Today the 2011 WFF-WBBF South America Championship will be held in Rosario City. First time the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS came to South America to take part at the event. The WFF-WBBF representative in Rosario former WBBF vice World Champion ALEJANDRA RUBIO is one of the main organizers. She organizes bodybuilding contests a number of years and always on high level.
The 2011 WFF-WBBF South America Championship was held in Rosario City. The President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE says that his representative in Rosario a former WBBF World Vice Champion ALEJANDRA RUBIO is one of the main talanted organizers in the country. She organizes bodybuilding contests a number of years and always on high level. This time the Contest in Rosario collected and united a hundred of best active bodybuilders from all South America. Being present at the championship the High Argentina Government Sport Official congratulated participants and guests and invited them to come again to Rosario. The 2011 WFF-WBBF South America Over All Winners represented Brazil and she was DALVANIZA AGUINO, Argentina - MIGUEL QVIRAS and Paraguay - FAVIOLA MARTINEZ.