03-08-2009, 08:33 PM
Сегодня мы получили письмо из Ирана.
Участник международных турниров ВФФ-ВББФ АЛИ РЕЗА РАСА намерен выступить и в 2009 году:
Dear Sir,
It is hereby to inform you that Mr. Alireza Rasa is the world champion of fitness in 2008 and the third place of Professional World Fitness Competition in 2007 and the only person in Asia, who beholds the professional fitness certificate device from World Fitness Federation, is intrested in taking part in WFF events in 2009.
I, as his managing director, need to know if it is possible for us to register him and his professional team for the upcoming events or not, deu to he is not an official member of Iran Fitness Federation.
As far as the reputation of WFF is concerened, I want to know if he can become an official member of WFF ?
In attachment, I send you his Professional Resume .
hope to hear you soon .
Best Regards:
Hesan Etemadi
Director and manager
Участник международных турниров ВФФ-ВББФ АЛИ РЕЗА РАСА намерен выступить и в 2009 году:
Dear Sir,
It is hereby to inform you that Mr. Alireza Rasa is the world champion of fitness in 2008 and the third place of Professional World Fitness Competition in 2007 and the only person in Asia, who beholds the professional fitness certificate device from World Fitness Federation, is intrested in taking part in WFF events in 2009.
I, as his managing director, need to know if it is possible for us to register him and his professional team for the upcoming events or not, deu to he is not an official member of Iran Fitness Federation.
As far as the reputation of WFF is concerened, I want to know if he can become an official member of WFF ?
In attachment, I send you his Professional Resume .
hope to hear you soon .
Best Regards:
Hesan Etemadi
Director and manager