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2008 WBBF pasaulio profesionalų čempionatas.Vilnius
vakare Wrote:
E.Sendriene Wrote:Indijos atstovai jau tvarkosi ES vizas, kad galėtų atvykti į Lietuvą į Vilniuje rengiamus WFF-WBBF renginius.

eina sau, nu ir pasai, nieko nesuprantu...

mokinkis HINDI 8)
Šiandien mums paskambino iš Rusijos.
Rusijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas ANDREJUS BASOVAS informavo, kad pasiruošimas 2008 metų Rusijos WFF-WBBF taurės pirmenybėms eina pagal planą.
Geri Rusijos sportininkai ruošiasi dalyvauti 2008 metų WFF-WBBF federacijos pasaulio čempionate Lenkijoje, tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje.
Rusija pradeda formuoti nacionalinę rinktinę į 2009 metų WFF-WBBF tarptautinius renginius Indijoje, kurie vyks sausio mėnesio viduryje.
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSENAS supažindina su šalies nacionaline rinktine, dalyvausiančią artėjančiose varžybose Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje.
Pasak jo, Danijos sportininkai bus puikiai pasiruošę:

Dear Edmundas,
here is the list for the Danish athletes for the Universe Fitness in Vilnius:

Ms. Leonor Greffel - woman - fitness - over 30
Ms. Nanna Brande-Lavridsen - woman - performance - over 20
Mr. Palle Rasmussen - men - fitness - over 30

I need following hotelrooms:
1 doubleroom for Ms. Greffel and Ms. Lavridsen
1 doubleroom with an extra child bed for me, my wife Mie and my son Victor (8 years)

I really look forward to come and compete in Vilnius again - I have been injured badly for three years, but this year I make my comeback, and what a perfect place to end the 2008-season; the place I won the World Championships in both 2004 and 2005!
I am in the shape of my life and hope to do good in both Poland and in Vilnius, as my son is going to see my compete for the first time ever.
We all look forward to come and visit Lituania and your great show again.
All the best from WFF Denmark!
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSENAS supažindina su šalies nacionaline rinktine, dalyvausiančią artėjančiose varžybose Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje.
Pasak jo, Danijos sportininkai bus puikiai pasiruošę:

Dear Edmundas,
here is the list for the Danish athletes for the Universe Fitness in Vilnius:

Ms. Leonor Greffel - woman - fitness - over 30
Ms. Nanna Brande-Lavridsen - woman - performance - over 20
Mr. Palle Rasmussen - men - fitness - over 30

I need following hotelrooms:
1 doubleroom for Ms. Greffel and Ms. Lavridsen
1 doubleroom with an extra child bed for me, my wife Mie and my son Victor (8 years)

I really look forward to come and compete in Vilnius again - I have been injured badly for three years, but this year I make my comeback, and what a perfect place to end the 2008-season; the place I won the World Championships in both 2004 and 2005!
I am in the shape of my life and hope to do good in both Poland and in Vilnius, as my son is going to see my compete for the first time ever.
We all look forward to come and visit Lituania and your great show again.
All the best from WFF Denmark!

cia tas pats velnias? :roll:
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos šalių WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE patvirtina dalyvavimą tarptautiniuose WFF-WBBF renginiuose Indijoje.
Tuo pačiu jis pristato Pietų Amerikos sportininkus, kurie greitai dalyvaus tarptautiniuose WFF-WBBF renginiuose Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje:

Dear Ed
We´ll try to be in India.
Almost sure.
On the other hand I want you to know the name of the South American competitors who will be competing in Vilnius in both of your contests:

Antonio Osta (Uruguay)
Alexandra Aguiar (Uruguay)
Victor Martinez (Peru)
Yamila Vanisa Toledo (Argentina)
Miguel Sero (Argentina)
Marco Gentile (Argentina)

Your friend
Tadas Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSENAS supažindina su šalies nacionaline rinktine, dalyvausiančią artėjančiose varžybose Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje.
Pasak jo, Danijos sportininkai bus puikiai pasiruošę:

Dear Edmundas,
here is the list for the Danish athletes for the Universe Fitness in Vilnius:

Ms. Leonor Greffel - woman - fitness - over 30
Ms. Nanna Brande-Lavridsen - woman - performance - over 20
Mr. Palle Rasmussen - men - fitness - over 30

I need following hotelrooms:
1 doubleroom for Ms. Greffel and Ms. Lavridsen
1 doubleroom with an extra child bed for me, my wife Mie and my son Victor (8 years)

I really look forward to come and compete in Vilnius again - I have been injured badly for three years, but this year I make my comeback, and what a perfect place to end the 2008-season; the place I won the World Championships in both 2004 and 2005!
I am in the shape of my life and hope to do good in both Poland and in Vilnius, as my son is going to see my compete for the first time ever.
We all look forward to come and visit Lituania and your great show again.
All the best from WFF Denmark!

cia tas pats velnias? :roll:
velnias buvo Marachovskis is Rygos...
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Vokietijos.
Iranietis MAHDADAS AGBARI, gyvenantis Vokietijoje, ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF varžybose Lenkijoje ir Vilniuje ir grasinasi tapti čempionu:


i am very happy that you are invite me for participate for fitness
event and this is a big wish for me.
but i dont have any dvd of fitness competition for waching the all of long of championship and also i only participate in bodybuilding classic and athletic!
but my big wish is that only participate in fitness event only becaese very very like of fitness.
but if possible for you, post for me the dvd of last year fitness event
I am in the germany now and 2 week latter my body is 100 % ready!
BECAUSE i am going to participate in mr universe 2008 only for 1 place.
and also give me the certificate of best poser!
With respect,
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Vokietijos.
Iranietis MAHDADAS AGBARI, gyvenantis Vokietijoje, ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF varžybose Lenkijoje ir Vilniuje ir grasinasi tapti čempionu:


i am very happy that you are invite me for participate for fitness
event and this is a big wish for me.
but i dont have any dvd of fitness competition for waching the all of long of championship and also i only participate in bodybuilding classic and athletic!
but my big wish is that only participate in fitness event only becaese very very like of fitness.
but if possible for you, post for me the dvd of last year fitness event
I am in the germany now and 2 week latter my body is 100 % ready!
BECAUSE i am going to participate in mr universe 2008 only for 1 place.
and also give me the certificate of best poser!
With respect,

Šiandien gavome informaciją iš Latvijos.
80-taisiais garsus Latvijos sportininkas SERGEJUS RYBAKOVAS ruošiasi dalyvauti 2008 metų WFF-WBBF varžybose Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje:

edita_wff Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Vokietijos.
Iranietis MAHDADAS AGBARI, gyvenantis Vokietijoje, ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF varžybose Lenkijoje ir Vilniuje ir grasinasi tapti čempionu:


i am very happy that you are invite me for participate for fitness
event and this is a big wish for me.
but i dont have any dvd of fitness competition for waching the all of long of championship and also i only participate in bodybuilding classic and athletic!
but my big wish is that only participate in fitness event only becaese very very like of fitness.
but if possible for you, post for me the dvd of last year fitness event
I am in the germany now and 2 week latter my body is 100 % ready!
BECAUSE i am going to participate in mr universe 2008 only for 1 place.
and also give me the certificate of best poser!
With respect,


geras :twisted:
Šiandien mums paskambino 2 kartus „Miss Olympia“ turnyro prizininkė NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENĖ ir pratvirtino savo dalyvavimą lapkričio 21-23 dienomis vyksiančiuose tarptautiniuose WFF-WBBF renginiuose.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien mums paskambino 2 kartus „Miss Olympia“ turnyro prizininkė NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENĖ ir pratvirtino savo dalyvavimą lapkričio 21-23 dienomis vyksiančiuose tarptautiniuose WFF-WBBF renginiuose.

edita_wff Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien mums paskambino 2 kartus „Miss Olympia“ turnyro prizininkė NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENĖ ir pratvirtino savo dalyvavimą lapkričio 21-23 dienomis vyksiančiuose tarptautiniuose WFF-WBBF renginiuose.


