11-20-2011, 02:27 PM
After the extremely successful International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) events in Austria and Slvakia (World Am and Pro Championships and „Amber Prix OLYMPIA, 30 000 US dollars), it is evident that the WFF-WBBF Inernational took the real lead of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport.
Today no one International Federation works on official level but the WFF-WBBF. No one seeks to make Bodybuilding sport recognzed and official but the WFF-WBBF. Evaluating the work done by the WFF-WBBF in 2011 the WFF-WBBF International received support of the high politicians, governmental leaders of various countries, leaders of various religious confessions.
The WFF-WBBF still discusses how much and what kind of information to present to public, as there are so many important news for International Sport.
The WFF-WBBF organizers state that this year they did the International Events not worse than the best ones in the USA and that the 2012 WFF-WBBF International Events will be better than the USA ones. The 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ is among them. For this reason the WFF-WBBF sent several delegations to the USA in 2011. Today the WFF-WBBF International has the necessary political and financial support and more that 40 years of International activities. Joining the IOC is also among the WFF-WBBF future goals, but this is another story.
MORE INFORMANTION on International Site www.wff.lt, read forum
After the extremely successful International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) events in Austria and Slvakia (World Am and Pro Championships and „Amber Prix OLYMPIA, 30 000 US dollars), it is evident that the WFF-WBBF Inernational took the real lead of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport.
Today no one International Federation works on official level but the WFF-WBBF. No one seeks to make Bodybuilding sport recognzed and official but the WFF-WBBF. Evaluating the work done by the WFF-WBBF in 2011 the WFF-WBBF International received support of the high politicians, governmental leaders of various countries, leaders of various religious confessions.
The WFF-WBBF still discusses how much and what kind of information to present to public, as there are so many important news for International Sport.
The WFF-WBBF organizers state that this year they did the International Events not worse than the best ones in the USA and that the 2012 WFF-WBBF International Events will be better than the USA ones. The 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ is among them. For this reason the WFF-WBBF sent several delegations to the USA in 2011. Today the WFF-WBBF International has the necessary political and financial support and more that 40 years of International activities. Joining the IOC is also among the WFF-WBBF future goals, but this is another story.
MORE INFORMANTION on International Site www.wff.lt, read forum
WFF-International Official Information Only