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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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In the sixties of the last century the greatest bodybuilding propaganda in the U.S.S.R. was made by the Estonian weightlifter GEORG TENNO (Георгий Тэнно, 1911 - 1967). GEORG TENNO was a former navy officer and participant of the Second World War. In 1948 due to a false accusement of spying against the U.S.S.R. GEORG TENNO was arrested and sentenced to eight years imprisonment. It happened that GEORG TENNO was placed in the same prison cell together with the U.S.S.R. disident ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN  (Александр Солженицын). During the imprisonment GEORG TENNO made five unsuccessfull attempts to run away. There is a story about GEORG TENNO in the famous book of ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN „Arkhipelag Gulag“ named „The Runaway“ “ («Убежденный беглец»). About GEORG TENNO ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN wrote: „He was the most stronger and the most brave of us...“. In 1970 Nobel Committee awarded ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN with the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Ending the fifties of the last century GEORGIJ TENNO was released from the prison. He started working at the U.S.S.R. Institute of Scientific Studies of the Physical Culture (В.Н.И.И.Ф.К., Всесоюзный научно исследовательский институт физической культуры).
GEORG TENNO первый в С.С.С.Р. открыл для всех и культуризм, и атлетизм и гантельную гимнастику. Под страшной цензурой К.П.С.С. он находил возможность в 60-е годы двадцатого столетия написать, что занятия гантельной гимнастикой, штангой, блочными приспособлениями могут в короткий срок увеличить силу, и выносливость, приобрести атлетическую фигуру, исправить некоторые дефекты телосложения, приобрести здоровье. В журнале «Спортивная жизнь России» ему давали мало места для статей, комплексов, но и там он все-таки находил много поклонников, которые впоследствии и возродили атлетизм в России.
In 1968 GEORG TENNO published his book „The Athletism“ («Атлетизм»). At once it became very popular. The book was full of information: training methods, recupperation after workouts and various diets. At that time this was a unique information. Though GEORG TENNO did not speak about the sources of his knowlidge but it was evident he used various foreign literature. The work at the institute gave him such opportunities. After imprisonment GEORG TENNO knew very well all political moments and he was carefull. Due to this in his book he wrote that „bodybuilding is not to stay in fron of a mirror. Bodybuilding is to strenthen the muscles that will serve to the country“.
Once VLADIMIR CIUDINOV in the U.S.S.R. popular magazine „Sportivnaja žizn Rossii“ («Спортивная жизнь России») insisted that the U.S.S.R. system of physical culture should accept the bodybuilding methods developed by GEORG TENNO. He speaks how GEORG TENNO translated information from the „West“ literature. Often he just copied the methodical information. GEORG TENNO never saw any diference between the bodybuilding and the „athletism“. Also GEORG TENNO thought that „everybody for himself is the advicer and the trainer“.
Suddenly when the prosecution of bodybuilding started GEORG TENNO  died in an accident. Who knows - maybe it was an accidental death.
To remember GEORG TENNO Estonians started organizing the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно») contest in 1971. Fourteen Memorials were organized until 1989. For long years of the bodybuilding prohibition and prosecution in the Socialist Countries  „Georg Tenno Memorial“ and the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis Prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968-2022) were the only one regular bodybuilding competitions in the Socialist Countries.
Remark: the documents of the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ collected by the President W.F.F. –W.B.B.F. Estonia INNAR MARDO are kept in the archieves of the W.F.F.-W.B.B.F. International Federation.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland. 
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Multiple National Champion of the Estonian SSR bodybuilder INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) since 1974 until 1984 participated at the twenty three competitions. His trainer was called „the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding“ famous INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO brought INDREK OTSUS to the highlights of the Internatioal sport. In 1976, 1977, 1979, 1985 INDREK OTSUS was the winner of the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR). In 1985 he was the Over All Champion of this International contest. In 1981 INDREK OTSUS was the category winner of the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuanian Republic). In 1980, 1981, 1982 he won the International „Trener“ Тренер») contest in Czechoslovakia and in 1981 and in 1982 he was the Over All Champion of this competition. In 1979 INDREK OTSUS won the International contest „Spartacus Cup“Кубок Спартакус») in the Socialist Republic of Hungary. In 1981 INDREK OTSUS was a category winner at the „Comsomol Cup“ („Komjaunimo taurė“, «Кубок комсомола», Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR). For some time in 1987 contemporary President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS lived in Tallinn. Then both INDREK OTSUS and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in 1987.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
34 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR and Ukrainian SSR participated in 1972 at the second „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно»).
