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World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Printable Version +- WFF / WBBF forum (https://forum.wff.lt) +-- Forum: Forums in english (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Forum: Various federations (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=14) +--- Thread: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) (/showthread.php?tid=32) |
RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-15-2014 2014. CZECH AND SLOVAK BODYBUILDING. ANALYTICAL REVUE (continuing). IFBB DICTATORSHIP. ANTIDEMOCRATIC FEDERATION. Supported by the Ministry Sport Republic Lithuania DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized first Europe Championship in Lithuanian Klaipeda City in 1996. In Lithuania that was the first so high ranked International Bodybuildin Event ever. Also it was the first Official International Event in Lithuania after the Country restored it‘s Independence in 1991. Then it was Czech organizer BOB DIVILEK who led the Czech National Team at this Event. Knowing so many years lasting DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS International work in Czechoslovakia, BOB DIVILEK invited Lithuania National Team to the International Bodybuilding Contest in the City of Zlin (1996). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS led the National Team to Czech that consisted of the National Champions ALGIRDAS KILCIAUSKAS, VYTAUTAS KINDURYS and IDALIJA KAMINSKAITE. One of the Contest Judges at the Event was Professor KAREL TUCHACEK from Prague. Seeing the high status of the participating Lithuania Bodybuilders Professor KAREL TUCHACEK invited them to the soon coming International “Mega Pro” Contests in Prague and Brno Cities. Lithuanians agreed to remain in Czech and to continue participating further. Again among the numerous International participants Lithuanians took high places. Due to this the main “Mega Pro” Contest organizer and the former Europe Champion LIBOR MINARIK invited Lithuania National Team to the same International Events in Pargue and Brno next year (1997). After back from „Mega Pro“ Lithuania Bodybuilders became very famous as Lithuania Press and National Television made numerous reports about their wins. Unfortunatelly not everybody liked this success... After received the official Invitation Lithuania National Bodybuilding Team led by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS went to Chech Contests again in 1997. Right before Lithuanians went on the Contest stage the National IFBB Lithuania President called to the Czech Organizer LIBOR MINARIK and insisted he will not let Lithuanians participate at these Events. His reason was that the Lithuanians were representing another sport Federation but IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders). LIBOR MINARIK told him that he ivited his old friends to Czech Competitions and he see no reason to forbid them participating. Again in 1997 Lithuanians took high places among all International Competitors. But that was not the end. Envying the wins of their natives the Lithuania IFBB leaders wrote a letter to the Owner and the President of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada). BEN WEIDER told the Czech IFBB representatives that if they will alow Lithuanians participating again the Czech National Team will be suspended for a long time from all IFBB Contests. This was the last important Lithuania International Bodybuilding wins in Czech Republic. After this no other Lithuanian won any important International Event in Czech Competitions again. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: Famous Czech Bodybuilders STEFAN JUST and ANTON HOLIC. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 11-19-2014 2014. CZECH AND SLOVAK BODYBUILDING. ANALYTICAL REVUE (continuing). TIME PERIOD OF MARTIN KUTA. EVEN ONE MAN CAN DO A LOT. It seems that even one man can do a lot on International Level. A famous Czech businessman MARTIN KUTA was always a fitness sport fan. In 2005 MARTIN KUTA addressed the WFF-WBBF International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS asking permittion to represent as the Chairman the WFF-WBBF Federation in Czech Republic and to organize anual WFF Fitness Professional World Championship in Prague. From 1999 MARTIN KUTA used to organize a fitness competition in Prague, but this contest had no official International Contest Status. The initiative of MARTIN KUTA was supported by the Major City Prague and by one of the Czech Socialdemocratic Party Leaders PETR HULINSKI. The WFF Pro World Championship Organizers took the responsibility to collect every year five hundred thousand Euro for the competition as the prize money for Pros, as the payment for luxuriuos transport, food and accomodation for the International Delegates. The WFF-WBBF International was responsible to collect the Best International Pro Fitness Competitors. The common work started in 2006. Every year the Czech Organizers hired a famous historic barocco Zofrin Palace that was placed on the Vltava river island right in the centre of Prague City. The Major City Prague was personally present at every WFF Pro Event and all possible Czech Media was televising and covering the World Championship as well. Every Event was crowned by a superious banquett where Czech VIP persons could communicate with the famous International Ahletes direct. At the WFF contests in Prague worked a number of famous Czech bodybuilding personalities among which were PETR STACH and Professor KAREL TUCHACEK. Once it happened that a famous USA Pro Bodybuilder JUSTIN DEXTER after his win at the JOE WEIDER‘S „OLYMPIA“ was in Prague. Having no possibilities to honour the famous bodybuilder themselves the Czech IFBB Leaders asked the Czech National WFF-WBBF President MARTIN KUTA to help them and to let JUSTIN DEXTER stay at one of his hotels in Prague. The WFF-WBBF President agreed to help another friendly Federation. Why not? During the mentioned period of time MARTIN KUTA led the WFF-WBBF Czech National Federation Delegates at the WFF-WBBF International Events in Austria, Poland, Germany and Lithuania. MARTIN KUTA was among the International Delegates at the Official Meeting at the Parliament Republic Lithuania (2007, 2008) and at the International Press Conference at the Lithuania News Agency „ELTA“ (2008). The nice initietive stopped when in 2010 MARTIN KUTA went to constant work to the USA. Nobody else in Czech Republic could replace MARTIN KUTA to continue the International activities he started once before. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: President WFF-WBBF Czech MARTIN KUTA. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-08-2014 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (After 2014 Pro World Championship, first 20 places only) MEN Name Country Points Place SEVCOV ALEKSANDR Estonia 112 1 MALEK MICHAIL Russia 89 2 KLOCKOV JEVGENIJ Russia 46 3 SEBASTIANOV ALEKSEJ Russia 39 4 MISEIKIS ARVYDAS Lithuania 39 4 SCIOGOLEV ALEKSANDR Russia 37 5 KANAS MAROSZ Slovakia 33 6 SARKO VIKTOR Latvia 33 6 FILATOV LEONID Russia 30 7 ANASHKIN ALEXANDER Russia 29 8 OSTA ANTONIO Uruguay 27 9 SOLIONOV JURIJ Lithuania 27 9 DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO Portugal 26 10 KLIAVINS MARIS Latvia 26 10 MEDO DANIEL Slovakia 25 11 RAK ANDRZEJ Poland 25 11 POLIAKOV VLADIMIR Russia 24 12 BRZEZINSKI ANDRZEJ TOMASZ Poland 23 13 NORMUNDS JURANS Latvia 21 14 LIUBOMIROV ALEKSANDR Latvia 21 14 KHASALOV FEDIR Ukraine 20 15 VOROBJOV NIKOLAJ Russia 20 15 KUZMICIUS VITALIJUS Lithuania-Russia 20 15 FIODOROV OLEG Estonia 20 15 GRENADIOROV ALEKSANDR Russia 19 16 BALDIN ALEXANDER Russia 19 16 SEYED HAMED GHOLINEZHAD HOSSEINI Iran 19 16 ARASH AHMADI Iran 18 17 KOSTEL SERGEJ Belarus 18 17 ZACHAROV KONSTANTIN Russia 17 18 KRIVCIKOV DMITRIJ Russia 17 18 RUMIANCEV ANDREJ Estonia 17 18 SKRIPNIK DMITRIJ Russia 16 19 ZAICEV ALEKSANDR Russia 16 19 SENDRIUS RAMUNAS Lithuania 16 19 SILIN ALEKSANDR Russia 15 20 KOCEDYKOV ALEKSEJ Russia 15 20 BRATISKA DANILA Russia 15 20 JAGJIT SINGH India 15 20 KALMUS MAREK Estonia 14 21 ARTEMIOU MARIOS Cyprus 14 21 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 12-10-2014 2014. HIGH INTERNATIONAL NOMONATION. WFF-WBBF BENELUX COUNTRIES AND TURKEY. Our represienative in Belgium LEVENT DEVECI who is the Trainer and Sponsor of the famous WFF-WBBF Belgium Bodybuilder KING IZOGIE visited the World Cup in Lithuania some weeks ago. Huge International matters were spoken with the International President WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. After the address of LEVENT DEVECI the WFF-WBBF Executive Council made the following decission: “Nomination President WFF-WBBF Benelux Countries and Turkey. Today the WFF-WBBF International unites National Federations from 119 Countries that represent all Continents. Every year the WFF-WBBF International holds over 60 International Events World Wide. Working in tune with the President WFF-WBBF Belgium National Federation Levent Deveci the WFF-WBBF International supports the initiative of the WFF-WBBF Belgium to organize the 2015 WFF-WBBF Championship of Benelux Countries in October. The WFF-WBBF International confirms that Levent Deveci has been nominated to the high International Position of the President WFF-WBBF Benelux Counries and Turkey. International President DSc. Edmundas Daubaras”. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: WFF-WBBF Official in Benelux and Turkey LEVENT DEVECI. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-11-2014 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (After 2014 Pro World Championship, first 20 places only) WOMEN Name Country Points Place MILERIUTE JOLANTA Lithuania 66 1 MARTINKOVA EVA Slovakia 60 2 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA Belarus 59 3 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA Slovakia 44 4 LAPSOVA OKSANA Russia 43 5 DEKSNE MARIJA Latvia 40 6 AQUINO DALVANIZA Brazil 40 6 VALETTE-FEDORUK IRINA France-Belarus 36 7 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA Lithuania 36 7 PANOVA JELENA Russia 34 8 DE CESARE-TIULENEVA DIANA Brazil-Ukraine 29 9 VOLKOVA JELENA Russia 28 10 SHUKAITYTE AGNE Lithuania 28 10 POSKEVICIUTE JOVITA Lithuania 25 11 RAPAJIC ALEKSANDRA Serbia 24 12 VRONSKAJA NATALIJA Belarus 23 13 STAVITSKAJA IRINA Russia 22 14 KOLESNIKOVA LIUDMILA Russia 20 15 RIABOVA IRINA Russia 20 15 STASIUKYNIENE ELENA Lithuania 19 16 KURSANOVA JELENA Russia 18 17 GOTTSCHALK TRACY-LEE South Africa 18 17 KAUPPILA RACHEL Finland 18 17 MALACHOVSKA SILVIA Slovakia 18 17 KOKOSH ILONA Lithuania 17 18 LUTSINA MARIA Russia 17 18 HORVATH SZUSANA Hungary 17 18 SZAJOVA VERONIKA Czech 17 18 LEBEDINSKAJA VIKTORIA Ukraine 16 19 MATUSKOVA IVANA Slovakia 16 19 SHUVALOVA INNA Russia 16 19 ZIGALOVA MIRIAM Slovakia 16 19 TOLEDO YAMILA VANESSA Argentina 16 19 GREFFEL LEONOR HILARIO Denmark-Mozambique 15 20 COSTI MONA Cyprus 13 21 KRYZAN TATJANA Ukraine 13 21 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-15-2014 WORLD BODY BUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF) WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF) WORLD AMATEUR RANKING LIST (Since 1968, only first 30 places from over 4000 Athletes from 119 Countries, results presented after 2014 World Championship) WOMEN Competitor's Name Country Points Place MILERIUTE JOLANTA LITHUANIA 252 1 DEKSNE MARIA LATVIA 187 2 MARTINKOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 181 3 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA BELARUS 136 4 PUGACIOVA SVETLANA RUSSIA 133 5 TOLEDO YAMILA VANESSA ARGENTINA 109 6 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA SLOVAKIA 98 7 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA LITHUANIA 93 8 LEBEDINSKAJA VIKTORIA UKRAINE 92 9 RIABOVA IRINA RUSSIA 89 10 BURINSKAJA MARINA LATVIA 85 11 SHUKAITYTE AGNE LITHUANIA 82 12 URBANIAK AGNIESZKA POLAND 80 13 ZIGALOVA MIRIAMA SLOVAKIA 79 14 VRONSKAJA NATALIJA BELARUS 79 14 OLEFIRENKO ALINA UKRAINE 79 14 MOMIROVIC LANA SERBIA 75 15 GREFFEL LEONOR HILARIO DENMARK-MOZAMBUQUE 73 16 RIPERT MARIE PIERRE FRANCE 72 17 VALETT FEDORUK IRINA FRANCE-BELARUS 71 18 MURNIKOVIENE NATALIJA LITHUANIA 71 18 MISEVICIENE VALIUKEVICIUTE SIMONA LITHUANIA 70 19 BEKUS ANITA POLAND 70 19 KUKRES SOROKINA ALEKSANDRA LITHUANIA 69 20 TASIUKEVICIUTE AUSRA LITHUANIA 68 21 ELKSNINIA RITA LATVIA 68 21 GLAGOLEVA VIKTORIA RUSSIA 65 22 KOVALKO TATJANA RUSSIA-BELARUS 64 23 KORPAN KLAUDIA POLAND 64 23 KALADINSKAJA RENATA BELARUS 64 23 DEGUTIENE LILIJA LITHUANIA 64 23 AQUINO DALVANIZA BRAZIL 64 23 STASIUKYNIENE ELENA LITHUANIA 63 24 PRONINA NATALIA RUSSIA 62 25 TICHONOVA OLGA RUSSIA 61 26 MALACHOVSKA SILVIA SLOVAKIA 60 27 STAVICKAJA IRINA RUSSIA 59 28 PERROTT LINETTE ENGLAND 59 28 PANOVA JELENA RUSSIA 59 28 MATOUSKOVA EVA SLOVAKIA 59 28 LAPSOVA OKSANA RUSSIA 59 28 COSTI MONA CYPRUS 58 29 BORUTOVA CERVENA LENKA CZECH 58 29 BOCIAN NATALIA POLAND 58 29 MALEKPUR SUZAN SHIRAZI GERMANY 57 30 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-18-2014 WORLD BODY BUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF) WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF) WORLD AMATEUR RANKING LIST (Since 1968, only first 30 places from over 4000 Athletes from 119 Countries, results presented after 2014 World Championship) MEN Competitor's Name Country Points Place SEVCOV ALEKSANDR ESTONIA 222 1 CITRONE JOHN ENGLAND 188 2 BAGHERZADEH REZA IRAN 168 3 KRIVCIKOV DMITRIJ RUSSIA 130 4 MALEK MICHAIL RUSSIA 127 5 JURANS NORMUNDS LATVIA 110 6 LIUBOMIROV ALEKSANDR LATVIA 109 7 COOPER BERNIE ENGLAND 104 8 MISEIKIS ARVYDAS LITHUANIA 88 9 FIODOROV OLEG ESTONIA 87 10 BRZEZINSKI ANDRZEJ TOMASZ POLAND 87 10 DZIKEVICIUS DAINIUS LITHUANIA 86 11 YASHANKIN DMITRIJ RUSSIA 80 12 CELIK PETAR SERBIA 80 12 MALAKAUSKAS VIDMANTAS LITHUANIA 78 13 SARKO VIKTOR LATVIA 76 14 ANASKIN ALEKSANDR RUSSIA 74 15 GORELIK JEVGENIJ LITHUANIA 73 16 JUCYS VIKTORAS LITHUANIA 72 17 RUMIANCEV ANDREJ ESTONIA 71 18 LOUVEL MICKAEL FRANCE 71 18 MISEVICIUS SAULIUS LITHUANIA 69 19 MONACO MASSIMO ITALY 68 20 KHASHALOV FEDIR UKRAINE 68 20 VLADIMIROV ALEKSANDR ENGLAND-LITHUANIA 67 21 RAK ANDRZEJ POLAND 66 22 KALMUS MAREK ESTONIA 66 22 RASMUSSEN PALLE DENMARK 65 23 DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO PORTUGAL-UK 65 23 ANNUS OLEV ESTONIA 64 24 OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY 63 25 HEISEL PATRICK GERMANY 62 26 CARLOTTO FRANCO SWITZERLAND 62 26 MASLOVSKIJ ALEKSANDR LATVIA 61 27 ARTEMIOU MARIOS CYPRUS 59 28 KLIAVINS MARIS LATVIA 58 29 SENDRIUS RAMUNAS LITHUANIA 57 30 LESLIE JOHN SOUTH AFRICA 57 30 KOCEDYKOV ALEKSEJ RUSSIA 57 30 FILATOV LEONID RUSSIA 57 30 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 12-26-2014 2015. WORLD‘S MOST IMPORTANT AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDING CONTESTS. WORLD‘S OLDEST TRADITIONAL BODYBUILDING CONTEST. WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) starts it‘s International Bodybuilding Events from 1968. That are the World‘s Oldest Anual Traditional Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Competitions (1968-2015). AMATEUR EVENTS INTERNATIONAL. WFF-WBBF International holds the folowing anual World‘s Most Important International Amateur Events: - WFF-WBBF „Amber Prix International“ (from 1968) - WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship (from 1968) - WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship (from 1990) - WFF-WBBF Amateur „Universe“ (from 2000) - WFF-WBBF World Cup (from 2009) - WFF-WBBF Europe Cup Open (from 2012 ) - WFF-WBBF World Grand Prix (from 1991) - WFF-WBBF Europe Grand Prix (from 2005). PROFESSIONAL EVENTS INTERNATIONAL. WFF-WBBF International holds the folowing anual World‘s Most Important International Pro Events: - WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (from 2004) - WFF-WBBF Pro Europe Championship (from 2006) - WFF-WBBF Pro „Universe“ (from 2012) - WFF-WBBF Pro World Cup (from 2010) - WFF-WBBF Pro World Grand Prix (from 2004). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 12-31-2014 2015. The Congratulating Words of the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. Edmundas Daubaras. WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) history started fivety years ago with the World‘s Oldest Traditional International Bodybuilding Contests „Amber Prix International“. We have been working much and achieved good positive results in 2014 again. I would like to underline tremendous work done by the WFF-WBBF International VIP Officials Stefan Hrcka (Slovakia) and Aleksandr Nevsky, a famous Hollywood Actor and Producer called “Russia Schwarzenegger”, International Vice Presidents Andrej Basov and Mikhail Dyakonov (both Russia), Continental Presidents Ali Reza Rasa (Iran), Vladimir Kurilcik (Belarus) and Ruben Pibe Rodriguez (Paraguay). Today the WFF-WBBF unites National Organizations from 119 Countries that represent all Continents. In 2014 WFF-WBBF International organized over 60 various level competitions in various Countries. Among them the 46-th World’s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest “Amber Prix International” (Kaunas, Lithuania, 1968-2014). Great importance was of the World Amateur Championship and World Professional Championship “Amber Prix OLYMPIA” (Brusno Kupele Resort, Slovakia), Europe Am Championship (Estonia) and World Am and Pro Cup (Lithuania). Ending the year the WFF-WBBF International goes on working on the Unique Global Bodybuilding Project - „Encyclopedia of World‘s Modern Bodybuilding“ («Энциклопедия современного мирового культуризма»). That has been never done before by anyone else. Both WFF-International and WBBF-International still are the only ones World Wide Officially Registered and really working International Non Profit Sport Organizations (Bodybuilding and Fitness). New ideas and tremendous work done for the International sport make the WFF and WBBF to be the today’s International Leaders in Bodybuilding and Fitness World Wide. Other International Sport Organizations evaluate our work and copy us. That means the WFF-WBBF International is on the right way. The WFF and WBBF do not live yesterday’s life. We have lots of new Global Bodybuilding Projects ahead. Various things happen – good and bad. We work, we make mistakes, we do our best not to make the mistakes again. But if we will go on working on the positive note – all is possible for the sport we all love. HEALTH, SUCCESS, LUCK AND HAPPINESS IN 2015!!! God bless all of us in our sincere pray! RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-03-2015 REMEMBER BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA. WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGEND. RAIMUNDAS PETRAITIS, Lithuania. Champion „Amber Prix International“ (1986, 1989), Runner-Up „Amber Prix International“ (1984), Champion USSR Cup (1989), multiple National Champion Lithuania. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: World Bodybuilding Legend RAIMUNDAS PETRAITIS at „Amber Prix International“ (Klaipeda, Lithuania). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-04-2015 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (After 2014 Pro World Championship, first 55 places only) MEN Name Country Points Place SCHWARZENEGGER ARNOLD USA-Austria 143 1 OLIVA SERGIO Cuba-USA 135 2 COLEMAN RONALD USA 134 3 ROBINSON ROBBY USA 117 4 SEVCOV ALEKSANDR Estonia 112 5 KAWAK EDUARDO France 111 6 ZANE FRANK USA 106 7 COE BOYER USA 97 8 CUTLER JAY USA 93 9 TAYLOR VINCE ANTHONY Germany-USA 93 9 RICHARDS FRANK England 92 10 RAY SHAWN USA 90 11 MALEK MICHAIL Russia 89 12 LEVRONE KEVIN USA 89 13 HANNEY LEE USA 89 13 JACKSON DEXTER USA 87 14 DICKERSON CHRIS USA 78 15 JAMES DENIS Germany 71 16 LABRADA LEE USA 68 17 EL SONBATY NASER Jugoslavia-USA 67 18 SCHMIDT EDMOND ALTEN New Zealand 62 19 GASPARI RICHARD USA 61 20 CLAIRMONTE CHARLES England 60 21 CORNEY ED USA 58 22 LOPEZ ANIBAL USA 58 22 COLUMBU FRANCESCO Italy-USA 54 23 HEATH PHIL USA 54 23 PADILLA DAN USA 52 24 CHRISTIAN MIKE USA 49 25 LAWRENCE IAN Scotland 48 26 ROSS CLARENCE USA 48 26 PARK REG England 47 27 FERIGNO LOU Italy-USA 47 27 KLOCKOV JEVGENIJ Russia 46 28 BECKLES ALBERT England 46 28 PRIEST LEE Australia 46 28 OGORODNIKOV SERGEJ Russia 45 29 FREEMAN TONY USA 44 30 SCHMIDT SONNY Australia 44 30 WHEELER KEN USA 43 31 PLATZ TOM USA 43 31 DE MAY BERRY Holland 42 32 NUBRET SERGE France 42 32 SEBASTIANOV ALEKSEJ Russia 39 33 MISEIKIS ARVYDAS Lithuania 39 33 GREENE KAI USA 39 33 MAKKAWY MOHAMED Egypt 38 34 SCIOGOLEV ALEKSANDR Russia 37 35 JACKSON TYRONE DEXTER USA 36 36 POOLE HAROLD USA 36 36 QUINN JIM USA 35 37 SARCEV MILOS Jugoslavia-USA 35 37 DRAPER DAVE USA 34 38 KANAS MAROSZ Slovakia 33 39 SARKO VIKTOR Latvia 33 39 FILATOV LEONID Russia 30 40 ANTHONY MELVIN USA 30 40 DILETT PAUL Canada 30 40 PARIS BOB USA 30 40 SCHLIERKAMP GUNTER Germany 30 40 JABLONICKY PAVOL Czech 30 40 ANASHKIN ALEXANDER Russia 29 41 CORREA EDUARDO Brazil 29 41 RAYMOND JOSE USA 28 42 OSTA ANTONIO Uruguay 27 43 SOLIONOV JURIJ Lithuania 27 43 DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO Portugal 26 44 KLIAVINS MARIS Latvia 26 44 BANOUT SAMIR Lebanon 26 44 MEDO DANIEL Slovakia 25 45 RAK ANDRZEJ Poland 25 45 POLIAKOV VLADIMIR Russia 24 46 BERTAGNA RENATO Italy 24 46 WALLER KEN USA 24 46 MUNZER ANDREAS Germany 24 46 BRZEZINSKI ANDRZEJ TOMASZ Poland 23 47 NORMUNDS JURANS Latvia 21 48 LIUBOMIROV ALEKSANDR Latvia 21 48 LAVISCOUNT EUGENE England 21 48 KHASALOV FEDIR Ukraine 20 49 VOROBJOV NIKOLAJ Russia 20 49 KUZMICIUS VITALIJUS Lithuania-Russia 20 49 FIODOROV OLEG Estonia 20 49 DELZEG EMERIC Romania 20 49 LISTER GARRY England 20 49 SCOTT LARY USA 20 49 GRENADIOROV ALEKSANDR Russia 19 50 BALDIN ALEXANDER Russia 19 50 SEYED HAMED GHOLINEZHAD HOSSEINI Iran 19 50 MENTZER MIKE USA 19 50 REEVES STEVE USA 19 50 ARASH AHMADI Iran 18 51 KOSTEL SERGEJ Belarus 18 51 WILKOSZ JUSUP Germany 18 51 METZ HUBERT Germany 18 51 FULLER JOHNIE England 18 51 ZACHAROV KONSTANTIN Russia 17 52 KRIVCIKOV DMITRIJ Russia 17 52 RUMIANCEV ANDREJ Estonia 17 52 SKRIPNIK DMITRIJ Russia 16 53 ZAICEV ALEKSANDR Russia 16 53 SENDRIUS RAMUNAS Lithuania 16 53 SILIN ALEKSANDR Russia 15 54 KOCEDYKOV ALEKSEJ Russia 15 54 BRATISKA DANILA Russia 15 54 JAGJIT SINGH India 15 54 DAVIS STEVE USA 15 54 RODRIGUEZ CARLOS USA 15 54 TINERINO DENIS USA 15 54 FOX BERTIL England 15 54 HEMSWORTH BILL England 15 54 KALMUS MAREK Estonia 14 55 ARTEMIOU MARIOS Cyprus 14 55 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-08-2015 2015. RESPECT. WFF-WBBF DISABLED SPORTSMEN ARE A GOOD EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW FOR THE SANE PEOPLE. WFF-WBBF DISABLED SPORT DIVISION. After the 1998 International Congress in Palanga (Lithuania) the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International started working seriously with the Disabled Sportsmen in 1998. Then the first International Champions were GARIB JOUNIS (Holland), TORSTEN PETERSEN (Denmark), ALEKSANDR KOROLIOV (Estonia) and SERGEJ BEGLIK (Lithuania). The Lithuanian SERGEJ BEGLIK won all Official Competitions possible: World and Europe Championship and the “Universe”. Later the Great Respectful International Champions were the following WFF-WBBF Disabled Athletes: MICKAEL LOUVEL (France), PETER SMIT (RSA), TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI (Turkey), DIAN MICHAILOV (Bulgaria), ANASTASIA BELKOVSKAJA (Russia), GUSTAVO RODRIGUES (Brazil), KAROL MILEWSKI and MARIUSZ KRZYSTOF KUPCZAK (Poland), ALEKSANDR GOLUB, NIAS IZMAILOV, OLEG ABORNEV, OLEG PILECKIJ, ALEKSANDR ROSSOMAKIN (all Ukraine), RAVINDER SINGH (India), VIKTOR TOLOP, NIKOLAJ MIRONOV, GENADIJ ZAMETASHKIN, KAROLIS STONCIUS (all Lithuania). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 01-10-2015 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (After 2014 Pro World Championship, first 45 places only) WOMEN Name Country Points Place KYLE IRIS USA 152 1 YAKSENI ORIGUEN GARCIA Venezuela 108 2 CREAVALLE LAURA Australia 99 3 DENNIS DIANA USA 96 4 SELIN MARJO Finland 87 5 BERGMANN JULIETTE Holland 76 6 DUNLAP CARLA USA 69 7 MILERIUTE JOLANTA Lithuania 66 8 MC LISH RACHEL USA 62 9 CZIZEWSKY KIMBERLY ANN USA 61 10 FRANCIS BEV USA 61 10 MARTINKOVA EVA Slovakia 60 11 EVERSON CORINA USA 60 11 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA Belarus 59 12 BINETTI LAURA Canada 57 13 GATES VICKY USA 57 13 BENDEL VERA Germany 52 14 CURRY SUSIE USA 51 15 CONKWRIGHT LYNN USA 50 16 ROBERTS MARY USA 50 16 BAXTER KAY USA 49 17 OLIVEIRA DONA USA 46 18 RAGAIN JANICE USA 46 18 PARISO BETTY USA 45 19 CHESHIRE CAROLYN USA 45 19 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA Slovakia 44 20 LAPSOVA OKSANA Russia 43 21 BLANCHETTE ANDRULA USA 43 22 GRISHINA OKSANA Russia 43 22 BRANT MONICA USA 42 23 DEKSNE MARIJA Latvia 40 24 AQUINO DALVANIZA Brazil 40 24 MULDROW SARYN Denmark 39 25 FRABIELLE MELISA USA 39 25 VAN MARIS ELLEN Holland 38 26 HUGHES YOLANDA USA 38 26 VALETTE-FEDORUK IRINA France-Belarus 36 27 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA Lithuania 36 27 DAROLE DOMINIQUE USA 36 27 MESS ERIKA Holland 36 27 ANDERSON DINAH USA 35 28 FUDGE MILLER GEORGE USA 35 28 PANOVA JELENA Russia 34 29 CHEPIGA VALENTINA Ukraine 34 29 LASZEWSKI DEBBIE USA 33 30 LANGER ANJA Germany 33 30 JERUMBO MARY ELLEN USA 30 31 MAJOROVA TIMEA Slovakia 30 31 AUKLAND LISA USA 30 31 DE CESARE-TIULENEVA DIANA Brazil-Ukraine 29 32 SCHREINER ANJA Germany 29 32 VOLKOVA JELENA Russia 28 33 SHUKAITYTE AGNE Lithuania 28 33 PAISLEY JACKIE USA 28 33 POSKEVICIUTE JOVITA Lithuania 25 34 RAPAJIC ALEKSANDRA Serbia 24 35 LORIO LISA USA 24 35 MUGGLI DEBBIE USA 24 35 ELOMAA KIKE Finland 24 35 VRONSKAJA NATALIJA Belarus 23 36 STAVITSKAJA IRINA Russia 22 37 KOLESNIKOVA LIUDMILA Russia 20 38 RIABOVA IRINA Russia 20 38 STASIUKYNIENE ELENA Lithuania 19 39 KURSANOVA JELENA Russia 18 40 GOTTSCHALK TRACY-LEE South Africa 18 40 KAUPPILA RACHEL Finland 18 40 MALACHOVSKA SILVIA Slovakia 18 40 KOKOSH ILONA Lithuania 17 41 LUTSINA MARIA Russia 17 41 HORVATH SZUSANA Hungary 17 41 SZAJOVA VERONIKA Czech 17 41 MURNIKOVIENE NATALIA Lithuania 16 42 LEBEDINSKAJA VIKTORIA Ukraine 16 42 MATUSKOVA IVANA Slovakia 16 42 SHUVALOVA INNA Russia 16 42 ZIGALOVA MIRIAM Slovakia 16 42 TOLEDO YAMILA VANESSA Argentina 16 42 GREFFEL LEONOR HILARIO Denmark-Mozambique 15 43 COSTI MONA Cyprus 13 44 KRYZAN TATJANA Ukraine-Russia 13 44 PLACKINGER TINA USA 12 45 RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-13-2015 2015. DO NOT FORGET WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. LITHUANIA EFFORTS DEVELOPING INTERNATIONAL SPORT. During the bodybuilding sport history along with other numerous International Contests WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International sucessfully organized in Lithuania four World Professional Championships, three World Amateur Championships and twelve Europe Amateur Championships. Lithuania holds a number of Historic World Sport Records. Among them the most numerous participants of the 2005 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship in Vilnius. Then supported by the Government Republic Lithuania in the State Congress Palace competed 742 Athletes from 42 Countries. Are there many ather Countries that did the same? INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 02-15-2015 World Fitness Federation World Body Building Federation WORLD RANKING LIST PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (All Federations, after 2014 Pro World Championship, first 35 places only) WOMEN Name Country Points Place KYLE IRIS USA 152 1 YAKSENI ORIGUEN GARCIA Venezuela 108 2 CREAVALLE LAURA Australia 99 3 DENNIS DIANA USA 96 4 SELIN MARJO Finland 87 5 BERGMANN JULIETTE Holland 76 6 DUNLAP CARLA USA 69 7 MILERIUTE JOLANTA Lithuania 66 8 MC LISH RACHEL USA 62 9 CZIZEWSKY KIMBERLY ANN USA 61 10 FRANCIS BEV USA 61 10 MARTINKOVA EVA Slovakia 60 11 EVERSON CORINA USA 60 11 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA Belarus 59 12 BINETTI LAURA Canada 57 13 GATES VICKY USA 57 13 BENDEL VERA Germany 52 14 CURRY SUSIE USA 51 15 CONKWRIGHT LYNN USA 50 16 ROBERTS MARY USA 50 16 BAXTER KAY USA 49 17 OLIVEIRA DONA USA 46 18 RAGAIN JANICE USA 46 18 PARISO BETTY USA 45 19 CHESHIRE CAROLYN USA 45 19 ZIGALOVA MARIETTA Slovakia 44 20 LAPSOVA OKSANA Russia 43 21 BLANCHETTE ANDRULA USA 43 22 GRISHINA OKSANA Russia 43 22 BRANT MONICA USA 42 23 DEKSNE MARIJA Latvia 40 24 AQUINO DALVANIZA Brazil 40 24 MULDROW SARYN Denmark 39 25 FRABIELLE MELISA USA 39 25 VAN MARIS ELLEN Holland 38 26 HUGHES YOLANDA USA 38 26 VALETTE-FEDORUK IRINA France-Belarus 36 27 NARBUTAITYTE KRISTINA Lithuania 36 27 DAROLE DOMINIQUE USA 36 27 MESS ERIKA Holland 36 27 ANDERSON DINAH USA 35 28 FUDGE MILLER GEORGE USA 35 28 PANOVA JELENA Russia 34 29 CHEPIGA VALENTINA Ukraine 34 29 LASZEWSKI DEBBIE USA 33 30 LANGER ANJA Germany 33 30 JERUMBO MARY ELLEN USA 30 31 MAJOROVA TIMEA Slovakia 30 31 AUKLAND LISA USA 30 31 DE CESARE-TIULENEVA DIANA Brazil-Ukraine 29 32 SCHREINER ANJA Germany 29 32 VOLKOVA JELENA Russia 28 33 SHUKAITYTE AGNE Lithuania 28 33 PAISLEY JACKIE USA 28 33 POSKEVICIUTE JOVITA Lithuania 25 34 RAPAJIC ALEKSANDRA Serbia 24 35 LORIO LISA USA 24 35 MUGGLI DEBBIE USA 24 35 ELOMAA KIKE Finland 24 35 INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-02-2015 2015. REMEMBER BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. 2013 was an extraordinary year for the World Bodybuilding. In 2013 the International Sport Society was celebrating the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International“ (международный турнир „Янтарный приз», “Gintarinio prizo” turnyras) 45-th anniversary (1968-2013). In 2013 the International Sport Society was celebrating the 115-th anniversary of the first bodybuilding contest ever (held in 1898 in England and Russia). Also in 1898 in England the first Bodybuilding „Health and Strenght“ Magazine has been started to issue and it is issued until now by ROY EDWARDS (UK). In 2013 the International Sport Society was celebrating the 85-th anniversary of female fitness. It is connected with the famous BRONE‘s DUBAR regular trainings and participation in New York City in 1928. We are glad to state that the Americans started collecting additional historic information about BRONE DUBAR for the coming „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“. BRONE DUBAR with her family emigrated from Lithuania to the USA right before the First World War. WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). The Encyclopedia Project works are led by the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Until now nobody even tried to work on such a huge International Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ which was written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider basic things. Our „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 2000 known Bodybuilding Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. Important - all these 2000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGEND. Among many other bodybuilders the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ mentions World Bodybuilding Legend VIKTORAS JUCYS (Викторас Юцис, Klaipeda, Lithuania). VIKTORAS JUCYS never lost a single contest he participated at. Along with numerous winnings of International and National Competitions VIKTORAS JUCYS was the first Over All USSR Cup Champion (1988, Leningrad, Russia), three times Over All World‘s Oldest Bodybuilding Traditional „Amber Prix International“ Contest Champion (1987, 1988, 1989) and also the Over All „Amber Prix International“ Contest Junior Champion (1985). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: World Bodybuilding Legend VIKTORAS JUCYS at the „Amber Prix International“ (1989, Klaipeda, Lithuania). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 03-05-2015 WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA. ONLY TWO HISTORIC REVUES LEFT – RUSSIA AND LITHUANIA. WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA. Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works on the unique Global Bodybuilding Project - the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). The Encyclopedia Project works are led by the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Until now nobody even tried to work on such a huge International Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some works „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ which was written about himself in person mostly). Every Encyclopedia covers much wider basic things. Our „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ is based on the fivety years collected Archives of the WFF-WBBF International, the Archivic Documents presented to us by the Owner and the President of WABBA SERGE NUBRET (France), the Heads of the UK Public Club NABBA OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (England) and IVAN DUNBAR (Ireland), the Owners and Heads of the IFBB Commercial Company BEN WEIDER (Canada), PAUL CHUA (Singapore), ALEX BAUER (Austria), JOSE PARDO HIDALGO (Spain). Starting with EUGENY SANDOW our „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ covers the period of over 100 years time. It presents over 2000 known Bodybuilding Sport personalities who were very important for the World Bodybuilding Sport during the last Century. Important - all these 2000 Bodybuilding Persons are representing all historically known traditional International Bodybuilding Federations. Our „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ will be published in various popular languages, including the Chinese language. ONLY TWO HISTORIC REVUES LEFT – RUSSIA AND LITHUANIA. World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia coveres bodybuilding history of all Countries that have played important role and somehow influenced the International Sport Movement. World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia looks on the Sport History of all Countries from the pioin of view of the International Sport. Often we do not underline the national level historic happenings as they have nothing to do with the International Sport. We have already made and published ther history of all Countries that were important Internationally. Only two historiv bodybuilding revues left to do: the Russia and the Lithuania ones. Ending this part of the Encyclopedia work this is what we will do in the nearest future. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: WFF-WBBF Official Meeting at the Parliament Republic Lithuania. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-06-2015 2015. JEVGENIJ ZURCEV. REMEMBER WORLD BODYBUILDING LEGENDS. GET TO KNOW WORLD BODYBUILDING HISTORY. JEVGENIJ ZURCEV (Евгений Журцев, Lithuania), famous Lithuania Bodybuilding Trainer, multiple World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2015) Contest Champion, also multiple National Lithuania Champion (participated from 1970 to 1984). „I have been always training very hard, bet never became the World Champion. I have been never a money slave. All money I earned, I spent for bodybuilding“, - says JEVGENIJ ZURCEV. INFORMATION More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: World Bodybuilding Legend JEVGENIJ ZURCEV (1974, Vilnius, Lithuania). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 04-08-2015 2015. SPORT MINISTRY LITHUANIA PRESENTS WFF-WBBF MAGAZINES. NO OTHER INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING FEDERATION HAS IT‘S OWN MAGAZINE, BUT WFF-WBBF. Today the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International unites 119 Country – Members and organizes every year nearly 60 anual Am and Pro International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridic point of view the WFF-WBBF International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader. WFF-WBBF International started issuing the International Magazines in various languages in 1989. The WFF-WBBF Magazines are spread free of charge during the most important International Sport Events World Wide and also in all Country-Members of the Federation. The Magazines can be found in many basic State Libraries. Once the German Leizig State Library addressed the WFF-WBBF International asking the Federation Magazines for the readers. We would like to underline that no other known International Bodybuilding Sport Organization has it‘s own International Magazine, but the WFF-WBBF. Not long ago the Sport Ministry Lithuania informed the WFF-WBBF International that the WFF-WBBF Magazines will be Representing sport of Republic Lithuania Internationally. ARNOLD SCWARZENEGGER RECOMMENDS The first WFF-WBBF International Magazine (1989) was the famous methodical issue „Arnold Scwarzenegger Recommends“ („Арнольд Шварценеггер рекомендует»). At that time many East Europe Bodybuilders were short of the methodical knowlidge and that was the reason of the 2 000 000 sucessfull issues of the magazine. The „Arnold Scwarzenegger Recommends“ bacame the real „Cathekizmus“ for most bodybuilders of that time. Until now nobody even tried to work on such a huge International Project. To be frank, only few people can do it. There were attempts to name some previous works as „Encyclopedia“ too, but that were not Encyclopedias of Bodybuilding Sport in real (for example, as Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s „Encyclopedia“ was written about himself in person mostly). In real every Encyclopedia covers much wider things. WORKING PUBLISHING GROUP The WFF-WBBF working publishing group is led by the Member International Journalist Association the International WFF-WBBF President DSc EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. For the period of the last 30 years the WFF-WBBF International published 37 International Magazines in various languages. WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA Crowning it‘s 50 years of International Bodybuilding activities, the WFF-WBBF) works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project - the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма»). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 04-14-2015 2015 WFF-WBBF „Baltic Cup International“ will be held on May 10 in Kaunas, Lithuania. World Fitness Federation (WFF) World Body Building Federation (WBBF) BALTIC CUP INTERNATIONAL Over All Winners (2006-2014) Men Year Competitors Name Country 2014 Kocedykov Aleksej Russia 2013 Pauliukevicius Andrius Lithuania 2012 Vladimirov Aleksandr England 2011 Pauliukevicius Andrius Lithuania 2010 Bruzas Nerijus Lithuania 2009 Aleksandrov Vitalij Latvia 2008 Sciogolev Aleksandr Russia 2007 Dzikevicius Dainius Lithuania 2006 Liubomirov Aleksandr Latvia Women Year Competitors Name Country 2014 Sabirova Jekaterina Russia 2013 Asijaviciene Vilma Lithuania 2012 Kokos Ilona Lithuania 2011 Bogdanova Airida Lithuania 2010 Talmakova Tatjana Russia 2009 Satkauskaite Zita Lithuania 2008 Kokos Ilona Lithuania 2007 Jokubauskyte Radvile Lithuania 2006 Kukina Julija Latvia Chairman International WFF-WBBF Judges Council Edita Sendriene. INFORMATION: More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. PHOTO: WFF-WBBF Pro ALEKSANDR SCIOGOLEV (Russia). RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 04-17-2015 CALENDAR REFRESHED: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) World Body Building Federation (WBBF-International) 2015 WORLD'S MOST IMPORTANT Pro and Am International Event‘s Callendar (119 National Country-Members from all Continents; main events only as in 2015 WFF-WBBF holds over 60 International events World Wide) DATE EVENT PLACE January 11 Pakistan National Championship, Bahesh, Pakistan January 24 International Trainer's Seminar Klaipeda, Lithuania March 7 Lithuania National Power Championship Kretinga, Lithuania March 27 Bobruisk Model Fitness Open, Bobruisk, Belarus March 29 Copa Arasunu, Corrientes, Argentina March 12 Pakistan National Junior Championship, Bahech, Pakistan April 12 Copa Mercosour, Asuncion, Paraguay April 25 National Championship Germany, Bindlach, Germany April 25 National Championship Russia, Moscow, Russia April 25 Open Polish Competition, Ostrow Mazowiecki, Poland April 25 National Championship Ukraine, Ternopol, Ukraine April 26 Belarus Junior Contest Bobruisk, Belarus April 26 Belarus National Championship Bobruisk, Belarus May 10 16-th Baltic Cup International Klaipeda, Lithuania May 10 47-th "Amber Prix International" Klaipeda, Lithuania May 10 5-th Europe Am Cup Open Klaipeda, Lithuania May 10 Lithuania National Championship Klaipeda, Lithuania May 1 Poland National Championship Warsaw, Poland May 16 Europe Pro Grand Prix Tver, Russia May 16 Poland National Fit-kid Championship Gdansk, Poland May 29 10-th Europe Pro Championship Tallinn, Estonia May 29 Europe Am Championship Tallinn, Estonia May 29 16-th Amateur "Universe" Tallinn, Estonia July 12 Copa Cindal De La Cruz, Corrientes, Argentina August 16 Dorchester Cup Open, Dorchester, UK September 12 South America Continent Championship, Termes De Rio Hondo, Santiago Del Estero, Argentina September 19 Cope Cindad De Mote Casera, Corrientes, Argentina September 26 40-th "Lithuania Cup Open International" Kaunas, Lithuania October 11-th South America Championship Rosario, Argentina October Russia Cup Open Moscow, Russia October Belarus Cup Open Bobruisk, Belarus October Poland Cup Open Tczew, Poland October 6 World Am Fitness Cup Brusno Kupele, Slovakia October 8 World Am Bodybuilding Cup Brusno Kupele, Slovakia October 9 11-th World Pro Championship "Amber Prix OLYMPIA" Brusno Kupele, Slovakia October 17 World Am Championship Gdansk, Poland Octeber 18 Misiones Classic, Pasades, Misiones, Paraguay October 24 Europe Grand Prix International Mastricht, Holland October 25 National Championship Paraguay Open, Pasades, Misiones, Paraguay November 1 National Championship Argentina, Corrientes, Argentina November 7 World Pro Grand Prix Jekateringurg, Russia November 1 4-th "World Grand Prix Slaviansky Cup" Brest, Belarus November 5-th "Nevsky Classic International" Tula, Russia November 28 World Pro Cup Kaunas, Lithuania November 28 World Am Grand Prix Kaunas, Lithuania December 5 Lithuania National Power Cup Palanga, Lithuania Attention! The WFF-WBBF Events Calendar is in move as many more Contests will be added. Secretary International Edita Sendriene INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - International Secretary - 05-14-2015 NOBODY ELSE ON OFFICIAL LEVEL WORLD WIDE CARES FOR SPORTSMEN AND THE BODYBUILDING SPORT BUT THE WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL. THIS IS OUR BASIC GOAL. Think and state: looking around through the last decades most often lots of High Level International Athletes and Qualified Officials get their High Positions and Wins participation at the WFF-WBBF International Events and all of them dissappear from the International Sport History after they leave the International Federation WFF-WBBF. Be frank - no one else needs them. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 05-19-2015 2015. WHO RULES OFFICIAL BODYBUILDING SPORT. WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (119 Country Members representing all Continents, after International Congress, May 9, 2015, Klaipeda, Lithuania) NAME COUNTRY OFFICIAL POSITION EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS LITHUANIA PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL ANDREJ BASOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL, CHAIRMAN PRO DIVISSION MIKCHAIL DYAKONOV RUSSIA VICE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL for Public Relations VLADIMIR KURILCIK BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing EUROPE COUNTRIES EDITA SENDRIENE LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA and ARAB COUNTRIES RUBEN PIBE RODRIGUEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SOUTH AMERICA LEVENT DEVECI BELGIUM MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BENELUX COUNTRIES MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN FIT-KID SPORT DIVISION ALEKSEJ FILATOV ESTONIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BALTIC STATES VYTAUTAS MIKUCKIS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, INTERNATIONAL CHAIRMAN SPORT POWER FITNESS DIVISION VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN SPORT MODEL FITNESS DIVISION EUROPE GIANNI ALMEDA BRAZIL MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ESTONIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SVETLANA