01-15-2020, 10:26 AM
In the last period of time International sport society started to be interested in the history of our sport. Some time ago the World learned about the first fitness athlete from the USA BRONE DUBAR (New York, 1927). The World learned about the various International Sport Organizations. Today a number of historical books and articles are published. Many of them are presenting not full and often incorrect information. For example, several years ago in Lithuania was issued a book “Lithuanian bodybuilding history” which carries facts that are not correct. Some time ago in Russia was issued a book about a famous former Russia bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ. For thirty years VLADIMIR DUBININ was the President of the National IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Federation of Russia. There are many not correct facts and interpretations on the history of the USSR bodybuilding in the book.
Until now nobody did a thorough analysis of our sport history and nobody ever underlined important facts for all World bodybuilding history.
Working more than fifty years the WFF-WBBF International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) is planning to publish in various languages a historical book on the Bodybuilding in Socialist Countries in 2020. Remember – the Socialist World united half of the World Countries. Due to the “Iron Wall” it was living a separate individual life that was much different from the “Western” World. This book will be a part of our unique International project – the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia”.
The historical book on the Bodybuilding in Socialist Countries will be prepared in Lithuania and printed in India. At this work the I.S.U. International Sports University (www.isuniversity.lt ) is involved very much now. Since 2017 I.S.U. is associated member of the UNESCO at the United Nations (UN). Professors VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine), LALIT KUMAR SONI (India) and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and World Bodybuilding Pioneer VALERIJ KORESHKOV (Lithuania) are working in the project very much.
Basing on the political situation the development of bodybuilding in the socialist countries can be divided in the following periods:
- The First Period, 1957-1970
- The Second Period, 1971-1975
- The Third Period, 1976-1981
- The Fourth Period, 1982-1986
- The Fifth Period, 1987-1991
Bodybuilding in the socialist countries started at the second part of fifties of the last century. It appeared suddenly and at once it became very popular. Many people wanted to develop and change their bodies. Enthusiasts used to unite in groups and arrange the gyms. Basing on the possibilities and fantasy for a long time everybody himself was making individual equipment for the training. The training methods were also individual. Often athletes were making experiments on themselves.
A known contemporary poet and drama producer, a former famous USSR bodybuilding trainer VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Vilnius, Lithuania) writes:
«Developing the Ancient God.
When in the middle of fifties of the last century bodybuilding was a popular sport in the Western countries, the Europe was making the first steps. But the young people did not pay any attention to the negatyve sayings about bodybuilding and rushed to the gyms to train. The enthusiasm was unbelievable. The first Man reached the Cosmoss. People thought that there are no limits and everything is possible. It seemd that the Golden Times came. We know how to reach the Cosmoss, how to develop atomic enegry, how to create fantastic films and how to write perfect books. It seemed that people had found the way to develop their brains like a sportsmen do at their training. Developing the brains the people are like a sportsmen. Popular saying „If one has body power, no brains needed“ seemed uncorrect. The stereotip of a scientist was like an old thinny man with spectacles. People were jocking that a scientist better do not go outside his home in a windy day. The wind will blow him out. And now, finally, the bodybuilding opened new horizons to develop both brains and muscles as well. It seemed that a Man is very close to the God“.
There was no any leadership structure in the socialist bodybuilding at that time. It was the time of great popularization of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding was growing by itself without any governmental support. Then in the USSR bodybuilding had another name. It was „Atletizm“or „Athletic gymnastics“. In Russia and Baltic Republics a number of local competitions were organized and these evens often collected crowds of spectators.
One of the bodybuilding pioneers in the USSR VALERIJ KORESHKOV (Vilnius, Lithuania) underlines that he started regular bodybuilding training in 1957. The training process was primityve, athletes needed knowlidge. From time to time contests were organized. Every time the judging criteria was different. Most often competitions were of two parts – the power exercises and the posing. First information about bodybuilding, about the famous athletes and some methods of training reached the USSR through bodybuilding magazines „Health and Strength“ and „Iron Man“ (both UK), through „Muscle Builder“(USA) and through “Sport dla Wszystkich“ (Poland). Then local press of various Socialiat Republics started publishing materials about bodybuilding too. Among them Russian „Gantelnaja gimnastika“ (1957, Борис Пустовойт, «Гантельная гимнастика»), „Sportivnaja zizn Rissii“ (1960-1970, "Cпортивная жизнь России"), Lithuanian „Science and Life“ („1965 -1966, „Mokslas ir Gyvenimas“), „Kalba Vilnius“ (1967-1969), Polish „How to become strong and attractive“ (1960, Stanislaw Zakrzewski, „Jak stac sie silnym i sprawnym“), „Strength, health, beauty“ (1962, Stanislaw Zakrzewski, „Sila-sprawnosc-piekno“), „ABC of a Young Strongman“ (1965, Stanislaw Zakrzewski, „ABC mlodego silacza“), Czechoslovakian „Through bodybuilding to strengh, sanity and beauty“ (1969, Michal Jablonski, Šport, Bratislava).
It were Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary to start bodybuilding in the socialist countries frist. Bodybuilders of these countries organized local competitons and sometimes competed in between. New famous names appeared such as 1967 Czechoslovakia Champion JURAJ VYSNY.
There was a number of various level bodybuilding contests organized in Lithuania every year. In 1966 competitions were held in the open air at Kaunas sea region and Palanga Baltic sea bay. With the words of „Power, beauty and health“ the first big contest was organized in 1967 in Kaunas „Sporto hale“. Very big crowd of spectators came to see the 1968 competition in Vilnius Vingio Park.
First to visit the mentioned countries from the USSR were the Lithuanians. In 1968 Lithuania Kaunas „Azuolas Gym“ bodybuilders went to Warszawa to compete with „Herkules Gym“ athletes. The Lithuanians were led by VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS and the Polish team by EUGENIUSZ PAWLOK.
Being in Poland the bodybuilders of the Socialist Countries saw the first time a „Western“ bodybuilder. It was EINO AKKILA from Sweeden who was having rest at the sea coast in the Polish Sopot resort. EINO AKKILA came to Poland just after winning the short category at the 1968 IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Europe Championship in Belgium.
Also in April 17, 1968 the first in the USSR International Contest was organized. It was held in Lithuania Kaunas City and national teams of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia participated there. The competiton lasted two days and six thousand spectators filled the biggest hall of the city. The event was televised by the National television of Lithuania and that made bodybuilding even more popular. The category winners were KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Lithuania), ANDRZEJ LASKOWSKI (Poland) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Lithuania). Then the over all Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Vilnius, Lithuania).
Right after that the first „Amber Prix International“ (1968, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») contest was held in Lithuanian Klaipeda. The category winners were KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS. Again the over all Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS. Today „Amber Prix International“ is the World‘s oldest recognized traditional International bodybuilding competition.
Every day bodybuilding became more stronger and more popular. More competitoons were organized and new names came in public. It needed to have definite leadership to give some order for the movement. On April 17, 1968 during the contest in Kaunas the „USSR Social Bodybuilding Committee“ («Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике СССР») was established. At this event participated representatives of the following Socialist Countries: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The positions of the committee members were the folowing:
1. ROMAN MOROZ, Moscow, Russia
2. VLADIMIR PETROV, Moscow, Russia
3. GENADIJ BALDIN, Moscow, Russia
4. VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS, Vilnius, Lithuania
5. VALERIJ KOREŠKOV, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Along with the Executive Council a number of Committee Members were ellected:
6. FIODOR MANKO, Leningrad, Russia
7. ELEONORA VOLOKONCEVA, Leningrad, Russia
8. VALERIJ SEMIONOV, Tiumen, Russia
11.ERVIN LIBERT, Tallin, Estonia.
The „USSR Social Bodybuilding Committee“ collected information about the bodybuilding gyms in the socialist countries and coordinated contests.
Then it was a calm and productive period of the USSR bodybuilding.
To set the future goals on August 31, 1968 the „USSR Social Bodybuilding Committee“ gatheres again. It was Lithuanian Klaipeda city. At this event participated representatives of the following Socialist Countries: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Azerbajan. At this meeting participated majority of the committee members and members of the executive council:
- GENADIJ BALDIN, Moscow, Russia
- VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS, Vilnius, Lithuania
- VALERIJ KOREŠKOV, Vilnius, Lithuania
- VALERIJ SEMIONOV, Tiumen, Russia
Also at the meeting were present: VLADIMIR AVANESOV (Baku, Azerbjan), VLADIMIR ILIOSHIN (Leningrad, Russia), JEVGENIJ KOLTUN (Tiumen, Russia), ALEKSEJ CERNAVIN (Omsk, Russia), JUOZAS JUSEVICIUS (Kaunas, Lithuania).
It came as a tradition and in 1969-1970 the „Amber Prix International“ contests were organized in Klaipeda. Then the over all winners were: in 1969 ANTANAS MINEIKIS (Klaipeda, Lithuania) and in 1970 VLADIMIR DUBININ (Leningrad, Russia).
On November 15, 1970 the first noticable International contest was held in Tallinn (Estonia). Teams of Estonia, Russia and Liethuania participated there. The over all Champion was Estonian bodybuilder ARVO MERE, who won against the debiutant VLADIMIR DUBININ from Leningrad (Russia).
Suddenly due to political reasons in 1971 the bodybuilding activities in the USSR and other socialist countries were stopped. For many years the Communist regime prohibited and prosecuted the bodybuilding.
More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt ), WPSF World Power Sports Federation.