Final Results
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Jevgenijus Gorelikas), Lithuanian SSR
3.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
3.    CHARIN ALEKSANDR (Александр Харин), Lithuanian SSR.
At the fifth place was Estonian OLEV ANNUS.
Main Categories
First hight Category
1.    GRIEZE JULIUS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
3.    MURAUSKAS ALGIS, Lithuanian SSR
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIS RICARDAS (Ричард Криницкий), Lithuanian SSR
2.    SUSLENKOV VLADIMIR (Владимир Сусленков), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    NIKIFOROV ALEKSANDR (Александр Никифоров), R.S.F.S.R.
Third Hight Category
1.    DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    ZURCEV EUGENE (Zurcevas Jevgenijus, Евгений Журцев), Lithuanian SSR.
All first places in the categories were taken by the representatives of the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). Only VLADIMIR DUBININ from Russia was an exception. The same result was also in 1974 at the third „Georg Tenno Memorial“. Chairmen of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский).
The 1972 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ Over All Champions were:
Main Categories – VLADIMIR DUBININ.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
34 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR and Ukrainian SSR participated in 1972 at the second „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно»).
Final Results
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Jevgenijus Gorelikas), Lithuanian SSR
3.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
3.    CHARIN ALEKSANDR (Александр Харин), Lithuanian SSR.
At the fifth place was Estonian OLEV ANNUS.
Main Categories
First hight Category
1.    GRIEZE JULIUS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
3.    MURAUSKAS ALGIS, Lithuanian SSR
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIS RICARDAS (Ричард Криницкий), Lithuanian SSR
2.    SUSLENKOV VLADIMIR (Владимир Сусленков), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    NIKIFOROV ALEKSANDR (Александр Никифоров), R.S.F.S.R.
Third Hight Category
1.    DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    ZURCEV EUGENE (Zurcevas Jevgenijus, Евгений Журцев), Lithuanian SSR.
All first places in the categories were taken by the representatives of the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). Only VLADIMIR DUBININ from Russia was an exception. The same result was also in 1974 at the third „Georg Tenno Memorial“. Chairmen of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский).
The 1972 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ Over All Champions were:
Main Categories – VLADIMIR DUBININ.
Due to political reasons after 1971 bodybuilding in Socialist Countries was in problems. Finally in 1973 bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and all Socialist Countries. Bodybuilding activities were prosecuted. The press was full of negative articles about bodybuilding. Competitions were not organized at that time. But there were some exceptions.
Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») a representative of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was the first in all Socialist Countries to break the prohibition of bodybuilding. In 1975 the same did bodybuilding leader of the Czechoslovakian SSR VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала). Then in 1974 INNAR MARDO and his friends started pressing the polititians of the Estonian SSR.  They presented bodybuilding as a national kind of sport in Estonian SSR. They spoke about old Estonian traditions in power sports, strongmen and wrestling. All remembered such known Estonian sport persons as GEORG LURICH (Георг Лурих, 1876 - 1920), GEORG HACKENSCHMIDT  (Георг Гаккеншмидт, 1878 – 1968), Olympic Champion KRISTIAN PALUSALU  (Kristian Trossmann, Кристиан Палусалу, 1908 – 1987).  Estonian GEORG TENNO(Георг Тенно, 1911 - 1967)  for long years on was working at the high sport offices of the U.S.S.R.. This was in 1971 when Estonians started organizing in Tallinn the International „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) competition. The contest was nearly on regular basis and local governments somehow supported it.
Similar to Estonians did the bodybuilders of Czechslovakia. To hide the real bodybuilding basis they added a number of power exercises in their contests.
In Lithuania competitions were held underground and without public. In 1974 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized the fourth historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2022, Klaipeda, Lithuanian Republic). It was held in a city bomb shelter. After this the „Amber Prix“ was organized regularly. In 1976 the International Competition was held in Kalinin (Tver, Russian Federation). The Contest was done in a small city gym. In 1977 an International Contest was organized in a small Lithuanian SSR city Kedainiai and it was held in a small gym too. Lithuanians as well as bodybuilders of other Socialist Countries were hiding the bodybuilding with the power exercises.
