10-09-2008, 10:15 AM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Anglijos.
Tituluotas ir žinomas Anglijos NABBA kultūristas maloniai nustebęs WFF-WBBF federacijos populiarumu.
Jis prašo WFF-WBBF profesionalo kortos ir nori dalyvauti WBBF pasaulio profesionalų čempionate Vilniuje (jo vardo neskelbiame, nes, kaip įprasta, jam bus daromas spaudimas):
Hi ,
its with enormous interest that i heard about wff as I'm bodybuilder competitor , i would like
about the possibilities that i have to received the pro card from wff so that would give a great chance to compete
at that wff bodybuilding events as they look awesome and well organized.
Going to talk a little bit about me i haven't achieved any European or world title but i do have a few titles achieved in England where i live.
apart of the titles i have a few more achieved , if you look at this web site that's a page about me there's allot information
about my training and the shows iv done so far.
looking forward to hear from wff
many thanks
Tituluotas ir žinomas Anglijos NABBA kultūristas maloniai nustebęs WFF-WBBF federacijos populiarumu.
Jis prašo WFF-WBBF profesionalo kortos ir nori dalyvauti WBBF pasaulio profesionalų čempionate Vilniuje (jo vardo neskelbiame, nes, kaip įprasta, jam bus daromas spaudimas):
Hi ,
its with enormous interest that i heard about wff as I'm bodybuilder competitor , i would like
about the possibilities that i have to received the pro card from wff so that would give a great chance to compete
at that wff bodybuilding events as they look awesome and well organized.
Going to talk a little bit about me i haven't achieved any European or world title but i do have a few titles achieved in England where i live.
apart of the titles i have a few more achieved , if you look at this web site that's a page about me there's allot information
about my training and the shows iv done so far.
looking forward to hear from wff
many thanks