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The authors of this historical article do not seek to present the chronological events. Our aim is to underline the most important historical International bodybuilding moments. The chronological history of our sport was presented in various languaages earlier in the 28-th issue of the International magazine „Sport of fitness and bodybuilding“ (2008) and at the International Site . In 1986 the former WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association) President and owner SERGE NUBRET  sent to the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS his own archeives that were very usefull.
We will present „World Bodybuilding History“ articles in the folowing way.
-          Part 1. Ben Weider
-          Part 2. Prohibited Sport
-          Part 3. Communist Party Proclames the Champion
-          Part 4. Bodybuilding Lithrature
-          Part 5. First Through Iron Wall
-          Part 6. Your Own Oppinion
-          Part 7. Bodybuilding Future Decided in the Balcony
-          Part 8. Vatican Notices Our Efforts
Later will folow historical articles of the most important bodybuilding countries.
Part 3.

In 2017 the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) held the 50-th „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2017, „Gintarinis prizas“, „
Янтарный приз») Contest in Klaipeda (Republic Lithuania). Then the  Global CNN television made a report about the WFF-WBBF International activities that have seen one billion (one milliard) people World Wide.
Bodybuilding specialists and fans know very much about this World’s  Oldest Historic Bodybuilding Competition. We were informing before, that for many years when Bodybuilding Sport was prohibited and prosecuted in the Socialist Countries (especially in the USSR),  the “Amber Prix International” used to be the World Championship of the Socialist Countries, the unofficial Championship of the USSR. And later on this was recognized by the Sport Ministry (Goskomsport) of the USSR. Having in mind the high level of the “Amber Prix International”  and it’s political value to the International Sport, various special services and secret structures use „to keep an eye“ and to follow the competition. The importance of the “Amber Prix International” proves the fact, that right after the “Perestrojka”  began, the Ministry of Sport of the USSR  started to give highest governmental honorable “Soviet Sport Master” (мастер спорта СССР) degrees and other privileges for the Champions of the “Amber Prix International”.
The 1981 “Amber Prix International” competition was exceptional in the Socialist State Politics. Then a Russian weightlifter E.MOROZ was responsible for the Bodybuilding Sport  (атлетическая гимнастика) in the Ministry Sport USSR
(Госкомспорт СССР). But the real working President Russia Bodybuilding organization was  a Russia painting artist  VLADIMIR SUBOV in fact. After the Russian Bodybuilder and the contemporary Russia National IFBB President VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)  lost his titles against Estonian OLEV ANNUS and against Lithuanian PRANAS MURAUSKAS in 1974, VLADIMIR DUBININ  was out of the our sport game for long thirteen  years. After constant insistance of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and his personal invitation VLADIMIR DUBININ appeared in sport society again at the “Amber Prix International” in Klaipeda only in 1986.
In 1981 just before the “Amber Prix International” the meeting of the USSR International  Judges Council was held in Klaipeda. At this meeting participated DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS („Amber Prix International“ organizer), VLADIMIR SUBOV (representing Russia), ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS (representing  USSR bodybuilding comission), ARKADIJ KASANSKIJ (representing Ukraine), INNAR MARDO (representing Estonia), ALEKSANDRAS NOVIKOVAS (representing Lithuania) and some other International level judges and organizers. The secretary of the USSR Bodybuilding Comission ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS told the judges that it is high time to change the USSR leading bodybuilder and to stop the successful career of Estonian athlete OLEV ANNUS. Many bodybuilders admired OLEV ANNUS  and that was against USSR politics. At that time already twice winning the “Amber Prix International” (1978, 1979) and a number of International events in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia OLEV ANNUS was the sole leader among bodybuilders of the Socialist Countries. Under the pressure of ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS the judges of the “Amber Prix International” did as he told them: OLEV ANNUS  was not the winner. Due to this the Over All Winner’s Title at the 1981 “Amber Prix International” went to the Lithuanian Sportsman SAULIUS MISEVICIUS. OLEV ANNUS was in shock loosing the battle to the lower level athlete. He has written letters accusing the International Judges but the result was impossible to change.
In 2010 at the WFF-WBBF Amateur  and Pro World Championship in Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort VLADIMIR SUBOV came there with the National Team Germany. Having possibilities to speak free now he explained the political situation of the 1981. VLADIMIR SUBOV  told the organizers that the sport life of OLEV ANNUS was decided in Moscow long before he participated in Klaipeda at the 1981 “Amber Prix International”. Then the USSR Communist Party Central Committee ruled everything, sport too. Having information that OLEV ANNUS wants to leave the Soviet Union the USSR Communist Party Propaganda Council gave orders to the Sport Ministry of the USSR and E.MOROZ gave the same orders to ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS – get down the Estonian bodybuilder OLEV ANNUS. So using the Judges ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS  did at the 1981 “Amber Prix International”.

