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WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International started it‘s activities with the historical „Amber Prix International“ contests (1968-2013).
Belarus bodybuilders started participating at the „Amber Prix International“ contests in 1977. Then the first competitors were VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC and VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVIC.
At the 1995 “AMber Prix International“ the Winners were VIKTOR SACHARUK and TATJANA KOVALKO.
At the 1996 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship ANDREJ KRIKSIN became a Category Winner.
At the 1998 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship the Vice Champion was TATJANA KOVALKO.
At the 2001 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship the Vice Champion was DMITRIJ KRASKOVSKIJ.

Due to the political reasons in the early seventies of the last century for nearly two decades Bodybuilding was prohibited and prosecuted in the Socialits Countries, especially in the USSR (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics). Most Bodybuilding leaders got afrayed of the Communist Regime and step away, but not all of them. Among the few left fighters for the recognition of Bodybuilding was DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS who on his own initiative and his own risk began the dialoque with the USSR Communist Party Central Committee (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической Партии), the USSR Government (Правительство СССР), the USSR Sport Ministry (Goskomsport, Госкомспорт) administration and the most important communist press – Newspapers „Pravda“ (Правда), „Izvestija“ (Известия) and „Sovietskij Sport“ Советский спорт). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote many letters, many times he spoke on phone with the represntatives of the Institutions mentioned above. Finally DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS personally went to to the USSR Capital City Moscow (Russia) to present the officially registered Bodybuilding defending letters to the Headquarters of the all mentioned above Institutions. Those letters of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was like a real „petition“ of the Bodybuilding Sport.
Nobody of the Communist Regime leaders stopped the prohibition and the prosecution of Bodybuilding, but they gave the unbelievable unique permittion for DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to go on organizing „Amber Prix International“ Bodybuilding Contest in Klaipeda City (Lithuania). In fact for the two decades of Bodybuilding prohibition the „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial USSR Bodybuilding Championship and this fact later was accepted by the USSR Sport Ministry when it began presenting honourable „USSR Sport Master“ names for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions. In fact, having no other alternative for the over twenty years time the „Amber Prix International“ was the World Champiosnip of the Socialist Countries. In that time World level Contests in the Western Countries were no higher in the level of Bodybuilders and in the level of organisation, no higher in the number of the participating Countries. In some aspects „Amber Prix International“ was even higher that those in the West.

Working without official juridical registration for many years the Belarus bodybuilding was led by VALERIJ BOGDANOVIC, VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVIC, contemporary General Secretary National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus SERGEJ KATULIN and DMITRIJ KRASKOVSKIJ.
In 2010 the official National Belarus WFF-WBBF federation was registered in the country. The President of the federation is VLADIMIR KURILCIK.
In 2012 VLADIMIR KURILCIK was appointed to the position of the President WFF-WBBF Europe and in 2013 VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA was appointed to the position of the Chairman Model Fitness Division WFF-WBBF Europe.

Being for many years silent on International Sport Level Belarus suddenly became so high with a number of talanted bodybuilders.
VALENTINA KOZLOVSKAJA became the Over All Winner of the 2012 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship, the Over All Winner of the „Amber Prix International“ and the medalist of the WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“, the medalist of the WFF-WBBF Pro Europe Championship.
SERGEJ KOSTEL was the medalist of the 2012 WFF-WBBF Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ and the medalist of the WFF-WBBF Professional Europe Championship as well.
ANDREJ DAVYDCIK was the Champion of the 2013 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship and the Champion of the 2013 WFF-WBBF Professional World Cup.
ALEKSANDR BORSAN was the Champion of the 2012 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship, the medalist of the 2011 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship too.
ILJA LUKAVEC was the Over All Winner of the 2012 Junior WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship and the Vice Champion of the WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championship as well.

Led by the President Belarus National WFF-WBBF Federation VLADIMIR KURILCIK in 2012 the WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship was held in Belarus City of Bobruisk. The Championship collected over 300 athletes from over 30 participating countries.
To participate at the International Congress and at a number of Press Conferences the International President DSc.EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, WFF-WBBF International Vice President ANDREJ BASOV and President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE visited Belarus in 2012.

President WFF-WBBF Belarus VLADIMIR KURILCIK (Владимир Курильчик) informes about the coming International Contests that will be held in Belarus this autumn:
- 2-d International Contest „2013 WFF-WBBF Slaviansky Cup International“ («Славянский кубок», October 26, City Vitebsk)
- International Contest „2013 WFF-WBBF Belarus Fit-Kid and Aerobic Fitness International“ («Фит-кид и аэробный фитнес», November 30, City Brest).

More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.

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RE: 2013 INTERNATIONAL BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS NEWS - by WFF-WBBF secretary service - 08-28-2013, 10:01 AM

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