09-25-2006, 12:37 PM
Sendriene E. Wrote:Gena Wrote:pavel Wrote:Sendriene E. Wrote:Ещё парочка слов МАЙКЛА ГЛАССА:
Welcome to the World Fitness Federation of North American Countries.
The WFF hosted its first event in 1967. Since 1967 till now the WFF has become the largest federation for Figure, Fitness, Model and Bodybuilding of it kind in the world. In 2005 Amateur World Championships saw 742 athletes compete.
We invite any and all federations and athletes to join us in promoting events of quality and honor for athletes who strive to perfect a Symmetrical, Strong and well Balanced Body. We are the only federation in the World that will help you promote your own event in your own city and state. We can give you the tools to build your own event and encourage you with time tested methods and record breaking audience attendance.
The International office is based in Lithuania in Eastern Europe. Log on to: www.wffbodybuilding.com and see how many events that interest you. Note: Mike Glass was the inventor and promoter of the first Women’s Figure and Model Quest event held at the 2000 Joe Weider’s Mr. Olympia Weekend at Mandalay Bay Expo Las Vegas. We took pride in that event and displayed Women’s figure as an event for women with symmetry, beauty and proportion. Today, six years later most all of our original qualities have been overwhelmingly over shadowed by extremely muscular women’s physiques on stage. These protruding muscular bodies are not what we intended. This is women’s Bodybuilding of fifteen years ago.
We at www.Womensfigure.com and WFF see the future as it unfolds for over 3.5 decades. Women’s Model Quest, Figure Quest and Fitness are the next wave in our mainstream society of things to come. It has been said; we are only as strong as our weakest link. Today many athletes World Wide are indeed tired of dealing with the many problems, health risks and being ripped off with large entry fees and card fees from federations who demand more than they are giving. Many athletes family members can’t even bring a video or still camera to the event without bring harass to buy the federations event pictures. Athletes are being threatened or ban if they, out of there own free will make up there minds to enter another federation event. WFF welcomes you to a real alternative.
Questions send to: Newportmuscle@sbcglobal.net
Я только могу представить, сколько много недовольных деятельностью вфф...
А что тут такого? Пусть работают, как это делает ВФФ, и не надо будет недовольствоваться. Ничего толком не делать и злиться - нет ничего проще!
Это понятно!