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ВФФ-ВББФ в Северной Америке
Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE writes, that he leaves to USA to meet the President WFF-WBBF North America MICHAEL GLASS ant to represent WFF-WBBF at the 2008 Commercial “Olympia” Contest:

We are leaving for Las Vegas on Thursday.
We´ll meet Mike Glass there at the Olympia week end to make some noise at the expo with Fernanda and WFF.
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE writes, that he leaves to USA to meet the President WFF-WBBF North America MICHAEL GLASS ant to represent WFF-WBBF at the 2008 Commercial “Olympia” Contest:

We are leaving for Las Vegas on Thursday.
We´ll meet Mike Glass there at the Olympia week end to make some noise at the expo with Fernanda and WFF.

посмотрим что к чему... :roll:
Во время последнего коммерческого турнира «Олимпия» президент ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС встретился и беседовал с президентом международной федерации ИФББ РАФАЭЛЕМ САНТОХОЙ.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС и его старая подруга профи ИФББ ТИМЕЯ МАЁРОВА (Чехия)
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.
Sendriene E.<WFF' Wrote:
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.

разгулялись! :roll:
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ стран Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС встретился со своим старым приятелем, легендой мирового культуризма ЛУ ФЕРИНИО (Lou Ferigno)
Sendriene E.<WFF' Wrote:Президент ВФФ-ВББФ стран Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС встретился со своим старым приятелем, легендой мирового культуризма ЛУ ФЕРИНИО (Lou Ferigno)

известная личность!
Сегодня мы получили письмо из Мексики.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ Мексики МАНУЭЛЬ СОЛАНО через секретаря пишет, что 1 ноября в Мехико состоится 2-ой чемпионат ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки и 3-й национальный чемпионат ВФФ-ВББФ Мексики.
Лучшие 5 спортсменов получат право участвовать в осенних международных соревнованиях ВФФ-ВББФ в Польше и Литве:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras
Im writting you on behalf of the President WFF-WBBF Mexico Mr. Manuel Solano to let you know how it's going the planning for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America Championships Mexico 2008 that it will take place on november 1st 2008 in the new Electricians theatre located in: Av. Insurgentes centro#28 corner with Antonio Caso, Col. Tabacalera, Del. Cuauhtémoc. To this event we are expecting about 100 athletes from diferent countries like: Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Perú and of course Mexico. We are planning to give to the best 5 athletes a ticket to the WBBF Pro World Championship and WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe events that will take place in Vilnius Lithuania on november 21st 2008. For the attending crowd we are going to put an Expo of diferent brands and sponsors.
Im attaching you the pictures of some athletes that we considet that will be able to performe a good job on the events in Lithuania. I also include the poster for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America championships.
Please recive the best wishes from Mr. Manuel Solano
Alexandra López
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из Мексики.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ Мексики МАНУЭЛЬ СОЛАНО через секретаря пишет, что 1 ноября в Мехико состоится 2-ой чемпионат ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки и 3-й национальный чемпионат ВФФ-ВББФ Мексики.
Лучшие 5 спортсменов получат право участвовать в осенних международных соревнованиях ВФФ-ВББФ в Польше и Литве:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras
Im writting you on behalf of the President WFF-WBBF Mexico Mr. Manuel Solano to let you know how it's going the planning for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America Championships Mexico 2008 that it will take place on november 1st 2008 in the new Electricians theatre located in: Av. Insurgentes centro#28 corner with Antonio Caso, Col. Tabacalera, Del. Cuauhtémoc. To this event we are expecting about 100 athletes from diferent countries like: Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Perú and of course Mexico. We are planning to give to the best 5 athletes a ticket to the WBBF Pro World Championship and WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe events that will take place in Vilnius Lithuania on november 21st 2008. For the attending crowd we are going to put an Expo of diferent brands and sponsors.
Im attaching you the pictures of some athletes that we considet that will be able to performe a good job on the events in Lithuania. I also include the poster for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America championships.
Please recive the best wishes from Mr. Manuel Solano
Alexandra López

Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС взялся за руководство проведения чемпионата ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки:

Dear Mr. Alexandra Lopez –
Via WFF-WBBF President Mexico
Mr. Manuel Solano,
This is indeed great news.
Since we only have less than a month to help you produce this event we will need the following sent to us:

1. A resolution copy of your poster to post on our WFF-WBBF North American web site. This being:
2. A copy of the enter form, hosting Hotel, Transportation airport- Hotel-Venue. Air fare arrivals via your city and country, time, dates, address. EXPO information Visa-Pass Port information in English if possible.
3. What the top three will receive. Magazines, sponsors etc.
4. Please give me your email, phone number with English speaking translator to send information.
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки МАЙК ГЛАСС взялся за руководство проведения чемпионата ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки:

Dear Mr. Alexandra Lopez –
Via WFF-WBBF President Mexico
Mr. Manuel Solano,
This is indeed great news.
Since we only have less than a month to help you produce this event we will need the following sent to us:

1. A resolution copy of your poster to post on our WFF-WBBF North American web site. This being:
2. A copy of the enter form, hosting Hotel, Transportation airport- Hotel-Venue. Air fare arrivals via your city and country, time, dates, address. EXPO information Visa-Pass Port information in English if possible.
3. What the top three will receive. Magazines, sponsors etc.
4. Please give me your email, phone number with English speaking translator to send information.
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.
President WFF-WBBF North America MICHAEL GLASS,
WFF World Champion FERNANDA YOUGLAR (Argentina)
(“Olympia”, 2008, USA)
Готовя 3-ий чемпионат ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки (1-3 ноября 2008 г., Мехико), национальная федерация ВФФ Мексики утвердила логотип федерации и его публикует:
edita_wff Wrote:
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Во время "Олимпии" распространялись журналы федерации ВФФ-ВББФ и раздавались ДВД диски с соревнований.
Знакомое личико...
Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Меценат культуризма МАРК МУЭЛЛЕР пишет, что ему понравился сайт ВФФ-ВББФ и что желает нам успешных соревнований в Вильнюсе и приглашает к себе в гости в Нью Йорк культуристов-тяжеловесов, которые скоро будут участвовать в про турнире ВББФ в Вильнюсе:

Great website! Good luck with the upcoming contest in Lithuania – if there are super-heavy weight bodybuilders there, that would like to visit new york – let me know. Thanks – home number is 212 usually home from the gym weeknights after 8:30pm (here in new york).
Have a great week – best,
Mark Mueller
WFF-International Official Information Only
2008 “Olympia”
IFBB Pro Monica Brant,
President WFF-WBBF South America Jorge Cedale & Scott Peckham
Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Культурист-тяжеловес МАРК МЮЛЛЕР поздравляет с супер соревнованиями ВФФ-ВББФ в Индии и желает всем удачи:

That is great news!!
Congratulations – I know it will be a stellar event!!
If you any super heavy weight contestant who are planning to visit new york and need a free place to stay – please feel free to pass along my email address –
Thanks and once again congratulations on what I know will be an outstanding event –
Mark Mueller -
WFF-International Official Information Only
Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Одна национальная федерация США выставляет сборную США на чемпионат ВФФ-ВББФ в Индии.
Но – все подобные дела решает президент ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки (и США!) МАЙК ГЛАСС.
К нему и направляем американцев:

I have 4 athletes and one coach who are ready to go at this time.
1 Bodybuilder
2 Aerobic Fitness
1 Model Search
1 Coach
Please inform as soon as possible as all will need to quickly apply for the India VISA, and in the states this process will take 2 months to complete.
Kind Thanks,
Christopher Riles
Triple-A Fitness, Aerobics & Bodybuilding USA
Сегодня пришло письмо из Аргентины.
Президент федерации ВФФ-ВББФ Южной Америки ДЖОРДЖ ЦЕДАЛЬ пишет, что американская фирма Ultimate Nutrition желает сотрудничать с международной федерацией:

