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2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship.Poland
Today we received a letter from Denmark.
President WFF-WBBF Denmark PALLE RASMUSSEN writes:

Do I read ths invitation right?
There is the "Universe" for all amateur athletes the week after the World Championships in Poland?
Wow - if this is correct it is going to be the greatest 10 days in the fitness history...
Best regards from Denmark
National President
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Denmark.
President WFF-WBBF Denmark PALLE RASMUSSEN writes:

Do I read ths invitation right?
There is the "Universe" for all amateur athletes the week after the World Championships in Poland?
Wow - if this is correct it is going to be the greatest 10 days in the fitness history...
Best regards from Denmark
National President

The WFF-WBBF International answer was:

Dear Palle,
Yes, You are right.
We will organize 2008 WBBF Pro World and WFF-WBBF Amateur "Universe: in Vilnius a week after WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland.
Best wishes,
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Denmark.
President WFF-WBBF Denmark PALLE RASMUSSEN writes:

Do I read ths invitation right?
There is the "Universe" for all amateur athletes the week after the World Championships in Poland?
Wow - if this is correct it is going to be the greatest 10 days in the fitness history...
Best regards from Denmark
National President

The WFF-WBBF International answer was:

Dear Palle,
Yes, You are right.
We will organize 2008 WBBF Pro World and WFF-WBBF Amateur "Universe: in Vilnius a week after WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland.
Best wishes,

There was one more letter from Denmark:

This sounds very good!
But may I ask why we do it this way - usually the athletes have the World Championships in november and the Universe in may or june?
Anyway Denmark look forward to both events!
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Denmark.
President WFF-WBBF Denmark PALLE RASMUSSEN writes:

Do I read ths invitation right?
There is the "Universe" for all amateur athletes the week after the World Championships in Poland?
Wow - if this is correct it is going to be the greatest 10 days in the fitness history...
Best regards from Denmark
National President

The WFF-WBBF International answer was:

Dear Palle,
Yes, You are right.
We will organize 2008 WBBF Pro World and WFF-WBBF Amateur "Universe: in Vilnius a week after WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland.
Best wishes,

There was one more letter from Denmark:

This sounds very good!
But may I ask why we do it this way - usually the athletes have the World Championships in november and the Universe in may or june?
Anyway Denmark look forward to both events!

The WFF-WBBF International answer was:

Dear Palle,
All Olympic Sports do this way:
spring - Europe Championships
autumn - World Championships.
Then go lots of other various International Contests.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Today we received information from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE informed about the difficulties South America teams are facing in getting air tickets to Europe.
But – bodybuilders are strong people and they will pass the obstacles.
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received information from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE informed about the difficulties South America teams are facing in getting air tickets to Europe.
But – bodybuilders are strong people and they will pass the obstacles.

it would be nice!
Today we received a call from Russia.
Russia WFF-WBBF Official DMITRIJ KRIVCIKOV informed about the national team preparations to take part in the 2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland.
Russians asked the International Federation to assist with the EU visas.
Today we received aletter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE wrote:

Dear Ed
We finally got the tickets from Warsaw to Bydgoszcz so I am going to see you there.
All of my competitors after the the show in Poland want to compete in Vilnius pro show and the “Universe”.
I told them that you kindly invited them to take them to Vilnius with the Lithuanian team by bus. On the same line of thinking you also told me that would be looking for a possibility to help them for their stay in Vilnius.
That would help them very much..
I wish you the best and I will try to represent WFF at the Olympia the best I can
Thank you so much
Your friend
Today we received information from Belarus.
Belarus WFF-WBBF national President a famous Senior Bodybuilder EDUARD BISIUK collects the national team to participate at the 2008 WFF Amateur World Championships in Poland, Pro World Championships and Amateur “Universe” in Lithuania.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received information from Belarus.
Belarus WFF-WBBF national President a famous Senior Bodybuilder EDUARD BISIUK collects the national team to participate at the 2008 WFF Amateur World Championships in Poland, Pro World Championships and Amateur “Universe” in Lithuania.

Today we received a call from India.
Representing WFF-WBBF federation in India Mr. C A TAMBOLI told us about the national India Fitness and Bodybuilding team that comes to the International Events in Poland and Lithuania.
Today we received a call from Riga (Latvia).
Over All Europe Champion ALEKSANDR MASLOVSKIJ told us about his plans to participate at the 2008 World Amateur Championship in Poland and WBBF Pro World Championship and WFF-WBBF Amateur “Universe” in Lithuania.
E.Sendriene/WFF Wrote:Today we received a call from Riga (Latvia).
Over All Europe Champion ALEKSANDR MASLOVSKIJ told us about his plans to participate at the 2008 World Amateur Championship in Poland and WBBF Pro World Championship and WFF-WBBF Amateur “Universe” in Lithuania.

