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ВФФ-ВББФ в Северной Америке
E.Sendriene\WFF Wrote:
E.Sendriene\WFF Wrote:Журнал ВФФ-ВББФ расходится по Америке:

миша работает!
E.Sendriene\WFF Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:В 40-летнем возрасте неожиданно скончалась ШЕЛИ БИТИ - известная культуристка времён НАТАЛИИ МУРНИКОВЕНЕ.
Профессионалка, участница проектов «Гладиаторы Америки», «Сирены», в последнее время она работала персональным тренеров, тренировала людей с ограниченными возможностями.

Shelley Beattie (born August 24, 1968 in California, U.S.) is a former professional female bodybuilder and actress. At the peak of her competitive career as a professional bodybuilder Shelley managed to reach the top-three at the Ms. International and Ms. Olympia contests, the two most prestigious shows for a female professional bodybuilders. She was also well-known for been one of the few deaf professional female bodybuilders in the world, making the cover of DeafLife magazine twice in the 90s. After her retirement she joined the Grinder on America3 America's Cup team and managed to reach second place in such comepetition in 1994 and again in 1995. Today she lives in Oregon, is single, and works with special needs people and continues to work as a personal trainer in a local gym near her neigborhood.

Президент федерации ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС дружил с Шелли – участницей «Гладиаторов Америки», «Сирен» и одной из лучших мастеров позирования в мире.

Shelly who played Siren on the American Gladiators in 1989 was the one best female poser we had at our huge events at Knott’s Berry Farm Good Time Theatre. Shelly came in shape at all our shows. She guest posed and dressed up in a cute sailor suite waving an American flag. (See photos and video interview).
I will personally miss her dearly.
Mike Glass - WFF-WBBF USA
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:
E.Sendriene\WFF Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:В 40-летнем возрасте неожиданно скончалась ШЕЛИ БИТИ - известная культуристка времён НАТАЛИИ МУРНИКОВЕНЕ.
Профессионалка, участница проектов «Гладиаторы Америки», «Сирены», в последнее время она работала персональным тренеров, тренировала людей с ограниченными возможностями.

Shelley Beattie (born August 24, 1968 in California, U.S.) is a former professional female bodybuilder and actress. At the peak of her competitive career as a professional bodybuilder Shelley managed to reach the top-three at the Ms. International and Ms. Olympia contests, the two most prestigious shows for a female professional bodybuilders. She was also well-known for been one of the few deaf professional female bodybuilders in the world, making the cover of DeafLife magazine twice in the 90s. After her retirement she joined the Grinder on America3 America's Cup team and managed to reach second place in such comepetition in 1994 and again in 1995. Today she lives in Oregon, is single, and works with special needs people and continues to work as a personal trainer in a local gym near her neigborhood.

Президент федерации ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС дружил с Шелли – участницей «Гладиаторов Америки», «Сирен» и одной из лучших мастеров позирования в мире.

Shelly who played Siren on the American Gladiators in 1989 was the one best female poser we had at our huge events at Knott’s Berry Farm Good Time Theatre. Shelly came in shape at all our shows. She guest posed and dressed up in a cute sailor suite waving an American flag. (See photos and video interview).
I will personally miss her dearly.
Mike Glass - WFF-WBBF USA
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:
E.Sendriene\WFF Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:В 40-летнем возрасте неожиданно скончалась ШЕЛИ БИТИ - известная культуристка времён НАТАЛИИ МУРНИКОВЕНЕ.
Профессионалка, участница проектов «Гладиаторы Америки», «Сирены», в последнее время она работала персональным тренеров, тренировала людей с ограниченными возможностями.

Shelley Beattie (born August 24, 1968 in California, U.S.) is a former professional female bodybuilder and actress. At the peak of her competitive career as a professional bodybuilder Shelley managed to reach the top-three at the Ms. International and Ms. Olympia contests, the two most prestigious shows for a female professional bodybuilders. She was also well-known for been one of the few deaf professional female bodybuilders in the world, making the cover of DeafLife magazine twice in the 90s. After her retirement she joined the Grinder on America3 America's Cup team and managed to reach second place in such comepetition in 1994 and again in 1995. Today she lives in Oregon, is single, and works with special needs people and continues to work as a personal trainer in a local gym near her neigborhood.

