKSANDR VLADIMIROV successfully represented the UK at the World and Europe Championship and won many titles for the country. In 2004 an UK senior bodybuilder EDDIE PARKER participated at the WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Vilnius (Lithuania) and became the Champion. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-18-2013 2013. BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. ANALYTICAL REVUE. WORLD BODYBUILDING REVUE. ARTICLE. THE START. During the life nearly everybody somehow is connected with Bodybuilding and Fitness. Being the World‘s Leader of the Official Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation is working over the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ and it writes the historical Article - revue of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport. The International Bodybuilding Organizations and the Countries that were and still are really important for the Official International Bodybuilding Sport will be covered in this Article. You know that many of so called „International federations“ just fool the public as they are not official and play no role for the Official Sport in real. BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. ANALYTICAL REVUE. Working on the above mentioned materials the WFF-WBBF International prepares analytical revue of the bodybuilding sport in Belgium. The revue will include the history of bodybuilding in Belgium, most important sportsmen and sport organizers of all times. Few or us know that at the definite period of time Belgium bodybuilding played such a very important role for the International Sport. We will tell this strory. The similar historic revues are already done about the bodybuilding sport in USA, UK, France, Scandinavia Countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Estonia. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. DOCTOR OF BODYBUILDING SCIENCES. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is one of those who work very hard on the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 11-20-2013 "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding" WFF-WBBF Official Magazine (issued from 1989 in English, Russian and Lithuanian) 37-th Issue Content 1 Important International Bodybuilding News. Article. 2 Chairman Parliament Republic Slovakia. Official Meeting. 3 Doctor of Bodybuilding Sciences. Informative Article. 4 2013 World Pro Championship "Amber Prix OLYMPIA". 5 Bodybuilding in USA. Analytical Article. 6 2013 World Amateur Championship. 7 Business and Sport Lady. 8 Bodybuilding in France. Analytical Article. 9 2013 WFF-WBBF "Universe". 10 Bodybuilding in Estonia. Analytical Article. 11 45-th "Amber Prix International". Kaunas, Lithuania. 12 2013 WBBF Pro World Grand Prix. Saratov, Russia. 13 Life begins at 70-ty. 14 2013 WFF-WBBF Paraguay Championship. 15 2013 WFF-WBBF Brazil Championship. 16 Over All "Amber Prix International" Champions (1968-2013). 17 Photo Revue. 18 Over All Pro World Champions (2004-2013). 19 Over All Amateur World Champions (1990-2013). 20 Over All Amateur Europe Champions (2000-2013). 21 Over All "Lithuania Cup Open" Champions (1975-2013). 22 2014 International Events Calendar. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-21-2013 BENELUX NEWS. WFF-WBBF BENELUX ESTABLISHED. We are presenting a famous Belgium athlete Maud DESCHEEMAEKER. Uniting Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg Maud DESCHEEMAEKER takes the initiative to establish and register the United WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Benelux Federation. To do this yesterday from the WFF-WBBF International Maud DESCHEEMAEKER received a number of the Official Documents. SPORT LIFE. Maud DESCHEEMAEKER: twice Belgium National Champion (2009, 2010), World Championship Vice Champion (2010), Europe Championship Vice Champion (2011), International „Universe“ Contest Champion (2011). Ahead over 60 anual International WFF-WBBF Amateur and Pro events. In 2014 too. So many anual International Fitness and Bodybuilding Events has no other International Sport Federation World Wide. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-22-2013 WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP "AMBER PRIX OPLYMPIA" OVER ALL WINNERS (2004-2013) MEN Year Champion's Name Category Country 2013 REZA BAGHERZADEH Heavy IRAN 2012 REZAEI REZA Heavy IRAN 2011 ALI IMANI Heavy IRAN 2010 MICHAIL MALEK Heavy RUSSIA 2009 ALEKSANDR ANASKIN Heavy RUSSIA 2008 ANTONIO OSTA Heavy URUGUAY 2008 LEONID FILATOV Light RUSSIA 2007 ALEKSANDR SCIOGOLEV Heavy RUSSIA 2007 MICHAIL MALEK Light RUSSIA 2006 ALEKSEJ SEBASTJANOV Heavy RUSSIA 2006 ALEKSANDR ANASKIN Light RUSSIA 2005 ALEKSEJ SEBASTJANOV Heavy RUSSIA 2005 MICHAIL MALEK Light RUSSIA 2004 MASSIMO MONACO Heavy ITALY 2004 DMITRIJ CIZOV Light RUSSIA Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-24-2013 