Over All Europe Bodybuilding Champion
Today we received a letter from Ukraine.
WFF World Aerobic Fitness Champion FIODOR CHASALOV comes to participate to Czech, Poland and Lithuania.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Ukraine.
WFF World Aerobic Fitness Champion FIODOR CHASALOV comes to participate to Czech, Poland and Lithuania.
The place of the Amateur World Championships was changed:
address - Torunska Str. 59
E.Sendriene.WFF Wrote:The place of the Amateur World Championships was changed:
address - Torunska Str. 59
2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship Hotel "BRDA".
Address - Dvorcova Str. 94
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship Hotel "BRDA".
Address - Dvorcova Str. 94
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship Hotel "BRDA".
Address - Dvorcova Str. 94

I see it!
Today we received a letter from Belarus.
National team Belarus is on their way to get EU visas to participate at the WFF-WBBF International Contests in Poland and Lithuania.
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Belarus.
National team Belarus is on their way to get EU visas to participate at the WFF-WBBF International Contests in Poland and Lithuania.

Today we received a letter from Slovakia.
Due to the unstable situation in the country to 2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland (November 14-16) Slovakia is represented by 4 teams.
Eva Brcalova leads one of them:

Dear Ed,
How are you. Im ok. 3 Slovakia girls athletes want to come to Poland to the WFF World Championships.
Monika Faskova fitness figura
Petra Vajdova fitness figura
Alexandra Kocisova fitness model.
Pls you sand me propositions.
Thank you so much.
Pls you rite me what need pay - hotel, food and registration???
This girls come on CLUB Megagym. We have not in SSF.
With regards
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Slovakia.
Due to the unstable situation in the country to 2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland (November 14-16) Slovakia is represented by 4 teams.
Eva Brcalova leads one of them:

Dear Ed,
How are you. Im ok. 3 Slovakia girls athletes want to come to Poland to the WFF World Championships.
Monika Faskova fitness figura
Petra Vajdova fitness figura
Alexandra Kocisova fitness model.
Pls you sand me propositions.
Thank you so much.
Pls you rite me what need pay - hotel, food and registration???
This girls come on CLUB Megagym. We have not in SSF.
With regards

Today we received a letter from Mexico:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras
Im writting you on behalf of the President WFF-WBBF Mexico Mr. Manuel Solano to let you know how it's going the planning for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America Championships Mexico 2008 that it will take place on november 1st 2008 in the new Electricians theatre located in: Av. Insurgentes centro#28 corner with Antonio Caso, Col. Tabacalera, Del. Cuauhtémoc. To this event we are expecting about 100 athletes from diferent countries like: Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Perú and of course Mexico. We are planning to give to the best 5 athletes a ticket to the WBBF Pro World Championship and WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe events that will take place in Vilnius Lithuania on november 21st 2008. For the attending crowd we are going to put an Expo of diferent brands and sponsors.
Im attaching you the pictures of some athletes that we considet that will be able to performe a good job on the events in Lithuania. I also include the poster for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America championships.
Please recive the best wishes from Mr. Manuel Solano
Alexandra López
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Mexico:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras
Im writting you on behalf of the President WFF-WBBF Mexico Mr. Manuel Solano to let you know how it's going the planning for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America Championships Mexico 2008 that it will take place on november 1st 2008 in the new Electricians theatre located in: Av. Insurgentes centro#28 corner with Antonio Caso, Col. Tabacalera, Del. Cuauhtémoc. To this event we are expecting about 100 athletes from diferent countries like: Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Perú and of course Mexico. We are planning to give to the best 5 athletes a ticket to the WBBF Pro World Championship and WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe events that will take place in Vilnius Lithuania on november 21st 2008. For the attending crowd we are going to put an Expo of diferent brands and sponsors.
Im attaching you the pictures of some athletes that we considet that will be able to performe a good job on the events in Lithuania. I also include the poster for the WFF-WBBF Mr. North America championships.
Please recive the best wishes from Mr. Manuel Solano
Alexandra López

Today we received a letter from Slovakia.
President Slovak Fitness Federation ONDREJ KARASEK writes:
WFF-International Official Information Only
World Champion
Members National Team Slovakia to participate at the 2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Slovakia.
President Slovak Fitness Federation ONDREJ KARASEK writes:

Today we received one more letter from Slovakia.
President WFF-WBBF Slovakia ONDRIJ KARASEK underlines once again that the Slovakia NABBA sportsman was cached with doping and she is banned and disqualified for three years.

WFF-WBBF fFederation International:
Vážený pán Daubaras,
V prílohe Vám posielam vyjadrenie SFF vrátane príloh
S pozdravom
Ing. Ondrej Karásek
WFF-International Official Information Only

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