Президент федерации ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС дружил с Шелли – участницей «Гладиаторов Америки», «Сирен» и одной из лучших мастеров позирования в мире.

Shelly who played Siren on the American Gladiators in 1989 was the one best female poser we had at our huge events at Knott’s Berry Farm Good Time Theatre. Shelly came in shape at all our shows. She guest posed and dressed up in a cute sailor suite waving an American flag. (See photos and video interview).
I will personally miss her dearly.
Mike Glass - WFF-WBBF USA

На следующей неделе в США состоится ежегодный турнир «Арнольдс Классик».
236 спортсменов со всего света будут состязаться в женских и мужских 20 категориях культуризма, фигуры и фитнеса.
Из 236 спортсменов даже 202 представляют США и только 34 другие континенты и страны.
wff_Edita.S Wrote:На следующей неделе в США состоится ежегодный турнир «Арнольдс Классик».
236 спортсменов со всего света будут состязаться в женских и мужских 20 категориях культуризма, фигуры и фитнеса.
Из 236 спортсменов даже 202 представляют США и только 34 другие континенты и страны.

Сегодня один из фанов культуризма США ответил на наше высказывание.
Он полностью согласен с нашими выводами, но одновременно подчёркивает и международную значиммость турнира "Арнольдс Классик":

Originally Posted by Juggernaut
Edmundas you are not mistaken in thinking that the Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding and Fitness Festival is a little bit more of a USA event than it would be with any other nation because it is taking place in the USA-that's unavoidable. This year celebrates a twenty year tradition of being held in the middle american city of Columbus, Ohio which is kind of geographically neutral. After that fact that it is indeed taking place in the USA though, it is very international.

This event benefits from the internationally renowned Arnold Schwarzenegger's endorsement and is very highly regarded all over the world as anybody that went to it could tell you. Anybody attempting to replicate this type of event with equal the fanfare and prestige anywhere on this planet, galaxy or universe at this time probably couldn't pull it off.
wff_Edita.S Wrote:
wff_Edita.S Wrote:На следующей неделе в США состоится ежегодный турнир «Арнольдс Классик».
236 спортсменов со всего света будут состязаться в женских и мужских 20 категориях культуризма, фигуры и фитнеса.
Из 236 спортсменов даже 202 представляют США и только 34 другие континенты и страны.

Сегодня один из фанов культуризма США ответил на наше высказывание.
Он полностью согласен с нашими выводами, но одновременно подчёркивает и международную значиммость турнира "Арнольдс Классик":

Originally Posted by Juggernaut
Edmundas you are not mistaken in thinking that the Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding and Fitness Festival is a little bit more of a USA event than it would be with any other nation because it is taking place in the USA-that's unavoidable. This year celebrates a twenty year tradition of being held in the middle american city of Columbus, Ohio which is kind of geographically neutral. After that fact that it is indeed taking place in the USA though, it is very international.

This event benefits from the internationally renowned Arnold Schwarzenegger's endorsement and is very highly regarded all over the world as anybody that went to it could tell you. Anybody attempting to replicate this type of event with equal the fanfare and prestige anywhere on this planet, galaxy or universe at this time probably couldn't pull it off.

Верно сказал...
В США продолжается распространение последнего номера журнала международной федерации ВФФ-ВББФ.
Тимея Майорова и Марина Буринская 10 лет назад:
[Image: 36.jpg]
wff_Edita.S Wrote:
wff_Edita.S Wrote:На следующей неделе в США состоится ежегодный турнир «Арнольдс Классик».
236 спортсменов со всего света будут состязаться в женских и мужских 20 категориях культуризма, фигуры и фитнеса.
Из 236 спортсменов даже 202 представляют США и только 34 другие континенты и страны.