THE WORLD BODYBUILDING BACKSTAGE. LET US UNDERLINE HISTORIC, JURIDIC AND FINANCIAL SIDES. There were many important happenings during the over 120 years lasting World‘s bodybuilding history. Many of them are proved by certain historical documents. We have started workong with the documents connected with the bodybuilding history in Belgium. We are to say now that it is very hard to isolate one country from another. When we look upon Belgium bodybuilding through the whole International history, we can see a number of very important documents. These documents open for all of us not only historical bodybuilding matter, but also juridical and financial sides that are also important. Often these sides play the basic role in the history of the World‘s bodybuilding. Using the rich Archieves of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International we have chosen five historical documents that can apen eyes of all bodybuilders on many important underground bodybuilding historical, juridical and financial things: - The letter of the first IFBB Vice President JULIAN BLOMMAERT (Belgium) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (October 1, 1971) - The letter of the second IFBB Vice President and the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (October 24, 1988) - The letter of the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company RAFAEL SANTONJA to the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER (Februery 17, 2009) - The letter of the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER (Austria) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company RAFAEL SANTONJA (March 20, 2009) - The letter of the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER (Austria) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company RAFAEL SANTONJA (May 15, 2009). WE WILL GIVE NO COMMENTS ON THE DOCUMENTS. YOU WILL SEE ALL YOURSELF. We are not going to comment the documents. No doubt that there will be not everybody very happy about this. But we are sure that lots of lies in our sport will be ended. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. DOCTOR OF BODYBUILDING SCIENCES. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is one of those who work very hard on the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-25-2013 2013. BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. ANALYTICAL REVUE. BELGIUM BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. WORLD BODYBUILDING REVUE. ARTICLE. THE START. During the life nearly everybody somehow is connected with Bodybuilding and Fitness. Being the World‘s Leader of the Official Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation is working over the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ and it writes the historical Article - revue of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport. The International Bodybuilding Organizations and the Countries that were and still are really important for the Official International Bodybuilding Sport will be covered in this Article. You know that many of so called „International federations“ just fool the public as they are not official and play no role for the Official Sport in real. BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. ANALYTICAL REVUE. Working on the above mentioned materials the WFF-WBBF International prepares analytical revue of the bodybuilding sport in Belgium. The revue will include the history of bodybuilding in Belgium, most important sportsmen and sport organizers of all times. Few or us know that at the definite period of time Belgium bodybuilding played such a very important role for the International Sport. We will tell this strory. The similar historic revues are already done about the bodybuilding sport in USA, UK, France, Scandinavia Countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Estonia. BELGIUM BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. PIERRE VANDENSTEEN. World amateur champion (1973), World amateur championship vice champion (1972). HUBERT PLUMMANS. World amateur championship vice champion (1969, 1970). SERGE JACOBS. World amateur championship vice champion (1969, 1972), „Universe“ contest 2-d place (1969), Europe amateur champion (1974), Europe amateur championship 2-d place (1969). LEGENDARY LEADERS OF BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. THE BLOMMAERT BROTHERS. JULIAN BLOMMAERT. President IFBB Europe (1988), organizer of the International Contests (until 1971 he was one of the over 200 bodybuilding contest organizers), the first Vice President International IFBB, from the fiveties until the seventies of the last Century Secretary Belgium National Bodybuilding Federation. JACQUES BLOMMAERT. Chairman International IFBB Judges Council (1988), organizer of the International Contests (until 1971 he was one of the over 200 bodybuilding contest organizers), from the fiveties until the seventies of the last Century Vice President Belgium National Bodybuilding Federation. CARLO BLOMMAERT. organizer of the International Contests (until 1971 he was one of the over 200 bodybuilding contest organizers), from the fiveties until the seventies of the last Century President Belgium National Bodybuilding Federation. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. DOCTOR OF BODYBUILDING SCIENCES. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is one of those who work very hard on the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-26-2013 WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP "AMBER PRIX OPLYMPIA" OVER ALL WINNERS (2004-2013) WOMEN Year Champion's Name Category Country 2013 DALVANIZA AQUINO Heavy BRAZIL 2012 DALVANIZA AQUINO Heavy BRAZIL 2011 CRECKY CHAVES Heavy BRAZIL 2010 LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA Heavy RUSSIA 2009 LIUDMILA KOLESNIKOVA Heavy RUSSIA 2008 IRINA STAVICKAJA Heavy RUSSIA 2008 JOLANTA MILERIUTE Light LITHUANIA 2007 IRINA RIABOVA Heavy RUSSIA 2007 JOLANTA MILERIUTE Light LITHUANIA 2006 IRINA RIABOVA Heavy RUSSIA 2006 JOLANTA MILERIUTE Light LITHUANIA 2005 IDA GUSCIA Heavy RUSSIA 2005 MARINA FAKTOROVIC Light RUSSIA 2004 IRINA ZINCENKO Heavy RUSSIA Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-27-2013 WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (115 Country Members representing all Continents, after International Congress, November 5-7, 2013, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia) NAME COUNTRY OFFICIAL POSITION EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS LITHUANIA INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT ANDREJ BASOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL, CHAIRMAN PRO DIVISSION MIKCHAIL DYAKONOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL for Public Relations JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA SECRETARY GENERAL INTERNATIONAL TOMMY DU RAND REPUBLIC SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AFRICA JORGE CEDALE ARGENTINA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SOUTH AMERICA PRINCE UPPAL INDIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA EHSAN FARAHI USA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA VLADIMIR KURILCIK BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing EUROPE COUNTRIES ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AUSTRALIA PALLE RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SCANDINAVIA COUNTRIES MAUD DESCHEEMAEKER BELGIUM MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BENELUX COUNTRIES ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC SERBIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BALCAN COUNTRIES ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA and ARAB COUNTRIES EDITA SENDRIENE LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL SERGEJ PANTELEJEV BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, VICE CHAIRMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL EVGENY LATYPOV JAPAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA ANDREJUS LARIONOVAS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN DISABLED SPORT DIVISION ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN FIT-KID SPORT DIVISION VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN SPORT MODEL FITNESS DIVISION EUROPE VYTAUTAS MIKUCKIS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN SPORT POWER FITNESS DIVISION ADAN HUSEIN AZERBAJAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ALEKSEJ FILATOV ESTONIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ANDRZEY MAJCHRZYK POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CRECKY CHAVES BRAZIL MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RANA AGLUWALIA CANADA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RUBEN PIBE RODRIGUEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL VASILIJ BESPALENKO UKRAINE MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ADAN HUSEIN AZERBAJAN MEMBER AHMAD RABIT IRAQ MEMBER AHMAD RAMBOT KURDISTAN MEMBER AHMED KAMAL PAKISTAN MEMBER AL SAKA HASSAN SYRIA MEMBER ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER ALEKSEJ FILATOV ESTONIA MEMBER ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER AMMY SHANTZ CANADA MEMBER ANDREY SUSEKIN RUSSIA MEMBER ANDRZEJ MAJCHRZYK POLAND MEMBER ANETT PESCI HUNGARY MEMBER ANGELINA ROMANOVIC LATVIA MEMBER ANTONIO OSTA URUGUAY MEMBER ARISTOFANES CAUTRO KABAL ANGOLA MEMBER ARTURAS VASKEVICIUS HOLLAND MEMBER ATLE KIELLAND NORWAY MEMBER BENGTSSON ANDERS SWEDEN MEMBER BREGER STONE BURUNDY MEMBER CRECKY CHAVES BRAZIL MEMBER DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO PORTUGAL MEMBER DAYO AUDI UK MEMBER DAMIEN ROBSON IRELAND MEMBER DAMIR IVANCIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER DAVID AIRAPETIAN ARMENIA MEMBER DIAN MICHAILOV BULGARIA MEMBER DIMCE PALENZO MACEDONIA MEMBER DINO THIERRY QUADELUPPE MEMBER DMIRTIJ KRIVCIKOV RUSSIA MEMBER DONATAS ADOMAVICIUS ICELAND MEMBER EHAB NASSAR EGYPT MEMBER EHSAN FARAHI USA MEMBER ELIAS DJARUDY RWANDA MEMBER ELISABETH HAURECH CHILE MEMBER ERIKA PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER ERZSEBET HERCZOG HUNGARY MEMBER EVA MARTINKOVA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EVGENY LATYPOV AFGANISTAN MEMBER EVRARD GBOZINKPA BENIN MEMBER FERNANDA YOUGLAR ARGENTINA MEMBER FERNANDO ORIHUELA PERU MEMBER FILIPPO ALFANI ITALY MEMBER FRANKLIN NAJERA BARQUERO COSTA RICA MEMBER GASPER GROM SLOVENIA MEMBER GENTILE FALUBBA MARCO ARGENTINA MEMBER HAFEZIAN MAMED PAKISTAN MEMBER HASSAN AL SAKA UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER HELIAS NKUNDABEGENZI RWANDA MEMBER HENNIE CARSTENS GHANA MEMBER IAN CHAMBERS UK MEMBER ILJA AISELAMNN ISRAEL MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA BANGLADESH MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA SRI LANKA MEMBER IRINA VALETT FRANCE MEMBER ISMA MUKALAZI UGANDA MEMBER IVAN BYEKWASO UGANDA MEMBER IVAN KOZYREV KAZACHSTAN MEMBER IVAN LEPCIN CROATIA MEMBER IVAN MACH CZECH MEMBER IVAR HAUKSSON ICELAND MEMBER YANISLAV TACEV BULGARIA MEMBER JEAN-MARIE BERMER LUXEMBOURG MEMBER JIM PITT NEW ZEELAND MEMBER JOHN LESKIE REPUBLIC SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER JOHN O'CONNOR IRELAND MEMBER JOSE PARDO HIDALGO SPAIN MEMBER JUANITO TANNYAG PHILIPPINES MEMBER JULIA SEVCOVA ESTONIA MEMBER KAI KAKNES ANDRE NORWAY MEMBER KALYANGO MOHAMMED ZUBAEL UGANDA MEMBER KESTUTIS SINKONIS SPAIN MEMBER KHALI BABA PAKISTAN MEMBER KING IZOGIE BELGIUM MEMBER KIT SANDERSON MEXICO MEMBER LAURENCE CADE ENGLAND MEMBER LIU YUTING CHINA MEMBER LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER LOUVEL MICKAEL FRANCE MEMBER LUIS ANTONIO SPAIN MEMBER MANPREET PURI INDIA MEMBER MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER MANUEL ZAKARIAS PORTUGAL MEMBER MARCUS KITTNER GERMANY MEMBER MARCUS L.TAYLOR CANADA MEMBER MARGARITA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINA MEMBER MARIAN JANCIAR CZECH MEMBER MARIELA SAVOVA BULGARIA MEMBER MARIETA ZIGALOVA SOUTH KOREA MEMBER MARIOU ARTEMIOUS CYPRUS MEMBER MARTIN KUTA CZECH MEMBER MAUD DESCHEEMAEKER BELGIUM MEMBER MICHAEL ORTEGA SWITZERLAND MEMBER MICHAIL KUDRIN MOLDOVA MEMBER MICKEY EL MASRI LEBANON MEMBER MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER MILCIADES MARTINEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER MOHAMMED ZEKRAOUI MAROCCO MEMBER MONA COSTI CYPRUS MEMBER MONFARDINI MARIO ARGENTINA MEMBER MOUNIER PATRICK NEW -CALEDONIA MEMBER NANA NEBERIDZE GEORGIA MEMBER NARINDER PAL SINGH INDIA MEMBER NATASA KUBIK SERBIA MEMBER NICOLA GRAVINA ITALY MEMBER NICOLETA MANUEL ROMANIA MEMBER OLAWALE DANIEL NIGERIA MEMBER OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA MEMBER OLGA LEBEDINSKA UKRAINA MEMBER OLIVEIRA RONALDO BRAZIL MEMBER OMER YOUSAF PAKISTAN MEMBER OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY MEMBER PALLE V.E.RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER PAVEL KOSENKO ESTONIA MEMBER PETAR CELIK SERBIA MEMBER PETER BUVALA SLOVAKIA MEMBER PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER PETER POADJEJ GHANA MEMBER PETER VAN DEN VEEN HOLLAND MEMBER PREDRAG MILOSEVIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER PRINCE UPAL INDIA MEMBER PUNNAIN RICARDO DA CHUNA BRAZIL MEMBER RAJAKARUNA INDUNIL MOLDIVES MEMBER RANA AGLUWALIA CANADA MEMBER RANJIT SINGH TUT INDIA MEMBER RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU NIGERIA MEMBER RENATA KEVORK SHIRVANIAN BULGARIA MEMBER RENE SLEECKX BELGIUM MEMBER RICARDO RIEGA PANAMA MEMBER ROBERT MADRID USA MEMBER SAM CHIMBOMBI BOTSWANA MEMBER SAWAKO IWAMOTO JAPAN MEMBER SERBAN CARPARESCU ROMANIA MEMBER SERGEJ BLINOV RUSSIA MEMBER SHAMIM HUSEIN ZIMBABWE MEMBER SIMO BOGDANOFF FINLAND MEMBER SYLVESTER JAMES ONO NIGERIA MEMBER STAVROS CHRISTODOULOU CYPRUS MEMBER SUGREE PERIWARIKUL THAILAND MEMBER SZILVIA LANG HUNGARY MEMBER TCHUINTE SERGE CAMEROON MEMBER TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI TURKEY MEMBER TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER VALENTINA IVANENKO UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA BELARUS MEMBER VASILIJ BESPALENKO UKRAINE MEMBER VASILIOS SERETIS GREECE MEMBER VEDRAN JAKSIC CROATIA MEMBER VICTOR GOMEZ PERU MEMBER VINCE BALZAN MALTA MEMBER VITTORIO PANZERI ITALY MEMBER VLADIMIR KURILCIK BALARUS MEMBER VLADIMIR LESCIKOV AZERBAJAN MEMBER VLADIMIR SHUBOV GERMANY MEMBER VLADIMIR SOBERADZE GEORGIA MEMBER VYTAUTAS MIKUCKIS LITHUANIA MEMBER WILMA KERN SWITZERLAND MEMBER WOJCIECH MAX NADOLSKI POLAND MEMBER WONG HONG MALAYSIA MEMBER ZORAN MAKSIC SWEDEN MEMBER RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-05-2013 WORLD BODY BUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF) WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF) WORLD AMATEUR RANKING LIST (Since 1968, only first 30 places from over 3000 Athletes from 115 Countries, results presented after 2013 World Championship) WOMEN Competitor's Name Country Points Place MILERIUTE JOLANTA LITHUANIA 252 1 MARTINKOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 173 2 DEKSNE MARIA LATVIA 172 3 TOLEDO YAMILA VANESSA ARGENTINA 101 4 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA LITHUANIA 93 5 LEBEDINSKAJA VIKTORIA UKRAINE 92 6 RIABOVA IRINA RUSSIA 89 7 BURINSKAJA MARINA LATVIA 85 8 PUGACIOVA SVETLANA RUSSIA 83 9 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA SLOVAKIA 82 10 ZIGALOVA MIRIAMA SLOVAKIA 79 11 OLEFIRENKO ALINA UKRAINE 79 11 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA BELARUS 77 12 URBANIAK AGNIESZKA POLAND 72 13 VALETT FEDORUK IRINA FRANCE-BELARUS 71 14 MISEVICIENE VALIUKEVICIUTE SIMONA LITHUANIA 70 15 TASIUKEVICIUTE AUSRA LITHUANIA 68 16 ELKSNINIA RITA LATVIA 68 16 GLAGOLEVA VIKTORIA RUSSIA 65 17 KORPAN KLAUDIA POLAND 64 18 DEGUTIENE LILIJA LITHUANIA 64 18 STAVICKAJA IRINA RUSSIA 59 19 PANOVA JELENA RUSSIA 59 19 MATOUSKOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 59 19 LAPSOVA OKSANA RUSSIA 59 19 BOCIAN NATALIA POLAND 58 20 MUHLHAUS CLAUDIA GERMANY 55 21 AQUINO DALVANIZA BRAZIL 54 30 KUKRES ALEKSANDRA LITHUANIA 53 22 ZAKIROVA JEKATERINA RUSSIA 52 23 RIPERT MARIE PIERRE FRANCE 52 23 MALACHOVSKA SILVIA SLOVAKIA 52 23 BORISOVA SVETLANA LATVIA 51 24 JOKUBAUSKYTE RADVILE LITHUANIA 50 25 COSTI MONA CYPRUS 50 25 BEKUS ANITA POLAND 50 25 VOLKOVA JELENA RUSSIA 49 26 ZDRACIUK VIKTORIJA LITHUANIA 48 27 SUDAREVA JELENA RUSSIA 48 27 PETRENKO SKAIDRYTE LATVIA 48 27 KUKINA JULIJA LATVIA 48 27 JUKNEVICIUTE GRETA LITHUANIA 47 28 GIRTAVICIUTE EGLE LITHUANIA 47 28 USACIOVA OKSANA RUSSIA 45 29 KISELIOVA JULIJA LITHUANIA 44 30 JAKOVLEVA OLGA RUSSIA 44 30 BEUVING JOLANDA HOLLAND 44 30 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-06-2013 WORLD BODY BUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF) WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF) WORLD AMATEUR RANKING LIST (Since 1968, only first 30 places from over 3000 Athletes from 115 Countries, results presented after 2013 World Championship) MEN Competitor's Name Country Points Place SEVCOV ALEKSANDR ESTONIA 180 1 BAGHERZADEH REZA IRAN 161 2 MALEK MICHAIL RUSSIA 127 3 LIUBOMIROV ALEKSANDR LATVIA 109 4 KRIVCIKOV DMITRIJ RUSSIA 100 5 JURANS NORMUNDS LATVIA 83 6 MALAKAUSKAS VIDMANTAS LITHUANIA 78 7 SARKO VIKTOR LATVIA 76 8 ANASKIN ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 74 9 DZIKEVICIUS DAINIUS LITHUANIA 70 10 MISEVICIUS SAULIUS LITHUANIA 69 11 KHASHALOV FEDIR UKRAINE 68 12 VLADIMIROV ALEKSANDR ENGLAND-LITHUANIA 67 13 MONACO MASSIMO ITALY 66 14 GORELIK JEVGENIJ LITHUANIA 66 14 RASMUSSEN PALLE DENMARK 65 15 FIODOROV OLEG ESTONIA 65 15 HEISEL PATRICK GERMANY 62 16 MISEIKIS ARVYDAS LITHUANIA 61 17 MASLOVSKIJ ALEKSANDR LATVIA 61 17 KLIAVINS MARIS LATVIA 58 18 KALMUS MAREK ESTONIA 58 18 SENDRIUS RAMUNAS LITHUANIA 57 19 FILATOV LEONID RUSSIA 57 19 STEFANOVIC MAREK LITHUANIA 56 20 SACENKO JURIJ RUSSIA 56 20 KUZMICIUS VITALIJUS RUSSIA-LITHUANIA 56 20 SUSEKIN ANDREJ RUSSIA 55 21 KLOCKOV JEVGENIJ RUSSIA 54 22 CARLOTTO FRANCO SWITZERLAND 54 22 BESAKIRSKAS ALBERTAS LITHUANIA 53 23 SKRIPNIK DMITRIJ RUSSIA 51 24 ARTEMIOU MARIOS CYPRUS 51 24 SOLIONOV JURIJ LITHUANIA 50 25 SHEVCENKO EDUARD SR. LATVIA 50 25 LABUDZ VLADISLAV LATVIA 50 25 BLINOV SERGEJ RUSSIA 50 25 PAULIUKEVICIUS ANDRIUS LITHUANIA 49 26 KITTNER MARKUS GERMANY 49 26 KOTUNOV SERGEJ UKRAINE 48 27 JUKNEVICIUS VYTAUTAS LITHUANIA 48 27 ZILYS GINTARAS LITHUANIA 47 28 SENTI ROMAN SWITZERLAND 47 28 POPOV ALEKSEJ RUSSIA 47 28 PLIGIN PAVEL RUSSIA 47 28 KIRIUCHIN SERGEJ LITHUANIA 47 28 BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ BELARUS 46 29 SCIOGOLEV ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 45 30 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-08-2013 THE WORLD BODYBUILDING BACKSTAGE. LET US UNDERLINE HISTORIC, JURIDIC AND FINANCIAL SIDES. There were many important happenings during the over 120 years lasting World‘s bodybuilding history. Many of them are proved by certain historical documents. We have started workong with the documents connected with the bodybuilding history in Belgium. We are to say now that it is very hard to isolate one country from another. When we look upon Belgium bodybuilding through the whole International history, we can see a number of very important documents. These documents open for all of us not only historical bodybuilding matter, but also juridical and financial sides that are also important. Often these sides play the basic role in the history of the World‘s bodybuilding. Using the rich Archieves of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International we have chosen five historical documents that