01-26-2011, 11:52 AM
Historically Bodybuilding in Belorussia was always connected with one of the World’s Oldest still running Contest “Amber Prix International” (1968-2011). During last 40 years Belorussia had a number of World Class Athletes.
Today, when the IFBB is loosing it’s positions everywhere, the Belorussia holds quite a big WFF-WBBF (World Body Building Federation and World Fitness Federation) International Contest in Bobrujsk (April 23, 2011).
National Teams of surrounding Countries are going to take part at this event.
The President WFF-WBBF Belorussia VLADIMIR KURILCIK informs that Belorussia is organizing a meeting of the WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the High Belorussia Officials.
Soon the new WFF-WBBF Belorussia Internet Site starts to work giving wide information about our sport in the Country.