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ИФББ профи Г.Титус создал "свою" организацию в США и желает сотрудничать с международной ВФФ. Для этого он готов приехать на семинар международной ВФФ в Латвию.
Официальный ответ профессионалу ИФББ Титусу по отношениям ВФФ и США:

Dear Friend,
Before we will meet I would like to informe you about the following:
WFF-International is in friendly relations to all federations.
Still WFF-International has no official representative in USA.
In WFF events occasionaly participated teams of Mr.Bob Gruskin (last time in 2003).
Mr.Louis Zwick is a good firiend of us, but he is busy with his own sport projects.
WFF is in friendly position to "Ms.Fitness" represented by Boyko Co.. They also are involved too much in their own projects.
This autumn looking for cooperation Mr.De Milia was addressing WFF-International Vice President Oleg Burinskij. Mr.Burinskij asked him what sport organization De Milia represents and what position he has now there? De Milia dissappeared. We understand that he is acting as a private person only as he is out of IFBB now.
This is what we can say about WFF-International and USA relations for the moment.
Yours faithfully,
Edmundas Daubaras

CrgTitus wrote:
Dear Edmundas,
Would you like me to participate in your trainers seminar on January 28th? I would do this free of charge.
Craig Titus

World Fitness Federation
Edmundas Daubaras
Прошло время, люди осмотрелись по сторонам и... - оказывается США совсем не центр бодибилдинга. Россия - вот где сила!
Ирландия собирается вступить в международную ВФФ:

Hi Edmundas,
Ive just been talking to Dougie Black. My own federation and the I.B.F.A. i would like to join with the W.F.F. also if that is possible.This would join 4 federations together in Ireland and make it the largest body and i could give the competitors in my competitions a large range of opportunities to take themselves to World level at various federations.It would also increase the competative standard and also give the Irish competitors more shows to compete in each year and you could also add Ireland to your list of federations. If that is at all possible i would also like to invite you to join my federation with the same aim of joining federations together and creating more oppotunities for our competitors.This we can talk about in more detail when we meet but i would just like to leave the idea with you.
Again, i appreciate all your wisdom and would welcome any more feedback.Thanks again
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Ирландия собирается вступить в международную ВФФ:

Hi Edmundas,
Ive just been talking to Dougie Black. My own federation and the I.B.F.A. i would like to join with the W.F.F. also if that is possible.This would join 4 federations together in Ireland and make it the largest body and i could give the competitors in my competitions a large range of opportunities to take themselves to World level at various federations.It would also increase the competative standard and also give the Irish competitors more shows to compete in each year and you could also add Ireland to your list of federations. If that is at all possible i would also like to invite you to join my federation with the same aim of joining federations together and creating more oppotunities for our competitors.This we can talk about in more detail when we meet but i would just like to leave the idea with you.
Again, i appreciate all your wisdom and would welcome any more feedback.Thanks again
Имеет ли отношение "его собственная организация ИБФА" к Филизоле или это обычный бардак царящий в "левых" организациях?
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
andrey Wrote:Прошло время, люди осмотрелись по сторонам и... - оказывается США совсем не центр бодибилдинга. Россия - вот где сила!
(особенно когда рядом литовцы с латышами).
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Сегодня на форуме зарегистрировался президент федерации бодибилдинга Ирландии Робсон Дамиен.
Дамиен решил уйти от междуусобиц федераций и начать работать с международной ВФФ:

Hi everyone,
Being my first post here i would just like to say its a pleasure to be associated finally with a federation that has the best interests of bodybuilding at heart. I would love to be associated with the wff and other such federations and bring bodybuilding together.Bodybuilding in Ireland is getting the brunt of fighting among federations.I have done my upmost to stay away from it even when most NABBA competitors have tried endlessly to bring my federation down.
My aim is to give bodybuilders the rewards they deserve and my efforts so far are working.There has been so many enquiries into my show next year that i cant keep up.I set up my new federation in Ireland with the aim to get as many federations to work together under one banner ( the name i will announce when i register it) and give bodybuilders in ireland more opportunities as they have just been used to unofficial NABBA for years.We have huge potential in Ireland and the wff would benefit greatly with Irelands input and Ireland would benfit greatly with the WFF. So i hope to have a great future with Edmundas and the WFF and see you all at the Worlds.
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Сегодня на форуме зарегистрировался президент федерации бодибилдинга Ирландии Робсон Дамиен.
Дамиен решил уйти от междуусобиц федераций и начать работать с международной ВФФ:

