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Let us speak about some of the very important historical moments of the World bodybuilding and let You judge about us by our works done, not words spoken.We will present „World Bodybuilding History“ articles in the folowing way:
-          Part 1. Ben Weider
-          Part 2. Prohibited Sport
-          Part 3. Communist Party Proclames the Champion
-          Part 4. Bodybuilding Lithrature
-          Part 5. First Through Iron Wall
-          Part 6. Your Own Oppinion
-          Part 7. Bodybuilding Future Decided in the Balcony
-          Part 8. Vatican Notices Our Efforts
Later will folow historical articles of the most important bodybuilding countries.
Part 5.

At the Soviet times the Universities of different countries used to change students in between. While studying the Law and Philology at the Vilnius State University contemporary International President WFF-WBBF DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS  was included into such studnet‘s groups and  two times visited Czechoslovakia (1974 and 1976). Serious sport contacts with Czechoslovakia bodybuilding leaders started at once. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS had constant meetings and correspondence with the President IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Czechoslovakia VOJTECH FIALA. VOJTECH FIALA was a talanted smart and active Bodybuilding Official.  It was most result of VOJTECH FIALA personal work and his presonal International contacts that in 1974 Czechoslovakia broke the „Iron Wall“ of communists and started participating at the World and Continental Championships in the Western World. It was PETR STACH who won the European Championship first time in bodybuilding history representing all Socialist Countries in 1975. PETR STACH performed a complicated multy - pose posing routine accompanied by the music. He gave the  Western Bodybuilders the posing lessons and after his successfull participation new posing ideas started in the bodybuilding World. Before this at the Official Contests the Bodybuilders used to pose on a small podium. It was like this: a bodybuilder went on 1 x 1 meter podium, hit 1 - 2 poses, then thought for some time and hit 1 - 2 more poses again and that was all. What is interesting that during this „hard“ posing program bodybuilders somehow managed to forget and skip 1 or 2 poses... That was a popular topic of discussion after the routine.
Regular participation of Czechoslovakia Bodybuilders in the West quickly rised them on the Top in the Socialist Bodybuilding. Sportsmen of multiple Socialist Countries had no such chances and really envied the Czechoslovaks. On the hard political situation like this being the biggest regular International Event in the Socialist World the „Amber Prix International“ was of unbelievably great importance at that times.
Visiting Czechoslovakia DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS met a number of personal friends among the Sport Leaders and Bodybuilders: PETR STACH, PETR TLAPAK, ROBERT DANTLINGER, ALOIS PEK and many others. Good relations of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS were set with JOZEF MAZAK (later with MILAN PERDOCH). Both of them were directors of the in Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) published Magazine „Trener“. In those years „Trener“ Magazine used to publish bodybuilding materials constantly and it was the only sourse of regular information about our sport in the Socialist World. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote a number of articles for „Trener“ Magazine too. Among them about the „Amber Prix International“
 („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968-2017).
DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was in constant contact with Bodybuilding Leaders of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, China. Two times after the invitation of the Czechoslovakia Bodybuilding Official Professor FRANTISEK BULVA DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was present as a VIP quest at the meetings of the National Czechoslovakia Bodybuilding Federation Executive Council (1976, Brno). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS  was in intensive correspondence with the Czechoslovakia Bodybuilding Officials and Athletes (lots of documents are in the historic archives of the WFF-WBBF International).
Under the personal initiative of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the  unique International Contest between the National Teams of Lithuania and Czechoslovakia were thoroughly planned and worked out. After a long work finally DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS received from Sport Ministerium invitations for the Lithuania Bodybuilding Team to participate in Czechoslovakia. It was the unbelievable result in Socialist times. The successfull visa work started and ... it ended with the same result as it ends very often. Due to the inner misunderstandings, envy, jealousy, blackmailing letters of the Bodybuilding Officials to the Governmental Security Institutions of the USSR (KGB), the Contest in Czechoslovakia was canceled. These „famous“ historic documents, invitations still remain not used in the WFF-WBBF International archives. Angry with the USSR Bodybuilding Officials who did this, DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS gave his personal Intenational Contacts to his good Estonian friend and Bodybuilding Leader INNAR MARDO. Later INNAR MARDO used these contacts. INNAR MARDO due to his good personal contacts in Estonia Government, a number of times participated at International Contests in Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia with the National Teams Estonia (1979 - 1981). It was INNAR MARDO who using the contacts given him by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS brought the Over All „Amber Prix International“ Winner OLEV ANNUS and the „Amber Prix International“ Champion INDREK OTSUS (Estonia) abroad to win all the competitions they participated. Both of them won against the already famous Czechoslovakia bodybuilding stars. And again nothing new: when all goes well with INNAR MARDO, the envy, jealousy and dirty blackmailing starts in Estonia too. That made INNAR MARDO to leave his Bodybuilding activities for a number of years, OLEV ANNUS emigrated to Finland and became a famous Bodybuilder of IFBB and NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association). For participating at NABBA Events OLEV ANNUS twice was sanctioned and disqualified by the IFBB for „life“, but he always managed to come back and to participate again and again.

(to be continued)
More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (ISU, ).

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RE: 2017. NEWS BODYBUILDING INTERNATIONAL. - by E_Sendriene_WFF - 09-11-2017, 05:02 PM

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