In the last period of time International sport society started to be interested in the history of our sport. Some time ago the World learned about the first fitness athlete from the USA BRONE DUBAR (New York, 1927). The World learned about the various International Sport Organizations. Today a number of historical books and articles are published. Many of them are presenting not full and often incorrect information. For example, several years ago in Lithuania was issued a book “Lithuanian bodybuilding history” which carries facts that are not correct. Some time ago in Russia was issued a book about a famous former Russia bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ. For thirty years VLADIMIR DUBININ was the President of the National IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Federation of Russia. There are many not correct facts and interpretations on the history of the USSR bodybuilding in the book.
Until now nobody did a thorough analysis of our sport history and nobody ever underlined important facts for all World bodybuilding history.
Working more than fifty years the WFF-WBBF International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) is planning to publish in various languages a historical book on the Bodybuilding in Socialist Countries in 2020. Remember – the Socialist World united half of the World Countries. Due to the “Iron Wall” it was living a separate individual life that was much different from the “Western” World. This book will be a part of our unique International project – the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia”.
The historical book on the Bodybuilding in Socialist Countries will be prepared in Lithuania and printed in India. At this work the I.S.U. International Sports University (www.isuniversity.lt ) is involved very much now. Since 2017 I.S.U. is associated member of the UNESCO at the United Nations (UN). Professors VASILIJ BESPALENKO (Ukraine), LALIT KUMAR SONI (India) and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and World Bodybuilding Pioneer VALERIJ KORESHKOV (Lithuania) are working in the project very much.
Basing on the political situation the development of bodybuilding in the socialist countries can be divided in the following periods:
- The First Period, 1957-1970
- The Second Period, 1971-1975
- The Third Period, 1976-1981
- The Fourth Period, 1982-1986
- The Fifth Period, 1987-1991
Bodybuilding in the socialist countries started at the second part of fifties of the last century. It appeared suddenly and at once it became very popular. Many people wanted to develop and change their bodies. Enthusiasts used to unite in groups and arrange the gyms. Basing on the possibilities and fantasy for a long time everybody himself was making individual equipment for the training. The training methods were also individual. Often athletes were making experiments on themselves.
A known contemporary poet and drama producer, a former famous USSR bodybuilding trainer VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Vilnius, Lithuania) writes:
«Developing the Ancient God.
When in the middle of fifties of the last century bodybuilding was a popular sport in the Western countries, the Europe was making the first steps. But the young people did not pay any attention to the negatyve sayings about bodybuilding and rushed to the gyms to train. The enthusiasm was unbelievable. The first Man reached the Cosmoss. People thought that there are no limits and everything is possible. It seemd that the Golden Times came. We know how to reach the Cosmoss, how to develop atomic enegry, how to create fantastic films and how to write perfect books. It seemed that people had found the way to develop their brains like a sportsmen do at their training. Developing the brains the people are like a sportsmen. Popular saying „If one has body power, no brains needed“ seemed uncorrect. The stereotip of a scientist was like an old thinny man with spectacles. People were jocking that a scientist better do not go outside his home in a windy day. The wind will blow him out. And now, finally, the bodybuilding opened new horizons to develop both brains and muscles as well. It seemed that a Man is very close to the God“.
There was no any leadership structure in the socialist bodybuilding at that time. It was the time of great popularization of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding was growing by itself without any governmental support. Then in the USSR bodybuilding had another name. It was „Atletizm“or „Athletic gymnastics“. In Russia and Baltic Republics a number of local competitions were organized and these evens often collected crowds of spectators.
One of the bodybuilding pioneers in the USSR VALERIJ KORESHKOV (Vilnius, Lithuania) underlines that he started regular bodybuilding training in 1957. The training process was primityve, athletes needed knowlidge. From time to time contests were organized. Every time the judging criteria was different. Most often competitions were of two parts – the power exercises and the posing. First information about bodybuilding, about the famous athletes and some methods of training reached the USSR through bodybuilding magazines „Health and Strength“ and „Iron Man“ (both UK), through „Muscle Builder“(USA) and through “Sport dla Wszystkich“ (Poland). Then local press of various Socialiat Republics started publishing materials about bodybuilding too. Among them Russian „Gantelnaja gimnastika“ (1957, Борис Пустовойт, «Гантельная гимнастика»), „Sportivnaja zizn Rissii“ (1960-1970, "Cпортивная жизнь России"), Lithuanian „Science and Life“ („1965 -1966, „Mokslas ir Gyvenimas“), „Kalba Vilnius“ (1967-1969), Polish „How to become strong and attractive“ (1960, Stanislaw Zakrzewski, „Jak stac sie silnym i sprawnym“), „Strength, health, beauty“ (1962, Stanislaw Zakrzewski, „Sila-sprawnosc-piekno“), „ABC of a Young Strongman“ (1965, Stanislaw Zakrzewski, „ABC mlodego silacza“), Czechoslovakian „Through bodybuilding to strengh, sanity and beauty“ (1969, Michal Jablonski, Šport, Bratislava).