Так в Ирландии половина рабочего населения - литовцы да латыши. Вот ему деваться и некуда - сам пришёл.
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Не буду цитировать писем, чтобы не подвести хорошо известного в нашем спорте американца.
Однако, инфа интересная.
Михаэль Гласс и Роберт Кеннеди (срам, если о них не знаете!) отказались в дальнеёшем иметь дело с ИБФА и Филизолой. Надоели им бардачные соревнования и "организация", которая таковой не является.
Они пишут, что желают сотрудничать "с международной ВФФ (нашей, официальной), считая её самой крупной федерацией в мире на сегодня".
Они удивлены, что до сих пор они не влились в общую работу с международной ВФФ и ждут от нас дружеской инициативы.
Однако, интересно мыслят американские персоны высочайшего уровня!
Значит, скоро их повстречаем на наших международных мероприятиях.
Чемпион мира Хофманского чемпионата (3 декабря).
antanas Wrote:Чемпион мира Хофманского чемпионата (3 декабря).

Оставьте Хофмана в покое. Это уже не вчерашний и даже не позавчерашний день...
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Они удивлены, что до сих пор они не влились в общую работу с международной ВФФ и ждут от нас дружеской инициативы.
Не понял, какую ещё дружескую инициативу они ждут от нас? Мы и так очень дружелюбны, открыты и инициативны.
А Гласс (если я не путаю) ещё в своё время продвинул Ли Хейни.
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Свежая статья из американской печати. "В международную ВФФ вливаются американцы и ВФФ получает неограниченные возможности":

News Flash!
Negotiations were conducted recently between WFF President Edmundas Daubaras and the founders of WPI / MPI in order to discuss and set up the opportunity for each federation's athletes to be recognized and made eligible for competitive status within each others organized structures. WFF is known as the leader in women's fitness competitions in Eastern Europe predominantly the country of Lithuania. Now our own WPI members/athletes will be eligible for competitive status for any WFF sanctioned event as long as the annual fee for a WFF Membership be it amateur or professional, is purchased for that contest season. The same goes for WPI, we now recognize WFF athletes as being our European competitive comrades through the mere purchase of a WPI membership card, either amateur or professional. This partnership among federations will not only give every athlete more contests to participate in, but the opportunity for international exposure for WPI members and exposure in the US market for WFF members. This new ruling goes into effect immediately and will be fully activated for the 2006 contest season! We at WPI want to extend our sincere gratitude to Edmundas Daubaras and the WFF for this amazing opportunity for growth beyond our American borders. This motion to join forces coincides with WPI's mission statement that emphasizes the importance of establishing credibility across the globe and creating the maximum opportunities for exposure and marketability for each athlete. To see more details on the WFF, log onto And purchase both amateur and professional WFF membership cards for 2006 contest season eligibility. Stay tuned for more news and exciting updates about WPI, continuing the excellence and evolution of greatness in female physique competitions!
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Свежая статья из американской печати. "В международную ВФФ вливаются американцы и ВФФ получает неограниченные возможности":

News Flash!
Negotiations were conducted recently between WFF President Edmundas Daubaras and the founders of WPI / MPI in order to discuss and set up the opportunity for each federation's athletes to be recognized and made eligible for competitive status within each others organized structures. WFF is known as the leader in women's fitness competitions in Eastern Europe predominantly the country of Lithuania. Now our own WPI members/athletes will be eligible for competitive status for any WFF sanctioned event as long as the annual fee for a WFF Membership be it amateur or professional, is purchased for that contest season. The same goes for WPI, we now recognize WFF athletes as being our European competitive comrades through the mere purchase of a WPI membership card, either amateur or professional. This partnership among federations will not only give every athlete more contests to participate in, but the opportunity for international exposure for WPI members and exposure in the US market for WFF members. This new ruling goes into effect immediately and will be fully activated for the 2006 contest season! We at WPI want to extend our sincere gratitude to Edmundas Daubaras and the WFF for this amazing opportunity for growth beyond our American borders. This motion to join forces coincides with WPI's mission statement that emphasizes the importance of establishing credibility across the globe and creating the maximum opportunities for exposure and marketability for each athlete. To see more details on the WFF, log onto And purchase both amateur and professional WFF membership cards for 2006 contest season eligibility. Stay tuned for more news and exciting updates about WPI, continuing the excellence and evolution of greatness in female physique competitions!

