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- WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-03-2009 IFBB HIDE DIRTY DOPING CASES From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Subject: IFBB's FANTASY To: "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com>, "Osama Ahmed Al Shafar" <osama@alshafar.ae> Date: Monday, 3 August, 2009, 6:40 PM Dear Colleagues, I believe that TRUTH will ultimately prevail. No system of dictatorship rules can subdue TRUTH for ever. Please read the email below and click and enjoy reading about the IFBB notoriety on doping and cheating. Go to the website of the Austrian Federation www.ifbb.at there you can find a folder named “Akte IFBB” (Akte is the german word for file). This folder contains all the documents you need to provide the authorities in your region with information about the shortcomings of the IFBB. They have the cheek to write to several people in Asia but they never tell the truth about themselves. They hide all doping cases and I did not know about all these cases of the European Championships as the former Vice-President of the IFBB. Why they pick only on Asia? Paul Chua Secretary-General - ABBF - Adriana - 08-04-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:IFBB HIDE DIRTY DOPING CASES :roll: - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-05-2009 ASIA DOES NOT TRUST IFBB From: Taivan <budes_e@yahoo.com> Subject: reply to emails from Mr.William Tierney To: "sca asian bodybuilding bodybuilding" <sca-abbf@live.com> Cc: "chua paul" <abbfasia@yahoo..com.sg> Date: Wednesday, 5 August, 2009, 2:00 PM Mr. William Tierney, IFBB Assistant General Secretary please stop all these rubbish. Do not try to influence with these letters, instead, please meet face to face to each to trash matters out and make sure all things clear. We have own brain and loyalty. You are not even in our Asian family of bodybuilding at all, you are going to break national federations!!! WE ARE NATIONAL FEDERATIONS WOULD LIKE TO BE UNITED IN DOMESTIC. If there are any people thinking themselves as a decision maker please be like a real leader, not a mixmaker. Thank you for your understanding. A.Enhktaivan. Member of 1st National Bodybuilding team of Mongolia 5 Time National bodybuilding champion, 3 Time national overall bodybuilding champion 1996, 1998, 2000. - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-05-2009 FALSE INFORMATION FROM IFBB From: Deiter Weber <rb62000x-deiterweber@yahoo..com> Subject: Fw: reply to emails from Mr.William Tierney To: sca-abbf@life.com, w.tierney2@ukonline.co.uk Cc: "Datuk Chua ABBF Sec Gen" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>, "ALSHAFAR UAE" <osama@alshafar.ae>, alsafarww73@yahoo.com, "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com> Date: Wednesday, 5 August, 2009, 2:56 PM Dear Mr. Tierney, There was an e-mail sent out by SCA with your name on it so I suume you write it.. It is interesting to note that it contains factual irregularities. You mentioned that over 20 countries were present. Can I know which 20 countries came to India and participated in the Championship. As far as I know and widely reported in the internet and blogspheres, only a pathetic 7 countries took part in this equally pathetic championship, where it was reported no dope testing was done at all. I would implore you to challenge me with facts and evidence to dispute this claim. As a member of an internation organization, this error in reporting reflects your integrity and transparency.. It is a crying shame .................................. Deiter Weber Germany - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-06-2009 AGAIN AND AGAIN SHAME ON IFBB From: Hong Kong China Bodybuilding Association <chairman@hkbba.org> Subject: Re: AFBF - IFBB To: "William Tierney" <w.tierney2@ukonline.co.uk> Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Paul Chua (ABBF)" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>, "ALSHAFAR" <osama@alshafar.ae> Date: Wednesday, 5 August, 2009, 6:46 PM William, This is the pathetic AFBF competition under your IFBB. I invite you to come to Pattaya and see for yourself our Asian Champions in action. In the 55kg. there is only one competitor and you made him the "Champion" . This is awful and disgraceful and a sham. You guys do not even know the rules. If there is only one competitor, the event should have been cancelled. You and your IFBB FAILED in Aurangbad, India. We have VIP Guests attending our competitions and you will be shocked when you see them at our events. By the way, there were so many doping cases which your President concealed, like the 30 cases in the European Women's championships, only 15 were tested, what happened to the balance 15....are you going to suspend Nieves or Rafael? The Spanish bodybuilder was tested (4) FOUR times positive and yet he was allowed to participate. Where is your ANTI- DOPING PROGRAMME and where are your WADA RULES. This is your own rules. Ain't you guys ashamed of all the doping incidents!!!!!! The IFBB lost is credibility .....all these are being sent to the relevant authorities to expose you guys....... Simon Chan Chairman, ABBF Judges Committee Chairman, China Hongkong Bodybuilding Association - Cydney - 08-06-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote: „GULF NEWS“ (some days ago) :!: :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-07-2009 IFBB FACES THE CLOSED DOORS OF ASIA From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Subject: Fw: proof To: "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com> Cc: "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com>, "Afghan 1" <hotak.bawar@yahoo.com>, "Afghan 2" <zubairullahmohsin@yahoo.com>, "Afghan 3" <zubair_m1@hotmail.com>, "Sayed Payenda Afghanistan" <sayed.payenda@live.vu.edu.au>, "Osama Ahmed Al Shafar" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Mohamed Abdulrahim Abdulla Bahrain" <mohd_bwbb@yahoo.com>, "Saleh Al Ammar Bahrain" <saleh_angel@hotmail.com>, "Latifur Rahman Khan Bangladesh" <mlrkhan@cgscomm.net>, "Axel Bauer" <axel.bauer@chello.at>, "KAMAWANGCHUK Bhutan" <bhutannoc@gmail.com>, "MAJKARMA Bhutan" <capkaytee@hotmail.com>, "Wangchen Bhutan" <dwangchen@gmail.com>, "DYCS MOE Bhutan Karma Wangchuk" <kesangwangchuk@gmail.com>, "HARUN Brunei" <harungym@mail.com>, "PHALLAKONG Cambodia" <kphalla@yahoo.com>, "Cambodia" <r_samboefeo@hotmail.com>, "Wang RuiXia China" <cbba-cn@sohu.com>, "CY" <calvinyew@gmail.com>, "Simon Chan Hong Kong" <simon@iptfa.com>, "Nayak G.S. India" <girijashankar_nayak@yahoo.com>, "Amit Swami India" <navin_rao2007@yahoo.ca>, "Baba Madhok India" <babamadhok@gmail.com>, "Sinatra Kaeses Indonesia" <trisakaindo@bdg.centrin.net.id>, "ALAMSYAH Indonesia" <smb@cbn.net.id>, "ALAM Indonesia" <bigguy1402@yahoo.com>, "Dangsina Moeloek Indonesia" <m.dangsina@yahoo.com>, "Adang Indonesia" <adang.d@bangadang.com>, "Rozita Bayat Iran" <bayatweider@yahoo.com>, "Alifard Iran" <iriranbbf@yahoo.com>, "IRANBBF Iran" <bbfiran@yahoo.com>, "POURALIFARD Iran" <n.pouralifard@yahoo.com>, "IRANABBC Iran" <iranbodybuilding@gmail.com>, "Iraq New Address" <aliraqibbf@yahoo.com>, "Hitoshi Tamari Japan" <mkymiyao@yahoo.co.jp>, "JORDAN" <ahmad_abelhadi@hotmail.com>, "Kazakhstan" <araslanov58@mail.ru>, "Kazakhstan" <avida78@rambler.ru>, "Chang Bo Young Korea" <kaesun@kaesun.com>, "Charlie Korea" <charliekorean@gmail.com>, "KRYG" <alisher_tairov@mail.ru>, "LAOS" <cbannavong@hotmail.com>, "Malih ALAYWAN Lebanon" <sateh_n@yahoo.com>, "Che Kuong Hon Macau" <chelucky@macau..ctm.net>, "Ines Macau Yeung" <ines.mbfa@yahoo.com>, "Ines Macau Yeung" <siyeung@ipm.edu.mo>, "Exec. Director Malaysia" <christina_weider@yahoo.com>, "DATUKWIRAGAN Malaysia" <japerun82@yahoo.com>, "Kamar Malaysia" <masbbf@yahoo.com>, "HALEEMNEW Maldives" <haleem@gmail.com>, "ibrahim Sira Maldives" <sid_822@hotmail.com>, "Hussein Zinan Maldives" <zintey@hotmail.com>, "Rizwana Mohamed Haleem Maldives" <rizu.m.halym@gmail.com>, "Batmunkh Batsuuri Mongolia" <mongolbody@yahoo.com>, "ENKHTAIVAN Mongolia" <budes_e@yahoo.com>, "MongolSec.Gen Mongolia" <monochir@yahoo.com>, "u kyaw than Myanmar" <uktsnw@gmail.com>, "Myanmar 2" <ycdc@mptmail.net.com>, "Myanmar 3" <hlamyintswe@gmail.com>, "Dinesh new Nepal" <dineshrajbh@hotmail.com>, "Nepal" <nbba@mail.com>, "Rajesh Babu Nepal Shrestha" <rajesh@chitawoncoe.com>, "W. van den Branden Netherlands" <wvdbranden@zeelandnet.nl>, "Philip Hope New Zealand" <p.s.hope@slingshot..co.nz>, "Philip Hope New Zealand" <phope@akcansoc.org.nz>, "OMANBBF Oman" <omolco@omantel.net.om>, "oman" <sadg@mosa.gov.om>, "Oman" <info@sportsoman.com>, "Pakistan 1" <nocpakistan@gmail.com>, "Pakistan 2" <pakbbf.info@gmail.com>, "Palestine" <abujaffar50@gmail.com>, "corinna Philippine mojica" <corybmojica@yahoo.com>, "Luciano Philippine Lim" <limluciano@yahoo.com>, "IBRAHIMKAFOOD Qatar" <emkafood@yahoo.com>, "ALMANA Qatar" <m.y.almana@alhamadautomobiles.com.qa>, "Hussain Al Saffar" <alsafarww73@yahoo.com>, "Saudi" <aldawly@hotmail.com>, "Letchmenon M. Singapore" <letchmenon@yahoo.com.sg>, "sbbfpresident Singapore" <mletchmenon@sbbf.org.sg>, "Shawn Sugendran Singapore" <cop_666_sg@yahoo.com>, "Jeff Sri lanka Schucroft" <jeffschucroft@gmail.com>, "Syria" <ifbb.syria@yahoo.com>, "Samer Syria Dia" <syrianbodybuilding@yahoo.com>, "Liao Taipei" <jengliao@gmail.com>, "Taipei" <ctbbf@kbronet.com.tw>, "Tajikistan" <noc@olympic.tj>, "Sugree Supawarikul Thailand" <thaibody@hotmail.com>, "Douglas Latchford Thailand" <skanda@loxinfo.co.th>, "Sugree SEABBF Thailand" <seabbf@yahoo.com>, "EMIRATES BODY BUILDI UAE bodybuld" <bodybuld@emirates.net.ae>, "Uzbekistan BodyBuilding and Fitness Uzbekista" <uzb_bodybuildingfitness@yahoo.com>, "Uzbekistan" <mr_azizbek@yahoo.com>, "Vietnam" <bodybuilding.vgf@gmail.com>, "HUYNHANH Vietnam" <huynhanh.vbbf@yahoo.com.vn>, "TOAN GIA CUONG Co Vietnam Ltd" <toangiacuong@gmail.com>, "Warren" <diamonds@ni.net.nf>, "YEMEN" <ywlf2002@hotmail.com> Date: Friday, 7 August, 2009, 1:49 AM In the honour of Datuk Paul Chua Secretary General-ABBF Dear Mr. Chua, Please find the video clip of that so called Asian (AFBF) championship at Aurangabad.You can see that how Indians are holding the boards of different Nations,perhaps they wanted to divert the matter as they had very less countries. Afghanistan Bangladesh Myanmar, Syria which were definitely not there as well as controversial Representatives from the the countries like Mongolia,Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. IFBB claims that they had more then 20 countries but on the stage itself they had only 16 countries as you know that even in this half of the countries were not there OFFICIALLY. You can also notice that on the stage during the speech of Mr.More,his phone is banging and Mr. Santonja came forward to take his phone "If this man(More) don't have the manners that how to behave on stage how he can claim to be the Secretary of an Continental federation" . As i know that according to the own circular of IFBB they baned to use the title like Mr. World or Mr.Asia ,Mr Universe etc.But you can see that there was the banner 'Mr. Asia' on the stage. The bodybuilder who is raising the Indian flag on the stage is the same Mr. M. Kamraj to whom we suspended for doing irregularities as he did not turn up for Dope test after the selection trial for Bali Asian beach games... I think that this boy did not participate because of the critisism by the media although he was selected for this event but he should not have been on the stage. After having a proper look of this video you &President Osama can decide further course of action.I have already send the complete video. Furthermore, I read through the circular sent by Mr.William Tierney of the IFBB and the letter head of the AFBF shows the name of Mr. Farooq, he has sent a strong letter against this federation and Pakistan is not keen to associate with them. Pity they do not understand simple english and print his name in their letter head. You should expose the dirty games of the IFBB at the ABBF Congress on 13th August, 2009 ..unbelievable they use dirty tactics to hammer you. See you all in Pattaya ...long live ABBF . Amit Swami Asst. Secretary-General - ABBF - Bumer - 08-07-2009 Cydney Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote: „GULF NEWS“ (some days ago) truth is truth. there is nothing to arguee... - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-08-2009 IFBB NEGLECTS WADA RULES. FORGERY OF DOPING DOCUMENTS From: skanda <skanda@loxinfo.co.th> Subject: MORALS To: internacional@santonja.com, "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Pawel Filleborn" <p.filleborn@neostrada.pl>, "Wanda TIERNEY" <wanda.tierney@ukonline.co.uk>, "wada" <emiliano.simonelli@wada-ama..org>, "wada" <marilyn.malenfant@wada-ama.org>, "Wada Info - main office" <nfo@agfisonline.com>, "Kerwin Clarke" <Kerwin.Clarke@wada-ama.org>, "GAISF" <info@agfisonline.com>, "WG" <sec@worldgames-iwga.org>, husain@ocasia.org, "Osama Ahmed Al Shafar" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Hussain Al Saffar" <alsafarww73@yahoo.com> Cc: "CHUA PAUL" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>, nutricion@santonja.com Date: Friday, 7 August, 2009, 4:52 PM Dear Rafael, I have been going through my correspondence with you, most of which is sadly still unanswered,and I have come across a letter from you dated 13th Feb 2009, suspending one of my Thai athletes Khun Somsri Turinthaisong : " Regarding your athlete Somsri Turinthaisong, yes, in fact, he was found positive in Manama, and informed accordingly that his suspension is on duty for two years. " I refer to my letter to you dated Feb 13th 2009 where I mentioned that an athlete from Qatar, Kamal was not only found positive in Shanghai in Sept. 2007, but was also provided with forged documents from his association showing him to be negative ?? and you have ignored this matter. As mentioned in my letter Kamal competed in Nov 2007, but no action has been taken ? this surely is a case of double standards ? Kamal should have received a lifetime suspension, you did not adhere to the WADA Rules. The reason is best known to you after your visit to Qatar in December 2008. It is also noted that you allowed your Spanish athlete who was tested positive on four different occasions to participate in several competitions and you did not suspend him for life.. You took 30 urine samples from the European Women's championships and tested only 15 athletes and concealed the balance of the 15 other athletes urine, why, and where were they kept ? You have breached the WADA rules on several occasions, and are still clinging on to your theory in alleging that Mr. Paul Chua concealed the doping results of the Asian Championships in 2005. You were not the President at that time, and we know that Mr. Chua sent all the reports to the IFBB in Canada. This is a fantasy that you have created to tarnish Paul Chua. As President of the Thailand Bodybuilding Association I invite you to attend our Congress and hear the truth which will be presented. We understand that Qatar made a report against Mr. Chua in late December 2007 since the ABBF did not see fit to please the Qatar federation on the FORGERY OF DOPING DOCUMENTS. The Anti-corrupt agencies have checked on Mr Chua, and if he was corrupt, he would by now have been charged. He has the receipts and the Telegraphic Transfer Chits from the Hongkong federation directly transferred to the ABBF's account. A person is innocent, until proven otherwise You need to answer several letters on the JOINT DECLARATION which you signed with the late Ben Weider. Why does no one know about this secret deal of yours? In your case the $100,000.00 was transmitted into your company's account, can you show know where the money is now? You stated that it was transferred to the IFBB's account in Spain, but investigation shows there is no IFBB registered in Spain, can you explain this ? My association has now disregarded your suspension imposed on Khun Somsri as we are no longer part of the IFBB, and we will allow Khun Somsri to compete in Asian events. I sincerely wish that I could come face to face with you, as I would like to question you on several matters, some personal,( though your Napoleon stature would prohibit this ) I will be surprised if I receive a reply to this e.mail, though it would be nice to think that you would be man enough to answer. Douglas Latchford. President TBBA - Harwey - 08-08-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:IFBB HIDE DIRTY DOPING CASES i saw it... - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-09-2009 IFBB ARE LOOSERS IN ASIA „GULF NEWS“ I will ensure our integrity is kept intact - Al Shafar Dubai: President of the ABBF Osama Al Shafar has maintained that he is willing to go any extent to ensure the integrity of the ABBF, its member nations and