Сегодня один из фанов культуризма США ответил на наше высказывание.
Он полностью согласен с нашими выводами, но одновременно подчёркивает и международную значиммость турнира "Арнольдс Классик":

Originally Posted by Juggernaut
Edmundas you are not mistaken in thinking that the Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding and Fitness Festival is a little bit more of a USA event than it would be with any other nation because it is taking place in the USA-that's unavoidable. This year celebrates a twenty year tradition of being held in the middle american city of Columbus, Ohio which is kind of geographically neutral. After that fact that it is indeed taking place in the USA though, it is very international.

This event benefits from the internationally renowned Arnold Schwarzenegger's endorsement and is very highly regarded all over the world as anybody that went to it could tell you. Anybody attempting to replicate this type of event with equal the fanfare and prestige anywhere on this planet, galaxy or universe at this time probably couldn't pull it off.

Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ стран Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС информирует, что он поменял дату "Юниверса" ВФФ-ВББФ 2008 года с октября на 11-13 июля (Лас Вегас, США).
Этот турнир пройдёт в рамках крупной спортивной фиесты наподобие "Олимпия Экспо".

Dear Ed,
It’s been a while since we have spoken. Hope all is okay with you.
In my last email I sent we were entertaining staging the WFF-WBBF Women’s and Men’s Universe on July 11-13 2008. We have agreed together with our affiliates to stage the event with their events. So, it’s a go except for some miner details to work on. The venue is a big one and will have other attractions like an intermediate size Olympia Expo and show. (See below). It will be a plus for the WFF-WBBF.
In checking with the WFF-WBBF event calendar the date is free. What do you think about this?
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ стран Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС информирует, что он поменял дату "Юниверса" ВФФ-ВББФ 2008 года с октября на 11-13 июля (Лас Вегас, США).
Этот турнир пройдёт в рамках крупной спортивной фиесты наподобие "Олимпия Экспо".

Dear Ed,
It’s been a while since we have spoken. Hope all is okay with you.
In my last email I sent we were entertaining staging the WFF-WBBF Women’s and Men’s Universe on July 11-13 2008. We have agreed together with our affiliates to stage the event with their events. So, it’s a go except for some miner details to work on. The venue is a big one and will have other attractions like an intermediate size Olympia Expo and show. (See below). It will be a plus for the WFF-WBBF.
In checking with the WFF-WBBF event calendar the date is free. What do you think about this?

Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС отмечает большую роль международного турнира "Янтарный приз" в истории спорта культуризма и благодарит за честь, ему оказанную вручением Диплома Почёта ВФФ-ВББФ.
Он пишет, что это ему придаёт сил работать на благо федерации и спорта ещё усерднее:

Hello Edmundas, Oleg and Andrej,
It was a great surprise to find the WFF-WBBF Diploma of Honor today in my email.
The Amber Prix International is the big event that started it all 40 years ago.
I am pleased to receive such a high honor to from the WFF-WBBF and your leaders.
After attending the WFF-WBBF Pro. World in Lithuania last year I can see there are many more worthy executive members than I to receive such a high recognition and acknowledgment.
I humbly and respectfully except this honor and hope I can prove myself worthy throughout the years to come for the WFF-WBBF and the Sport in General!
A sincere personal thank you forms the WFF-WBBF USA.

Mike Glass President WFF-WBBF North America®

Office: (949) 642-3677 Cell: (714) 745-6226
WFF / WBBF North America Office
Mike A. Glass - Post Office 4337 Orange, California USA 92867
WFF-International Official Information Only
В одном из популярнейших сайтов культуризма интернета США
реклама международной федерации ВФФ-ВББФ из последнего номера журнала федерации:

E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:В одном из популярнейших сайтов культуризма интернета США
реклама международной федерации ВФФ-ВББФ из последнего номера журнала федерации:


Молодец! Достойно представляет страну!
"Наше дело правое, мы победим!".
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:В одном из популярнейших сайтов культуризма интернета США
реклама международной федерации ВФФ-ВББФ из последнего номера журнала федерации:


Молодец! Достойно представляет страну!

нельзя не согласиться
Segodnia MAIK GLASS piset:
Dejatelnost WFF-WBBF v Amerike presla na sovsem drugoj uroven.
12 marta MAIK GLASS podpisal dogovor so sponsorami na organizaciju WFF-WBBF "Universe" (2008-2009???) na summu 800 000 dollarov.
10-13 ijulia v USA sostojica otkrytyj Cempionat WFF-WBBF stran Severnoj Ameriki.
27 ijulia v Las Vegase sostojica krupnyj turnir B&A pod flagom WFF-WBBF:

Dear WFF-WBBF Members,
Greetings from the USA.
There is a little misunderstanding going around the Forum that we would like to clear up so there are no mistakes in show titles and names.
The WFF-WBBF North America are working side by side with BEN and Astrid and B&A International.
In regards to the name WFF-WBBF Pro/ Am Universe®.
This event was to be produced by Mike Glass on July 10-13 2008. After much correspondence with Edmundas since December 2007 it was agreed that Mike Glass will produce the WFF-WBBF Pro. Am. Universe in the USA.
Three months have done by and on March 12th 2008 an agreement to merge with there NAMMAE to produce our event with their events was signed.
They are putting up all the money that will total over $800,000.00..
90% of this will go to advertisement, staff, union, arena and venue for their portions.
That is Mixed Martial Arts and will be shown on PAY-PER-VIEW T.V. live fighting.
(See link ).
Now with time running out and the immense costs for hotel, meals, transportation, sponsors and prize money and only 100 days to pull this all together by of July 10-13 2008……
For this reason, my partners and I agreed there was not enough time to produce a PRO/AM UNIVERSE with all the ramifications.
For this reason we will be producing the biggest WFF-WBBF OPEN NORTH AMERICA WITH ALL THE AMERICAN CLASSES ON JULY 10-13-2008 and the MMA T.V. EVENTS AND EXPO. Our total attendance per day is expected at 8000-10,000. The WFF-WBBF will finally make its mark in America.
The WFF-WBBF Universe will possible be in November 2008 in Miami Florida or in July 2009.
Please note:
We support the B&A INTERNATIONAL set for July 27th 2008 in Las Vegas. It will be a great event.
The WFF-WBBF in the USA has been working together for the past four months with B&A Productions.
Our dialog is going well and we support them all the way.
The WFF-WBBF will have a banner, booth and stage time at their show.
We have sent our International President Edmundas Daubarus a complete list of our conversations with B&A International.
See you soon.
Mike Glass
President WFF-WBBF North America®
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Segodnia MAIK GLASS piset:
Dejatelnost WFF-WBBF v Amerike presla na sovsem drugoj uroven.
12 marta MAIK GLASS podpisal dogovor so sponsorami na organizaciju WFF-WBBF "Universe" (2008-2009???) na summu 800 000 dollarov.
10-13 ijulia v USA sostojica otkrytyj Cempionat WFF-WBBF stran Severnoj Ameriki.
27 ijulia v Las Vegase sostojica krupnyj turnir B&A pod flagom WFF-WBBF:

Dear WFF-WBBF Members,
Greetings from the USA.
There is a little misunderstanding going around the Forum that we would like to clear up so there are no mistakes in show titles and names.
The WFF-WBBF North America are working side by side with BEN and Astrid and B&A International.
In regards to the name WFF-WBBF Pro/ Am Universe®.
This event was to be produced by Mike Glass on July 10-13 2008. After much correspondence with Edmundas since December 2007 it was agreed that Mike Glass will produce the WFF-WBBF Pro. Am. Universe in the USA.
Three months have done by and on March 12th 2008 an agreement to merge with there NAMMAE to produce our event with their events was signed.
They are putting up all the money that will total over $800,000.00..
90% of this will go to advertisement, staff, union, arena and venue for their portions.
That is Mixed Martial Arts and will be shown on PAY-PER-VIEW T.V. live fighting.
(See link ).
Now with time running out and the immense costs for hotel, meals, transportation, sponsors and prize money and only 100 days to pull this all together by of July 10-13 2008……
For this reason, my partners and I agreed there was not enough time to produce a PRO/AM UNIVERSE with all the ramifications.
For this reason we will be producing the biggest WFF-WBBF OPEN NORTH AMERICA WITH ALL THE AMERICAN CLASSES ON JULY 10-13-2008 and the MMA T.V. EVENTS AND EXPO. Our total attendance per day is expected at 8000-10,000. The WFF-WBBF will finally make its mark in America.
The WFF-WBBF Universe will possible be in November 2008 in Miami Florida or in July 2009.
Please note:
We support the B&A INTERNATIONAL set for July 27th 2008 in Las Vegas. It will be a great event.
The WFF-WBBF in the USA has been working together for the past four months with B&A Productions.
Our dialog is going well and we support them all the way.
The WFF-WBBF will have a banner, booth and stage time at their show.
We have sent our International President Edmundas Daubarus a complete list of our conversations with B&A International.
See you soon.
Mike Glass
President WFF-WBBF North America®