Part 4.
Before the prohibition of bodybuilding in the middle of the sixties of the last century in all Socialist World Countries  the only one regular magazine about bodybuilding sport was Polish „Sport Dla Wszystkich“. At that time Lithuanians presented the basics of bodybuilding in the magazine „The Student“(„Moksleivis“).
Through the time of the prohibition of bodybuilding sport in the Socialist Countries nobody even dreamed about the bodybuilding literature. The exception was in Czechoslovakia Bratislava issued  „Trener“ Magazine and the German DDR (Deutsches Demokratik Republik)  Weight Lifting Magazine „The Weightlifter‘s Training“ ( „Schwer Atlet Training“) which started to publish some information about our sport. During this time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS  used to give articles and contest information for these Magazines. Also for BEN WEIDER‘S „Flex“ magazine. All magazines used to publishe the DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS given materials. First of all it was information from the World‘s Oldest Traditional Bodybuilding Contest, the only one anual International Bodybuilding Event in all Socialist Counties, the „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968-2017). The above mentioned Czechoslovakia „Trener“ Magazines were published by JOZEF MAZAK and later by MILAN PERDOCH.
International WFF-WBBF worked and still works on the documents and various materials of World‘s Bodybuilding History. The WFF-WBBF „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ Magazine started in English, Russian and Lithuanian languages in 1989. During this period of time the WFF-WBBF printed and spread through the World several millions copies of the Magazine. „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ is awailable at the National WFF-WBBF federations in all 129 Country - members of the WFF-WBBF International as well as at the most important World‘s International Bodybuilding and Fitness Events.
Main articles of the „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ Magazine were published in various Internet Pages, sport and public media, among them regularly in Spanish „Fitness Alive“ (Argentina, Magazine for South America and Spain), in German „Fitness News“ (Austria, Magazine for Germany, Austria and Switzerland), in English „Strenght and Health“ (UK, Magazine for England, Scotland and Ireland), in Russian „Zeleznyj Mir“ (Russia, for Russia and Post Soviet Russian Speaking Countries and etc..).
At the beginning a number of the WFF-WBBF Magazines were of methodical character. These Magazines were teaching the bodybuilders how to train from the primityve beginning to the Top Professional Level. Through decades the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected and translated materials and documents from different possible sources, analised, evaluated and systemized them and finally presented as methodical recommendations for the sportsmen. That were a number of popular International Seria Magazines under the titles like “ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER recommends”, “Training Programs of the World’s Best Bodybuilders”, “Bodybuilding Stars Recommend” etc..). Ending the 90-ties of the last century basing on these Magazines a number of new generations of bodybuilders were born and educated. Wishing to have these Magazines in their collections the libraries of a number of Countries addressed the International WFF-WBBF Headquarters (like German State Library of Leipzig, Germany).
Today the WFF-WBBF „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ („Sportinis fitnesas ir kultūrizmas“, „
Спортивный фитнес и культуризм») magazine has only informative International character but this makes it to be even more important. The Magazine covers most important World‘s Bodybuilding and Fitness Events and it gives true situation of sport on Official International Level, sets the goals of the sport for the future. Nobody else in the World does it, but the WFF-WBBF.

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RE: WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA. ANOTHER VIEW. - by WFF-WBBF secretary service - 07-24-2019, 08:41 AM

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