04-03-2007, 11:58 AM
Сегодня международная федерация ВФФ получила письмо из Аргентины.
Президент ВФФ Аргентины ДЖОРДЖ ЦЕДАЛЬ пишет, что президент ВФФ Парагвая чемпион мира ВФФ 2006 года АНТОНИО ОСТА проводит междунаролдный турнир ВФФ, который лишь в несколько дней разницу от чемпионтата ВФФ Южной Америки в Аргентине.
Растояние между местами проведения только 300 км...!!!
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Dear Ed
Antonio Osta spent 20 days working out with a personal sponsor in Mexico city. He asked me to write a few lines for you (his English is not very fluent)
On August the 4th (one week before the WFF South Americna Championship) he is organizing in Uruguay in Paysandu city ( it is located in the border with Argentina) an International contest (under WFF rules of course). He asked me to invite you and all the athletes from Europe to compete there and then travelling to compete in the August 11th show. He will pay for the hotels. given the fact that yours is such a long trip and Argentina and Uruguay are so close (like Latvia and Lithuania) I think it is an interesting alternative to be considered.
Президент ВФФ Аргентины ДЖОРДЖ ЦЕДАЛЬ пишет, что президент ВФФ Парагвая чемпион мира ВФФ 2006 года АНТОНИО ОСТА проводит междунаролдный турнир ВФФ, который лишь в несколько дней разницу от чемпионтата ВФФ Южной Америки в Аргентине.
Растояние между местами проведения только 300 км...!!!
Все приглашаются!
Dear Ed
Antonio Osta spent 20 days working out with a personal sponsor in Mexico city. He asked me to write a few lines for you (his English is not very fluent)
On August the 4th (one week before the WFF South Americna Championship) he is organizing in Uruguay in Paysandu city ( it is located in the border with Argentina) an International contest (under WFF rules of course). He asked me to invite you and all the athletes from Europe to compete there and then travelling to compete in the August 11th show. He will pay for the hotels. given the fact that yours is such a long trip and Argentina and Uruguay are so close (like Latvia and Lithuania) I think it is an interesting alternative to be considered.