10-11-2008, 11:16 AM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Indijos.
Indija pasirengusi organizuoti WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionatą, apmokėti visiems dalyviams kelionės išlaidas ir skirti 40 000 dolerių prizinį fondą.
Minėtų klausimų derinimui lapkričio 21-23 dieną į Vilniuje vyksiančias WFF-WBBF varžybas atvyks oficialūs atstovai.
President WFF-WBBF International
Edmundas Daubaras
God is great! Only God wanted we to unite!
When we met at Greece, I really wanted to work with you, but unfortunately we had some commitments already comitted and hence though I wanted to have WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe Championships at India, but because of previous commitments it was not possible at that time, but now today, at this time we are absolutely free.
We want to affiliate with Word’s most powerfull association in the World - i.e WFF-WBBF.
We are ready to organize the WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe/World Championships at India in the month of January 2009 with the same aminities we had offered at NABBA UNIVERSE CHAMPIONSHIP, i.e :
100 free airtickets + US 40000 $ cash prize + 3 days stay + 6 free airtickets to Judges + 2 free airtickets to the President and the Secretery of WFF-WBBF.
If you think it is O.K, please immediately give me green signal, as I have to convince my ORGANIZING COMMITTEE about the same.
I will come to the 9-th WFF-WBBF Amateur "Universe" Contest (November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania) and the WBBF Pro World Championships (November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania) with proposal and with guarantee letters .
Again I thanks the God is great and only He wanted to have WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe/World Championships at India.
Mahesh Lohar
Indija pasirengusi organizuoti WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionatą, apmokėti visiems dalyviams kelionės išlaidas ir skirti 40 000 dolerių prizinį fondą.
Minėtų klausimų derinimui lapkričio 21-23 dieną į Vilniuje vyksiančias WFF-WBBF varžybas atvyks oficialūs atstovai.
President WFF-WBBF International
Edmundas Daubaras
God is great! Only God wanted we to unite!
When we met at Greece, I really wanted to work with you, but unfortunately we had some commitments already comitted and hence though I wanted to have WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe Championships at India, but because of previous commitments it was not possible at that time, but now today, at this time we are absolutely free.
We want to affiliate with Word’s most powerfull association in the World - i.e WFF-WBBF.
We are ready to organize the WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe/World Championships at India in the month of January 2009 with the same aminities we had offered at NABBA UNIVERSE CHAMPIONSHIP, i.e :
100 free airtickets + US 40000 $ cash prize + 3 days stay + 6 free airtickets to Judges + 2 free airtickets to the President and the Secretery of WFF-WBBF.
If you think it is O.K, please immediately give me green signal, as I have to convince my ORGANIZING COMMITTEE about the same.
I will come to the 9-th WFF-WBBF Amateur "Universe" Contest (November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania) and the WBBF Pro World Championships (November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania) with proposal and with guarantee letters .
Again I thanks the God is great and only He wanted to have WFF-WBBF Amateur Universe/World Championships at India.
Mahesh Lohar