can apen eyes of all bodybuilders on many important underground bodybuilding historical, juridical and financial things: - The letter of the first IFBB Vice President JULIAN BLOMMAERT (Belgium) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (October 1, 1971) - The letter of the second IFBB Vice President and the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (October 24, 1988) - The letter of the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company RAFAEL SANTONJA to the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER (Februery 17, 2009) - The letter of the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER (Austria) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company RAFAEL SANTONJA (March 20, 2009) - The letter of the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER (Austria) to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company RAFAEL SANTONJA (May 15, 2009). WE WILL GIVE NO COMMENTS ON THE DOCUMENTS. YOU WILL SEE ALL YOURSELF. We are not going to comment the documents. No doubt that there will be not everybody very happy about this. But we are sure that lots of lies in our sport will be ended. We start our presentation with the letter of the high IFBB Official JULIAN BLOMMAERT. The letter shows the International Bodybuilding situation in Western Countries. THE REAL POWER OF BODYBUILDING IN THE SEVENTIES. 1971 IFBB „“Universe“ was everything except a success... “. After the 1971 NABBA „Universe“ „... the NABBA position has never been brighter. And let‘s admit it, a NABBA member (Arnold Schwarzenegger) won our „Universe“ (IFBB „Universe“ ) and in our „Universe“ was really nothing more to talk about. Look at the NABBA lineup: Dickerson, Oliva, pearl, Zane, Waller, Park etc.... this proves alone that the really world beaters of our game have more confidence in NABBA that in our IFBB. It hurts but it is the truth!”. IFBB OFFICIAL SPEAKS - ARABS ARE NOT CIVILISED. THEY ARE ONLY DRESSED LIKE US! “I have told You (to Ben Weider) many times, as well as I told to all IFBB directors I met since Belgrade that the communist, Middle East and orient people are the very end to our federation (to the IFBB). Ok, we need them, right, but don’t give them the power to overfly us! Admit that those Arabs are not civilized… they are only dressed like us!!! And on judging level they cannot see the difference between a cow and a bodybuilder”. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. DOCTOR OF BODYBUILDING SCIENCES. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is one of those who work very hard on the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-11-2013 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (After 2013 Pro World Championship) MEN Name Country Points Place MALEK MICHAIL Russia 89 1 SEVCOV ALEKSANDR Estonia 85 2 KLOCKOV JEVGENIJ Russia 46 3 SEBASTIANOV ALEKSEJ Russia 39 4 SCIOGOLEV ALEKSANDR Russia 37 5 SARKO VIKTOR Latvia 33 6 FILATOV LEONID Russia 30 7 MISEIKIS ARVYDAS Lithuania 29 8 ANASHKIN ALEXANDER Russia 29 8 OSTA ANTONIO Uruguay 27 9 SOLIONOV JURIJ Lithuania 27 9 KLIAVINS MARIS Latvia 26 10 MEDO DANIEL Slovakia 25 11 POLIAKOV VLADIMIR Russia 24 12 LIUBOMIROV ALEKSANDR Latvia 21 13 KHASALOV FEDIR Ukraine 20 14 KUZMICIUS VITALIJUS Lithuania-Russia 20 14 BALDIN ALEXANDER Russia 19 15 SEYED HAMED GHOLINEZHAD HOSSEINI Iran 19 15 DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO Portugal 18 16 ARASH AHMADI Iran 18 16 KOSTEL SERGEJ Belarus 18 16 KRIVCIKOV DMITRIJ Russia 17 17 ZACHAROV KONSTANTIN Russia 17 17 BRZEZINSKI ANDRZEJ TOMASZ Poland 16 18 SENDRIUS RAMUNAS Lithuania 16 18 SKRIPNIK DMITRIJ Russia 16 18 JAGJIT SINGH India 15 19 BRATISKA DANILA Russia 15 19 RAK ANDRZEJ Poland 15 19 SILIN ALEKSANDR Russia 15 19 ARTEMIOU MARIOS Cyprus 14 20 KALMUS MAREK Estonia 14 20 NORMUNDS JURANS Latvia 14 20 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-13-2013 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (After 2013 Pro World Championship) WOMEN Name Country Points Place MILERIUTE JOLANTA Lithuania 66 1 MARTINKOVA EVA Slovakia 60 2 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA Slovakia 44 3 LAPSOVA OKSANA Russia 43 4 DEKSNE MARIJA Latvia 40 5 VALETTE-FEDORUK IRINA France-Belarus 36 6 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA Lithuania 36 6 PANOVA JELENA Russia 34 7 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA Belarus 32 8 AQUINO DALVANIZA Brazil 30 9 DE CESARE-TIULENEVA DIANA Brazil-Ukraine 29 10 VOLKOVA JELENA Russia 28 11 POSKEVICIUTE JOVITA Lithuania 25 12 RAPAJIC ALEKSANDRA Serbia 24 13 STAVITSKAJA IRINA Russia 22 14 KOLESNIKOVA LIUDMILA Russia 20 15 RIABOVA IRINA Russia 20 15 STASIUKYNIENE ELENA Lithuania 19 16 GOTTSCHALK TRACY-LEE South Africa 18 17 KAUPPILA RACHEL Finland 18 17 MALACHOVSKA SILVIA Slovakia 18 17 KOKOSH ILONA Lithuania 17 18 LUTSINA MARIA Russia 17 18 HORVATH SZUSANA