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In 1990 U.S.S.R. bodybuilding was tightly connected with the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders). In 1990 I.F.B.B. federation was celebrating it‘s 20 years anyversary (I.F.B.B. was created by the F.I.H.C. (F.I.H.C., Federation Internationale Halterophile et Culturiste) General Secretary OSCAR STATE in 1970 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia). Most all sports athletes of Lithuania did not participe at the official U.S.S.R. Championships and the U.S.S.R. National Teams under request of the National Olympic Committee of the Lithuanian SSR (L.T.O.K., Lietuvos Tautinis Olimpinis Komitetas, Национальный Олимпийский комитет Литовской ССР). But not all bodybuilders followed this N.O.C. request. In 1990 U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated at the I.F.B.B. World Championship in Kuala Lampur (Malaysia). As it was in 1989 during the I.F.B.B. World Championship in Paris (France) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was invited to Malaysia as a personal quest of the I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER.  As it was in 1989 during the I.F.B.B. World Championship in Paris (France) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS could take any Lithuanian SSR represitative to accompany him. This time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took RAMUTIS KAIRAITIS with him as in 1989 Vice President «U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation»  («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS behaved rude in Paris. Representatives of the Lithuanian SSR went to Malaysia separate of the U.S.S.R. National Team.
One hundred bodybuilders participated at the 1990 I.F.B.B. World Championship. The contest was very pompastic. For organization of the contest was done huge work of the I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA (Singapore). As USA sport specialist BOB GOLDMAN explained, the Malaysia Prime Minister MOHAMAD MAHATHIR gave 3.400 million USA dollars state money for the contest. Also he was present at the competition too. World Championship Category Winners were: EL AMAWY (Egypt), JOSEF DAWSON (USA), WILHELM JASINOWSKI (Germany), ALQ GURLAY (USA), AHIM ALBRECHT (Germany).
After 1990 I.F.B.B. World Championship in Malaysia in order to continue the dialogue with DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER invited him as his personal quest to 1990 I.F.B.B. professional „Miss Olympia“ in New York (USA). That was already the 11-th I.F.B.B. Pro „Miss Olympia“ competition. Many top Professional women bodybuilders left the sport as the new „huge muscle“ generation came on Professional stage. Big muscle road started with LENDA MURRAY. Again as it was at the 1989 I.F.B.B. World Championship in Paris (France) and as it was at the 1990 I.F.B.B. World Championship in Kuala Lampur (Malaysia) BEN WEIDER agreed that DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for negotiations will take one more representative of the Lithuanian Republic. This time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took together the 1981 „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2024) and Category Winner of the 1988 „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Cup“ («Кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»)  Champion SAULIUS MISEVICIUS. 1990 „Miss Olympia“ was held at the New York „Beacon Theatre“.
The negotiations about Lithuania entering the I.F.B.B. separate from the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“  («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.»)  were held in New York „Hemsley“ hotel. The I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER informed DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS about this decission to folow the rules of the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ and not to alow Lithuania to enter the I.F.B.B. steping ove the U.S.S.R..
The places at the 1990 I.F.B.B. „Miss Olympia“ were as it is: first Lenda Murray (USA), second Bev Francis (Australia), third Anja Schreiner (Germany), fourth Laura Creavalle (USA), fifth Jackie Paisley (USA), sixth Sharon Arrildt (USA).
In 1990 there was a big crisis in the I.F.B.B.. I.F.B.B. had no „federation patriots“. Nearly all I.F.B.B. professionals left I.F.B.B.. very active in the new W.B.F. (World Bodybuilding Federation“) were TOM PLATZ and LOU FERRIGNO. Also there were somehow DANNY PADILLA and TONY PEARSON. Famous Pro bodybuildewrs entered newly done federation W.B.F. which was created by American VINCE MAC MAHON. VINCE MAC MAHON made no secret – he wanted to make business of it. In order to collect best professional bodybuilders he declared an uncomparibably very big prize money for bodybuilders. „Joe Weider‘s Olympia“ could not compete with VINCE MAC MAHON‘s  prize money. The biggest success was for GARY STRYDOM. He took 275 000 USA dollars then. He got real money. It was not like it is now – they declare big prize money at Pro contests and athletes receive nothing at all. It is a very good way to fool athlets. Do You know at least one Pro bodybuilder who became rich by winning prize money at contests? We mean real prize money, not of selling „supplements“, narcotics or selling even themselves... (Full Article on Global Site )
It was the first time in the history of the U.S.S.R. to hold European Bodybuilding Championship. It was done in 1990 in Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.). The Category Winners were: women - SUKUPOVA EVA (Czechoslovakian S.S.R.), KLIEBER BETINA (F.R.G., Federal Republic of Germany), MONTEMAGGI CLAUDIA (Italy); men – GROLMUS PAVOL (Czechoslovakian S.S.R.), CARROLL JOHN (Ireland), BARDONI ANGELO (Italy), PAAVO AIN (U.S.S.R., Estonian SSR), HARTL STEFAN (F.R.G.). Full Article on Global Site ).