his officials is kept intact. "At the moment they are having a Hearing Committee between the IFBB and Qatar to try and create a parallel federation for Asia. What support do they have? We have the backing of 33 of the 37 members registered with the ABBF. The five who are not with us are Qatar, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Japan and South Korea," Al Shafar said. "The IFBB have sanctioned an Asian competition in Aurangabad, India, and I doubt they have a handful of athletes participating there. The actual Asian competition will be held next month. "Our plan of action is that we will have a meeting in Bangkok next month and we will see who is backing us and who is not. Whoever is absent will be suspended from the AFBB," Al Shafar said. "We have the full support of the UAE National Olympic Committee and from the Dubai Government and His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai," Al Shafar said. "Yousuf Al Serkal, Vice-President of the UAE National Olympic Committee (NOC) and Saeed Abdul Gaffar, the UAE NOC General-Secretary have done a good job in supporting us and showing the people that ABFF is still under our umbrella with me as its president. I don't know why the IFBB is trying to destabilise our organisation when we are elected members." - edita_wff - 08-09-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:IFBB ARE LOOSERS IN ASIA - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-10-2009 IFBB WANTS MORE MONEY FROM SPORTSMEN From: mohd abdulla <mohd_bwbb@yahoo.com> Subject: (100%) To: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Dr. Eng. Adel Fahim" <efbb@tedata.net.eg>, w.tierney2@ukonline.co..uk, "Mauricio de Arruda" <mauricio@santonja.com> Cc: "Osama Al Shafar" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Paul Chua" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg> Date: Monday, 10 August, 2009, 12:11 AM Dear Dr. Rafael Santonja, I am flabbergasted to read the IFBB's INSPECTION REPORT on Doha World Men's Bodybuilding Championships and notice that the IFBB is SUCKING the blood of the poor officials and bodybuilders by charging a fee of US$200 for registration fee instead of US$100 as per the previous years. One hundred percent increment (100%). Who takes the money? Is it the IFBB or AFIFF or your company (Corporation), and in which account, and if there is an account? The IFBB is making MONEY from the POOR BODYBUILDERS and OFFICIALS and this is a SIN, and corrupt practices. Any decision for the increment must be discussed and approved in the Congress. Mohamed. - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-10-2009 NO NEWS IN ASIA BATTLE. IFBB LOOSES IT‘S POSITIONS IFBB refused to recognize the Asia Bodybuilding Championship and Congress in Pataya. The Asia Olympic Committee payed no attention to IFBB and supported MR. OSAMA AL SHAFAR. THE LETTER OF THE OLYMPIC COMMITTEE ASIA TO SUPPORT ASIA BODYBUILDING FEDERATION AND DO NOT SUPPORT IFBB From: Nayaf [mailto:Nayaf@OCASIA.ORG] Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 1:10 PM To: afghanistan_noc@yahoo.com; afg_noc@yahoo.com; noc-ban@bdonline.com; ioa@nde.vsnl.net.in; info@nocmaldives.org; nocpakistan@hotmail.com; nocpakistan@gmail.com; natolcom@slt.lk; Bhusport@druknet.net.bt; bhutannoc@gmail.com; gsd@druknet.bt; olympic@wlink..com.np; Bdnoc@brunet.bn; bruneisports@yahoo.com; Mocygn.mya@mptmail.net.mm; tu@koni.or.id; Olympicl@laotel.com; olympicll@laopdr.com; nocmas@tm.net.my; philolympic@smartbro.net; jose_cojuangco@yahoo.com; camnoc@online.com.kh; admin@snoc.org.sg; Postmaster@olympicthai.or.th; vie@fpt.vn; Joaocarrascalao@bigpond.com; joaocarrascalao@msn.com.au; secretary.general@olympic.kg; sergeshov@yahoo.com; noc@olympic.tj; noctkm@online.tm; olymp@nursat.kz; info@olympic.uz; Mocygn.mya@mptmail.net.mm; Olympic@batelco.com.bh; nociri@neda.net; info@kuwaitolympic.com; Lebolymp@cyberia.net.lb; Omolco@omantel.net.om; qoc@olympic.qa; techaffairs@olympic.qa; saoc@saudiolympic.org.sa; SYROLYMP@YAHOO.COM; uaenoc@emirates.net.ae; uaenoc@eim.ae; jor@nets.com.jo; SecGen@joc.jo; Noc.yemen@y.net.ye; Pal-noc@palnet.com; info@palestineolympic.org; info@noc-yemen.org; kuw.olympic@yahoo.com; coc@olympic.cn; tpe.noc@msa.hinet.net; noc-kp@co.chesin.com; Koc@sports.or.kr; jpn-noc@joc.or.jp; noc@olympic.mn; Secretariat@hkolympic.org; noc@macauolympic.org Subject: 2009 Asian Body Building and Fitness Championships, Pattaya (THA) Dear Sir/Madam, Enclose please find an OCA Circular dated 10th Aug 2009 on above captioned matter. for OCA Secretariat - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-10-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:NO NEWS IN ASIA BATTLE. IFBB LOOSES IT‘S POSITIONS - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-10-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:NO NEWS IN ASIA BATTLE. IFBB LOOSES IT‘S POSITIONS - Greg - 08-10-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:NO NEWS IN ASIA BATTLE. IFBB LOOSES IT‘S POSITIONS fantastic!!! - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-12-2009 Official reports in press that IFBB events in India were illegal: India IFBB bodybuilding championship declared as null and void Mumbai | Tuesday, Jul 28 2009 IST The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has declared bodybuilding championship and electoral Congress organised in Aurangabad by International Federation of Body Building and Fitness (IFBB) as 'null and void'. The 43rd Mr Asia championship was organised in Aurangabad by IFBB. On the second day of this event, Sanjay More was elected general Secretary of Asian federation. Amit Swami, Assistant