10-21-2008, 12:15 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSENAS supažindina su šalies nacionaline rinktine, dalyvausiančią artėjančiose varžybose Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje.
Pasak jo, Danijos sportininkai bus puikiai pasiruošę:
Dear Edmundas,
here is the list for the Danish athletes for the Universe Fitness in Vilnius:
Ms. Leonor Greffel - woman - fitness - over 30
Ms. Nanna Brande-Lavridsen - woman - performance - over 20
Mr. Palle Rasmussen - men - fitness - over 30
I need following hotelrooms:
1 doubleroom for Ms. Greffel and Ms. Lavridsen
1 doubleroom with an extra child bed for me, my wife Mie and my son Victor (8 years)
I really look forward to come and compete in Vilnius again - I have been injured badly for three years, but this year I make my comeback, and what a perfect place to end the 2008-season; the place I won the World Championships in both 2004 and 2005!
I am in the shape of my life and hope to do good in both Poland and in Vilnius, as my son is going to see my compete for the first time ever.
We all look forward to come and visit Lituania and your great show again.
All the best from WFF Denmark!
cia tas pats velnias? :roll: