08-18-2009, 12:40 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Čekijos.
Keičiasi data!
Dear Edmundas,
I would like to inform you about our this year championship Miss & Mr. Fitness 2009 (Fitness Pro World Championship), which takes place in November 1st 2009 in Prague in Zofin Palace as last year.
Please make the correction on your web side www.wff.lt (there is still October 31st).
Thank you very much.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best ragards
Alena Slováková
Fitness Style s.r.o.
Zelený pruh 95/97
140 00, Praha 4
Keičiasi data!
Dear Edmundas,
I would like to inform you about our this year championship Miss & Mr. Fitness 2009 (Fitness Pro World Championship), which takes place in November 1st 2009 in Prague in Zofin Palace as last year.
Please make the correction on your web side www.wff.lt (there is still October 31st).
Thank you very much.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best ragards
Alena Slováková
Fitness Style s.r.o.
Zelený pruh 95/97
140 00, Praha 4