Hungary 17 18 SZAJOVA VERONIKA Czech 17 18 LEBEDINSKAJA VIKTORIA Ukraine 16 19 MATUSKOVA IVANA Slovakia 16 19 SHUVALOVA INNA Russia 16 19 ZIGALOVA MIRIAM Slovakia 16 19 COSTI MONA Cyprus 13 20 KRYZAN TATJANA Ukraine 13 20 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-15-2013 2014. HIGH INTERNATIONAL POSITION. SVETLANA PUGACIOVA NOMINATED. On November 5, 2013 the Official Meeting of the Executive Council of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International was held in Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort. During the Official Meeting the former WFF-WBBF International Secretary SVETLANA PUGACIOVA (Russia) was nominated to the position of the Chairman Technical Committee WFF-WBBF International. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-16-2013 2013. BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. ANALYTICAL REVUE. WORLD BODYBUILDING REVUE. ARTICLE. THE START. During the life nearly everybody somehow is connected with Bodybuilding and Fitness. Being the World‘s Leader of the Official Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation is working over the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ and it writes the historical Article - revue of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport. The International Bodybuilding Organizations and the Countries that were and still are really important for the Official International Bodybuilding Sport will be covered in this Article. You know that many of so called „International federations“ just fool the public as they are not official and play no role for the Official Sport in real. BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. ANALYTICAL REVUE. Working on the above mentioned materials the WFF-WBBF International prepares analytical revue of the bodybuilding sport in Belgium. The revue will include the history of bodybuilding in Belgium, most important sportsmen and sport organizers of all times. Few or us know that at the definite period of time Belgium bodybuilding played such a very important role for the International Sport. We will tell this strory. The similar historic revues are already done about the bodybuilding sport in USA, UK, France, Scandinavia Countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Estonia. BELGIUM BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. PIERRE VANDENSTEEN. World amateur champion (1973), World amateur championship vice champion (1972). HUBERT PLUMMANS. World amateur championship vice champion (1969, 1970). SERGE JACOBS. World amateur championship vice champion (1969, 1972), „Universe“ contest 2-d place (1969), Europe amateur champion (1974), Europe amateur championship 2-d place (1969). LEGENDARY LEADERS OF BODYBUILDING IN BELGIUM. THE BLOMMAERT BROTHERS. JULIAN BLOMMAERT. President IFBB Europe (1988), organizer of the International Contests (until 1971 he was one of the over 200 bodybuilding contest organizers), the first Vice President International IFBB, from the fiveties until the seventies of the last Century Secretary Belgium National Bodybuilding Federation. JACQUES BLOMMAERT. Chairman International IFBB Judges Council (1988), organizer of the International Contests (until 1971 he was one of the over 200 bodybuilding contest organizers), from the fiveties until the seventies of the last Century Vice President Belgium National Bodybuilding Federation. CARLO BLOMMAERT. organizer of the International Contests (until 1971 he was one of the over 200 bodybuilding contest organizers), from the fiveties until the seventies of the last Century President Belgium National Bodybuilding Federation. WFF-WBBF IN BELGIUM. During the last twenty years athletes of Belgium participate at the WFF-WBBF International events. The greatest achevements received the Over All National Belgium Championship Winner KING IZOGIE. In 2011-2013 KING IZOGIE was in top three at the WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship and World Cup and that opened him the doors of the WFF-WBBF Pro Division. In 2013 uniting Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg a famous Belgium athlete Maud DESCHEEMAEKER registered the United WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Benelux Federation and become the first President of this organization. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). Until now nuobody even tried to work on such a huge Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 1000 known Bodybuildings Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. All these 1000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. DOCTOR OF BODYBUILDING SCIENCES. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is one of those who work very hard on the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: WFF-WBBF Pro Competitor KING IZOGIE (Belgium). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-19-2013 SOUTH AMERICA NEWS. INTERNATIONAL „FITNESS ALIVE“ MAGAZINE. UNIQUE INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING EVENT. „FITNESS ALIVE” magazine is edited and printed by the President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) South America JORGE CEDALE in Spanish language for South and Central America Countries. The last issue covers the main editorial article about the unique International Bodybuilding event - Highest Academic Degree of the „Science Doctor“ was presented to the International WFF-WBBF President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. DOCTOR OF SCIENCES, DSC. HIGH EVALUATION OF WORK DONE. After the evaluation of the International work done by the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Lvov City Stavropigion University (started it‘s history Galicia in 1788) presented EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). And this is the Highest Academic Degree and this is already the actual International Bodybuilding Sport HISTORY. At the Lvov City Stavropigion University Honour Ceremony were present many High Representatives of Science, among them the Rector Lvov Stavropigion University, Vice President UNESCO Programm Centre Professor JAROSLAV KMIT (Ярослав Кмiт), the Rector Moscow University and Academic of the International Academy of Euroasia, Academic Science Academy High Scools Ukraine, Professor VIKTOR IDZIO (Вiктор Iдзьо). FIRST BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS UNIVERSITY CAPHEDRA. During the Lvov City Stavropigion University Science Council meeting the Lvov City Stavropigion University presented to the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the Honorable Academic „University Science Doctor‘s“ Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Sciences, DSc). Also during the Lvov City Stavropigion University Science Council meeting was announced that the Lvov City Stavropigion University Bodybuilding and Fitness Caphedra was been established. Then the President WFF-WBBF Region West Ukraine VASILIJ BESPALENKO was appointed to lead the Lvov City Stavropigion University Bodybuilding and Fitness Caphedra. VASILIJ BESPALENKO is the first known Ukraine participating Internatiional Bodybuilding Athlete (from 1973). During the prohibition of bodybuilding sport in the Socialist Countries VASILIJ BESPALENKO was brave enough to come to Klaipeda (Lithuania) and participate at the Worlds Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Contests (1968-2013) that were regularly organized by EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. At those times the „Amber Prix International“ Competitions were the unofficial Bodybuilding Championship of the USSR and the World Championship of the Socialist Countries as well in fact. And this fact was officially recognized by the USSR Sport Ministry (Goskomsport) when later the USSR Sport Ministry started to present the Highest „USSR Sport Master“ Degrees for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions. When the times of bodybuilding prohibition in the Socialist Countries were over the above mentioned Ukrainian VASILIJ BESPALENKO was the first Official President National Bodybuilding Federation Ukraine, recognized by Ukraine State Sport Ministry (1986-1990). From now led by VASILIJ BESPALENKO the Lvov City Stavropigion University Bodybuilding and Fitness Caphedra will prepare highest level Bodybuilding and Fitness trainers and teachers for the Ukraine State. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site http://www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-29-2013 2014. WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL INVITED BY INTERNATIONAL NON-OLYMPIC COMMITTEE. The WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International was invited by he International Non-Olympic Committee – INOC. The INOC invites Application from IFs- International Sports Federations (Non-Olympic Sports) to become Member of World second largest sports organization after Olympic. WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL. WFF-WBBF International is the officially registered International No Profit Organization. Sterted it‘s activities nearly 50 years ago the WFF-WBBF International today unites National organizations from 115 countries representing all Continents. WFF-WBBF International organizes over 60 anual International Events World Wide. NEXT STEPS. Represented by the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the WFF-WBBF International started juridic and financial dialogue and discussion with the INOC. For the very start we would like to know some juridical questions: 1. Where and when the INOC was registered by Law (Registration Certificate) 2. What is the juridical background of the INOC activities (the INOC Statute or the Constitution registered by Law). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. |