PUGACIOVA RUSSIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN TECHNICAL COMMITTEE JOLANTA MILERIUTE LITHUANIA SECRETARY INTERNATIONAL TOMMY DU RAND REPUBLIC SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AFRICA PRINCE UPPAL INDIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA PALLE RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing SCANDINAVIA COUNTRIES LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL EVGENY LATYPOV JAPAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing ASIA ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing AUSTRALIA ANDREJUS LARIONOVAS LITHUANIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, CHAIRMAN DISABLED SPORT DIVISION VASILIJ BESPALENKO UKRAINE MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL EHSAN FARAHI USA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing NORTH AMERICA ALEKSEJ LAGOIKO BELARUS MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, VICE CHAIRMAN JUDGES COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC SERBIA MEMBER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, representing BALCAN COUNTRIES ADAN HUSEIN AZERBAJAN MEMBER ADAN HUSEIN AZERBAJAN MEMBER AHMAD RABIT IRAQ MEMBER AHMAD RAMBOT KURDISTAN MEMBER AHMED KAMAL PAKISTAN MEMBER AL SAKA HASSAN SYRIA MEMBER ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK POLAND MEMBER ALEKSEJ FILATOV ESTONIA MEMBER ALEX ENCEL AUSTRALIA MEMBER ALI REZA RASA IRAN MEMBER AMMY SHANTZ CANADA MEMBER ANDREY SUSEKIN RUSSIA MEMBER ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI POLAND MEMBER ANETT PESCI HUNGARY MEMBER ANGELINA ROMANOVIC LATVIA MEMBER ANTONIO OSTA URUGUAY MEMBER ARISTOFANES CAUTRO KABAL ANGOLA MEMBER ARTURAS VASKEVICIUS HOLLAND MEMBER ATLE KIELLAND NORWAY MEMBER BENGTSSON ANDERS SWEDEN MEMBER BREGER STONE BURUNDY MEMBER DA CRUZ REINALDO JOSE ROBERTO PORTUGAL MEMBER DAYO AUDI UK MEMBER DAMIEN ROBSON IRELAND MEMBER DAMIR IVANCIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER DAVID AIRAPETIAN ARMENIA MEMBER DIAN MICHAILOV BULGARIA MEMBER DIMCE PALENZO MACEDONIA MEMBER DINO THIERRY QUADELUPPE MEMBER DMIRTIJ KRIVCIKOV RUSSIA MEMBER DONATAS ADOMAVICIUS ICELAND MEMBER EHAB NASSAR EGYPT MEMBER EHSAN FARAHI USA MEMBER EL NASRI MICKEY LEBANON MEMBER ELIAS DJARUDY RWANDA MEMBER ELISABETH HAURECH CHILE MEMBER ERIKA PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER ERZSEBET HERCZOG HUNGARY MEMBER EVA MARTINKOVA SLOVAKIA MEMBER EVGENY LATYPOV AFGANISTAN MEMBER EVRARD GBOZINKPA BENIN MEMBER FERNANDA YOUGLAR ARGENTINA MEMBER FERNANDO ORIHUELA PERU MEMBER FILIPPO ALFANI ITALY MEMBER FRANKLIN NAJERA BARQUERO COSTA RICA MEMBER GASPER GROM SLOVENIA MEMBER GENTILE FALUBBA MARCO ARGENTINA MEMBER GIANNI ALMEDA BRAZIL MEMBER HAFEZIAN MAMED PAKISTAN MEMBER HASSAN AL SAKA UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER HELIAS NKUNDABEGENZI RWANDA MEMBER HENNIE CARSTENS GHANA MEMBER IAN CHAMBERS UK MEMBER ILJA AISELAMNN ISRAEL MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA BANGLADESH MEMBER INDUNIL RAJAKARUNA SRI LANKA MEMBER IRINA VALETT FRANCE MEMBER ISMA MUKALAZI UGANDA MEMBER IVAN BYEKWASO UGANDA MEMBER IVAN KOZYREV KAZACHSTAN MEMBER IVAN LEPCIN CROATIA MEMBER IVAN MACH CZECH MEMBER IVAR HAUKSSON ICELAND MEMBER YANISLAV TACEV BULGARIA MEMBER JEAN-MARIE BERMER LUXEMBOURG MEMBER JIM PITT NEW ZEELAND MEMBER JOHN LESKIE REPUBLIC SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER JOHN O'CONNOR IRELAND MEMBER JOSE PARDO HIDALGO SPAIN MEMBER JUANITO TANNYAG PHILIPPINES MEMBER JULIA SEVCOVA ESTONIA MEMBER KAI KAKNES ANDRE NORWAY MEMBER KALYANGO MOHAMMED ZUBAEL UGANDA MEMBER KESTUTIS SINKONIS SPAIN MEMBER KHALI BABA PAKISTAN MEMBER KING IZOGIE BELGIUM MEMBER KIT SANDERSON MEXICO MEMBER LAURENCE CADE ENGLAND MEMBER LEONOR HILARIO GREFFEL DENMARK-MOZAMBIQUE MEMBER LIU YUTING CHINA MEMBER LIUBOMIR MARTINKA SLOVAKIA MEMBER LOUVEL MICKAEL FRANCE MEMBER LUIS ANTONIO SPAIN MEMBER MANPREET PURI INDIA MEMBER MANUEL SOLANO MEXICO MEMBER MANUEL ZAKARIAS PORTUGAL MEMBER MARCUS KITTNER GERMANY MEMBER MARCUS L.TAYLOR CANADA MEMBER MARDESIC TEA CROATIA MEMBER MARGARITA OLEFIRENKO UKRAINA MEMBER MARIAN JANCIAR CZECH MEMBER MARIELA SAVOVA BULGARIA MEMBER MARIETA ZIGALOVA SOUTH KOREA MEMBER MARIOU ARTEMIOUS CYPRUS MEMBER MARTIN KUTA CZECH MEMBER MAUD DESCHEEMAEKER BELGIUM MEMBER MAUD DESCHEEMAEKER BELGIUM MEMBER MICHAEL ORTEGA SWITZERLAND MEMBER MICHAIL KUDRIN MOLDOVA MEMBER MICHAL STAREC SLOVAKIA MEMBER MICKEY EL MASRI LEBANON MEMBER MIKE MITCHELL SCOTLAND MEMBER MILCIADES MARTINEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER MOHAMMED ZEKRAOUI MAROCCO MEMBER MONA COSTI CYPRUS MEMBER MONFARDINI MARIO ARGENTINA MEMBER MOREIRA FABIO PORTUGAL MEMBER MOUNIER PATRICK NEW -CALEDONIA MEMBER NANA NEBERIDZE GEORGIA MEMBER NARINDER PAL SINGH INDIA MEMBER NATASA KUBIK SERBIA MEMBER NICOLA GRAVINA ITALY MEMBER NICOLETA MANUEL ROMANIA MEMBER OLAWALE DANIEL NIGERIA MEMBER OLEG LUNIN RUSSIA MEMBER OLGA LEBEDINSKA UKRAINA MEMBER OLIVEIRA RONALDO BRAZIL MEMBER OMER YOUSAF PAKISTAN MEMBER OSTA ANTONIO URUGUAY MEMBER PALLE V.E.RASMUSSEN DENMARK MEMBER PAULO ARRUA ARGENTINA MEMBER PAVEL KOSENKO ESTONIA MEMBER PETAR CELIK SERBIA MEMBER PETER BUVALA SLOVAKIA MEMBER PETER PAPULA AUSTRIA MEMBER PETER POADJEJ GHANA MEMBER PETER VAN DEN VEEN HOLLAND MEMBER PREDRAG MILOSEVIC MONTENEGRO MEMBER PRINCE UPAL INDIA MEMBER PUNNAIN RICARDO DA CHUNA BRAZIL MEMBER RAJAKARUNA INDUNIL MOLDIVES MEMBER RANA AGLUWALIA CANADA MEMBER RANJIT SINGH TUT INDIA MEMBER RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU NIGERIA MEMBER RENATA KEVORK SHIRVANIAN BULGARIA MEMBER RENE SLEECKX BELGIUM MEMBER RICARDO RIEGA PANAMA MEMBER ROBERT MADRID USA MEMBER RUBEN PIBE RODRIGUEZ PARAGUAY MEMBER SAM CHIMBOMBI BOTSWANA MEMBER SAWAKO IWAMOTO JAPAN MEMBER SEAN FERGUSON UK MEMBER SERBAN CARPARESCU ROMANIA MEMBER SERGEJ BLINOV RUSSIA MEMBER SHAMIM HUSEIN ZIMBABWE MEMBER SIDI SOHAIB MAROCCO MEMBER SIMO BOGDANOFF FINLAND MEMBER SYLVESTER JAMES ONO NIGERIA MEMBER STAVROS CHRISTODOULOU CYPRUS MEMBER SUGREE PERIWARIKUL THAILAND MEMBER SZILVIA LANG HUNGARY MEMBER TCHUINTE SERGE CAMEROON MEMBER TOLGA MURAT BALIKCI TURKEY MEMBER TOMMY DU RAND SOUTH AFRICA MEMBER VALENTINA IVANENKO UNITED ARAB EMYRATES MEMBER VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA BELARUS MEMBER VASILIJ BESPALENKO UKRAINE MEMBER VASILIOS SERETIS GREECE MEMBER VEDRAN JAKSIC CROATIA MEMBER VICTOR GOMEZ PERU MEMBER VIKTOR MATSYKUR UKRAINE MEMBER VINCE BALZAN MALTA MEMBER VITTORIO PANZERI ITALY MEMBER VYTAUTAS MIKUCKIS LITHUANIA MEMBER VLADIMIR KURILCIK BALARUS MEMBER VLADIMIR LESCIKOV AZERBAJAN MEMBER VLADIMIR SHUBOV GERMANY MEMBER VLADIMIR SOBERADZE GEORGIA MEMBER WILMA KERN SWITZERLAND MEMBER WOJCIECH MAX NADOLSKI POLAND MEMBER WONG HONG MALAYSIA MEMBER ZORAN MAKSIC SWEDEN MEMBER INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 05-21-2015 HISTORIC „AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“ OVER ALL WINNERS. WOMEN. WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) "AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL" OVER ALL WINNERS (1968 - 2015) WOMEN DATE MISS OVER ALL WINNER COUNTRY 2015 VLASOVA MARINA Russia 2014 SOROKINA-KUKRES ALEKSANDRA Lithuania 2013 YAMILA VANESSA TOLEDO Argentina 2012 KOZLOVSKAJA VALENTINA Belarus 2011 YAMILA VANESSA TOLEDO Argentina 2010 VLASOVA VERA Russia 2009 ISIDOROVA ALINA Latvia 2008 YAMILA VANESSA TOLEDO Argentina 2007 JELENA FRENKEL Israel 2006 MILERIUTE JOLANTA Lithuania 2005 JAKOVLEVA OLGA Russia 2004 BORISOVA SVETLANA Latvia 2003 PUGACIOVA SVETLANA Russia 2002 DEGUTIENE LILIJA Lithuania 2001 GLAGOLEVA VIKTORIA Russia 2000 BURINSKAJA MARINA Latvia 1999 MISEVICIENE SIMONA Lithuania 1998 MISEVICIENE SIMONA Lithuania 1997 MISEVICIENE SIMONA Lithuania 1996 KAMINSKAITE IDALIJA Lithuania 1995 KOVALKO TATJANA Belarus 1994 KAMINSKAITE IDALIJA Lithuania 1991 MURNIKOVIENE NATALIA Lithuania 1990 MURNIKOVIENE NATALIA Lithuania WFF-WBBF International Secretary Edita Sendriene INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 05-22-2015 HISTORIC BODYBUILDING CONTEST „AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL“ OVER ALL WINNERS. MEN. WORLD BODYBUILDING FEDERATION (WBBF-International) WORLD FITNESS FEDERATION (WFF-International) "AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL" OVER ALL WINNERS (1968 - 2015) MEN Date Name Country 2015 AHMADI ARASH Iran 2014 ANDREJ RUMIANCEV Estonia 2013 ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI Poland 2012 PIR SARANDIB MEHDI Iran 2011 NAFTEJ SINGH India 2010 DHARMENDER SINGH India 2009 ALEKSANDR SCIOGOLEV Russia 2008 DARIUS BUKSNAITIS Lithuania 2007 ALEKSANDR SEVCOV Estonia 2006 ALEXANDR LIUBOMIROV Latvia 2005 IVAN SERGEJEV Russia 2004 ALEKSANDR MASLOVSKIJ Latvia 2003 AIVARS VISOCKIS Latvia 2002 RADIK MANAFOV Lithuania 2001 ALEKSANDR MASLOVSKIJ Latvia 2000 RADIK MANAFOV Lithuania 1999 DARIUS BUKSNAITIS Lithuania 1998 RICARDAS GURSKAS