Vladelcy firmy B&A Productions BEN and ASTRID BLOOM:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Segodnia MAIK GLASS piset:
Dejatelnost WFF-WBBF v Amerike presla na sovsem drugoj uroven.
12 marta MAIK GLASS podpisal dogovor so sponsorami na organizaciju WFF-WBBF "Universe" (2008-2009???) na summu 800 000 dollarov.
10-13 ijulia v USA sostojica otkrytyj Cempionat WFF-WBBF stran Severnoj Ameriki.
27 ijulia v Las Vegase sostojica krupnyj turnir B&A pod flagom WFF-WBBF:

Dear WFF-WBBF Members,
Greetings from the USA.
There is a little misunderstanding going around the Forum that we would like to clear up so there are no mistakes in show titles and names.
The WFF-WBBF North America are working side by side with BEN and Astrid and B&A International.
In regards to the name WFF-WBBF Pro/ Am Universe®.
This event was to be produced by Mike Glass on July 10-13 2008. After much correspondence with Edmundas since December 2007 it was agreed that Mike Glass will produce the WFF-WBBF Pro. Am. Universe in the USA.
Three months have done by and on March 12th 2008 an agreement to merge with there NAMMAE to produce our event with their events was signed.
They are putting up all the money that will total over $800,000.00..
90% of this will go to advertisement, staff, union, arena and venue for their portions.
That is Mixed Martial Arts and will be shown on PAY-PER-VIEW T.V. live fighting.
(See link ).
Now with time running out and the immense costs for hotel, meals, transportation, sponsors and prize money and only 100 days to pull this all together by of July 10-13 2008……
For this reason, my partners and I agreed there was not enough time to produce a PRO/AM UNIVERSE with all the ramifications.
For this reason we will be producing the biggest WFF-WBBF OPEN NORTH AMERICA WITH ALL THE AMERICAN CLASSES ON JULY 10-13-2008 and the MMA T.V. EVENTS AND EXPO. Our total attendance per day is expected at 8000-10,000. The WFF-WBBF will finally make its mark in America.
The WFF-WBBF Universe will possible be in November 2008 in Miami Florida or in July 2009.
Please note:
We support the B&A INTERNATIONAL set for July 27th 2008 in Las Vegas. It will be a great event.
The WFF-WBBF in the USA has been working together for the past four months with B&A Productions.
Our dialog is going well and we support them all the way.
The WFF-WBBF will have a banner, booth and stage time at their show.
We have sent our International President Edmundas Daubarus a complete list of our conversations with B&A International.
See you soon.
Mike Glass
President WFF-WBBF North America®

World Champion
Сегодня созванивались с ГИНТАРАСОМ МАРТИНКЕНАСОМ и ОЛЕГОМ БУРИНСКИМ и обсуждали возможные варианты участия спортсменов Литвы и Латвии в обеих июльских международных соревноваониях ВФФ-ВББФ в США.
World Champion
Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Владелец и организатор международного туринра B&A БЭН БЛУМ пишет о больших поблажках спортсменам ВФФ-ВББФ, которые будут участвовать в его международном туринре с 80 000 долларов и тремя автомобилями в качестве призов (июль).
А то, что он собирается распинать одно мягкое место одной всем известной федерации - мы тут ни при чём...:

