09-16-2008, 12:48 PM
Vot chto udalos’ obnaruzhit’ v rassledovanii po tematike IFBB:
Samoe pervoe upominanie o sorevnovanii pod abreviaturoi IFBB – Mr. New York State v 1948-01-15, kotoroe organizoval Dan Lurie: .(1)
Ranee v 1947 g. o planakh po sozdaniyu IFBB govoril i Joe Weider (2).
Na praktike pod egidoi Weiderovskoi IFBB pervoe sorevnovanie sostoyaylos’ 1948-05-28: Mr. Eastern North America (3).
Bolee znachimomu razvitiu kul’turizma v mezhdunarodnom plane ne sposobstvovalo to, chto s 1947 po 1966 g. togdashnyaya Mezhd. Federaciya tyazheloi atletiki i kul’turizma (FIHC) nariadu so svoimi chempionatami po shtange provodila i chempionaty dlia kul’turistov “Universe” (4)
V 1968 g. FIHC otkazalos’ ot kontrolia nad kul’turizmom (5)
Vplot’ do 1969 g. upravlenie IFBB nosilo edinolichnyi kharakter. Ob etom govorili Oscar State i Ben Weider (6).
Youridicheskaya registraciya IFBB oformlena 30 dekabrya 1969 g. v kanadskom Lettres Patentes Constituant En Corporation (7).
Pervye demokraticheskie organizacionnye osnovy IFBB zalozheny v 1970 g., vo vremia provedennogo v Belgrade pervogo mezhdunarodnogo kongressa delegatov iz 26 stran. Na nem byla utverzhden i pervyi ustav (konstituciya) IFBB. - 8
Na etom zhe kongresse (1970) Milan Cabric predlozhil izbrat’ predsedatelem kongressa Bena Weidera. Predlozhenie prinyato s odobreniem. Proshli vybory I na drugie pozicii v rukovodstve federacii. (9)
Oscar State na post prezidenta IFBB predlozhil izbrat’ Bena Weidera, prichem za osobye zaslugi pozhiznennym (life)_prezidentom. Eto bylo prinyato s odobreniem. (10).
V 1971 g. kongress IFBB prokhodil v Parizhe. Na nem president Weider opovestil o registracii IFBB v Kanade kak non-profit organizacii. (11)
1. Roach R.: Muscle, Smoke and Mirrors, 2008, p. 159.
2. Weider J.: International Federation of Bodybuilders To Be Formed. Your Physique, December 1947, p. 28.
3. The International Federation of Bodybuilders Circles The World. Your Physique, June 1948, p. 30
4. Aptekar’ M.: Tyazhelaya atletika. Spravochnik, 1983, p.188.
5. Aptekar’ M.: Tyazhelaya atletika. Spravochnik, 1983, p.188.
6. Weider B., Weider J., Steere M.: Brothers of Iron, 2007, p. 206.
7. Registration (Incorporation) of the IFBB: Lettres Patentes Constituant En Corporation, 1969, p. 1- 7.
8. Bodybuilding’s Most Important & Historical Document. Muscle Builder, June 1971, p. 32.
9. Bodybuilding’s Most Important & Historical Document. Muscle Builder, June 1971, p. 30-31.
10. State O: The IFBB Reaches New Heights. Muscle Builder, June, 1971, p. 36.
11. Hise B: Hotline from Paris. Complete Report from the International federation of Body Builders First Congress. Muscle Builder, June 1972
Samoe pervoe upominanie o sorevnovanii pod abreviaturoi IFBB – Mr. New York State v 1948-01-15, kotoroe organizoval Dan Lurie: .(1)
Ranee v 1947 g. o planakh po sozdaniyu IFBB govoril i Joe Weider (2).
Na praktike pod egidoi Weiderovskoi IFBB pervoe sorevnovanie sostoyaylos’ 1948-05-28: Mr. Eastern North America (3).
Bolee znachimomu razvitiu kul’turizma v mezhdunarodnom plane ne sposobstvovalo to, chto s 1947 po 1966 g. togdashnyaya Mezhd. Federaciya tyazheloi atletiki i kul’turizma (FIHC) nariadu so svoimi chempionatami po shtange provodila i chempionaty dlia kul’turistov “Universe” (4)
V 1968 g. FIHC otkazalos’ ot kontrolia nad kul’turizmom (5)
Vplot’ do 1969 g. upravlenie IFBB nosilo edinolichnyi kharakter. Ob etom govorili Oscar State i Ben Weider (6).
Youridicheskaya registraciya IFBB oformlena 30 dekabrya 1969 g. v kanadskom Lettres Patentes Constituant En Corporation (7).
Pervye demokraticheskie organizacionnye osnovy IFBB zalozheny v 1970 g., vo vremia provedennogo v Belgrade pervogo mezhdunarodnogo kongressa delegatov iz 26 stran. Na nem byla utverzhden i pervyi ustav (konstituciya) IFBB. - 8
Na etom zhe kongresse (1970) Milan Cabric predlozhil izbrat’ predsedatelem kongressa Bena Weidera. Predlozhenie prinyato s odobreniem. Proshli vybory I na drugie pozicii v rukovodstve federacii. (9)
Oscar State na post prezidenta IFBB predlozhil izbrat’ Bena Weidera, prichem za osobye zaslugi pozhiznennym (life)_prezidentom. Eto bylo prinyato s odobreniem. (10).
V 1971 g. kongress IFBB prokhodil v Parizhe. Na nem president Weider opovestil o registracii IFBB v Kanade kak non-profit organizacii. (11)
1. Roach R.: Muscle, Smoke and Mirrors, 2008, p. 159.
2. Weider J.: International Federation of Bodybuilders To Be Formed. Your Physique, December 1947, p. 28.
3. The International Federation of Bodybuilders Circles The World. Your Physique, June 1948, p. 30
4. Aptekar’ M.: Tyazhelaya atletika. Spravochnik, 1983, p.188.
5. Aptekar’ M.: Tyazhelaya atletika. Spravochnik, 1983, p.188.
6. Weider B., Weider J., Steere M.: Brothers of Iron, 2007, p. 206.
7. Registration (Incorporation) of the IFBB: Lettres Patentes Constituant En Corporation, 1969, p. 1- 7.
8. Bodybuilding’s Most Important & Historical Document. Muscle Builder, June 1971, p. 32.
9. Bodybuilding’s Most Important & Historical Document. Muscle Builder, June 1971, p. 30-31.
10. State O: The IFBB Reaches New Heights. Muscle Builder, June, 1971, p. 36.
11. Hise B: Hotline from Paris. Complete Report from the International federation of Body Builders First Congress. Muscle Builder, June 1972