ВФФ развивается на глазах!
zenia Wrote:
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Свежая статья из американской печати. "В международную ВФФ вливаются американцы и ВФФ получает неограниченные возможности":

News Flash!
Negotiations were conducted recently between WFF President Edmundas Daubaras and the founders of WPI / MPI in order to discuss and set up the opportunity for each federation's athletes to be recognized and made eligible for competitive status within each others organized structures. WFF is known as the leader in women's fitness competitions in Eastern Europe predominantly the country of Lithuania. Now our own WPI members/athletes will be eligible for competitive status for any WFF sanctioned event as long as the annual fee for a WFF Membership be it amateur or professional, is purchased for that contest season. The same goes for WPI, we now recognize WFF athletes as being our European competitive comrades through the mere purchase of a WPI membership card, either amateur or professional. This partnership among federations will not only give every athlete more contests to participate in, but the opportunity for international exposure for WPI members and exposure in the US market for WFF members. This new ruling goes into effect immediately and will be fully activated for the 2006 contest season! We at WPI want to extend our sincere gratitude to Edmundas Daubaras and the WFF for this amazing opportunity for growth beyond our American borders. This motion to join forces coincides with WPI's mission statement that emphasizes the importance of establishing credibility across the globe and creating the maximum opportunities for exposure and marketability for each athlete. To see more details on the WFF, log onto And purchase both amateur and professional WFF membership cards for 2006 contest season eligibility. Stay tuned for more news and exciting updates about WPI, continuing the excellence and evolution of greatness in female physique competitions!

ВФФ развивается на глазах!

В настоящее время международная ВФФ ведёт переговоры и организует встречи с представителями разных спортивных организаций и известных в мире нашего спорта персон США.
На данный момент международная ВФФ ещё не определилась, кто будет её официальным представителем в США. Необходимо учесть много юридических моментов.
ВФФ не может себе позволить "дружеское братание" и разгильдяйство, в котором находятся НАББА, ВАББА, ИБФА и им подобные себя называющие "организациями" братства, юридически больше похожие на застолье любителей пива, нежели на спортивные организации. Тем более на международные.
Смотрю что американцы уже включили все наши соревнования (включая чемпионат Латвии) в свой календарь.
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Ibragim Wrote:Смотрю что американцы уже включили все наши соревнования (включая чемпионат Латвии) в свой календарь.

Интересно, чем эта супер-активная американская суета вокруг ВФФ выльется для самой ВФФ?
Сегодня международная ВФФ получила предложение о сотрудничестве от международной организации фитнеса, которая регистрирована в Венгрии.
ВФФ всегда готова сотрудничать со всеми дружелюбно насторенными организациями:

Dear Edmundas,
I have received invitations for 2 top athletes from WFF to the International Fitness Federation's Fitness Woman World Grand Prix.
They are open for a mutual collaboration to open for athletes to compete between the IFF and WFF, their chief coordinator Edit Lynch will directly get in touch with you about this.
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Сегодня международная ВФФ получила предложение о сотрудничестве от международной организации фитнеса, которая регистрирована в Венгрии.
ВФФ всегда готова сотрудничать со всеми дружелюбно насторенными организациями:

Dear Edmundas,
I have received invitations for 2 top athletes from WFF to the International Fitness Federation's Fitness Woman World Grand Prix.
They are open for a mutual collaboration to open for athletes to compete between the IFF and WFF, their chief coordinator Edit Lynch will directly get in touch with you about this.

Словом, движение и суета вокруг ВФФ продолжается. А то, что американцы считают ВФФ самой крупной в мире на сегодня - это тоже не пустые слова!
С наступающими праздниками всех Вас!!!
ИФФ предлагает начать сотрудничество с международной ВФФ:

Dear Edmundas Daubaras,
Thank you for your invitation for cooperation with the International Fitness Federation( IFF), we are also open to collaborate, as we also feel it is important to promote fitness on as wide scale as possible.
As you have already set up an association with Mr Ladislav Sandor who is also a member of IFF, it will be easy to work out some possibilities for cooperation.
For first step we were thinking to invite one or two of the top athletes from you federation to our upcoming FitnessWoman World Grand Prix that will take place in Bucharest January 28. It is a small exclusive competition with only 12 top athletes, a program that will be aired by EUROSPORT, all expenses paid, airfare hotel and meals, and minimum 3000 USD cash prizes wil be given out.
In our competition the girls are not too muscular, the gymnastic routine needs to be on a fairly high level, and the beauty of the face is also important criteria.
Please let us know if you would like to take this opportunity as first step to cooperating with IFF.
Wishing you a Successful Great New Year!!!
Best regards,
Edit Lynch
Chief coordinator IFF
edmundas daubaras Wrote:ИФФ предлагает начать сотрудничество с международной ВФФ:

Dear Edmundas Daubaras,
Thank you for your invitation for cooperation with the International Fitness Federation( IFF), we are also open to collaborate, as we also feel it is important to promote fitness on as wide scale as possible.
As you have already set up an association with Mr Ladislav Sandor who is also a member of IFF, it will be easy to work out some possibilities for cooperation.
For first step we were thinking to invite one or two of the top athletes from you federation to our upcoming FitnessWoman World Grand Prix that will take place in Bucharest January 28. It is a small exclusive competition with only 12 top athletes, a program that will be aired by EUROSPORT, all expenses paid, airfare hotel and meals, and minimum 3000 USD cash prizes wil be given out.
In our competition the girls are not too muscular, the gymnastic routine needs to be on a fairly high level, and the beauty of the face is also important criteria.
Please let us know if you would like to take this opportunity as first step to cooperating with IFF.
Wishing you a Successful Great New Year!!!
Best regards,
Edit Lynch
Chief coordinator IFF

Время для соревнований не удачное - конец января...
edmundas daubaras Wrote:ИФФ предлагает начать сотрудничество с международной ВФФ:

Dear Edmundas Daubaras,
Thank you for your invitation for cooperation with the International Fitness Federation( IFF), we are also open to collaborate, as we also feel it is important to promote fitness on as wide scale as possible.
As you have already set up an association with Mr Ladislav Sandor who is also a member of IFF, it will be easy to work out some possibilities for cooperation.
For first step we were thinking to invite one or two of the top athletes from you federation to our upcoming FitnessWoman World Grand Prix that will take place in Bucharest January 28. It is a small exclusive competition with only 12 top athletes, a program that will be aired by EUROSPORT, all expenses paid, airfare hotel and meals, and minimum 3000 USD cash prizes wil be given out.
In our competition the girls are not too muscular, the gymnastic routine needs to be on a fairly high level, and the beauty of the face is also important criteria.
Please let us know if you would like to take this opportunity as first step to cooperating with IFF.
Wishing you a Successful Great New Year!!!
Best regards,
Edit Lynch
Chief coordinator IFF

"... и красота лица - также важные критерии. " - Спорный и совершенно "неспортивный" критерий, который тем не менее играет косвенную роль и в наших соревнованиях.
Хотя об этом не говориться вслух как у венгров.
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
[nu u vas latysei polnyj bordak. na evrope byla tretyej. burinskyj sdelal cetviortoj.polnyj bordak .u latyswei/
q-rent Wrote:[nu u vas latysei polnyj bordak. na evrope byla tretyej. burinskyj sdelal cetviortoj.polnyj bordak .u latyswei/

my uvazajem burinskyj davyt na lytovcev .my jemu eto ne prostym/
q-rent Wrote:
q-rent Wrote:[nu u vas latysei polnyj bordak. na evrope byla tretyej. burinskyj sdelal cetviortoj.polnyj bordak .u latyswei/

my uvazajem burinskyj davyt na lytovcev .my jemu eto ne prostym/
Простите его (хотя бы в честь Нового Года), уважаемый (уважаемая) парламентёр от Литвы q-rent :D
А то на следующей Европе станете пятой... :cry:
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Сегодня международную ВФФ пригласили принять участие на качковском форуме Словении:

I am the owner of the biggest Slovenian forum. From todaz on we also have
international corner.
You are welcome to post any news from WFF. (like competitpons in 2006,
resaults, news about federation...)
takas Wrote:Сегодня международную ВФФ пригласили принять участие на качковском форуме Словении:

I am the owner of the biggest Slovenian forum. From todaz on we also have
international corner.
You are welcome to post any news from WFF. (like competitpons in 2006,
resaults, news about federation...)
Я бы тоже поучаствовал, да вот в последнее время стал совсем плохо понимать по словенски...
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Ibragim Wrote:
takas Wrote:Сегодня международную ВФФ пригласили принять участие на качковском форуме Словении:

I am the owner of the biggest Slovenian forum. From todaz on we also have
international corner.
You are welcome to post any news from WFF. (like competitpons in 2006,
resaults, news about federation...)
Я бы тоже поучаствовал, да вот в последнее время стал совсем плохо понимать по словенски...

По моему, там всё на английском.
nina Wrote:Я бы тоже поучаствовал, да вот в последнее время стал совсем плохо понимать по словенски...

По моему, там всё на английском.[/quote]

Тогда уж лучше по словенски - будет более понятно. :D
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Ibragim Wrote:
nina Wrote:Я бы тоже поучаствовал, да вот в последнее время стал совсем плохо понимать по словенски...

По моему, там всё на английском.

Тогда уж лучше по словенски - будет более понятно. :D[/quote]

Ибрагим проснулся первым!
Дык я особо и не ложился...
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:

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