01-22-2009, 11:20 AM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Meksikos.
Meksikos kultūrizmo žurnalas prašo atsiųsti medžiagą iš 2008 metais Vilniuje vykusio WBBF pasaulio čempionato ir tarptautinio "Universe" turnyro:
Hello, greats from Mexico city!
It´s an honor to write to you, I´m Robert Orozco Pérez, I´m a young graphic designer who is working on a Fitness Magazine in Mexico city, and I´m looking for help you know,
I have to make an article about the WFF championship in Lithuania 2008, the problem is that the person who went to the event don´t take any decent photo.
Thanks a lot, and have a great day.
I work on a fitness magazine and I will be glad to publish photos of events you asist, you can be on the magazine with your credits.
Robert Orozco Pérez
Meksikos kultūrizmo žurnalas prašo atsiųsti medžiagą iš 2008 metais Vilniuje vykusio WBBF pasaulio čempionato ir tarptautinio "Universe" turnyro:
Hello, greats from Mexico city!
It´s an honor to write to you, I´m Robert Orozco Pérez, I´m a young graphic designer who is working on a Fitness Magazine in Mexico city, and I´m looking for help you know,
I have to make an article about the WFF championship in Lithuania 2008, the problem is that the person who went to the event don´t take any decent photo.
Thanks a lot, and have a great day.
I work on a fitness magazine and I will be glad to publish photos of events you asist, you can be on the magazine with your credits.
Robert Orozco Pérez
WFF-International Official Information Only