07-20-2009, 08:19 AM
Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką iš IFBB teisininko iš Austrijos su prašymu jį paviešinti forume:
IFBB prezidentas Rafaelis Santonja – kultūrizmo duobkasys
Mieli kolegos ir sporto draugai,
Kaip toli pažengė kultūrizmo sportas vadovaujant R.Santochai tik 2,5 metų? Ispanas sugebėjo sugriauti viską, kas buvo kuriama dešimtmečiais:
- IFBB – gyvuoja tik virtualiame pasaulyje
- Užkulisiuose daromos finansinės aferos
- Nėra finansinės atskaitomybės
- Kvailinami menamos federacijos nariai
- Norintiems neleidžiama pasisakyti
- Teisėta Azijos kultūrizmo federacija R.Santochos neteisėtai išmesta net neišklausius
- Daug žinomų sporto vadovų vienasmeniškai R.Santochos nušalinti nuo veiklos
- Austrijos federacija sunaikinta ir bylinėjasi su R.Santocha teisme
- Nėra IFBB finansinės atskaitomybės
- Netikra ir korumpuota IFBB konstitucija (įstatai)
- Dvigubi standartai dopingo klausimais (nėra dopingo kontrolės „Elito“, „Arnold Classic“, visose veteranų varžybose, visai neatliekama dopingo kontrolė ne varžybų metu, dopingo testai neregistruojami pagal nustatytą tvarką, nubausti už dopingo vartojimą sportininkai išvengia realios bausmės ir vėl dalyvauja varžybose, nuolatinės nešvarios manipuliacijos dopingo klausimais).
- Sporto pinigai keliauja į privačias sąskaitas. Kur finansinės ataskaitos?
- Tyli visa trijulė: Santocha, Kagan ir Tierney, bet toks sportininkų durninimas greitai pasibaigs.
From: Ifbb Professional <ifbbpro@rocketmail.com>
To: vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health.gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es
Cc: abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg
Date: Monday, 13 July, 2009, 8:33 AM
to all EBFF members.
Sir circulate this to your associates in Asia.
IFBB President Dr. Rafael Santonja - the grave-digger of Bodybuilding
Dear colleagues and friends of a clean sport,
How far have we come with the sport of bodybuilding and Fitness under the leadership of Dr. Rafael Santonja ? It took this boastful spanish bluffer only about 2 ½ years to shatter into pieces an organization that was built up by his predecessor in over 60 years of hard work:
• Virtual IFBB with only a sham existance
• Monkey business behind the curtain
• No transparency in financial management
• Holding “kangaroo courts” against members
• Hounding down members who dare to ask questions
• ABFF unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Paul Chua unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Axel Bauer unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Amir Bayat unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Simon Chan unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Hussain Al Saffar unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Mohammed Abdulrahim Abdulla unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Austrian Federation unlawfully suspended and replaced by yes-men
• Austrian Federation prosecuting Santonja in the spanish court for lack of information and transparency
• Legal advisor Loh Lin Kok deleted from the stationary without reason
• No transparency on financial affairs
• No transparency on assets and liabilities
• No transpareny who receives money for working with the IFBB/EBFF and from whom
• No audited accounts
• Grotesque misuse of powers by the president
• Secret meetings without minutes
• Virtual minutes without real meetings
• Bogus and corrupt constitution (no clear separation of powers, no minority rights of members, no effective financial control, bogus disciplinary system)
• Double standards in anti-doping policy (no anti-doping controls at elite contests, no anti-doping tests at arnold classic, no anti-doping controls for masters, no out of competition controls, no registered testing pool, suspended athlets competing again without reinstatment testing, discarding of urine samples - but grotesque misuse of powers when it comes to quash decisions for political reasons or apply alleged doping issues to bring people to their knees)
• Bad-mouthing behind the back;
Now after the European Championships 2009 are over who has received the money from the registration fees ?
How was the money shared ?
European Federations received receipts for their payments from IFBB – was the money channelled to this virtual entity or to AFIFF or did it go to the pockets of private individuals ?
Where are the tax declarations ?
Who can answer theses questions ?
Santonja silent, no answer
Tierney silent, no answer (is a puppet anyway)
Kagan silent (hiding in canada)
IFBB – clownery will be over soon !!!
