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Model Fitness became very popular and there are lots of various level Model Contests World Wide.
On 2005 World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) started annual Official Contests:
World Model Fitness Championships
Europe Model Fitness Championships Open (“Open’ means possible participation of the Athletes representing all Continents).
Nearest Official Contests that are supported by the Governments of the organizing Countries:
2008 WFF World Model Fitness Championship: October 18, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2008 WFF Europe Model Fitness Championship Open, May 16-18, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Together with the above Contests WFF holds many International Model Fitness Competitions in various Countries too.
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E.Sendriene Wrote:Model Fitness became very popular and there are lots of various level Model Contests World Wide.
On 2005 World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) started annual Official Contests:
World Model Fitness Championships
Europe Model Fitness Championships Open (“Open’ means possible participation of the Athletes representing all Continents).
Nearest Official Contests that are supported by the Governments of the organizing Countries:
2008 WFF World Model Fitness Championship: October 18, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2008 WFF Europe Model Fitness Championship Open, May 16-18, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Together with the above Contests WFF holds many International Model Fitness Competitions in various Countries too.
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Today we received a call from Poland.
President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI informed about the coming meeting with the President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ and invited the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to be present ther too.
EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS plans to visit City Bydgoszcz this week on his way to the International Contest in Ausrtia.
WFF-International Official Information Only
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WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a call from Poland.
President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI informed about the coming meeting with the President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ and invited the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to be present ther too.
EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS plans to visit City Bydgoszcz this week on his way to the International Contest in Ausrtia.
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In March 2008 the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS visited Poland, Austria and Czech Republic. A number of official meetings took place in these countries.
POLAND (Bydgoszcz)
At the Headquarters President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ the official meeting was held.
City Bydgoszcz is organizing 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships (November 14-16).
As You know last year during the 2008 WFF World Championships visiting the Parliament Lithuania the President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ received the Flag of WFF-International.
This time at the meeting were present:
Vice President City Bydgoszcz BOLESLAV GRYGOREWICZ
President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS
Poland Sport and Tourism Official KAZIMIERZ DROZD
Vice President WFF Poland for Disabled Sports ANDRZEY OFCZINSKI
A number of serious questions were discussed.
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wff_Edita.S Wrote:In March 2008 the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS visited Poland, Austria and Czech Republic. A number of official meetings took place in these countries.
POLAND (Bydgoszcz)
At the Headquarters President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ the official meeting was held.
City Bydgoszcz is organizing 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships (November 14-16).
As You know last year during the 2008 WFF World Championships visiting the Parliament Lithuania the President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ received the Flag of WFF-International.
This time at the meeting were present:
Vice President City Bydgoszcz BOLESLAV GRYGOREWICZ
President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS
Poland Sport and Tourism Official KAZIMIERZ DROZD
Vice President WFF Poland for Disabled Sports ANDRZEY OFCZINSKI
A number of serious questions were discussed.
It was a good job that was done in Poland.
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Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America Jorge Cedale wrote:
Dear Ed
I hope you are well and in a good health.
Have you already got he place for november the 15th
amateur world championship?
Fernanda will be competing in October in Poland and I have a Brazilian girl
(NABBA world champion) who will compete in the pro in
So if you have the place for the amateur that would
help me a lot the get the air tickets in advance.
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WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America Jorge Cedale wrote:
Dear Ed
I hope you are well and in a good health.
Have you already got he place for november the 15th
amateur world championship?
Fernanda will be competing in October in Poland and I have a Brazilian girl
(NABBA world champion) who will compete in the pro in
So if you have the place for the amateur that would
help me a lot the get the air tickets in advance.
The answer was:
Dear Jorge,
WFF-WBBF Poland has real wish to make both WFF and WBBF Amateur Worlds in Poland (November 14-16, Bydgoszcz).
This is the date and place.
On April 12, 2008 I will attend FIBO in Germany.
Going there I will visit the President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ and receive the final answer.
But I do not think something changes.