nemanau, kad kas nors kana nors is lietuviu prilygs natasai. be sansu.
edita_wff Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Vokietijos.
Iranietis MAHDADAS AGBARI, gyvenantis Vokietijoje, ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF varžybose Lenkijoje ir Vilniuje ir grasinasi tapti čempionu:


i am very happy that you are invite me for participate for fitness
event and this is a big wish for me.
but i dont have any dvd of fitness competition for waching the all of long of championship and also i only participate in bodybuilding classic and athletic!
but my big wish is that only participate in fitness event only becaese very very like of fitness.
but if possible for you, post for me the dvd of last year fitness event
I am in the germany now and 2 week latter my body is 100 % ready!
BECAUSE i am going to participate in mr universe 2008 only for 1 place.
and also give me the certificate of best poser!
With respect,

Sonata Wrote:
edita_wff Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien mums paskambino 2 kartus „Miss Olympia“ turnyro prizininkė NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENĖ ir pratvirtino savo dalyvavimą lapkričio 21-23 dienomis vyksiančiuose tarptautiniuose WFF-WBBF renginiuose.


nemanau, kad kas nors kana nors is lietuviu prilygs natasai. be sansu.

bus matyt..
o iki profu liko savaites :)
Trumpa tarptautinė WFF-WBBF federacijos informacija:

- spalio 26 dieną Prahoje vykęs WFF pasaulio profesionalų čempionatas pavyko. Sportininkai išsidalino 15 000 JAV dolerių bei brangius unikalius perlus.
- lapkritį Lenkijoje vyksiantis WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionatas taps ypatingos reikšmės įvykiu pasaulio sporto gyvenime
- į 2008 metų WBBF pasaulio profesionalų čempionatą ir tarptautinį „Universe“ turnyrą Vilniuje susirinks geriausi pasaulio kultūrizmo ir fitneso sportininkai
- 2008 metų Prahos baroko Žofrin rūmuose (Čekija) vykusio WFF-WBBF tarptautinio kongreso medžiaga: IFBB lyderiai palieka savo organizaciją ir prisijungia prie pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos
- 2009 metų vasario 7-8 dienomis Indijoje vyksiančio WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų ir profesionalų čempionatų bei Azijos čempionato organizatoriai geriausiems pasaulio kultūrizmo ir fitneso sportininkams dovanoja 100 nemokamų avia bilietų, tris paras nemokamo pragyvenimo bei 40000 JAV dolerių profesionalams.

Detalią informaciją pateiksime greitai.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Nežinau, ar džiaugtis ar ne, bet į Vilnių dalyvauti WFF-WBBF varžybose atvyksta net 36 Rusijos sportininkai - ir visi nemenki...
WFF secretary service Wrote:Trumpa tarptautinė WFF-WBBF federacijos informacija:

- spalio 26 dieną Prahoje vykęs WFF pasaulio profesionalų čempionatas pavyko. Sportininkai išsidalino 15 000 JAV dolerių bei brangius unikalius perlus.
- lapkritį Lenkijoje vyksiantis WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionatas taps ypatingos reikšmės įvykiu pasaulio sporto gyvenime
- į 2008 metų WBBF pasaulio profesionalų čempionatą ir tarptautinį „Universe“ turnyrą Vilniuje susirinks geriausi pasaulio kultūrizmo ir fitneso sportininkai
- 2008 metų Prahos baroko Žofrin rūmuose (Čekija) vykusio WFF-WBBF tarptautinio kongreso medžiaga: IFBB lyderiai palieka savo organizaciją ir prisijungia prie pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos
- 2009 metų vasario 7-8 dienomis Indijoje vyksiančio WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų ir profesionalų čempionatų bei Azijos čempionato organizatoriai geriausiems pasaulio kultūrizmo ir fitneso sportininkams dovanoja 100 nemokamų avia bilietų, tris paras nemokamo pragyvenimo bei 40000 JAV dolerių profesionalams.

