2009 FITNESS AND BODYBUILDING - Printable Version +- WFF / WBBF forum (https://forum.wff.lt) +-- Forum: Forums in english (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Forum: Official information (https://forum.wff.lt/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +--- Thread: 2009 FITNESS AND BODYBUILDING (/showthread.php?tid=34) |
- WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-02-2009 Today, February 28, 2009, we received a letter from DR. PROF. JOSE PARDO HIDALGO, PH. D. (Spain). He was for about 20 years the main assistant of the today’s President IFBB RAFAEL SANTOCHA: Hi, Thanks. I have no information of the passing away of Ben Weider, what disease?. Mr.Santonja who is now World President was put for me into the IFBB. He is my enemie. They, in Spain, were enemies of Weider and his products. Impossible unification of the bodybuilding movement. No Olympic Sport. The dream of Ben Weider. Sport yes. Competiitions no sport for members of Olympic Cpmmitte. You know it?. Do you Know the email of Mr.Rafael Santonja, new World President of Ben Weider. Tell me. I will sing him the 40 with copy to you all. He intented to bribe me many years ago in madrid, Proffesional World Cup to vote to Mike Christian Weider commercial reasons and other judges, leavin Gary Strydom for second place. Santona only want as my exfriend Ben Weider, money, money, money .......pure traffic as drugs. His English was very poor but perhaps now, after many years the Englis of Santonja is good..... I do not know. He was always uncorrect with, with falses smiles. I wait your news. Is also Joe Joe Weider ill???. Thanks. Wait your soon news. Your good friend who waits also If I can help you in Spain to find bodybuilders intending some announcement in Musclemag magazine, Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D. Exgeneral Secretary for Spain IFBB and pioneer. Murcia, SpainT - wff_Edita.S - 03-02-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:Today, February 28, 2009, we received a letter from That was the position and the opinion of the former IFBB leader Dr. Prof. Jose Pardo Hidalgo, Ph. D. At the same time we would like to inform that we have some different position to one of the greatest World Bodybuilding Persons BEN WEIDER. Due to this we prepare our article on this topic. - edita_wff - 03-02-2009 Today we received some information from the UK. There is some state of panic in the UK due to the coming WFF-WBBF International Event in Doncaster. Our British “friends” from other federations organize meetings and discussion on this matter… Dear friends from NABBA, WABBA etc…, please, be calm, the WFF-WBBF is a peaceful federation and we are not fighters (no guns, no bombing…). But one we can promise really: a good Show! - Chairman_Organizing_Committee - 03-03-2009 wff_Edita.S Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Today, February 28, 2009, we received a letter from I konow him - International Secretary - 03-03-2009 On May 2, 2009 the WFF-WBBF contest will be held in Argentina. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-04-2009 Today we received a letter from Argentina. President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE wrote: Ed, On Saturday, October the 10th we will have the WFF South American Championship. This time it will take place in Asuncion, Republic of Paraguay. First time a WFF fitness show in that country. We are very excited, it is a brand new environment and fertile soil for us. IFBB there is going down, so the timing is perfect. As soon as I have the poster I will send it to you. Jorge - Ingmann - 03-04-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Argentina. great! - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-04-2009 Today we received a letter from Argentina. President WFF-WBBF South America informs about the WFF-WBBF Contests that will be held in 2009 in the South America: Ed, I agree 100% with you. We have created a category called "Beginners" in the shows. It is for athletes that you can see on stage that they are absolute free of drugs. Ii is a success, teen agers, young people, veterans. People who love to work out and compete but don´t want to use drugs. You cannot imagine the amounts of them (basically teen agers). So far we already have 6 WFF contest in 2009 in South America: May the 2nd: CORRIENTES FITNESS SHOW, Corrientes, Argentina May the 24th: COPA CELESTE Y BLANCA, Rosario, Argentina August the 6th: COPA MERCOSUR, Resitencia, Argentina September (no exact date so far): PATAGONIA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP; Patagonia. September the 21st: ARGENTINE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP; Corrientes, Argentina October the 10th: SOUTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP, Asuncion, Paraguay And we have 4 more pending to be confirmed. Yours jorge - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-04-2009 Today we received a call from Estonia. WBBF Pro Bodybuilder ALEXANDR SEVCOV informed about Estonia sportsmen preparations to participate at the WFF-WBBF International Contest in Klaipeda and Doncaster. Estonia plans to come with the biggest team ever to WFF-WBBF Amateur Europe Championship in Lithuania. Estonia will do it’s best to be in the UK. - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-05-2009 Today we received a nice letter from the USA. Famous International Fitness and Bodybuilding promoter LOUIS ZWICK writes: Hello, Edmundas: I want to congratulate you on doing a good job with the WFF. It was 20 years ago this month that we first met in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and I am honored that we maintain an open and mutually respectful relationship. I wish you well in during the 2009 season and look forward to seeing you again soon. Best regards, Louis Zwick www.musclemania.com www.musclemanialatino.com www.fitnessuniverse.com www.universeweekend.com www.modelworldtour.com - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-05-2009 Published in Argentina for South America countries “Fitness Alive” magazine in Spanish printed some important words of the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. - Ema - 03-06-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a nice letter from the USA. fine! - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-08-2009 Today we received a letter from Iran. Director and manager Hesan Etemadi writes about the participant of the WFF-WBBF Contests ALI REZA RASA: Dear Sir, It is hereby to inform you that Mr. Alireza Rasa is the world champion of fitness in 2008 and the third place of Professional World Fitness Competition in 2007 and the only person in Asia, who beholds the professional fitness certificate device from World Fitness Federation, is intrested in taking part in WFF events in 2009. I, as his managing director, need to know if it is possible for us to register him and his professional team for the upcoming events or not, deu to he is not an official member of Iran Fitness Federation. As far as the reputation of WFF is concerened, I want to know if he can become an official member of WFF ? In attachment, I send you his Professional Resume . hope to hear you soon . Best Regards: Hesan Etemadi Director and manager - Maja - 03-09-2009 Ema Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a nice letter from the USA. I do not know him but it is really good - edita_wff - 03-09-2009 CRISIS GOES ON Every day more and more negative articles appear on bodybuilding. Many countries is in war with the sport of bodybuilding and bodybuilders too. Nothing new - general public opinion towards the sport of bodybuilding is very negative. The way that was chosen last 20 years by the International Bodybuilding Leaders of all federations was wrong. Today everybody see it. Famous bodybuilders are among the most disliked persons. That is why the Weider brothers left the sport to survive by itself and run away. They sold the „Olympia“ Contest, all magazines, tried to sell the IFBB but nobody bought it. They understood that after the refusal of IOC to recognize the IFBB the Bodybuilding sport it came the end of the Weider Imperia, the end of dreams. The wrong general position and wrong ways were chosen and that led the bodybuilding to the position of no future. The WFF-WBBF International understand it clearly and does it‘s best to save the terrible state of sport. We MUST DO it officially as the IOC, WADA, Governments and Sport Ministries of all Countries require. Otherwise THIS IS THE END. No other way. And the WFF-WBBF goes this way. - Sendriene;WFF - 03-09-2009 edita_wff Wrote:CRISIS GOES ON - Sendriene;WFF - 03-09-2009 Slovakia press about the WFF Star EVA MARTINKOVA: Premiér strážil jej neprehliadnuteľný dekolt! Finalistka Miss Universe 2009, ktorej šéfuje Silvia Lakatošová, sa rozhodla reprezentovať našu krajinu v zahraničí vskutku originálnym spôsobom. Na Majstrovstvách sveta vo fitness v Londýne, kde Eva bodovala, si po súťaži obliekla nápadité tielko s ešte nápaditejším motívom. Na jej bujných pätkách sa totiž vynímala Evina spoločná fotografia s premiérom Róbertom Ficom! „Bol to v podstate môj nápad. Také tričko som zvolila z toho dôvodu, že som reprezentantkou Slovenskej republiky a okrem pána premiéra tam mám aj slovenskú vlajku. Je to naozaj len z dôvodu reprezentácie našej krajiny v zahraničí. Nič viac v tom nebolo,“ vysvetlila Martinková. „Nebolo to o žiadnych sympatiách, či niečom podobnom. Bola to prezentácia našej krajiny a keďže on je premiérom Slovenskej republiky, tak to malo svoj význam,“ tvrdí sexi fitnesska a modelka. Čas.sk zaujímalo, či niekto na nevšedného „strážcu výstrihu“ reagoval. „Pýtali sa, že kto to je a tak som im vysvetlila, že je to náš