In 1974 in Estonian SSR the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R. which was more or less supported by the Government. Though the U.S.S.R. polititians were prohibiting to do this.
(the Article will be continued)
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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Due to political reasons in 1973 bodybuilding was prohibited in the Socialist World. Gyms were closed, competitions not allowed. Many bodybuilders stopped training and organizers left the sport. Due to this in 1973 the „Georg Tenno Momorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») was not organized. The 1974 contest in Estonian SSR was something like a trial – what will happen? The contest was held in public, not underground. Many frightened bodybuilders did not dare to come to Estonian SSR. The organizer of the competition INNAR MARDO (1946 – 2002, Иннар Мардо) was risking as well as the competive bodybuilders. Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“ INNAR MARDO was the first one in the Socialist World who dared to go against the political bodybuilding prohibition. In 1975 VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала) did the same in Czechoslovakian SSR. The 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“  braked the prohibition of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. If all would  be well, then the Estonians could try it again. Anyway, until DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) organized 1978 „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2023, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) -  the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one public bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R.. For all U.S.S.R. bodybuilders this contest was the World Championship, the Europe Championship and the „Mr. Universe“ at the same time.
We do not know what bad happened after the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial‘ in Estonian SSR, but the Estonians could not organize this competition in 1975.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
34 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR and Ukrainian SSR participated in 1972 at the second „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно»).
Final Results
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Jevgenijus Gorelikas), Lithuanian SSR
3.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
3.    CHARIN ALEKSANDR (Александр Харин), Lithuanian SSR.
At the fifth place was Estonian OLEV ANNUS.
Main Categories
First hight Category
1.    GRIEZE JULIUS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
3.    MURAUSKAS ALGIS, Lithuanian SSR
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIS RICARDAS (Ричард Криницкий), Lithuanian SSR
2.    SUSLENKOV VLADIMIR (Владимир Сусленков), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    NIKIFOROV ALEKSANDR (Александр Никифоров), R.S.F.S.R.
Third Hight Category
1.    DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    ZURCEV EUGENE (Zurcevas Jevgenijus, Евгений Журцев), Lithuanian SSR.
All first places in the categories were taken by the representatives of the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). Only VLADIMIR DUBININ from Russia was an exception. The same result was also in 1974 at the third „Georg Tenno Memorial“. Chairmen of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский).
The 1972 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ Over All Champions were:
Main Categories – VLADIMIR DUBININ.
Due to political reasons after 1971 bodybuilding in Socialist Countries was in problems. Finally in 1973 bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and all Socialist Countries. Bodybuilding activities were prosecuted. The press was full of negative articles about bodybuilding. Competitions were not organized at that time. But there were some exceptions.
Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») a representative of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was the first in all Socialist Countries to break the prohibition of bodybuilding. In 1975 the same did bodybuilding leader of the Czechoslovakian SSR VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала). Then in 1974 INNAR MARDO and his friends started pressing the polititians of the Estonian SSR.  They presented bodybuilding as a national kind of sport in Estonian SSR. They spoke about old Estonian traditions in power sports, strongmen and wrestling. All remembered such known Estonian sport persons as GEORG LURICH (Георг Лурих, 1876 - 1920), GEORG HACKENSCHMIDT  (Георг Гаккеншмидт, 1878 – 1968), Olympic Champion KRISTIAN PALUSALU  (Kristian Trossmann, Кристиан Палусалу, 1908 – 1987).  Estonian GEORG TENNO(Георг Тенно, 1911 - 1967)  for long years on was working at the high sport offices of the U.S.S.R.. This was in 1971 when Estonians started organizing in Tallinn the International „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) competition. The contest was nearly on regular basis and local governments somehow supported it.
Similar to Estonians did the bodybuilders of Czechslovakia. To hide the real bodybuilding basis they added a number of power exercises in their contests.
In Lithuania competitions were held underground and without public. In 1974 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized the fourth historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2022, Klaipeda, Lithuanian Republic). It was held in a city bomb shelter. After this the „Amber Prix“ was organized regularly. In 1976 the International Competition was held in Kalinin (Tver, Russian Federation). The Contest was done in a small city gym. In 1977 an International Contest was organized in a small Lithuanian SSR city Kedainiai and it was held in a small gym too. Lithuanians as well as bodybuilders of other Socialist Countries were hiding the bodybuilding with the power exercises.
