- tony - 11-24-2005
vika Wrote:XXX
We shall see what comes next. Anyway everybody is free to choose it's own way.
I am with the official WFF-international. I will go on supporting you.
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 11-29-2005
Many International sport organizations and their leaders (De Milia is among them) are interested in WFF-International activities.
WFF-International Headquarters receive different letters and calls from them.
The following correspondence will give a clear information on WFF-International nesrest future plans:
Dear Jorge,
Thank You for nice words.
Anyway, You and Your South America team are the very respectable and the big part of WFF-International family.
In the background of falling popularity of bodybuilding FITNESS is on top at the moment.
To the words You have sayed I see the callendar obstacle:
2006 WFF-International season:
- April 1, Europe Open Junior, Senior and Couples Championship (Riga, Latvia)
- May, Lithuania Championship Open, Latvia Open, Russia Open, 30-th "Amber Prix International" (the same traditional contest as NABBA "Universe" since 1969), Europe Amateur Championship (Russia) and Europe Professional (20 000 US dollars, Russia).
Seeing WFF-International 2005 Pro World in Moscow Representatives of Russia Government wished to have Europe next year in Russia. The tickets for ALL PRO ATHLETES from Moscow to Pro World in another city will be payed by WFF Russia.
Plus to this some International athletes will go to WFF "Universe" organized by Biagio Filizola in Italy (June-July).
At the same time for the autumn:
- Lithuania Cup Open, Russia Open, Latvia Open,
WFF Amateur World Championship (LykiaWorld, Turkey), WFF Pro World (Vilnius, Lithuania, 20 000 US dollars and GENUINE DIAMONDS for the winners of all 4 categories), WFF Pro "Universe" (20 000 US dollars, Russia).
And this is not all!!!
We must coordinate our callendars, this is the problem.
Yours faithfully,
Jorge Cedale wrote
> Dear Edmundas
> First thing is to congratulate you once again for your magnificent contest. It was a real honour to be part of it.
> Thinking about the future I have two questions for you.
> Every year for may the 25th I organize in Argentina a big fitness and bodybuilding show usually bringing a famous posing guest ( Craig Titus, Monica Brant were some of them). The contest is "FITNESS ALIVE CLASSIC", my magazineĀ“s name
> In 2006 it will be the biggest ever. Monica Brant & Scott Peckham have already confirmed their participation and I woul like to do it for the first time an international contest and also if you allow me under WFF rules, using your logo and I would like to invite WFF athletes and officials from all over the world to participate paying them 2 nights and all the transfers here in Buenos Aires.
> This I think wuld be the first step of the WFF entrance in South America.
> On the other hand, a close friend of mine Mike Glass, a real bodybuilding, legend is planning to carry out a show in North America ( more precisely in Venice Beach in California). I suggested him to start working with WFF . And he was really interested in the idea. From my point of view having one contest in the south and another one in the north would be a terrific presence of WFF in America enlarging the future world championships to a higher and more global level.
> My dear friend I look forward to your opinion.
> Best wishes
> Jorge--
World Fitness Federation
Edmundas Daubaras
- Chairman_Organizing_Committee - 11-29-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Many International sport organizations and their leaders (De Milia is among them) are interested in WFF-International activities.
WFF-International Headquarters receive different letters and calls from them.
The following correspondence will give a clear information on WFF-International nesrest future plans:
Dear Jorge,
Thank You for nice words.
Anyway, You and Your South America team are the very respectable and the big part of WFF-International family.
In the background of falling popularity of bodybuilding FITNESS is on top at the moment.
To the words You have sayed I see the callendar obstacle:
2006 WFF-International season:
- April 1, Europe Open Junior, Senior and Couples Championship (Riga, Latvia)
- May, Lithuania Championship Open, Latvia Open, Russia Open, 30-th "Amber Prix International" (the same traditional contest as NABBA "Universe" since 1969), Europe Amateur Championship (Russia) and Europe Professional (20 000 US dollars, Russia).
Seeing WFF-International 2005 Pro World in Moscow Representatives of Russia Government wished to have Europe next year in Russia. The tickets for ALL PRO ATHLETES from Moscow to Pro World in another city will be payed by WFF Russia.
Plus to this some International athletes will go to WFF "Universe" organized by Biagio Filizola in Italy (June-July).
