12-28-2007, 05:27 PM
Сегодня в письме президент ВФФ-ВББФ США МАЙК ГЛАСС выражает удовольствие работой федерации и пишет о предстоящем чемпионате ВФФ-ВББФ 2008 года в Лас Вегасе, который состоится во время коммерческого турнира «Олимпия»:
Dear Edmundas,
It was so nice to get your encouraging email.
A nice way to start off the NEW YEAR!
Being at the 2007 WFF-WBBF Parliament in Lithuania along with the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS gave me the opportunity see first hand how hard you and the executive members are working with state government.
I will do whatever we can to develop a team for the USA for as many events as possible.
Please remember we are working hard here as well to develop a grand WFF - WBBF event here in Las Vegas on the same weekend as the Mr. Olympia but in a separate venue.
Mr. Jorge Cedale and I have to workout all the details but we are hoping round late September or early October 2008.
All the best,
Mike Glass - President WFF-WBBF North America
Dear Edmundas,
It was so nice to get your encouraging email.
A nice way to start off the NEW YEAR!
Being at the 2007 WFF-WBBF Parliament in Lithuania along with the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS gave me the opportunity see first hand how hard you and the executive members are working with state government.
I will do whatever we can to develop a team for the USA for as many events as possible.
Please remember we are working hard here as well to develop a grand WFF - WBBF event here in Las Vegas on the same weekend as the Mr. Olympia but in a separate venue.
Mr. Jorge Cedale and I have to workout all the details but we are hoping round late September or early October 2008.
All the best,
Mike Glass - President WFF-WBBF North America