Dear Ed
Mike Gross is the president of Ultimate Nutrition, one of America´s greatest nutritional companies.
I have been customer of them for several years and official representative for Argentina.
They have been working with IFBB but now they are also interested in sponsoring WFF as well.
Could you please give them some information about our organization as WFF president?
Thank you so much
Your friend

Mike Gross the president of Ultimate Nutrition wrote:
I hope that everything went well with the order. I contacted Mike Glass about his interested in Mexico. He is getting the dealer application back to me and we are very excited about his prospects in Mexico. Can you send me a media packet on the World Fitness Federation. We currently are not involved worldwide with this and we are interested in becoming a sponsor. Thanks
Best Regards,
Mike Gross
WFF-International Official Information Only
Сегодня мы получили письмо из Мексики.
Мексиканский культуристический журнал просит материалы с прошедшего в Вильнюсе чемпионата мира ВББФ и "Юниверса" ВФФ-ВББФ 2008 года:

Hello, greats from Mexico city!
It´s an honor to write to you, I´m Robert Orozco Pérez, I´m a young graphic designer who is working on a Fitness Magazine in Mexico city, and I´m looking for help you know,
I have to make an article about the WFF championship in Lithuania 2008, the problem is that the person who went to the event don´t take any decent photo.
Thanks a lot, and have a great day.
I work on a fitness magazine and I will be glad to publish photos of events you asist, you can be on the magazine with your credits.
Robert Orozco Pérez
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня мы получили письмо из Мексики.
Мексиканский культуристический журнал просит материалы с прошедшего в Вильнюсе чемпионата мира ВББФ и "Юниверса" ВФФ-ВББФ 2008 года:

Hello, greats from Mexico city!
It´s an honor to write to you, I´m Robert Orozco Pérez, I´m a young graphic designer who is working on a Fitness Magazine in Mexico city, and I´m looking for help you know,
I have to make an article about the WFF championship in Lithuania 2008, the problem is that the person who went to the event don´t take any decent photo.
Thanks a lot, and have a great day.
I work on a fitness magazine and I will be glad to publish photos of events you asist, you can be on the magazine with your credits.
Robert Orozco Pérez

Сегодня мы получили письмо из Мексики.
Культуристический журналист РОБЕРТО ОРОЗО благодарит за сотрудничество и готов представлять в мексиканском журнале ВФФ-ВББФ:

It´s a pleasure to say hello to you, I ´m so thankful for your fast answer, in the name of my work like graphic designer and the magazine where I work Nowdays (Top Iron Sports), I want to say thanks to you for your time and your disposition, I will send to my boss your e-mail adress if you are agree with it, in order that they can also give you their gratefulness. I´m very glad to put any information you want about your asociation on the magazine and I think my boss will be too. Thanks again we still in touch.
Have a great week, a wonderful day and all the hapiness for you and your family.
Roberto Orozco
WFF-International Official Information Only
Сегодня мы получили письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ-ВББФ Северной Америки МАЙКЛ ГЛАСС пишет, что всем понравился последний номер журнала Всемирной федерации ВФФ-ВББФ.
Американцы усиленно работают над большим международным проектом организации и проведения международного турнира ВФФ-ВББФ во Вьетнаме:

Dear Ed,
So good to hear from you after so many months.
We had received your new Magazine at our WFF-WBBF headquarter in North American.
Please be expecting a few nice photos taken there.
After all the problems we faced here in 2008 the tides have changed. We have just signed a new agreement with Dr. Catherine Bach.
She is of Asian decent and likes our idea to produce a production in California.
A portion will be for WFF-WBBF Competitions.
This event will act as the first stop for athletes.
The second stop will lead in 2010 as we are planning on a televised in competition Vietnam.
We all love the WFF-WBBF Sports magazine!
I will keep you in formed as the project moves in the right direction.
All the Best,
Mike Glass – President WFF-WBBF North America®

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