Secretary General, Asian Body Building Federation (ABBF) and Executive Director of Indian Body Building and Fitness Federation (IBBF) told UNI that he was opposing this championship right from the day of its announcement. ''The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) proved how our stand was correct and the organizers in Aurangabad (IFBB) are fake,'' he added. A letter from OCA clearly stated that all the activities by IFBB and their group at Aurangabad are null and void. The letter clearly proves that ABBF under the leadership of Osama Alshafar (President) and Datuk Paul Chua (Secretary General) is the only recognized body by OCA and next Asian Beach Games (Bodybuilding) will be conducted under the patronage of the ABBF. Amit Swami also alleged that majority of Asian countries had boycotted the Aurangabad event and they have sent their entries for real Asian Championship to be held at Pattaya (Thailand) from August 11 to 17 this year. This event will be organised by Thailand Bodybuilding Association with support of Thailand Olympic Committee and Sports Authority of Thailand under the patronage of ABBF. 34 Asian countries have already registered their final entries for this event. He also alleged that the organizers of so-called Asian Bodybuilding Championship at Aurangabad had been misguided people and less then 10 countries participated in the event. They collected funds by saying 40 Asian countries will participate in the championship, then where are the other countries and their participants, Swami questioned. He reiterated that IFBB is registered as Business Corporation and also have VAT number. There are many irregularities in IFBB itself regarding their working and existence as a sports organisation. He further told UNI that the Indian team selected for the Pattaya (Thailand) Asian Championship includes Daljit Singh (Punjab Police), Rahul Bhist (Uttra Khand), Mohammed Abdullah (Karnataka), Mohammed Illias (Chandigarh), Viney Pandey (Indian Railways) and Vijay Bhadur (Uttar Pardesh) in senior categories. Contesters in Junior category includes Chandrajit Bora (Assam), Sujit Kumar (Assam) and B. Kadiravan (Pondichery). http://www.newkerala.com/nkfullnews-1-82131.html Olympic Council of Asia Declared Bodybuilding Activities in Aurangabad as Null and Void July 27th, 2009 - 8:53 pm ICT by mahitri - Aurangabad, July 27 (Correspondent)– The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has declared bodybuilding championship and electoral Congress organized in Aurangabad by International Federation of Body Building and Fitness (IFBB) as Null and Void. The 43rd Mr. Asia championship was organized in Aurangabad by IFBB that was concluded today. On the second day of this event Sanjay More was elected as general Secretary of Asian federation. Amit Swami, Assistant Secretary General, Asian Body Building Federation (ABBF) and Executive Director of Indian Body Building and Fitness Federation (IBBF) told that he was opposing this championship right from the day of its announcement. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) proved how our stand was correct and the organizers in Aurangabad (IFBB) are fake. A letter from OCA clearly stated that all the activities by IFBB and their group at Aurangabad are Null and Void. The letter clearly proves that ABBF under the leadership of Osama Alshafar (President) and Datuk Paul Chua (Secretary General) is the only recognized ABBF by OCA and next Asian Beach Games (Bodybuilding) will be conducted under patronage of the ABBF. Amit Swami alleged that majority of Asian countries boycotted the Aurangabad event and they have sent their entries for real Asian Championship to be held at Pattaya (Thailand) during August 11 to 17 this year. This event will be organized by Thailand Bodybuilding Association with support of Thailand Olympic Committee and Sports Authority of Thailand under the patronage of ABBF. 34 Asian countries have already registered their final entries for this event. He also alleged that the organizers of so-called Asian Bodybuilding Championship at Aurangabad had been misguided people and less then 10 countries participated in the event. They collected funds by saying 40 Asian countries will participate in the championship, then where are the rest countries and their participants, Swami questioned. He reiterated that IFBB is registered as Business Corporation and also have VAT number. There are many irregularities in IFBB itself regarding their working and existence as sports organization. He said that team selected for the Pattaya (Thailand) Asian Championship includes Daljit Singh (Punjab Police), Rahul Bhist (Uttra Khand), Mohammed Abdullah (Karnataka), Mohammed Illias (Chandigarh), Viney Pandey (Indian Railways) and Vijay Bhadur (Uttar Pardesh) in senior categories. Contesters in Junior category includes Chandrajit Bora (Assam), Sujit Kumar Bora(Assam) and B. Kadiravan (Pondichery). http://www.kashmirtimes.com/sports.htm IFBB bodybuilding championship declared as null and void MUMBAI, Jul 28 (UNI): The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has declared bodybuilding championship and electoral Congress organised in Aurangabad by International Federation of Body Building and Fitness (IFBB) as 'null and void'. The 43rd Asia championship was organised in Aurangabad by IFBB. On the second day of this event, Sanjay More was elected general Secretary of Asian federation. Amit Swami, Assistant Secretary General, Asian Body Building Federation (ABBF) and Executive Director of Indian Body Building and Fitness Federation (IBBF) told UNI that he was opposing