03-29-2007, 11:21 PM
Сегодня международная федерация ВФФ получила письмо из США.
Президент ВФФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС пишет об успешной подготовке к соревнованиям ВФФ в США, Мексике и Канаде (под руководством ПОЛА ДИЛЕТТА).
Мексика осенью готовит грандиозый турнир ВФФ:
Dear Kit,
Thank you for sending us the MD Magazines a few weeks ago.
We scanned the MD articles on the WFF COLOSO CLASSIC information and posted them on the WFF International Form. This means thousands of hits for MD as well as us. Thank you!
It was my WFF executive member who brought the issue that the WFF Logo was not on the MD links as promised to us. So I am sure it was an oversight on both our parts. Please take the necessary steps to get our banner up and your banner links up and running. Please!
We are teaming up with the WFF / WBFF President Paul Dillett from Canada and their Professional show in September. It makes us look bad if there is no banner or links.
Juan Carlos and I need to close this WFF North American Open deal with Coloso Classic soon. Paul Dillett from Canada, Brenda Kelly's Series in the USA as well as two other big events in Washington State USA wants to know if there shows will be a qualifier for Juan’s big shows 2007? We can now guarantee a minimum of ten competitors from Canada and ten from the USA.
Keep us posted on all vital emails, information and news.
Mike Glass – President WFF North America
Lg/mg cc: Int. President Edmundas - Lithuania
Президент ВФФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС пишет об успешной подготовке к соревнованиям ВФФ в США, Мексике и Канаде (под руководством ПОЛА ДИЛЕТТА).
Мексика осенью готовит грандиозый турнир ВФФ:
Dear Kit,
Thank you for sending us the MD Magazines a few weeks ago.
We scanned the MD articles on the WFF COLOSO CLASSIC information and posted them on the WFF International Form. This means thousands of hits for MD as well as us. Thank you!
It was my WFF executive member who brought the issue that the WFF Logo was not on the MD links as promised to us. So I am sure it was an oversight on both our parts. Please take the necessary steps to get our banner up and your banner links up and running. Please!
We are teaming up with the WFF / WBFF President Paul Dillett from Canada and their Professional show in September. It makes us look bad if there is no banner or links.
Juan Carlos and I need to close this WFF North American Open deal with Coloso Classic soon. Paul Dillett from Canada, Brenda Kelly's Series in the USA as well as two other big events in Washington State USA wants to know if there shows will be a qualifier for Juan’s big shows 2007? We can now guarantee a minimum of ten competitors from Canada and ten from the USA.
Keep us posted on all vital emails, information and news.
Mike Glass – President WFF North America
Lg/mg cc: Int. President Edmundas - Lithuania