Poland wants a great Show and making WFF only it is not possible...
I wish You energy and success,
Yours friend,
WFF-International Official Information Only
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WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America Jorge Cedale wrote:
Dear Ed
I hope you are well and in a good health.
Have you already got he place for november the 15th
amateur world championship?
Fernanda will be competing in October in Poland and I have a Brazilian girl
(NABBA world champion) who will compete in the pro in
So if you have the place for the amateur that would
help me a lot the get the air tickets in advance.
The answer was:
Dear Jorge,
WFF-WBBF Poland has real wish to make both WFF and WBBF Amateur Worlds in Poland (November 14-16, Bydgoszcz).
This is the date and place.
On April 12, 2008 I will attend FIBO in Germany.
Going there I will visit the President City Bydgoszcz KONSTANTY DOMBROWICZ and receive the final answer.
But I do not think something changes.
Poland wants a great Show and making WFF only it is not possible...
I wish You energy and success,
Yours friend,
This will be a great contest in my country. We are waiting for it very much.
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2005 WFF Europe Championship.
Representatives Team Finland.
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E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:2005 WFF Europe Championship.
Representatives Team Finland.
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The Poster
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As the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Championship is closer, press Poland writes about it more often.
This is an article about the meeting of the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Minister Sport Poland.
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Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE writes:
Dear Ed
I just wanted you to know that I am preparing a strong team to compete in Poland in WFF World Championship next November.
Question is: Is there from your point of any
particular contest (amateur or pro) to send some South American competitors before that one?
You mentioned a professional one in Las Vegas? I would like also your input about the Austrian contest and the Romanian one?
Thank you so much,
Sincerely yours
Jorge Cedale
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WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE writes:
Dear Ed
I just wanted you to know that I am preparing a strong team to compete in Poland in WFF World Championship next November.
Question is: Is there from your point of any
particular contest (amateur or pro) to send some South American competitors before that one?
You mentioned a professional one in Las Vegas? I would like also your input about the Austrian contest and the Romanian one?
Thank you so much,
Sincerely yours
Jorge Cedale
In April ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER picture exhibition was organized by the Austria Governmental Institutions at FIBO in Essen (Germany).
Later this picture exhibition was given by Austria to the WFF-WBBF International to exhibit at the 2008 WFF-WBBF International Events in Lithuania (held in May).
WFF-WBBF plans to organize the ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER picture exhibition in Latvia and Estonia as well.
Later in autumn it will go to Prague (Czech) the be exhibited at the 2008 WFF Pro World Championships (October) and to Poland to be exhibited at the 2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships (November).
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Dita Wrote:In April ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER picture exhibition was organized by the Austria Governmental Institutions at FIBO in Essen (Germany).
Later this picture exhibition was given by Austria to the WFF-WBBF International to exhibit at the 2008 WFF-WBBF International Events in Lithuania (held in May).
WFF-WBBF plans to organize the ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER picture exhibition in Latvia and Estonia as well.
Later in autumn it will go to Prague (Czech) the be exhibited at the 2008 WFF Pro World Championships (October) and to Poland to be exhibited at the 2008 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships (November).
That's interesting! :roll:
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Today we received a letter from Poland.
President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI writes, that the date of the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships is changed from November 15 to November 7-8.
Poland wants to otganize the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships in the New City Opera Palace, but the Palace is free only on those dates:
Edmundas Daubaras
Prezydent World Fitness Federation
W imieniu Komitetu Organizacyjnego Mistrzostw Świata w fitness sportowym w Bydgoszczy (World Fitness Championship - Bydgoszcz 2008) zwracam się z pytaniem, czy możliwa jest zmiana terminu mistrzostw z 17-18 listopada na termin 8-9 listopada 2008 roku.
Zmiana ta jest spowodowana jest tym, że Opera Bydgoska, w której mają się odbyć finały mistrzostw, ma zakontraktowany termin 17-18.11.2008r. Możliwe jest natomiast zarezerwowanie terminu w dniach 8-9 listopada 2008r. na przeprowadzenie zawodów.