this championship right from the day of its announcement. ''The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) proved how our stand was correct and the organizers in Aurangabad (IFBB) are fake,'' he added. A letter from OCA clearly stated that all the activities by IFBB and their group at Aurangabad are null and void. The letter clearly proves that ABBF under the leadership of Osama Alshafar (President) and Datuk Paul Chua (Secretary General) is the only recognized body by OCA and next Asian Beach Games (Bodybuilding) will be conducted under the patronage of the ABBF. Amit Swami also alleged that majority of Asian countries had boycotted the Aurangabad event and they have sent their entries for real Asian Championship to be held at Pattaya (Thailand) from August 11 to 17 this year. This event will be organised by Thailand Bodybuilding Association with support of Thailand Olympic Committee and Sports Authority of Thailand under the patronage of ABBF. 34 Asian countries have already registered their final entries for this event. He also alleged that the organizers of so-called Asian Bodybuilding Championship at Aurangabad had been misguided people and less then 10 countries participated in the event. They collected funds by saying 40 Asian countries will participate in the championship, then where are the other countries and their participants, Swami questioned. He reiterated that IFBB is registered as Business Corporation and also have VAT number. There are many irregularities in IFBB itself regarding their working and existence as a sports organisation. He further told UNI that the Indian team selected for the Pattaya (Thailand) Asian Championship includes Daljit Singh (Punjab Police), Rahul Bhist (Uttra Khand), Mohammed Abdullah (Karnataka), Mohammed Illias (Chandigarh), Viney Pandey (Indian Railways) and Vijay Bhadur (Uttar Pardesh) in senior categories. Contesters in Junior category includes Chandrajit Bora (Assam), Sujit Kumar (Assam) and B. Kadiravan (Pondichery). http://news.webindia123.com/news/Articles/India/20090728/1306211.html - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-12-2009 That are some news-info from press about the IFBB activities in India India Youth Ministry gave NO PERMITTION to organize IFBB Asia Championship in India. There were some “false” countries participating in India. Quantity and quality of participating athletes was low as never before. Qatar paid the participating federations 5000USD each as well as air flights. IFBB wrote a letter to all Asia countries forcing them not to participate in Pataya, but 33 countries neglected IFBB sanctions and only 6 of them participated in India: «THE NEWS WHICH I WAS PROMISSED YOU AS FOLLOWS: MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS HAS NOT GIVEn PERMISSION TO INDAIN BODYBUILDING FEDERATION TO ORGANIZE MR. ASIA IN INDIA. HOW COME INDIA ORGANIZE THIS CHAMPIONSHIP WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF TOP SPORT ORGANIZATION, IT IS VERY STRANGE!!!!!!!! PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED FOR PROOF WHAT I SAID». «THE CHAMPIONSHIP IN INDIA IS NOT SUPPORTRD BY MINISTRY OF SPORT IN INDIA, THERFORE IT IS NOT LEGAL». Please click this below link and you will find news about illegal championship of Aurangabad. http://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/India/20090721/1300425.html «KUWAIT = NO FEDERATION (ILLEGAL) NO VOTE QATAR = YES BAHRAIN = YES (ONE OT THE ATHELET BANNED FOR LIFE) ILLEGAL NO VOTE KOREA = YES JAPAN = YES SRILANKA = YES (NOT STRONG TEAM) TAJIKSTAN = NO ATHELTE AZARBAIJAN = NOT FROM ASIA (EURORPE) ILLEGAL NO VOTE INDIA = YES UZBEKISTAN = NO FEDERATIO ONLY POWERLIFTING FEDERATION.ILLEGAL NO VOTE Palestine = NO ATHELETE» «THE IFBB CHAMPIONSHIP WHICH WAS HELD IN INDIA AND CALLED ELCTORAL MR. ASIA BODYBUIDLING EVENT FROM 24th -27th OF JULY 2008 WAS A GREAT FAILER, AND IFBB WAS CHEATING ALL THAT IT WAS VERY SUCCESSFUL. FROM THE BELOW RESULTS OF THE 1st AFBF CHAMPIONSHIP , IT SHOWS THAT ONLY 41 ATHELTES PARTICPATED FROM 8 COUNTRIES ( KOREA, JAPAN, INDIA, SARILANKA, UZBAKSTAN, BAHRAIN, QATAR, AND KAZAKHSTAN ). - 55kgs: Gold Shin Sung Tae [Korea] (One athlete ) - 60kgs: Gold: Jeong Lihyang ( Korea ), Silver: Hiroshi Tsuda ( Japan ), Bronze: Kazumi Kokubo ( Japan ), 4th: Ravi Kumar ( India ) ( 4 athletes ) -65kgs: Gold: Hong Hyeong Ho ( Korea ), Silver: Kishan Singh ( India ), Bronze: Takashi Yamazaki ( Japan ), 4th: Peter Joseph ( India ), 5th: Farook Fazil ( Sri Lanka ) - ( 5 athletes ) -70kgs: Gold: Kenji Kndo ( Japan ), Silver: Borun Yumnam ( India ), Bronze: Bang Jaejin ( Korea ), 4th: Parvesh ( India ), 5th: Ibragimov Doniyorbek ( Uzbekistan ). ( 5 athletes ) -75kg: Gold: Arafat Yaqoob ( Bahrain ), Silver: Nam Kyoungyun ( Korea ). Bronze: Jalaal Al Rayashi (Qatar0, 4th: Junil Matsusshirta ( Japan ), 5th: Niyazov Dilshod ( Uzbekistan ). ( 5 athletes ) -80kgs: Gold: Boo Chang Soon ( Korea ), Silver: Park Injung ( Korea ), Bronze: Sayad Nasralla Hashem ( Bahrain ), 4th: Amit Choudhry ( India ), 5th: Shaolin Singh ( India ) - ( 5 athletes ) -85kgs: Gold: Lee Jin Ho ( Korea ), Silver: M. Rajendran ( India ), Bronze Wahab Al Naemi ( Qatar ), 4th: Akulovich Vladimir ( Kazakhstan ), 5th: Kosimov Farruh ( Uzbekistan ). ( 5 athletes ) -90kgs: Gold: Kaml Abdul Salam ( Qatar ), Silver: Choli Minseok ( Korea ), Bronze: Gokul Das ( India ), 4th: Svetlakov Alexandr ( Kazakhstan ). ( 4 athletes ) -100kgs: Gold: Sami Al Haddad ( Bahrain ), Silver: Kim Songkuk ( Korea ), Bronze: Jagdish Kumar ( India ), 4th: Jagjit Singh ( India ). ( 4 athletes ) Over 100kgs: Gold: Raed Fuad Abdul Rahman ( Bahrain ), Silver: Varinder Ghuman ( India ), 3rd: Khalid Al Dosari ( Qatar ). ( 3 athletes )» «IN SPITE IFBB BANNED ABBF, ANF FORMED A NEW COMMISSION UNDER LEADERSHIP OF SECRETARY GENERAL OF QATAR BODYBYBUILDING FEDEARTION MR. EBRAHIM KAFOUD, AND THEY WILL HAVE THERI 1ST ASIN CHAMPIONSHIP IN INDIA FROM 24th - 27th OF JULY 2009, AND ABBF WILL HAVE THEIR 43rd ASIAN BODYBUILDING (JUNIOR, MEN'S, MASTER, WOMEN) BODY CLASSIC, FITNESS, AND CELEBRATE THE 50 YEARS ANNVERSARY OF FOUNDATION OF ABBF. I FELL THAT THE CHAMPIONSHIP IN THAILAND WILL BE MORE SUCCESSFFUL, AND PLEANTY OF COUNTRIES WILL PARTICIPATE IN THIS LEGGALL CHAMPIONSHIP, IN SPITE THE CHAMPUIONSHIP IN INDIA WILL BE WITH MINIMUM 8 COUNTRIES PARTICIAPATION, AND WILL NOT SUCCESS IN SPITE THE QATAR FEDERATION OFFERING 5000 US $ + 3 FREE AIR TICKETS FOR EACH COUNTRY». «IN SPITE IFBB BANNED ABBF, ANF FORMED A NEW COMMISSION UNDER LEADERSHIP OF SECRETARY GENERAL OF QATAR BODYBYBUILDING FEDEARTION MR. EBRAHIM KAFOUD, AND THEY WILL HAVE THERI 1ST ASIN CHAMPIONSHIP IN INDIA FROM 24th - 27th OF JULY 2009, AND ABBF WILL HAVE THEIR 43rd ASIAN BODYBUILDING (JUNIOR, MEN'S, MASTER, WOMEN) BODY CLASSIC, FITNESS, AND CELEBRATE THE 50 YEARS ANNVERSARY OF FOUNDATION OF ABBF. I FELL THAT THE CHAMPIONSHIP IN THAILAND WILL BE MORE SUCCESSFFUL, AND PLEANTY OF COUNTRIES WILL PARTICIPATE IN THIS LEGGALL CHAMPIONSHIP, IN SPITE THE CHAMPUIONSHIP IN INDIA WILL BE WITH MINIMUM 8 COUNTRIES PARTICIAPATION, AND WILL NOT SUCCESS IN SPITE THE QATAR FEDERATION OFFERING 5000 US $ + 3 FREE AIR TICKETS FOR EACH COUNTRY.» «EAR SCHMOE BUSTER YOU ARE RIGHT, GREAT CHAMPIONSHIP, ONLY 6 COUNTRIES PARTICIPATED IN ELECTORAL CHAMPIONSHIP, WHICH WAS NOT LEGAL AND AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION ( 2/3 OF THE AFFILLIATED FEDERATION NEEDED TO HAVE ELECTORAL CONGRESS ), AND EACH CATEGORY ABOPUT 2 -3. QATAR FEDERATION SPENDS HUGE AMMOUNT OF MONEY TO MAKE THIS ECENT SUCCESSFUL, IN SPITE THEY BROUGTH 2 GUEST POSERS, BUT UNFORTUNITLY FAILED. DO YOU HAVE MUCH QATAR SPEND, MORE THAN 1.000.000 US4. CRAZY PEOPLE, HAVE MONEY BUT THEEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPEND. COUNTRIES PRESENT IN THE EVENT Asst. Secretary – ABBF» «IT WILL BE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CHAMPIONSHIP IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDNG, ALL THE CREDIT SHOULD GO TO RAFAEL SANTONJA AND QATAR FOR THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO HELD IT IN INDIA. GOD KNOW HOW MUCH THEY PAID TO GETHER ONLY 9 COUNTRIES FROM ASIA. 2/3 OF COUNTRIES HAS NO HISTORY IN BODYBUILDING AT ALL». „IFBB SEND THREATENING LETTER TO ALL 33 COUNTRIES WHICH WILL PARTICIPATE IN PATTAYA - THAILAND, BY FINE, SUSPENSION, OR EXPELLED, BUT: IFBB LOSING OUT IN ASIA AND THEY FEAR LOSING 30 OVER COUNTRIES AS MEMBERS....THEY KNOW THAT WE WILL DEFEND OUR RIGHTS, PRIDE AND DIGNITY AND WILL NEVER ALLOW THEM TO DICTATE US. WE CHALLENGE THE IFBB TO EXPEL OR SUSPEND ALL THE 33 NATIONS IN ASIA SINCE THEY HAVE INDICATED IN THEIR LETTER WITH THREATS TO ALL OF ASIA. THE IFBB CANNOT THREATEN ASIANS AND RULE BY THE SWORD, OUR PRIDE CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY BY THE BOGUS RULES OF THE IFBB AND ARTICLE 20.1 WHICH GIVES THE ABSOLUTE POWER TO THE PRESIDENT. IN SPITE MONEY OFFICER OF 5000 US $ +2 FREE FOR TICKETS FOR EACH COUNTRY, TILL NOW 7 COUNTRIES CONFIRMED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP WHICH WILL BE HELD IN INDIA FROM 24th -27th OF JULY, IT WILL A GREAT SHAME FOR IFBB, BECAUSE HE FAILED TO DEVIDE THE ASIA. HE DOESN’T KNOW THAT ASIAN NEVER SELLS THIER ETHICS, RIGHTS, AND DIGNITY. PLEASE SEE THE BELOW THE EMAILS WHICH INDIAN FEDERATION SEND TO ALL TO ATTEND, AND THE ANSWER OF ONE THE ASIAN BB FEDERATION“. - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-12-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:That are some news-info from press about the IFBB activities in India - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-12-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:That are some news-info from press about the IFBB activities in India - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-12-2009 SCANDALS IN IFBB NEVER END On Thu, 13/8/09, Philip S Hope <p.s.hope@slingshot.co.nz> wrote: From: Philip S Hope <p.s.hope@slingshot.co.nz> Subject: Re: Memorandum To: "spbbf" <spbbf@slingshot.co.nz> Date: Thursday, 13 August, 2009, 1:36 AM Philip Hope the Vice-President of the IFBB for South Pacific resigns and disassociate himself with the IFBB - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-13-2009 ASIA WINS AGAINST IFBB IN BRITISH COURT Asia Bodybuilding Federation is winning in London’s (UK) court against the IFBB: - Rosalia - 08-13-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:That are some news-info from press about the IFBB activities in India :roll: - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-13-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:ASIA WINS AGAINST IFBB IN BRITISH COURT - WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-13-2009 WFF secretary service Wrote:ASIA WINS AGAINST IFBB IN BRITISH COURT - E.Sendriene - 12-16-2009 Just shortly: IFBB France split. Now French bodybuilders are going to set another IFBB federation. Nothing new – the same was this year in Latvia (today Latvia has 2 IFBB federations), it was with IFBB in Ukraine. The federations are ready to split from the day the appear – this process continues for many decades (NABBA, WABBA, IFBB etc…). Somebody does not like something and it goes, it goes, it goes… We all know that International IFBB split this year and today we