premiér, Niektorí ho aj poznali,“ opisuje blondínka, ktorá sa s Ficom stretla aj osobne. A nielen s ním. Okrem premiéra sexi Eve gratuloval aj prezident Slovenskej republiky Ivan Gašparovič. Obaja páni sa v spoločnosti obdarenej blondínky tvárili blažene a pózovanie s ňou si evidentne vychutnávali. „Áno, stretla som sa s nimi. Prvý raz to bolo na vyhlasovaní ankety Športovec roka, kde som aj bola ohodnotená. A potom tesne po Majstrovstvách sveta v poľskom Bydgoszcz, kde som sa umiestnila na prvej priečke,“ povedala pre Čas.sk sexica. Autor: Čas.sk, Monika Blahová - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-10-2009 News: 1.Today WFF World Champion EVA MARTINKOVA (Slovakia) will visit the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia 2.Last week ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER was in Austria and he visited the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL. 3.Next week a Press Conference of WFF-WBBF International will be held in Vilnius (Lithuania) 4.Next week Delegations Baltic States will go to the WFF-WBBF International Contest in Austria. Professor ALFRED GERSTL will be present too. On the way the WFF-WBBF delegates will visit Slovakia Officials too. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-10-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:News: Today we received a call from the Headquarters Prime Minister Republic Slovakia. The Official Meeting of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO and the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is set in Bratislava on the 20-th of March, 2009. - Sendriene;WFF - 03-10-2009 The Designers are working on the Cover Page of the 30-th Issue of the WFF-WBBF International Magazine. This is the one on the way of development: - Sendriene;WFF - 03-10-2009 Sendriene;WFF Wrote:edita_wff Wrote:CRISIS GOES ON - Sendriene;WFF - 03-10-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:News: Today the WFF World Champion EVA MARTINKOVA (Slovakia) have visited the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO and received congratulations - Alan - 03-10-2009 Sendriene;WFF Wrote:Sendriene;WFF Wrote:edita_wff Wrote:CRISIS GOES ON interesting........ - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-11-2009 Today we received a letter form Denmark. President WFF-WBBF Denmark Palle Rasmussen wrote: Yes we are planning so send athletes to Klaipeda, we have the qualifying the weekend before in Denmark so that is perfect. I have no photos from the meeting with local government - sorry about that. But they were glad to hear more about the WFF, and they gave me wine and flowers to show their appreciation. We will soon apply for government finances to the WFF work, so we hope the meeting had a good effect. Best regards Palle - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-11-2009 Today we received a letter from Austria. President WFF-WBBF Austria PETER PAPULA giver the contest information: Dear Edmundas, The contest is in the casino Linz, Schillerplatz 1, the same place at last year. The contest begins at 20.00 Uhr. All competitors should be there at 16.00 Uhr. So it is not a problem, when you will come on Saturday. Yours Peter - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-11-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:News: INFORMATION; On the occasion of the coming official meeting of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO with the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the special Honor Award is going to be prepared. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-11-2009 Today the President WFF-WBBF South Africa TOMMY DU RAND has sent us some good poster-news: - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 03-11-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:News: Today we received one more call from Slovakia. The details of the coming meeting in Bratislava were spoken over. - WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int - 03-12-2009 Today we received a letter from Poland. IFBB bodybuilders from Poland plan to participate at the WFF-WBBF International Events in Doncaster (UK). - Dita - 03-12-2009 WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Poland. Every year more and more IFBB sportsmen come to the WFF-WBBF from the IFBB. But many IFBB bodybuilders (including Poland) are somehow afraid to leave the IFBB. It seems that the IFBB pays them money, gives something... But try to think - the IFBB only takes. They make business even on doping control procedure, taking 2000 USD penalties from each positive sportsman. Do you think this money goes to WADA? The most interesting doping business was at IFBB World's in Egypt. Then after the World Amateur Championship from total 35 finalists 28 were cached with doping (that is 56 000 USD penalties). That made a nice business and a Christmas present... |