Andrzej Maciejewski
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WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Poland.
President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI writes, that the date of the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships is changed from November 15 to November 7-8.
Poland wants to otganize the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships in the New City Opera Palace, but the Palace is free only on those dates:
Edmundas Daubaras
Prezydent World Fitness Federation
W imieniu Komitetu Organizacyjnego Mistrzostw Świata w fitness sportowym w Bydgoszczy (World Fitness Championship - Bydgoszcz 2008) zwracam się z pytaniem, czy możliwa jest zmiana terminu mistrzostw z 17-18 listopada na termin 8-9 listopada 2008 roku.
Zmiana ta jest spowodowana jest tym, że Opera Bydgoska, w której mają się odbyć finały mistrzostw, ma zakontraktowany termin 17-18.11.2008r. Możliwe jest natomiast zarezerwowanie terminu w dniach 8-9 listopada 2008r. na przeprowadzenie zawodów.
Andrzej Maciejewski
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Today we received a letter from Cyprus.
Team WFF-WBBF Cyprus is planning to participate in Poland and India:
Hello Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
Thank you for the Update ...
We are bouth comeing to your International Contests .
We are interested on the November 28-30 Contest in India.
If it will be able economicaly we will love to come as well at the earlier Contest, November 7-9, Poland.
We will let you now when the time will be closer to the Contests.
Best Regards!
Mona & Marios
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WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Cyprus.
Team WFF-WBBF Cyprus is planning to participate in Poland and India:
Hello Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
Thank you for the Update ...
We are bouth comeing to your International Contests .
We are interested on the November 28-30 Contest in India.
If it will be able economicaly we will love to come as well at the earlier Contest, November 7-9, Poland.
We will let you now when the time will be closer to the Contests.
Best Regards!
Mona & Marios
plain, very plain..
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E.Sendriene Wrote:Model Fitness became very popular and there are lots of various level Model Contests World Wide.
On 2005 World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) started annual Official Contests:
World Model Fitness Championships
Europe Model Fitness Championships Open (“Open’ means possible participation of the Athletes representing all Continents).
Nearest Official Contests that are supported by the Governments of the organizing Countries:
2008 WFF World Model Fitness Championship: October 18, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2008 WFF Europe Model Fitness Championship Open, May 16-18, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Together with the above Contests WFF holds many International Model Fitness Competitions in various Countries too.
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Today the meeting of the Organizing Committee World Championship and Members WFF-WBBF International Executive council was held in Vilnius.
The participants agreed that the first half of the year was positive:
1. All 23 WFF-WBBF International Contests in various countries, among them Europe Championships and “Amber Prix International” were very successful.
2. The participants underlined the positive attitude to the WFF-WBBF activities of the High State Institutions (Government, Parliament) and Olympic Committee too.
3. The coming extra level International Events require great attention and much work:
a.WFF Pro World Championship (October 26, Prague, Czech Republic)
b.WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships (November 7-9, Bydgoszcz, Poland)
c.WBBF Pro World Championship (November 22, Vilnius, Lithuania)
d.WFF-WBBF Pro and Amateur “Universe” World Grand Prix (November 28-30, Mumbay, India).
In 2008 WFF-WBBF International organizes over 60 International Contests World Wide.
More info:
WFF-International Official Information Only
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WFF secretary service Wrote:Today the meeting of the Organizing Committee World Championship and Members WFF-WBBF International Executive council was held in Vilnius.
The participants agreed that the first half of the year was positive:
1. All 23 WFF-WBBF International Contests in various countries, among them Europe Championships and “Amber Prix International” were very successful.
2. The participants underlined the positive attitude to the WFF-WBBF activities of the High State Institutions (Government, Parliament) and Olympic Committee too.