have 2 International IFBB federations under different names: one of RAFAEL SANTOCHA, another of OSAMA AL SHAFAR and PAUL CHUA. We are writing in our new WFF-WBBF magazine: there is nothing new in the sport today. - E.Sendriene - 01-13-2010 Today we received the IFBB doping information from Asia to publish here: On Tue, 1/12/10, Jeng Neng Liao <jengliao@gmail.com> wrote: From: Jeng Neng Liao <jengliao@gmail.com> Subject: Doping in 2009 world games To: "Priscila" <internacional@santonja.com> Cc: husain@ocasia.org, nfo@agfisonline.com, marilyn.malenfant@wada-ama.org, sec@worldgames-iwga.org, ettlin@sportaccord.com, nolvenn.duray@sportaccord.com, vinod@ocasia.org, info@agfisonline.com, emilliano.simonelli@wada-ama.org, worldgames@wxs.nl Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 4:02 PM Dear Preseident Santonja, Hope you are doing fine and have a good new year. I would like to bring your attention to the doping offence of bodybuilding in 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung. Bodybuilding was the most serious event in doping offence in Kaohsiung World Games. There are six bodybuilders comprised of three countries, namely Brazil, Qatar, and Ukraine tested positive in doping. KOC and Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee both received report from WADA about this serious offence. Wada and World Games Association had also passed this info to IFBB so far as I understand. However, it seems no movement or action to be taken by IFBB to redress and correct the result as far as everyone's concerned. The gold medalist of 80kg category from Ukraine was tested positive and therefore the silver medalist from Chinese Taipei should assume the gold medal. This is very serious issue not only to this bodybuilder but also to the whole country of Taiwan. The whole Taiwan knows it and the whole bodybuilding world knows it too. I hope you can take necessary action as soon as possible before it could become a serious scandal in bodybuilding world. I have waited so long but can't help writing you and ask you for the correction. Taiwan and the whole bodybuilding world is all waiting for your correction. Please do the required movement. Sincerely Yours, Jeng Liao - E.Sendriene - 01-13-2010 E.Sendriene Wrote:Today we received the IFBB doping information from Asia to publish here: Further to the announcement here by the International World Games Association (IWGA) of 16 September 20009 regarding violations of the Anti-Doping Rules at The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung, TPE, the IWGA Anti-Doping Panel decided on the following measures taken against the athletes concerned at its meeting on 26 October 2009 in Offenbach, GER: --- Beila Balog, Ukraine, BodyBuilding, tested positive twice on various anabolics steriods, dueretics and SERMs, disqualification of his results at The World Games 2009 - incl. forfaiture of medals and prices and suspended permanently (ineligible for lifetime) from The World Games in view of the great number of forbidden substances found in his sample. --- Istvan Bardosi, Hungary, Sumo, tested positive on masking agent/diuretic, disqualification of his results at The World Games 2009 - incl. forfaiture of medals and prices and payment of 3.000 euro to IWGA by his International Federation for the costs of handling the case. --- Kamal Abdulsalam Abdulrahman, Qatar, BodyBuilding, tested positive on tamoxifen (SERMs), disqualification of his results at The World Games - incl. forfaiture of medals and prices --- Sarmento Luiz, Brazil, BodyBuilding, tested positive on various anabolic steroids, tamoxifen, SERMs, testosterone, disqualification of his results at The World Games 2009 - incl. forfaiture of medals and prices and suspended permanently (ineligible for lifetime) from The World Games in view of the great number of forbidden substances found in his sample. --- Oleksandr Bilous, Ukraine, BodyBuilding, tested positive on various masking agents/diuretics and testosterone, disqualification of his results at The World Games 2009 - incl. forfaiture of medals and prices and suspended permanently (ineligible for lifetime) from The World Games in view of the great number of forbidden substances found in his sample. - E.Sendriene - 01-14-2010 E.Sendriene Wrote:E.Sendriene Wrote:Today we received the IFBB doping information from Asia to publish here: Today we received a letter to publish here for You: From: Patrick Mounier <body.action@mac.com> Subject: Doping To: "Paul Chua" <wbpsfpaul@yahoo.com> Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 3:50 AM Dear Paul, I hope this mail finds you happy and in good spirits as always. It seems that the IFBB is doing nothing about the doping issues, we, New-Caledonia, had one positive case at our 2008 Nationals and this is a serious offence here at is is controlled by the ministry of youth and sports who conducts the testing, the results etc... There is a national doping commission who gave a 3 year ban to this athlete and notified the local committee and we of course notified the IFBB France and the SPBBF. Right after that (about 2 months after) the same guy got caughted by customs trying to enter the country with a lot of anabolic drugs, causing him to be arrested etc... Nevertheless, I just heard that he is beeing invited to compete in the next IFBB French Nationals and it is just now in the french muscle magazine advertised that this same guy will soon represent France in international IFBB competitions !!! Just wanted you to know this one more story... Kind regards my dear friend Paul Patrick. Le 13 janv. 10 à 14:41, Paul Chua a écrit : |