At the same time for the autumn:
- Lithuania Cup Open, Russia Open, Latvia Open,
WFF Amateur World Championship (LykiaWorld, Turkey), WFF Pro World (Vilnius, Lithuania, 20 000 US dollars and GENUINE DIAMONDS for the winners of all 4 categories), WFF Pro "Universe" (20 000 US dollars, Russia).
And this is not all!!!
We must coordinate our callendars, this is the problem.
Yours faithfully,
Jorge Cedale wrote
> Dear Edmundas
> First thing is to congratulate you once again for your magnificent contest. It was a real honour to be part of it.
> Thinking about the future I have two questions for you.
> Every year for may the 25th I organize in Argentina a big fitness and bodybuilding show usually bringing a famous posing guest ( Craig Titus, Monica Brant were some of them). The contest is "FITNESS ALIVE CLASSIC", my magazineĀ“s name
> In 2006 it will be the biggest ever. Monica Brant & Scott Peckham have already confirmed their participation and I woul like to do it for the first time an international contest and also if you allow me under WFF rules, using your logo and I would like to invite WFF athletes and officials from all over the world to participate paying them 2 nights and all the transfers here in Buenos Aires.
> This I think wuld be the first step of the WFF entrance in South America.
> On the other hand, a close friend of mine Mike Glass, a real bodybuilding, legend is planning to carry out a show in North America ( more precisely in Venice Beach in California). I suggested him to start working with WFF . And he was really interested in the idea. From my point of view having one contest in the south and another one in the north would be a terrific presence of WFF in America enlarging the future world championships to a higher and more global level.
> My dear friend I look forward to your opinion.
> Best wishes
> Jorge--
World Fitness Federation
Edmundas Daubaras
Everything is plain and clear.
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-01-2005
Yesterday in Lithuania Parliament ans State Sport Department was a discussion on NABBA-International.
We are glad that more and more people understand - there is no NABBA-International in REAL LIFE!
Every year NABBA "Universe" is organized by NABBA UK. That is the REAL fact. All other International NABBA things are just fairy talles!
If we are not right, present (if you can!) the Registration Certificate of NABBA-Internataional. Sorry, but there is no OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of NABBA-International!
This is what the State Officials and Press start to understand.
And this is the TRUTH until the Certificate is presented!
- john - 12-01-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Yesterday in Lithuania Parliament ans State Sport Department was a discussion on NABBA-International.
We are glad that more and more people understand - there is no NABBA-International in REAL LIFE!
Every year NABBA "Universe" is organized by NABBA UK. That is the REAL fact. All other International NABBA things are just fairy talles!
If we are not right, present (if you can!) the Registration Certificate of NABBA-Internataional. Sorry, but there is no OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of NABBA-International!
This is what the State Officials and Press start to understand.
And this is the TRUTH until the Certificate is presented!
We are again discussing old thema?
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-01-2005
john Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Yesterday in Lithuania Parliament ans State Sport Department was a discussion on NABBA-International.
We are glad that more and more people understand - there is no NABBA-International in REAL LIFE!
Every year NABBA "Universe" is organized by NABBA UK. That is the REAL fact. All other International NABBA things are just fairy talles!
If we are not right, present (if you can!) the Registration Certificate of NABBA-Internataional. Sorry, but there is no OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of NABBA-International!
This is what the State Officials and Press start to understand.
And this is the TRUTH until the Certificate is presented!
We are again discussing old thema?
No. Only once again the old thema was rised yesterday. We can speak on it as much as anybody wants. And our position is clear - there is no legal and official NABBA-International. Just NABBA UK. Nothing more.
- george - 12-01-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:john Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Yesterday in Lithuania Parliament ans State Sport Department was a discussion on NABBA-International.
We are glad that more and more people understand - there is no NABBA-International in REAL LIFE!
Every year NABBA "Universe" is organized by NABBA UK. That is the REAL fact. All other International NABBA things are just fairy talles!
If we are not right, present (if you can!) the Registration Certificate of NABBA-Internataional. Sorry, but there is no OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of NABBA-International!
This is what the State Officials and Press start to understand.
And this is the TRUTH until the Certificate is presented!
We are again discussing old thema?
Now all who are interested in NABBA know about it. It is good that nobody can fool us any longer!
No. Only once again the old thema was rised yesterday. We can speak on it as much as anybody wants. And our position is clear - there is no legal and official NABBA-International. Just NABBA UK. Nothing more.