It were Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary to start bodybuilding in the socialist countries frist. Bodybuilders of these countries organized local competitons and sometimes competed in between. New famous names appeared such as 1967 Czechoslovakia Champion JURAJ VYSNY.
There was a number of various level bodybuilding contests organized in Lithuania every year. In 1966 competitions were held in the open air at Kaunas sea region and Palanga Baltic sea bay. With the words of „Power, beauty and health“ the first big contest was organized in 1967 in Kaunas „Sporto hale“. Very big crowd of spectators came to see the 1968 competition in Vilnius Vingio Park.
First to visit the mentioned countries from the USSR were the Lithuanians. In 1968 Lithuania Kaunas „Azuolas Gym“ bodybuilders went to Warszawa to compete with „Herkules Gym“ athletes. The Lithuanians were led by VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS and the Polish team by EUGENIUSZ PAWLOK.
Being in Poland the bodybuilders of the Socialist Countries saw the first time a „Western“ bodybuilder. It was EINO AKKILA from Sweeden who was having rest at the sea coast in the Polish Sopot resort. EINO AKKILA came to Poland just after winning the short category at the 1968 IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Europe Championship in Belgium.
Also in April 17, 1968 the first in the USSR International Contest was organized. It was held in Lithuania Kaunas City and national teams of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia participated there. The competiton lasted two days and six thousand spectators filled the biggest hall of the city. The event was televised by the National television of Lithuania and that made bodybuilding even more popular. The category winners were KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Lithuania), ANDRZEJ LASKOWSKI (Poland) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Lithuania). Then the over all Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Vilnius, Lithuania).
Right after that the first „Amber Prix International“ (1968, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») contest was held in Lithuanian Klaipeda. The category winners were KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS. Again the over all Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS. Today „Amber Prix International“ is the World‘s oldest recognized traditional International bodybuilding competition.
Every day bodybuilding became more stronger and more popular. More competitoons were organized and new names came in public. It needed to have definite leadership to give some order for the movement. On April 17, 1968 during the contest in Kaunas the „USSR Social Bodybuilding Committee“ («Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике СССР») was established. At this event participated representatives of the following Socialist Countries: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The positions of the committee members were the folowing:
1. ROMAN MOROZ, Moscow, Russia
2. VLADIMIR PETROV, Moscow, Russia
3. GENADIJ BALDIN, Moscow, Russia
4. VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS, Vilnius, Lithuania
5. VALERIJ KOREŠKOV, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Along with the Executive Council a number of Committee Members were ellected:
6. FIODOR MANKO, Leningrad, Russia
7. ELEONORA VOLOKONCEVA, Leningrad, Russia
8. VALERIJ SEMIONOV, Tiumen, Russia
11.ERVIN LIBERT, Tallin, Estonia.
The „USSR Social Bodybuilding Committee“ collected information about the bodybuilding gyms in the socialist countries and coordinated contests.
Then it was a calm and productive period of the USSR bodybuilding.
To set the future goals on August 31, 1968 the „USSR Social Bodybuilding Committee“ gatheres again. It was Lithuanian Klaipeda city. At this event participated representatives of the following Socialist Countries: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Azerbajan. At this meeting participated majority of the committee members and members of the executive council:
- GENADIJ BALDIN, Moscow, Russia
- VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS, Vilnius, Lithuania
- VALERIJ KOREŠKOV, Vilnius, Lithuania
- VALERIJ SEMIONOV, Tiumen, Russia
Also at the meeting were present: VLADIMIR AVANESOV (Baku, Azerbjan), VLADIMIR ILIOSHIN (Leningrad, Russia), JEVGENIJ KOLTUN (Tiumen, Russia), ALEKSEJ CERNAVIN (Omsk, Russia), JUOZAS JUSEVICIUS (Kaunas, Lithuania).
It came as a tradition and in 1969-1970 the „Amber Prix International“ contests were organized in Klaipeda. Then the over all winners were: in 1969 ANTANAS MINEIKIS (Klaipeda, Lithuania) and in 1970 VLADIMIR DUBININ (Leningrad, Russia).
On November 15, 1970 the first noticable International contest was held in Tallinn (Estonia). Teams of Estonia, Russia and Liethuania participated there. The over all Champion was Estonian bodybuilder ARVO MERE, who won against the debiutant VLADIMIR DUBININ from Leningrad (Russia).
Suddenly due to political reasons in 1971 the bodybuilding activities in the USSR and other socialist countries were stopped. For many years the Communist regime prohibited and prosecuted the bodybuilding.
More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt ), WPSF World Power Sports Federation.