IFBB prezidentas Rafaelis Santonja – kultūrizmo duobkasys
Mieli kolegos ir sporto draugai,
Kaip toli pažengė kultūrizmo sportas vadovaujant R.Santochai tik 2,5 metų? Ispanas sugebėjo sugriauti viską, kas buvo kuriama dešimtmečiais:
- IFBB – gyvuoja tik virtualiame pasaulyje
- Užkulisiuose daromos finansinės aferos
- Nėra finansinės atskaitomybės
- Kvailinami menamos federacijos nariai
- Norintiems neleidžiama pasisakyti
- Teisėta Azijos kultūrizmo federacija R.Santochos neteisėtai išmesta net neišklausius
- Daug žinomų sporto vadovų vienasmeniškai R.Santochos nušalinti nuo veiklos
- Austrijos federacija sunaikinta ir bylinėjasi su R.Santocha teisme
- Nėra IFBB finansinės atskaitomybės
- Netikra ir korumpuota IFBB konstitucija (įstatai)
- Dvigubi standartai dopingo klausimais (nėra dopingo kontrolės „Elito“, „Arnold Classic“, visose veteranų varžybose, visai neatliekama dopingo kontrolė ne varžybų metu, dopingo testai neregistruojami pagal nustatytą tvarką, nubausti už dopingo vartojimą sportininkai išvengia realios bausmės ir vėl dalyvauja varžybose, nuolatinės nešvarios manipuliacijos dopingo klausimais).
- Sporto pinigai keliauja į privačias sąskaitas. Kur finansinės ataskaitos?
- Tyli visa trijulė: Santocha, Kagan ir Tierney, bet toks sportininkų durninimas greitai pasibaigs.
From: Ifbb Professional <ifbbpro@rocketmail.com>
To: vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health.gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es
Cc: abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg
Date: Monday, 13 July, 2009, 8:33 AM
to all EBFF members.
Sir circulate this to your associates in Asia.
IFBB President Dr. Rafael Santonja - the grave-digger of Bodybuilding
Dear colleagues and friends of a clean sport,
How far have we come with the sport of bodybuilding and Fitness under the leadership of Dr. Rafael Santonja ? It took this boastful spanish bluffer only about 2 ½ years to shatter into pieces an organization that was built up by his predecessor in over 60 years of hard work:
• Virtual IFBB with only a sham existance
• Monkey business behind the curtain
• No transparency in financial management
• Holding “kangaroo courts” against members
• Hounding down members who dare to ask questions
• ABFF unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Paul Chua unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Axel Bauer unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Amir Bayat unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Simon Chan unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Hussain Al Saffar unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Mohammed Abdulrahim Abdulla unlawfully suspended without hearing
• Austrian Federation unlawfully suspended and replaced by yes-men
• Austrian Federation prosecuting Santonja in the spanish court for lack of information and transparency
• Legal advisor Loh Lin Kok deleted from the stationary without reason
• No transparency on financial affairs
• No transparency on assets and liabilities
• No transpareny who receives money for working with the IFBB/EBFF and from whom
• No audited accounts
• Grotesque misuse of powers by the president
• Secret meetings without minutes
• Virtual minutes without real meetings
• Bogus and corrupt constitution (no clear separation of powers, no minority rights of members, no effective financial control, bogus disciplinary system)
• Double standards in anti-doping policy (no anti-doping controls at elite contests, no anti-doping tests at arnold classic, no anti-doping controls for masters, no out of competition controls, no registered testing pool, suspended athlets competing again without reinstatment testing, discarding of urine samples - but grotesque misuse of powers when it comes to quash decisions for political reasons or apply alleged doping issues to bring people to their knees)
• Bad-mouthing behind the back;
Now after the European Championships 2009 are over who has received the money from the registration fees ?
How was the money shared ?
European Federations received receipts for their payments from IFBB – was the money channelled to this virtual entity or to AFIFF or did it go to the pockets of private individuals ?
Where are the tax declarations ?
Who can answer theses questions ?
Santonja silent, no answer
Tierney silent, no answer (is a puppet anyway)
Kagan silent (hiding in canada)
IFBB – clownery will be over soon !!!
WFF-International Official Information Only