- george - 12-01-2005
george Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:john Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Yesterday in Lithuania Parliament ans State Sport Department was a discussion on NABBA-International.
We are glad that more and more people understand - there is no NABBA-International in REAL LIFE!
Every year NABBA "Universe" is organized by NABBA UK. That is the REAL fact. All other International NABBA things are just fairy talles!
If we are not right, present (if you can!) the Registration Certificate of NABBA-Internataional. Sorry, but there is no OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of NABBA-International!
This is what the State Officials and Press start to understand.
And this is the TRUTH until the Certificate is presented!
We are again discussing old thema?
No. Only once again the old thema was rised yesterday. We can speak on it as much as anybody wants. And our position is clear - there is no legal and official NABBA-International. Just NABBA UK. Nothing more.
Now all who are interested in NABBA know about it. It is good that nobody can fool us any longer!
- timoxa - 12-01-2005
But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
- vika - 12-01-2005
timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
Do you think anybody supports such so called "organizations"? How they can deal with the Officials, Sponsoring Firms, press?
No chance!
- antanas - 12-01-2005
vika Wrote:timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
Do you think anybody supports such so called "organizations"? How they can deal with the Officials, Sponsoring Firms, press?
No chance!
Do you imagine UK Prime Minister shaking hand of Ivan Dunbar (representing not existing NABBA-Interantional)?
- abbey - 12-01-2005
antanas Wrote:vika Wrote:timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
Do you think anybody supports such so called "organizations"? How they can deal with the Officials, Sponsoring Firms, press?
No chance!
Do you imagine UK Prime Minister shaking hand of Ivan Dunbar (representing not existing NABBA-Interantional)?
Maybe in dreams only...
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-03-2005
Today WFF Ukraine (President Spartak Vaskovskij) addressed WFF-International headquarters asking the official documents to prove the participation of Ukraine athletes in 2005 WFF World in Vilnius.
According to the official papers Ukraine athletes will get the "International Sport Master" names and receive further financial Government support.
WFF-International prepares such documents for them. No problem.
It is interesting - what documents so called "NABBA-International" or similar "organizations" will give? Such "organizations" without official registration have no stamp, no any juridical documents. Nothing is official! They are just playing "international" games and looking for the naive athletes around the World.
Today Klaus Hoffman organizes international contest in Germany. Again Ukraine will not participate. It is not possible to get official invitation for visas to Germany as there is NO OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. Not NABBA-International, nor some other International federation. Only NABBA Germany is registered. But it is a national unit. Not International.
Due to this long lasting nonsence Ukraine athletes during last 10 years NEVER came to the contetst organized by Klaus Hoffman in Germany.
Yes, he can invite them as a private person. But where is so called "NABBA-International"?
- dima - 12-03-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Today WFF Ukraine (President Spartak Vaskovskij) addressed WFF-International headquarters asking the official documents to prove the participation of Ukraine athletes in 2005 WFF World in Vilnius.
According to the official papers Ukraine athletes will get the "International Sport Master" names and receive further financial Government support.
WFF-International prepares such documents for them. No problem.
It is interesting - what documents so called "NABBA-International" or similar "organizations" will give? Such "organizations" without official registration have no stamp, no any juridical documents. Nothing is official! They are just playing "international" games and looking for the naive athletes around the World.
Today Klaus Hoffman organizes international contest in Germany. Again Ukraine will not participate. It is not possible to get official invitation for visas to Germany as there is NO OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. Not NABBA-International, nor some other International federation. Only NABBA Germany is registered. But it is a national unit. Not International.
Due to this long lasting nonsence Ukraine athletes during last 10 years NEVER came to the contetst organized by Klaus Hoffman in Germany.
Yes, he can invite them as a private person. But where is so called "NABBA-International"?
I think - when people will start to understand that they were fooled so long by such unofficial unlegal "organizations"?
- tony - 12-03-2005
dima Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Today WFF Ukraine (President Spartak Vaskovskij) addressed WFF-International headquarters asking the official documents to prove the participation of Ukraine athletes in 2005 WFF World in Vilnius.
According to the official papers Ukraine athletes will get the "International Sport Master" names and receive further financial Government support.
WFF-International prepares such documents for them. No problem.
It is interesting - what documents so called "NABBA-International" or similar "organizations" will give? Such "organizations" without official registration have no stamp, no any juridical documents. Nothing is official! They are just playing "international" games and looking for the naive athletes around the World.