Lithuania 1997 ROLANDAS POCIUS Lithuania 1996 ALGIRDAS KILCIAUSKAS Lithuania 1995 SERGEJ OGORODNIKOV Russia 1994 ALGIRDAS KILCIAUSKAS Lithuania 1991 OLEGAS ZURAS Lithuania 1990 OLEGAS ZURAS Lithuania 1989 VIKTORAS JUCYS Lithuania 1988 VIKTORAS JUCYS Lithuania 1987 VIKTORAS JUCYS Lithuania 1986 ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS Lithuania 1985 ALGIRDAS IVANAUSKAS Lithuania 1984 VINCAS DUBICKAS Lithuania 1983 VINCAS DUBICKAS Lithuania 1982 JEVGENIJ GORELIK Lithuania 1981 SAULIUS MISEVICIUS Lithuania 1980 VLADAS KAPCEVICIUS Lithuania 1979 OLEV ANNUS Estonia 1978 OLEV ANNUS Estonia 1977 STASYS CUKANOVAS Lithuania 1976 RISARDAS KRINICKIS Lithuania 1775 RISARDAS KRINICKIS Lithuania 1970 VLADIMIR DUBININ Russia 1969 ANTANAS MINEIKIS Lithuania 1968 LEONAS PIVORIUNAS Lithuania International Secretary EDITA SENDRIENE INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 05-29-2015 2015. BNS ESTONIA PRESENTED WFF-WBBF EUROPE AM CHAMPIONSHIP. BALTIC NEWS SERVICE SPOKE ON WFF-WBBF EUROPE CHAMPIONSHIP IN ESTONIA. Right before the coming 2015 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship and the 16-th „Universe“ contest (May 28-30, Tallinn, Estonia), President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, Chairman Europe Championship and Estonia Reform Party Official ALEXEJ FILATOV (Aleksej Filatov) and Chairman WFF-WBBF Europe VLADIMIR KURILCIK, Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council EDITA SENDRIENE and Chairman WFF-WBBF Europe Model Fitness Division VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA took part at wide International WFF-WBBF Press Conference organized by Estonia News Agency „Baltic News Service“. The coming Europe Championship was presented at the International Press Conference. Detailed information is on the today‘s FRONT PAGE of BNS Estonia www.bns.ee . INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT SPEAKS ON ESTONIA BODYBUILDING. Presenting the WFF-WBBF activities President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS underlined, that the Federation today unites 119 Country-Members and holds over 60 International Events every year. During the last 30 years WFF-WBBF International studies all International Bodybuilding Organizations from the point of view of Law. President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS spoke on the contemporary situation of bodybuilding sport in Estonia. First of all from the piont of view of the official Law as well. Today there are three Estonia National Organizations, that represent bodybuilding in the Country. Frist on is IFBB Estonia, which is a part of the Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA IFBB Commercial Company. Another one is NAC Estonia, which is a part of the National German NAC and this is a very clumsy thing from the point of view of Law. Third one is WFF-WBBF Estonia, National no profit organization. More detailed information is in various languages on the International Internet Site www.wff.lt, see main page and forum topics „International Bodybuilding Organizations“ and „World Bodybuilding History. How it was in real“. STEP BY STEP EU AIMS FOR TOTAL FITNESS. In April 2015 the WFF-WBBF International Headquarters received preposition to start working on two big International Total Fitness Projects under the sponsorship and supervision of the EU (European Union). These Projects will include 12 EU Countries and a number of other kind Partners and they will aim to the same work that the WFF-WBBF International is doin even without having normal financing. That are the edicational International Trainer‘s and Sportsmen Seminars, Conferences, Congresses, International Sport Camps and healthy conditional Fitness and other kind International Sport Events. National Federation WFF-WBBF Estonia is going to play an important role in the coming common EU and WFF-WBBF projects. WFF-WBBF agreed and right now started working on the International Projects which will cover the period of time from 2015 to 2017 ESTONIA BODYBUILDING. ANALYTICAL REVUE. INNAR MARDO – THE HEART OF ESTONIA BODYBUILDING. During the long lasting history of Estonia bodybuilding there were no more so High Bodybuilding Personalities, so skilled organizers and trainers as INNAR MARDO. INNAR MARDO started his International activities with the prestigeous „Georg Tenno Memorial“ competitions. During his life he became very Professional in this sport. Together with the contemporary President of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, INNAR MARDO was for many years in contact with all main World‘s Bodybuilding Leaders such as BEN WEIDER, OSCAR HEIDENSTAM, SERGE NUBRET. AMBER PRIX INTERNATIONAL. Representing Estonia for many years INNAR MARDO was the Head of all National Teams to the World‘s Oldest Tradinional Bodybuilding Contest – the „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2015). During the twenty years of prohibition and prosecution of Bodybuilding Sport in the Socialist Countries and the USSR, the „Amber Prix International“ (evey year organized in Klaipeda, Lithuania) was the unofficial World Bodybuilding Championship of the Socialist Countries and the Bodybuilding Championship of the USSR (see in various languages more information on the International Internet Site www.wff.lt main page and forum topics „World Bodybuilding History. How it was in real“ and also in the Official WFF-WBBF International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“, Issues No. 28,33,34). FIRST PARTICIPATIONS ABROAD. For the 20 years of bodybuiding prohibition and prosecution in the Socialist Countries and the USSR bodybuilding contests were organized very hard and Always not regularly. The only one exception was „Amber Prix International“. Bodybuilders could only dream to participate at bodybuilding contests abroad. Again DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took the initiative. Working for the coming mutual International Event in Czechoslovakia, DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS communicated with the President National Bodybuilding Federation Czechoslovakia VOJTECH FIALA, the organizers Professor FRANTISEK BULVA, IVEN MACH, IVAN KOLOUCH. Finally DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS reached the aim – the official invitations and permitions were received and the top USSR bodybuilders could go to compete in Czechoslovakia. Working on this Project DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took part in two Congresses of the Council National Bodybuilding Federation Czechoslovakia (1977, Brno, Bratislava), visited the Camp of the National Bodybuilding Team Czechoslovakia, had meetings with the publishers of the Czechoslovakia Sport Magazine „Trener“ JOSEF MAZAK and MILAN PERDOCH. But it happened as it happens very often – a number of the USSR bodybuilding leaders started inner fighting and this ruined the USSR-Czechoslovakia Project so hard developed by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and National Bodybuilding Federation Czechoslovakia. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS gave his preliminary work done to INNAR MARDO. Using personal contacts of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS Estonia made the first step abroad and participated at the International Bodybuilding Contest in Poland. OLEV ANNUS was the Over All Winner again and this attracted attention to the Soviet Bodybuilding and participating Athletes very much. Estonians received a number of new invitations to participate at the International Events in the Socialist Countries. Then led by INNRA MARDO Estonians OLEV ANNUS and INDREK OTSUS (also the Champion of the „Amber Prix International“) were the Winners again. Later on when times of the „Gorbachov perestrojka“ came many other Estonia bodybuilding teams managed to participate at the International Events abroad. These Estonia bodybuilding teams were led by PRANAS MICKEVICIUS and PAVEL KOSENKO. HEPLING ESTONIANS. In 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. This year Estonia bodybuilding was going down and nobody wanted to organize any competitions. Supporting the Estonians DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS spoke with INDREK OTSUS and pressed him to take the initiative to organize „Georg Tenno Memorial“. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS invited bodybuilding teams of the surrounding countries and the contest was successfuly organized. NATIONAL FEDERATION WFF-WBBF ESTONIA. Ending the nineties of the last Century INNAR MARDO was very active in the work of the WFF-WBBF International. At that time the National federation WFF-WBBF Estonia was set and registered officially. INNAR MARDO was the first President of the National Federation WFF-WBBF Estonia. In 2001 INNAR MARDO was one of the main organizers of the WFF-WBBF Europe Championship in the capital Estonia City of Tallinn. After unexpectidly early INNAR MARDO passed away the Estonians use to organize anual „Innar Mardo Memorial“ Contest. During the last period of time the Presidents of the National Federation WFF-WBBF Estonia were a number of known bodybuilders and organizers: INNAR MARDO (1998-2001 m.), PAVEL KOSENKO (2001-2008 m.), IGOR ODNENKO (2008), ALEKSANDR SEVCOV (after 2009 m.). In 2009 National Federation WFF-WBBF Estonia organized the WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Tallinn. No other International bodybuilding contest in Estonia sport history had never been so high in the level of organization, level of the athletes, number of the participating countires. During the last period one of Estonia Reform Party Leaders ALEKSEJ FILATOV works very much for the country bodybuilding. HIGHEST OFFICIAL MEETINGS. Developing bodybuilding sport in Estonia a number of important official meetings were made. In 2008 Intrenational President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took part at the official meeting at the Estonia National Olympic Committee and discussed sport problems with the General Secretary NOC Estonia TOOMAS TONISE. In 2009 Intrenational President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took part at the official meeting with Estonia Reform Party (Reformierakond) Leaders at the Estonia Parliament (Riigikogu). Also in 2009 Intrenational President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took part at the official meeting at the Ministry of Culture Republic Estonia where discussed sport matters with the vice minister TONU SEIL who was responsible for the sport in Estonia. ESTONIA GREATEST INTERNATIONAL EVENTS EVER. During the history of Estonia bodybuilding three great International Events were organized. That were Amateur World Championships (WFF-WBBF in 2009 and IFBB in 2010) and WFF-WBBF Amateur Europe Championship (2001, 2014, 2015). ESTONIANS – WORLD BODYBUILDING CHAMPIONS. During the history of Estonia bodybuilding a number of Estonians became World Amateur Champions. That were OLEV ANNUS (1992, NABBA), MAREK KALMUS (2005,WFF-WBBF), ALEKSANDR SEVCOV (2009, Over All WFF-WBBF World Champion), OTT KIIVIKAS (2010, IFBB). The only one of Estonia bodybuilders ALEKSANDR SEVCOV became the WFF-WBBF Professional World Champion (2010). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - Edita Sendriene - 06-10-2015 2015. WFF-WBBF UNIVERSE CONTESTS. 16-TH WFF-WBBF AMATEUR UNIVERSE. Sixteen years ago (2000) in Germany WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International organized the first Amateur „Universe“ Contest. Since that time lots of the World‘s Best Bodybuilders participated at the Event. WFF-WBBF PRO UNIVERSE CONTESTS. WFF-WBBF International holds Pro Contests from 2005. WFF-WBBF Pro „Universe“ Contests statred in 2012 in Slovakia. Then the first Pro „UNiverse“ Champion was a famous Russia Bodybuilder JEVGENIJ KLOCKOV. After JEVGENIJ KLOCKOV the WFF-WBBF Pro „Universe“ Winners were ANDRZEY BRZEZINSKI (Poland, 2013) and ANDREZY RAK (Poland, 2014) and ANDREJ RUMIANCEV (Estonia, 2015). INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-17-2015 World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) World Bodybuilding Federation (WBBF-International) International Amateur "Universe" Contest Over All Winners (2000-2015) 2015 Name Country Category JULIA GLAZYCEVA Russia Over All Winner Women Categories ANDREJ RUMIANCEV Estonia Over All Winner Men Categories NIKOLA SZYDLOWSKA Poland Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2014 Name Country Category VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA Belarus Over All Winner Women Categories ANDRZEY RAK Poland Over All Winner Men Categories VIKTORIA KILDIASHOVA-RANG Russia Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2013 Name Country Category DALVANIZA AQUINO Brazil Over All Winner Women Categories ANDRZEY BRZEZINSKI Poland Over All Winner Men Categories MIRIAM ZIGALOVA Slovakia Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2012 Name Country Category YAMILA VANESSA TOLEDO Argentina Over All Winner Women Categories ALEKSANDR NEVSKY Russia Over All Winner Men Categories JULIJA GRISANOVA Belarus Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2011 Name Country Category FERNANDA YOUGLAR Argentina Over All Winner Women Categories ALEKSANDR NEVSKY Russia Over All Winner Men Categories KLAUDIJA KORPAN Poland Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2010 Name Country Category TRACEY LEE GOTTSCHALK South Africa Over All Winner Women Categories ALEKSANDR NEVSKY Russia Over All Winner Men Categories ALINA OLEFIRENKO Ukraine Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2009 Name Country Category IRINA VALETTE FEDORUK France Over All Winner Women Categories ALEKSANDR VLADIMIROV England Over All Winner Men Categories LENKA BORUTOVA CERVENA Czech Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2008 Name Country Category FERNANDEZ ALEXANDRA XIMENA AGUIAR Uruguay Over All Winner Women Categories DAYO AUDI England Over All Winner Men Categories ALINA OLEFIRENKO Ukraine Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2007 Name Country Category IRINA RIABOVA Russia Over All Winner Women Categories ROMAN DUBOVICKIJ Russia Over All Winner Men Categories ZANETA BALSEWICZ Poland Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2006 Name Country Category ANTONIO OSTA Uruguay Over All Winner Women Categories ROSALIA DUTRA DE CAMPOS Argentina Over All Winner Men Categories SILVIA MALACHOVSKA Slovakia Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2005 Name Country Category RACHEL KAUPPILA Finland Over All Winner Women Categories ALEKSANDR BALDIN Russia Over All Winner Men Categories JOLANTA MILERIUTE Lithuania Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2004 Name Country Category MARINA BURINSKAJA Latvia Over All Winner Women Categories KONSTANTIN ZACHAROV Russia Over All Winner Men Categories JANA VODICKOVA Czech Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2003 Name Country Category RIPERT MARIE-PIERRE DOMINIQUE France Over All Winner Women Categories JURIJ KARSETJAN Latvia Over All Winner Men Categories SIRVANIAN RENATA KEVORK Bulgaria Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2002 Name Country Category IRINA ZINCENKO Russia Over All Winner Women Categories FRANCO CARLOTTO Switzerland Over All Winner Men Categories JULIJA KUKINA Latvia Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2001 Name Country Category SVETLANA PUGACIOVA Russia Over All Winner Women Categories MINDAUGAS KVASYS Lithuania Over All Winner Men Categories JOLANTA MILERIUTE Lithuania Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness 2000 Name Country Category MARINA BURINSKAJA Latvia Over All Winner Women Categories MASSIMO MONACO Italy Over All Winner Men Categories ROMINA PAOLI Italy Over All Winner Aerobic Fitness WFF-WBBF Secretary International Edita Sendriene INFORMATION More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 06-20-2015 World Body Building Federation (WBBF) World Fitness Federation (WFF) EUROPE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIPS OVER ALL WINNERS (2000-2015) MEN Year Champion's Name Country 2015 NORMUND JURANS LATVIA 2014 ANDREJ RUMIANCEV ESTONIA 2013 ALEKSANDR GRENADIOROV RUSSIA 2012 MOHAMED MORAVEJ IRAN 2011 ALEKSANDR SILIN RUSSIA 2010 DANIL BRATISKA RUSSIA 2009 VITALIJ ALEKSANDROV LATVIA 2008 VLADIMIR POLIAKOV RUSSIA 2007 ROMAN DUBOVICKIJ RUSSIA 2006 MICHAIL MALEK RUSSIA 2005 MASSIMO MONACO ITALY 2004 ALEKSANDR MASLOVSKIJ LATVIA 2003 GERMAN SELEST RUSSIA 2002 JURIJ KARSETIANS LATVIA 2001 MAREK KALMUS ESTONIA 2000 MASSIMO MONACO ITALY Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council Edita Sendriene INFORMATION More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. RE: World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) - E_Sendriene_WFF - 06-22-2015 2015. WFF-WBBF INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION. NEW WOMEN CATEGORIES NAMED. On June 21, 2015 in Gdansk (Poland) the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Executive Council was held. At the International Executive Council were present: the International President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, the Chairman WFF-WBBF International „Fit_Kid“ Division ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK, the Chairman WFF-WBBF International Europe VLADIMIR KURILCIK, the Chairman WFF-WBBF International MOdel Fitness Europe VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA and other Executive Council Members. It was decided from 2015 autumn contest season to name the folowing New Women Categories: „Miss Figure Classic“, „Miss Figure Performance“, „Miss Figure Athletic“, „Miss Figure Super Athletic“, „Miss Figure Extreme“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation. |