Detalią informaciją pateiksime greitai.

jus pralenkete visas kitas federacijas! :twisted:
Šiandien Vilniuje vyko 2008 metų WBBF profesionalų pasaulio čempionato ir WFF-WBBF mėgėjų „Universe“ turnyro organizacinio komiteto posėdis.
Visi paruošiamieji darbai eina pagal planą.
Po neseniai Lietuvoje vykusių rinkimų į Seimą, situacija sportui šalyje klostosi palankiai.
Ateina nauji vėjai, kurie neša teigiamus pasikeitimus, tame tarpe ir WFF-WBBF federacijai.
Tai suteikia jėgų dar daugiau ir dar labiau dirbti ir parodo, kad visos ankstesnės pastangos nenuėjo veltui.
Organizacinis komitetas aptarė konkrečius 2009 metų stambius tarptautinius WFF-WBBF renginius, kurie vyks Lietuvoje.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Šiandien paskambino iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijois prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN ruošia sportininkus į Vilnių.
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN rašo, kad sunkaus svorio Suomijos IFBB kultūristas ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje:

Dear Edmundas,
I just bought the tickets to Vilnius WBBF Pro World 2008 contests.
Very good heavy weight champion (many times) from IFBB just joined us and will
come with me to Vilnius.
He'd like to compete also in Vilnius.
He will compete also some other contests like in Battle of Giants 2008 pro contest Norway 8.11.2008, and there will be best pro competitors from NABBA, NAC, WABBA, and also from IFBB.
I suppose, we will pass the high standard in Vilnius also?
I just arranged the open contest in Finland (26.10.2008). It was contest for Finnish athletes, but some friends of mine support me to coming to my event with their very good competitors (like Tea Havstein Eriksen
IFBB Body Fitness Scandinavian Overall winner etc.)
Many years I have done lot of work, but this is now really getting up in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland)!
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN rašo, kad sunkaus svorio Suomijos IFBB kultūristas ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje:

Dear Edmundas,
I just bought the tickets to Vilnius WBBF Pro World 2008 contests.
Very good heavy weight champion (many times) from IFBB just joined us and will
come with me to Vilnius.
He'd like to compete also in Vilnius.
He will compete also some other contests like in Battle of Giants 2008 pro contest Norway 8.11.2008, and there will be best pro competitors from NABBA, NAC, WABBA, and also from IFBB.
I suppose, we will pass the high standard in Vilnius also?
I just arranged the open contest in Finland (26.10.2008). It was contest for Finnish athletes, but some friends of mine support me to coming to my event with their very good competitors (like Tea Havstein Eriksen
IFBB Body Fitness Scandinavian Overall winner etc.)
Many years I have done lot of work, but this is now really getting up in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland)!
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN rašo, kad sunkaus svorio Suomijos IFBB kultūristas ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje:

Dear Edmundas,
I just bought the tickets to Vilnius WBBF Pro World 2008 contests.
Very good heavy weight champion (many times) from IFBB just joined us and will
come with me to Vilnius.
He'd like to compete also in Vilnius.
He will compete also some other contests like in Battle of Giants 2008 pro contest Norway 8.11.2008, and there will be best pro competitors from NABBA, NAC, WABBA, and also from IFBB.
I suppose, we will pass the high standard in Vilnius also?
I just arranged the open contest in Finland (26.10.2008). It was contest for Finnish athletes, but some friends of mine support me to coming to my event with their very good competitors (like Tea Havstein Eriksen
IFBB Body Fitness Scandinavian Overall winner etc.)
Many years I have done lot of work, but this is now really getting up in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland)!

pamatysim vilniuje!
vladas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN rašo, kad sunkaus svorio Suomijos IFBB kultūristas ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje:

Dear Edmundas,
I just bought the tickets to Vilnius WBBF Pro World 2008 contests.
Very good heavy weight champion (many times) from IFBB just joined us and will
come with me to Vilnius.
He'd like to compete also in Vilnius.
He will compete also some other contests like in Battle of Giants 2008 pro contest Norway 8.11.2008, and there will be best pro competitors from NABBA, NAC, WABBA, and also from IFBB.
I suppose, we will pass the high standard in Vilnius also?
I just arranged the open contest in Finland (26.10.2008). It was contest for Finnish athletes, but some friends of mine support me to coming to my event with their very good competitors (like Tea Havstein Eriksen
IFBB Body Fitness Scandinavian Overall winner etc.)
Many years I have done lot of work, but this is now really getting up in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland)!

pamatysim vilniuje!
Gintas Wrote:
vladas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN rašo, kad sunkaus svorio Suomijos IFBB kultūristas ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje:

Dear Edmundas,
I just bought the tickets to Vilnius WBBF Pro World 2008 contests.
Very good heavy weight champion (many times) from IFBB just joined us and will
come with me to Vilnius.
He'd like to compete also in Vilnius.
He will compete also some other contests like in Battle of Giants 2008 pro contest Norway 8.11.2008, and there will be best pro competitors from NABBA, NAC, WABBA, and also from IFBB.
I suppose, we will pass the high standard in Vilnius also?
I just arranged the open contest in Finland (26.10.2008). It was contest for Finnish athletes, but some friends of mine support me to coming to my event with their very good competitors (like Tea Havstein Eriksen
IFBB Body Fitness Scandinavian Overall winner etc.)
Many years I have done lot of work, but this is now really getting up in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland)!

pamatysim vilniuje!

Jis absoliutus Suomijos IFBB čempionas, o tai jau suteikia teisę...
Dita Wrote:
Gintas Wrote:
vladas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Suomijos.
Suomijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TERO LINTUNEN rašo, kad sunkaus svorio Suomijos IFBB kultūristas ruošiasi dalyvauti WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose Vilniuje:

Dear Edmundas,
I just bought the tickets to Vilnius WBBF Pro World 2008 contests.
Very good heavy weight champion (many times) from IFBB just joined us and will
come with me to Vilnius.
He'd like to compete also in Vilnius.
He will compete also some other contests like in Battle of Giants 2008 pro contest Norway 8.11.2008, and there will be best pro competitors from NABBA, NAC, WABBA, and also from IFBB.
I suppose, we will pass the high standard in Vilnius also?
I just arranged the open contest in Finland (26.10.2008). It was contest for Finnish athletes, but some friends of mine support me to coming to my event with their very good competitors (like Tea Havstein Eriksen
IFBB Body Fitness Scandinavian Overall winner etc.)
Many years I have done lot of work, but this is now really getting up in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland)!

pamatysim vilniuje!

Jis absoliutus Suomijos IFBB čempionas, o tai jau suteikia teisę...
Сегодня мы получили письмо из Франции.
Французские спортсмены прилетают в Вильнюс в пятницу:

Hi ed,
as promise i send you the time and the number of the flight, im exciting to meet you and doing the guest for you at the championnship

Depart: Nice, France
Friday 21 November, 2008 - 14:00H
Arrived to : Vilnius, (Vilnius Airport - VNO)
Air Baltic (BT696)

Départ: Vilnius, Lituanie (Vilnius Airport - VNO)
Sunday 23 November, 2008 - 11:05H
Arrived to Nice, France 16:50H
Air Baltic (BT223)
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSSEN pateikia sportininkų sąrašą, kurie dalyvaus WFF-WBBF varžybose Vilniuje:

Hello Ed,
here is the officila Danish delegation for the big Universe show in vilnius:
Leonor Greffel - women - athletic
Nanna Lavridsen - women - fitness
Palle Rasmussen - men - fitness
Hope this is good information.
Can you give me the name and adress for the hotel for Nanna Lavridsen, as she arrive the day before the rest of the Danish team - she wants to see Vilnius a little extra...
Your friend
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSSEN pateikia sportininkų sąrašą, kurie dalyvaus WFF-WBBF varžybose Vilniuje:

Hello Ed,
here is the officila Danish delegation for the big Universe show in vilnius:
Leonor Greffel - women - athletic
Nanna Lavridsen - women - fitness
Palle Rasmussen - men - fitness
Hope this is good information.
Can you give me the name and adress for the hotel for Nanna Lavridsen, as she arrive the day before the rest of the Danish team - she wants to see Vilnius a little extra...
Your friend

visi pamazu renaksi i vilniu

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