Today Klaus Hoffman organizes international contest in Germany. Again Ukraine will not participate. It is not possible to get official invitation for visas to Germany as there is NO OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. Not NABBA-International, nor some other International federation. Only NABBA Germany is registered. But it is a national unit. Not International.
Due to this long lasting nonsence Ukraine athletes during last 10 years NEVER came to the contetst organized by Klaus Hoffman in Germany.
Yes, he can invite them as a private person. But where is so called "NABBA-International"?
I think - when people will start to understand that they were fooled so long by such unofficial unlegal "organizations"?
Everything needs time. Wait and see!
- mike - 12-03-2005
tony Wrote:dima Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Today WFF Ukraine (President Spartak Vaskovskij) addressed WFF-International headquarters asking the official documents to prove the participation of Ukraine athletes in 2005 WFF World in Vilnius.
According to the official papers Ukraine athletes will get the "International Sport Master" names and receive further financial Government support.
WFF-International prepares such documents for them. No problem.
It is interesting - what documents so called "NABBA-International" or similar "organizations" will give? Such "organizations" without official registration have no stamp, no any juridical documents. Nothing is official! They are just playing "international" games and looking for the naive athletes around the World.
Today Klaus Hoffman organizes international contest in Germany. Again Ukraine will not participate. It is not possible to get official invitation for visas to Germany as there is NO OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. Not NABBA-International, nor some other International federation. Only NABBA Germany is registered. But it is a national unit. Not International.
Due to this long lasting nonsence Ukraine athletes during last 10 years NEVER came to the contetst organized by Klaus Hoffman in Germany.
Yes, he can invite them as a private person. But where is so called "NABBA-International"?
I think - when people will start to understand that they were fooled so long by such unofficial unlegal "organizations"?
Everything needs time. Wait and see!
Right you are!
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-05-2005
More and more countries are becoming official memebers of WFF-International. Serbia among them:
Dear friend,
> The WFF-International Constitution is on www.wff.lt in the English language.
> Welcome to WFF-International!
> Yours,
> Edmundas Daubaras
>World Fitness Federation
>Edmundas Daubaras
> beogym wrote:
> Dear frend, I hope that competition and travel in Germany was well.Ididn't got visa for my team I had 12 competitors.
>> That why I didn't come in Lithuania (WFF World Championship) because I need 2 visa.First one for Italia then for your contry.But I want to registrate your federation in Serbia and then I have oficials federation and I could travel ewerywere.I 'm very sory b ecause of politcis of our contry and we diden't members of EU.Can you send me statut of your federation.?
Predrag Milosevic
- abbey - 12-05-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:More and more countries are becoming official memebers of WFF-International. Serbia among them:
Dear friend,
> The WFF-International Constitution is on www.wff.lt in the English language.
> Welcome to WFF-International!
> Yours,
> Edmundas Daubaras
>World Fitness Federation
>Edmundas Daubaras
> beogym wrote:
> Dear frend, I hope that competition and travel in Germany was well.Ididn't got visa for my team I had 12 competitors.
>> That why I didn't come in Lithuania (WFF World Championship) because I need 2 visa.First one for Italia then for your contry.But I want to registrate your federation in Serbia and then I have oficials federation and I could travel ewerywere.I 'm very sory b ecause of politcis of our contry and we diden't members of EU.Can you send me statut of your federation.?
Predrag Milosevic
Everybody starts thinking. Everybody starts to understand.
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-05-2005
Looking for support of Governments ans sponsors, many bodybuilding leaders start to understand the necessity to register officialy according the law their national sport organizations. But what to do next? The official national organizations can not be members of unregistered unofficial International Organizations (as NABBA-International and many others are).
WFF-International goes it's own way and it is the OFFICIAL one.
- vladas - 12-05-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Looking for support of Governments ans sponsors, many bodybuilding leaders start to understand the necessity to register officialy according the law their national sport organizations. But what to do next? The official national organizations can not be members of unregistered unofficial International Organizations (as NABBA-International and many others are).
WFF-International goes it's own way and it is the OFFICIAL one.
It takes time.
- joel - 12-05-2005
vladas Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Looking for support of Governments ans sponsors, many bodybuilding leaders start to understand the necessity to register officialy according the law their national sport organizations. But what to do next? The official national organizations can not be members of unregistered unofficial International Organizations (as NABBA-International and many others are).
WFF-International goes it's own way and it is the OFFICIAL one.