There were two important happenings around the1990 „Amber Prix International“ (Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2024). The first one was since 1988 lasting negotiations of the Lithuania to enter the I.F.B.B. federation separately from the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.»). Then the process was led by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. The second one was big wish of the „U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport“ («Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.») not to alow Lithuania to enter the I.F.B.B.. This was the reason that together with the 1990 „Amber Prix International“ the „U.S.S.R. Junior Bodybuilding Championship“ («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму среди молодёжи») was held in Klaipeda (Lithuanian Republic). At the contest participated 62 bodybuilders of the National Teams of the folowing countries: R.S.F.S.R., Ukraine SSR, belorussian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR, Kazachstan SSR, Georgian SSR. The Category Winners were: Juniors - SLIVKO SERGEJ (Сливко Сергей, Ukraine SSR), JAKOVLEV PAVEL (Яковлев Павел, R.S.F.S.R.), SOLODKOV KIRIL (Солодков Кирилл, R.S.F.S.R.), KABANOVSKIJ DENIS (Кабановский Денис, R.S.F.S.R.), GAVRILOVIC SERGEJ (Гаврилович Сергей, Belorussian SSR). Over All Junior Champion was proclamed KIRIL SOLODKOV. Winners of the Men Categories were: GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian Republic), BARTKEVICIUS ARVYDAS (Lithuanian Republic), ZUR OLEG (Жур Олег, Lithuanian Republic), REPSYS EDMUNDAS (Lithuanian Republic), KAZAKEVICIUS REMIGIJUS (Lithuanian Republic). Over All Winner was OLEG ZUR. First time in the history of the „Amber Prix International“ women bodybuilders participated at the contest. Category Winners were: JEGOROVA ANNA (Егорова Анна, Lithuanian Republic), MURNIKOVIENE NATALIA (Мурниковене Духович Наталия, Duchovic, Lithuanian Republic). Title of the Over All Winner went to NATALIA MURNIKOVIENE. Full Article on Global Site )
Socialist Republic of Lithuania was a part of the U.S.S.R. for several decades. On March 11, 1990 Lithuanian Republic restored it‘s independance. In April, 1990 the U.S.S.R. started economic blockade to young Lithuanian Republic. The blockade lasted 75 days. Most goods could not reach the Country. Especially gasoline and oil products.
Communicating with representatives of various countries DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was explaining to them the political situation of Lithuania.
Aiming to stop the blockade bodybuilders of the D.D.R. (Deutsche Demokratische Republik, G.D.R., German Democratic Republic, Г.Д.Р., Германская Демократическая Республика) sent DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS a number of telegrammes and offered help for the Lithuanian Republic. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS connected with the Government of the republic Lithuania and spoke with the Prime Minister KAZIMIERA PRUNSKIENE. The Prime Minister said „lithuania needs no help. We will manage to solve the problem ourselves“.
In 1990 the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders visited USA. A number of theatric show competitions were organized for them. The event was paid by BILLY PAX. At the same days of the visit the 1990 I.F.B.B. „Miss Olympia“ was held in New York. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS met the representatives of the U.S.S.R. at one of Manhattan‘s hotels. That were R.S.F.R.S. athletes VELIKOIVANENKO BORIS (Борис Великоиваненко), FATEJEV GRIGORIJ (Григорий Фатеев), JASINOVSKI NIKOLAJ (Николай Ясиновский), IVANIUK ALEKSANDR (Александр Иванюк), bodybuilder of the Lithuanian Republic GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик), sportsmen of the Belorussian SSR SKARUB VLADIMIR (Владимир Шкарубо), ALEKSANDROVIC VLADIMIR (Владимир Александрович), BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Валерий Богданович), GRISANOV NIKOLAJ (Николай Гришанов) and bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR UIT INA (Инна Уйт), PAAVO AIN (Айн Пааво).
There were comparitivelly many bodybuilding contests in the Socialist countries in 1990. As the end of the USSR and the Socualist system was closer most bodybuilders lived in their dreames and tried to reach the „Western“ competitions. They could do it only being among the National Team of the USSR. As they were not among the national teams that was the reason that most bodybuilders had to participate at the International Contests in the Socialist countries. In 1990 bodybuilders of Klaipeda bodybuilding federation participated at the competitions in Oradea (Romanian SSR), berlin („Berliner Bar“, GDR, German Democratic republic), Marjanke Lazne and Ruzomberok (Czechoslovakian SSR, „Sandow“, „Trener“, „Diana“).
Bodybuilding was popular sport then. Athletes needed methodical knowlidge. Since DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS started his bodybuilding way in 1969 he translated articles from books ang magazines. The books were a seldom happening as the „Iron Wal“ did not alow it. This way the first magazine „Arnold Schwarzenegger Recommends“ („Arnoldas Švarcenegeris rekomenduoja“ «Арнольд Шварценеггер рекомендует») was printed and spread in 2 000 000 issues. Several decades it was the „ABC“ for several generations. This kind of popularity has no other bodybuilding magazine in the World. After „Arnold Schwarzenegger Recommends“ other magazines were printed and successfully distrubuted: „Training Programmes of World‘s Best Bodybuilders“ («Системы упражнений лучших культуристов мира», „Geriausių pasaulio kultūristų pratimų sistemos“),  „Bodybuilder“ («Культурист», „Kultūristas“), „Bodybuilding Stars Recommends“ („Kultūrizmo žvaigždės rekomenduoja“, «Звёзды культуризма рекомендуют») and other magazines. Totaly 37 magazines.
Best and short words abou the magazines of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS were said by a famous Russian bodybuilder VALERIJ LOKTIONOV: „then the only one source of bodybuilding materials were magazines from Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) and I did my best to get them. That was really the GOLD TIME OF BODYBUILDING“. All bodybuilders used to copy the sport movement in Baltic countries.
(„Когда-то единственным источником для меня было ,,Советский спорт,, и ,,Спортивная жизнь России,,. А еще тогда все ровнялись на Прибалтику. Тогда это было С.С.С.Р. (Федерация культуризма при Комитете физической культуры и спорта г. Клайпеды, Литовская Республика 1991 г.) и я навыписывал оттуда кучу брошур - , «Современный культуризм,», , «Система упражнений лучших культуристов мира,», ,»Увеличение мышечной массы в культуризме,», , «Звезды культуризма рекомендуют,», ,»Арнольд Шварценнегер рекомендует». Золотое время!“).
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