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After evaluating the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International bodybuilding activities that are lasting for nearly 50 years, the WFF-WBBF received substantional political and financial support for a huge global project called „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“, the ultimate book on bodybuilding («Энциклопедия современного культуризма»). No other International Bodybuilding Organization ever dared to start such a great Project as this one. At the moment the support reaches over 200 000 US dollars, but as the encyclopedia will be translated into various languages, the amount of money will be enlarged.
The positive activities of the WFF-WBBF International have been seen widely. Even the Roman Pope Benedictus XVI blesed the WFF-WBBF International activities in April of 2012.

The real work over this unique global Project already started. The Head of the Professional working goup of the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ is the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. This Encyclopedia will be as the „opponent“ to the previous Bodybuilding Histories ans stories that were written for the commercial private sport structures, most of the USA. As you know – sport commercial people wrote bodybuilding sport history for themselves in person and there was no place for lots of the Bodybuilding Legends. Bodybuilding history of South America, Africa and Asia Countries have never been even mentioned before. Many important International Persons and International Bodybuilding activities and competitions (among them the World‘s oldest Bodybuilding Contest – the „Amber Prix International“) too. Not a single word! And this lack of information coveres the totaly biggest part of the World!!!
We will do our best to write the Real Another Bodybuilding History, that will be proved by the presented real documents and facts. We will present the legal and also we will underline the unofficial federations and various kind of sport units. We will present many until now hidden VIP International Bodybuilding Persons, Bodybuilding Legends, Great Sportsmen and their Trainers. We will show a number of hidden International Contests, that played and still play a great role for the development of the global bodybuilding sport in general. Also on the real definite bodybuilding examples we will present the inovations of the contemporary bodybuilding training methods and thechnologies and dieting.
We hope the Encyclopedia will be a success as until now there has been done nothing similar of the kind in the World. We work on preparing and publishing bodybuilding materials from 1989. Some of our previous magazines were published in various languages in over 2 000 000 issues and sucessfully spread in various countries. A number of International Bodybuilding generations grew on our books and magazines.

First of all for the „Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding“ we will use our huge historic personal archieves of the WFF-WBBF International. Also the ones of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders), WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association) and NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) that we collected during the 50 years lasting bodybuilding activities. Also we use the IFBB juridic documents that were given us by the IFBB Owner and life President BEN WEIDER, the IFBB Lower ALEX BAUER and the IFBB Vice President PAUL CHUA, the WABBA Owner and President SERGE NUBRET, NABBA Presidents OSCAR HEIDENSTAM and IVAN DUNBAR.

More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.
Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council
Secretary General WFF-WBBF Lithuania

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RE: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. ANOTHER VIEW. - by Edita Sendriene - 01-19-2013, 11:21 PM

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