03-31-2008, 01:38 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Segodnia MAIK GLASS piset:
Dejatelnost WFF-WBBF v Amerike presla na sovsem drugoj uroven.
12 marta MAIK GLASS podpisal dogovor so sponsorami na organizaciju WFF-WBBF "Universe" (2008-2009???) na summu 800 000 dollarov.
10-13 ijulia v USA sostojica otkrytyj Cempionat WFF-WBBF stran Severnoj Ameriki.
27 ijulia v Las Vegase sostojica krupnyj turnir B&A pod flagom WFF-WBBF:
Dear WFF-WBBF Members,
Greetings from the USA.
There is a little misunderstanding going around the Forum that we would like to clear up so there are no mistakes in show titles and names.
The WFF-WBBF North America are working side by side with BEN and Astrid and B&A International.
In regards to the name WFF-WBBF Pro/ Am Universe®.
This event was to be produced by Mike Glass on July 10-13 2008. After much correspondence with Edmundas since December 2007 it was agreed that Mike Glass will produce the WFF-WBBF Pro. Am. Universe in the USA.
Three months have done by and on March 12th 2008 an agreement to merge with there NAMMAE to produce our event with their events was signed.
They are putting up all the money that will total over $800,000.00..
90% of this will go to advertisement, staff, union, arena and venue for their portions.
That is Mixed Martial Arts and will be shown on PAY-PER-VIEW T.V. live fighting.
(See link http://www.nammae.com/ ).
Now with time running out and the immense costs for hotel, meals, transportation, sponsors and prize money and only 100 days to pull this all together by of July 10-13 2008……
For this reason, my partners and I agreed there was not enough time to produce a PRO/AM UNIVERSE with all the ramifications.
For this reason we will be producing the biggest WFF-WBBF OPEN NORTH AMERICA WITH ALL THE AMERICAN CLASSES ON JULY 10-13-2008 and the MMA T.V. EVENTS AND EXPO. Our total attendance per day is expected at 8000-10,000. The WFF-WBBF will finally make its mark in America.
The WFF-WBBF Universe will possible be in November 2008 in Miami Florida or in July 2009.
Please note:
We support the B&A INTERNATIONAL set for July 27th 2008 in Las Vegas. It will be a great event.
The WFF-WBBF in the USA has been working together for the past four months with B&A Productions.
Our dialog is going well and we support them all the way.
The WFF-WBBF will have a banner, booth and stage time at their show.
We have sent our International President Edmundas Daubarus a complete list of our conversations with B&A International.
See you soon.
Mike Glass
President WFF-WBBF North America®
World Champion