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2008 WFF-WBBF Europe Championships. Klaipeda
Sendriene E.--WFF Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Austria.
President WFF-WBBF Austria PETER PAPULA writes, that today he is sending the pictures of ARNOLD SCWARCENEGGER to Klaipeda by post.
The Picture Exhibition of ARNOLD will be held in Klaipeda (Lithuania) during the 2008 "Amber Prix International" and WFF-WBBF Europe Championships (May 16-19):

Hallo Edmundas,
wir haben die Schwarzenegger Fotos verpackt und sie werden heute per Spedition an Dich geschickt.
Bitte gib mir Bescheid an welche Adresse sie geliefert werden sollen.
Oder willst Du sie bei der Spedition direkt abholen. Dann wirst Du verständigt, wenn Sie in Klaipeda sind.
Bis dann, liebe Grüße
Peter Papula

Perhaps somebody feels that we are writing here in this forum about the ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER'S authentic pictures exhibition.
Just now there was a ring at the door and the cases arrived from Austria to Klaipeda (Lithuania).
Baltic Bodybuilding Legend BORIS ZITINSKIJ (Estonia) next week will be honored in Klaipeda
Today we received a letter from Greece.
Team Greece comes to Lithuania on Friday:

Hello, my team arrival time is at 14.15 on May 16 th flight no : LH 3252 from Frankfurt .
I will be there with a lot of material for the championship in Greece .
Looking forward to seeing you there for a great competition .
Best regards
Vasilis Seretis
WFF-International Official Information Only
Today we received a call from Russia.
President WFF-WBBF Russia ANDREJ BASOV informed about the perfect 2008 WFF-WBBF National Championship that was held last weekend in Tver.
Team Russia will be the best ever at the 2008 "Amber Prix International" and WFF-WBBF Europe Championships in Lithuania.
A few days are left...
The main Lithuania daily newspaper "Lietuvos rytas" will advertise WFF-WBBF International Events all the week.
Today we have spoken with the President WFF-WBBF Serbia ALEKSANDRA RAPAJIC.
She informed that a big national team Serbia arrives to Lithuania on Friday.
WFF-WBBF International has signed a Contract with the State National Television Lithuania.
Television will work in Klaipeda with five cameras.
The full report from the 2008 WFF-WBBF Events in Klaipeda will be on TV at the beginning of June.
Then we will make a DVD from this material.
The DVD's will be spread at all the 89 National Members WFF-WBBF International.
At the same time the DVD's will be presented at all most important Wold's Sport Events, including "Arnold's Classic' and "Olympia".
Today we received a call from Mexico.
Mexico Team asked about the EU visas and we did our best to learn about it.
Thanks the God, Mexicans can come to EU without entry visas!
Lithuania Newspapers write about the ARNOLD'S SCHWARCENEGGER picture exhibition, that came to Lithuania from Austria.
The pictures will be exhibited at the WFF-WBBF International Events in Klaipeda next weekend.
A number of the City Presidents of the Major Cities Lithuania plan to visit next weekend the 2008 WFF-WBBF International Events in Klaipeda.
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:A number of the City Presidents of the Major Cities Lithuania plan to visit next weekend the 2008 WFF-WBBF International Events in Klaipeda.

Teams South America and North America are arriving to Lithuania on May 15.
Most International teams are coming on May 16.
The organizers are always on phone 00 370 614 57895 and we are ready to assist you in any question.
WFF-International Official Information Only
The closer the Contest, the more paper work comes.
Anyway we are doing a great job, and we will manage this too...
For the serious battle to Lithuania comes World Champion YAMILA VANESSA TOLEDO (Argentina)
In Klaipeda today is very fine... The pre-contest work has started!
In Klaipeda today is very fine... The pre-contest work has started!
Only two days are left...
The International WFf-WBBF Events will be held in "LCC International University Lithuania", Kretingos 36 Str., Klaipeda
Sendriene E.--WFF Wrote:The International WFf-WBBF Events will be held in "LCC International University Lithuania", Kretingos 36 Str., Klaipeda
Press is writing about the coming WFF-WWBBF International Events in Klaipeda every day:
Today Presidents of the WFF-WBBF South America, Ukraine and Russia safely have come to Lithuania.
The 28-th WFF-WBBF International Magazine is printed and it started it's trip around the World!
Some unbelievable thing:
tomorrow National Team WFF-WBBF Bulgaria comes to Lithuania through Moscow (Russia).
I can not understand this complicated way...
Sendriene E.--WFF Wrote:Press is writing about the coming WFF-WWBBF International Events in Klaipeda every day:
Second Team Ukraine safely reached Klaipeda.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Second Team Ukraine safely reached Klaipeda.

Vanesa Toledo Tores (Argentina)

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