Dear Ed,
since you are helping us out so much with our competition.We will give your Athletes from the WFF and WBBf special discount for our entry fee,when they show their Federation's Member card.They will also have 1 cross over in any class for free.
They should register online upfront
and make a notice that they are from your Federation.Thanks again and
let us kick some IFBB butt.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Владелец и организатор международного туринра B&A БЭН БЛУМ пишет о больших поблажках спортсменам ВФФ-ВББФ, которые будут участвовать в его международном туринре с 80 000 долларов и тремя автомобилями в качестве призов (июль).
А то, что он собирается распинать одно мягкое место одной всем известной федерации - мы тут ни при чём...:

Dear Ed,
since you are helping us out so much with our competition.We will give your Athletes from the WFF and WBBf special discount for our entry fee,when they show their Federation's Member card.They will also have 1 cross over in any class for free.
They should register online upfront
and make a notice that they are from your Federation.Thanks again and
let us kick some IFBB butt.

Ох и заваруха пошла по Америке.
Подождём, посмотрим что и как...
wff_Edita.S Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Владелец и организатор международного туринра B&A БЭН БЛУМ пишет о больших поблажках спортсменам ВФФ-ВББФ, которые будут участвовать в его международном туринре с 80 000 долларов и тремя автомобилями в качестве призов (июль).
А то, что он собирается распинать одно мягкое место одной всем известной федерации - мы тут ни при чём...:

Dear Ed,
since you are helping us out so much with our competition.We will give your Athletes from the WFF and WBBf special discount for our entry fee,when they show their Federation's Member card.They will also have 1 cross over in any class for free.
They should register online upfront
and make a notice that they are from your Federation.Thanks again and
let us kick some IFBB butt.

Ох и заваруха пошла по Америке.
Подождём, посмотрим что и как...

10-13 июля в Калифоринии президент ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙКЛ ГЛАСС проводит международный турнир "Юниверс" ВФФ-ВББФ.
Сегодня MICHAEL GLASS пишет:

Dear Ed,
I have taken a brief pause and a deep breath. I am working on another letter to
After many emails and delays on the part of sponsors and partners. Here is the way we have decided to work things to benefit everyone.
1. After our conversations it is now too late as we have spoken about to produce a successful WFF-WBBF Universe or North America. It would mean as you well know, housing many athletes and meals plus transportation via airport, hotel and venue. Not enough time.
2. I have signed an agreement a while back with NAMMAE, a very Large Mixed Marital Arts federation in the USA. I am staying the course with them as promised and will be producing a non sanctioned Open Universe with all the American Classes on July 11-13-2008 in California. Any an all the Athletes World Wide are welcome to Enter. This will help keep my reputation in tact with NAMMAE and pave the way for A&B International where our WFF-WBBF flags will fly two weeks later.
3. Please see a rough unfinished draft for the Open Universe and NAMMAE on July 11-13-2008. We are leaving the WFF-WBBF logos in the final draft. Let us know your feelings on this ASAP. There are Novice and Open Classes for Women’s Bikini Diva, Model, Figure and Fitness. Men’s Open, Novice, Masters and Teens. WFF-WBBF BANNERS!
I am working very close with Ben and Astrid and their A&B International. Things are starting to come together. I will keep you posted on all vial Information as it happens.
From the WFF-WBBF North America®
Best Regards,
Mike Glass
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:10-13 июля в Калифоринии президент ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙКЛ ГЛАСС проводит международный турнир "Юниверс" ВФФ-ВББФ.
Сегодня MICHAEL GLASS пишет:

Dear Ed,
I have taken a brief pause and a deep breath. I am working on another letter to
After many emails and delays on the part of sponsors and partners. Here is the way we have decided to work things to benefit everyone.
1. After our conversations it is now too late as we have spoken about to produce a successful WFF-WBBF Universe or North America. It would mean as you well know, housing many athletes and meals plus transportation via airport, hotel and venue. Not enough time.
2. I have signed an agreement a while back with NAMMAE, a very Large Mixed Marital Arts federation in the USA. I am staying the course with them as promised and will be producing a non sanctioned Open Universe with all the American Classes on July 11-13-2008 in California. Any an all the Athletes World Wide are welcome to Enter. This will help keep my reputation in tact with NAMMAE and pave the way for A&B International where our WFF-WBBF flags will fly two weeks later.
3. Please see a rough unfinished draft for the Open Universe and NAMMAE on July 11-13-2008. We are leaving the WFF-WBBF logos in the final draft. Let us know your feelings on this ASAP. There are Novice and Open Classes for Women’s Bikini Diva, Model, Figure and Fitness. Men’s Open, Novice, Masters and Teens. WFF-WBBF BANNERS!
I am working very close with Ben and Astrid and their A&B International. Things are starting to come together. I will keep you posted on all vial Information as it happens.
From the WFF-WBBF North America®
Best Regards,
Mike Glass

