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In 1988 LOUIS ZWICK started his own commercial sport business. That was a famous Unique International Bodybuilding Project named „USA versus USSR“. LOUIS ZWICK was a very risky person as he financed this Project. On the other hand LOUIS ZWICK could have a good profit id the Project was successfull as he aimed to sell the filmed in the USSR material for the ESPN television.
LOUIS ZWICK hared a filming group and collected a number of known Amateur and Professional bodybuilders and brought them to the USSR.
During the competition LOUIS ZWICK made acquaintance of the contemporary President WFF-WBBF International DSc.EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. It is not strange as DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was the only one among all USSR bodybuilding leaders to know the English language.
DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS came to the „USA versus USSR“ contest accompanied with his sport pupil alderady the Over All Winner of the first Official and Recognized USSR Bodybuilding Championship VIKTORAS JUCYS and also the USSR Champion ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS. At that time both bodybuilders were also multiple Over All Champions of the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest „Amber Prix International‘ (1968-2013).
As LOUIS ZWICK wanted a professional comment on his filmed materials he asked the assistance of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. No Secret that all foreign people visiting the USSR were followed and covered by special services at that time. All contacts were under the fierce control. Speaking with LOUIS ZWICK secretly to run away from the following secret services DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took his both bodybuilders together. Unexpectidly to all present all of them jumped in a taxy and run away to a bodybuilding gym in the subburbs of Leningrad City. Also there arrived the filming group of LOUIS ZWICK too. They shot a film about the training routines of VIKTORAS JUCYS and ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS, took comments of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Later this film was a big success of LOUIS ZWICK and it televised several times to the USA by ESPN television.
The sport projects started by LOUIS ZWICK in the USSR still work. LOUIS ZWICK organizes and films competitions like „Fame“, „America Pageant“, „World Fitness Tour“ etc. And sells the materials to various US Television Companies, among them ESPN television.
Once LOUIS ZWICK invited DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to take part at one of his projects in Europe. That was the 2002 „Fame“ Europe Championship in Stutgart (Germany). To this event LOUIS ZWICK brought six professional fitness athletes from the US. The main goal of the contest was to make a film. No doubt that all these six participants from the US won first six places leaving all other participants behind. LOUIS ZWICK shot a good film for the US television and left Europe.
While communicating with the Owner of another US Private Commercial International Sport Organization MESHELLE BOYKO DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS learned that long before LOUIS ZWICK had been working at the MESHELLE BOYKO company. As she told LOUIS ZWICK copied her ideas and went on doing alone on his own the same work as he did working at her Company.

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RE: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN BODYBUILDING. ANOTHER VIEW. - by WFF-WBBF secretary service - 09-23-2013, 12:27 PM

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