04-14-2007, 08:16 AM
Международная федерация ВФФ сегодня получила письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС пишет о подписаном договоре о сотрудничестве с Ассоциацией персональных тренеров США.
Эта ассоциация свой сайт уже украсила баннером ВФФ:
Dear Edmundas, Oleg, Andrej, E. Sendriene and WFF Staff,
I did not want time to pass by without sending you a hardy thank you!
It was such pleasure to have received the nice Diploma Of Honor from the WFF International office yesterday. It means a lot to be part of the WFF family and to do the best work I can of North America.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
From the USA.
See one of our nice affiliates and their Post Card. We have a WFF banner on their web page. I am sure you can recognize many of the top Professionals shown.
Mike Glass -USA
Президент ВФФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС пишет о подписаном договоре о сотрудничестве с Ассоциацией персональных тренеров США.
Эта ассоциация свой сайт уже украсила баннером ВФФ:
Dear Edmundas, Oleg, Andrej, E. Sendriene and WFF Staff,
I did not want time to pass by without sending you a hardy thank you!
It was such pleasure to have received the nice Diploma Of Honor from the WFF International office yesterday. It means a lot to be part of the WFF family and to do the best work I can of North America.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
From the USA.
See one of our nice affiliates and their Post Card. We have a WFF banner on their web page. I am sure you can recognize many of the top Professionals shown.
Mike Glass -USA