Плакат WFF-WBBF "Universe" 2008 года (Калифорния, США):
Sendriene E.*WFF Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:10-13 июля в Калифоринии президент ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙКЛ ГЛАСС проводит международный турнир "Юниверс" ВФФ-ВББФ.
Сегодня MICHAEL GLASS пишет:

Dear Ed,
I have taken a brief pause and a deep breath. I am working on another letter to
After many emails and delays on the part of sponsors and partners. Here is the way we have decided to work things to benefit everyone.
1. After our conversations it is now too late as we have spoken about to produce a successful WFF-WBBF Universe or North America. It would mean as you well know, housing many athletes and meals plus transportation via airport, hotel and venue. Not enough time.
2. I have signed an agreement a while back with NAMMAE, a very Large Mixed Marital Arts federation in the USA. I am staying the course with them as promised and will be producing a non sanctioned Open Universe with all the American Classes on July 11-13-2008 in California. Any an all the Athletes World Wide are welcome to Enter. This will help keep my reputation in tact with NAMMAE and pave the way for A&B International where our WFF-WBBF flags will fly two weeks later.
3. Please see a rough unfinished draft for the Open Universe and NAMMAE on July 11-13-2008. We are leaving the WFF-WBBF logos in the final draft. Let us know your feelings on this ASAP. There are Novice and Open Classes for Women’s Bikini Diva, Model, Figure and Fitness. Men’s Open, Novice, Masters and Teens. WFF-WBBF BANNERS!
I am working very close with Ben and Astrid and their A&B International. Things are starting to come together. I will keep you posted on all vial Information as it happens.
From the WFF-WBBF North America®
Best Regards,
Mike Glass

Плакат WFF-WBBF "Universe" 2008 года (Калифорния, США):
Sendriene E.*WFF Wrote:
Sendriene E.*WFF Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:10-13 июля в Калифоринии президент ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙКЛ ГЛАСС проводит международный турнир "Юниверс" ВФФ-ВББФ.
Сегодня MICHAEL GLASS пишет:

Dear Ed,
I have taken a brief pause and a deep breath. I am working on another letter to
After many emails and delays on the part of sponsors and partners. Here is the way we have decided to work things to benefit everyone.
1. After our conversations it is now too late as we have spoken about to produce a successful WFF-WBBF Universe or North America. It would mean as you well know, housing many athletes and meals plus transportation via airport, hotel and venue. Not enough time.
2. I have signed an agreement a while back with NAMMAE, a very Large Mixed Marital Arts federation in the USA. I am staying the course with them as promised and will be producing a non sanctioned Open Universe with all the American Classes on July 11-13-2008 in California. Any an all the Athletes World Wide are welcome to Enter. This will help keep my reputation in tact with NAMMAE and pave the way for A&B International where our WFF-WBBF flags will fly two weeks later.
3. Please see a rough unfinished draft for the Open Universe and NAMMAE on July 11-13-2008. We are leaving the WFF-WBBF logos in the final draft. Let us know your feelings on this ASAP. There are Novice and Open Classes for Women’s Bikini Diva, Model, Figure and Fitness. Men’s Open, Novice, Masters and Teens. WFF-WBBF BANNERS!
I am working very close with Ben and Astrid and their A&B International. Things are starting to come together. I will keep you posted on all vial Information as it happens.
From the WFF-WBBF North America®
Best Regards,
Mike Glass

Плакат WFF-WBBF "Universe" 2008 года (Калифорния, США):

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Mike Glass President WFF North America

Mike Glass President WFF North America


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