3. The coming extra level International Events require great attention and much work:
a.WFF Pro World Championship (October 26, Prague, Czech Republic)
b.WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships (November 7-9, Bydgoszcz, Poland)
c.WBBF Pro World Championship (November 22, Vilnius, Lithuania)
d.WFF-WBBF Pro and Amateur “Universe” World Grand Prix (November 28-30, Mumbay, India).
In 2008 WFF-WBBF International organizes over 60 International Contests World Wide.
More info:
big plans!
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Today we received a call from Russia.
Director WFF-WBBF Pro League ANDREJ BASOV (Russia) told us he is coming to Lithuania at the end of the July. He will set important International questions with the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Russia plans to participate at the WFF-International Contest in Austria (Graz, September 27) and WFF Pro World in Czech (Prague, October 26).
For the following great Events Russia has big and numerous teams with top World Class sportsmen:
WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland (Bydgoszcz, November 7-9), WBBF Pro World Championships in Lithuania (Vilnius, November 22) and WFF-WBBF “Universe” Grand Prix in India (Mumbay, November 28-30).
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WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a call from Russia.
Director WFF-WBBF Pro League ANDREJ BASOV (Russia) told us he is coming to Lithuania at the end of the July. He will set important International questions with the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Russia plans to participate at the WFF-International Contest in Austria (Graz, September 27) and WFF Pro World in Czech (Prague, October 26).
For the following great Events Russia has big and numerous teams with top World Class sportsmen:
WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland (Bydgoszcz, November 7-9), WBBF Pro World Championships in Lithuania (Vilnius, November 22) and WFF-WBBF “Universe” Grand Prix in India (Mumbay, November 28-30).
Everything is supoer!
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Alicija Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a call from Russia.
Director WFF-WBBF Pro League ANDREJ BASOV (Russia) told us he is coming to Lithuania at the end of the July. He will set important International questions with the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS.
Russia plans to participate at the WFF-International Contest in Austria (Graz, September 27) and WFF Pro World in Czech (Prague, October 26).
For the following great Events Russia has big and numerous teams with top World Class sportsmen:
WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championships in Poland (Bydgoszcz, November 7-9), WBBF Pro World Championships in Lithuania (Vilnius, November 22) and WFF-WBBF “Universe” Grand Prix in India (Mumbay, November 28-30).
Everything is supoer!
this is correct
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Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE writes:
Dear Ed
You have clearly transmitted my way of thinking regarding to this doomed event.
They didn´t trust us and that was the result.
Most people still don´t realize how powerful WFF and WBBF have become.
Others do and the number is growing every day.
I am at your side, sending the strongest South American team to compete in next World Championships and Universe in Mumbai.
Your friend
President WFF WBBF
South American Countries
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WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Argentina.
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE writes:
Dear Ed
You have clearly transmitted my way of thinking regarding to this doomed event.
They didn´t trust us and that was the result.
Most people still don´t realize how powerful WFF and WBBF have become.
Others do and the number is growing every day.
I am at your side, sending the strongest South American team to compete in next World Championships and Universe in Mumbai.
Your friend
President WFF WBBF
South American Countries
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WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Poland.
President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI writes, that the date of the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships is changed from November 15 to November 7-8.
Poland wants to otganize the 2008 WFF-WBBF World Amateur Championships in the New City Opera Palace, but the Palace is free only on those dates:
Edmundas Daubaras
Prezydent World Fitness Federation
W imieniu Komitetu Organizacyjnego Mistrzostw Świata w fitness sportowym w Bydgoszczy (World Fitness Championship - Bydgoszcz 2008) zwracam się z pytaniem, czy możliwa jest zmiana terminu mistrzostw z 17-18 listopada na termin 8-9 listopada 2008 roku.
Zmiana ta jest spowodowana jest tym, że Opera Bydgoska, w której mają się odbyć finały mistrzostw, ma zakontraktowany termin 17-18.11.2008r. Możliwe jest natomiast zarezerwowanie terminu w dniach 8-9 listopada 2008r. na przeprowadzenie zawodów.
Andrzej Maciejewski
this is important information for all sportsmen