04-17-2010, 06:45 PM
WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS received invitation to take part at the VIP event in Austria.
Under the supervision of the close friend of ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER and former President Parliament Austria professor ALFRED GERSTL the Government Austria financed the building of the new ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER museum in Graz.
When the Governor State California ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER will come to Austria this summer, the museum opening ceremony will be held.
WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS received invitation to take part at the VIP event in Austria.
Under the supervision of the close friend of ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER and former President Parliament Austria professor ALFRED GERSTL the Government Austria financed the building of the new ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER museum in Graz.
When the Governor State California ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER will come to Austria this summer, the museum opening ceremony will be held.
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