It takes time.
No doubt!
- rob - 12-05-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Looking for support of Governments ans sponsors, many bodybuilding leaders start to understand the necessity to register officialy according the law their national sport organizations. But what to do next? The official national organizations can not be members of unregistered unofficial International Organizations (as NABBA-International and many others are).
WFF-International goes it's own way and it is the OFFICIAL one.
That is why unbelievable number of competitors from so many countries participate in WFF-International events!
- vika - 12-05-2005
2005 WFF World Championships in Vilnius (Lithuania) collected over 700 athletes from 32 countries.
Due to his 35 years lasting active International work in Bodybuilding and Fitness the President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded in Vilnius with his own broze statue. All the representatives of the World Championship participating countries sighned on the statue:
- mike - 12-05-2005
vika Wrote:2005 WFF World Championships in Vilnius (Lithuania) collected over 700 athletes from 32 countries.
Due to his 35 years lasting active International work in Bodybuilding and Fitness the President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded in Vilnius with his own broze statue. All the representatives of the World Championship participating countries sighned on the statue:
Well done! Congratulations!
- DSc. Edmundas Daubaras - 12-06-2005
Unbelievable news!
No names at the moment.
Just now WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from USA. USA people are looking attentively at what is going on in Europe.
Well known people from the USA have a preposal of the common financial project with WFF-International. They want to make "our organization the largest in the World".
Representatives of USA want to visit Lithuania in the nearest weeks.
Let us see what comes out of these nice intentions!
- joel - 12-07-2005
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Unbelievable news!
No names at the moment.
Just now WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from USA. USA people are looking attentively at what is going on in Europe.
Well known people from the USA have a preposal of the common financial project with WFF-International. They want to make "our organization the largest in the World".
Representatives of USA want to visit Lithuania in the nearest weeks.
Let us see what comes out of these nice intentions!
very interesting!
- WFF_WBBF_Office_Official - 12-08-2005
timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
And still athletes do not care for federations.
They jus participate.
But knowing that some "federations" are not real, that some people are paying games with them - makes them feel not comfortably.
After contests athletes return home. Good if nobody knows about the unofficial federations. But when the native public has informantion, then what is the value of the titles and awards of the unlegal federation?
- takas - 12-08-2005
andrey Wrote:timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
And still athletes do not care for federations.
They jus participate.
But knowing that some "federations" are not real, that some people are paying games with them - makes them feel not comfortably.
After contests athletes return home. Good if nobody knows about the unofficial federations. But when the native public has informantion, then what is the value of the titles and awards of the unlegal federation?
By "unofficial" you mean federations of Klaus Hofmann and Ivan Dunbar?
- WFF_WBBF_Office_Official - 12-08-2005
takas Wrote:andrey Wrote:timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
And still athletes do not care for federations.
They jus participate.
But knowing that some "federations" are not real, that some people are paying games with them - makes them feel not comfortably.
After contests athletes return home. Good if nobody knows about the unofficial federations. But when the native public has informantion, then what is the value of the titles and awards of the unlegal federation?
By "unofficial" you mean federations of Klaus Hofmann and Ivan Dunbar?
Yes, because they have nothing legal. Only the logos are used legaly, nothing else.
Contests are contests. Finance controll also has a lot of work with such persons who collect money for the unreal federations.
- abbey - 12-08-2005
andrey Wrote:takas Wrote:andrey Wrote:timoxa Wrote:But still this messy situation in NABBA satisfy many countries and persons.
Not only International NABBA affairs are unlegal. National too!
NABBA Russia (quite a big country!) has no NATIONAL NABBA organization until now. Just one person (the President) 1-2 weeks before so called "International" contests collects some athletes and all of them go "to NABBA". No National Organization, no National Championships, no qualifying contests... Just mess which we call "NABBA".
And still athletes do not care for federations.
They jus participate.
But knowing that some "federations" are not real, that some people are paying games with them - makes them feel not comfortably.
After contests athletes return home. Good if nobody knows about the unofficial federations. But when the native public has informantion, then what is the value of the titles and awards of the unlegal federation?
By "unofficial" you mean federations of Klaus Hofmann and Ivan Dunbar?
Yes, because they have nothing legal. Only the logos are used legaly, nothing else.
Contests are contests. Finance controll also has a lot of work with such persons who collect money for the unreal federations.
Then why they do not want to do everything according the law?