In 1974 in Estonian SSR the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R. which was more or less supported by the Government. Though the U.S.S.R. polititians were prohibiting to do this.
(the Article will be continued)
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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Due to political reasons in 1973 bodybuilding was prohibited in the Socialist World. Gyms were closed, competitions not allowed. Many bodybuilders stopped training and organizers left the sport. Due to this in 1973 the „Georg Tenno Momorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») was not organized. The 1974 contest in Estonian SSR was something like a trial – what will happen? The contest was held in public, not underground. Many frightened bodybuilders did not dare to come to Estonian SSR. The organizer of the competition INNAR MARDO (1946 – 2002, Иннар Мардо) was risking as well as the competive bodybuilders. Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“ INNAR MARDO was the first one in the Socialist World who dared to go against the political bodybuilding prohibition. In 1975 VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала) did the same in Czechoslovakian SSR. The 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“  braked the prohibition of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. If all would  be well, then the Estonians could try it again. Anyway, until DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) organized 1978 „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2023, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) -  the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one public bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R.. For all U.S.S.R. bodybuilders this contest was the World Championship, the Europe Championship and the „Mr. Universe“ at the same time.
We do not know what bad happened after the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial‘ in Estonian SSR, but the Estonians could not organize this competition in 1975.
27 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Latvian SSR.
First Hight Category
Second Hight Category
3. ARRO ARNE, Estonian SSR
Main Categories
First Hight Category
1. GORELIK JEVGENIJ (Евгений Горелик), Lithuanian SSR
3. TOLSTYCH SERGEJ (Сергей Толстых), R.S.F.S.R.
Second Hight Category
2. LOBACHOV JURIJ (Юрий Лобачёв), R.S.F.S.R.
3. ZURENKO JURI (Юрий Журенко), Lithuanian SSR
Third Hight Category
1. ANNUS OLEV, Estonian SSR
2. DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
3. DUDIN SERGEJ (Сергей Дудин), R.S.F.S.R..
Over All Champions: Juniors SEMION BEREZOVSKIJ, Main Categories PRANAS MURAUSKAS.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
34 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR and Ukrainian SSR participated in 1972 at the second „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно»).
Final Results
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Jevgenijus Gorelikas), Lithuanian SSR
3.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
3.    CHARIN ALEKSANDR (Александр Харин), Lithuanian SSR.
At the fifth place was Estonian OLEV ANNUS.
Main Categories
First hight Category
1.    GRIEZE JULIUS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
3.    MURAUSKAS ALGIS, Lithuanian SSR
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIS RICARDAS (Ричард Криницкий), Lithuanian SSR
2.    SUSLENKOV VLADIMIR (Владимир Сусленков), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    NIKIFOROV ALEKSANDR (Александр Никифоров), R.S.F.S.R.
Third Hight Category
1.    DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    ZURCEV EUGENE (Zurcevas Jevgenijus, Евгений Журцев), Lithuanian SSR.
All first places in the categories were taken by the representatives of the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). Only VLADIMIR DUBININ from Russia was an exception. The same result was also in 1974 at the third „Georg Tenno Memorial“. Chairmen of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский).
The 1972 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ Over All Champions were:
Main Categories – VLADIMIR DUBININ.
Due to political reasons after 1971 bodybuilding in Socialist Countries was in problems. Finally in 1973 bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and all Socialist Countries. Bodybuilding activities were prosecuted. The press was full of negative articles about bodybuilding. Competitions were not organized at that time. But there were some exceptions.
Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») a representative of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was the first in all Socialist Countries to break the prohibition of bodybuilding. In 1975 the same did bodybuilding leader of the Czechoslovakian SSR VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала). Then in 1974 INNAR MARDO and his friends started pressing the polititians of the Estonian SSR.  They presented bodybuilding as a national kind of sport in Estonian SSR. They spoke about old Estonian traditions in power sports, strongmen and wrestling. All remembered such known Estonian sport persons as GEORG LURICH (Георг Лурих, 1876 - 1920), GEORG HACKENSCHMIDT  (Георг Гаккеншмидт, 1878 – 1968), Olympic Champion KRISTIAN PALUSALU  (Kristian Trossmann, Кристиан Палусалу, 1908 – 1987).  Estonian GEORG TENNO(Георг Тенно, 1911 - 1967)  for long years on was working at the high sport offices of the U.S.S.R.. This was in 1971 when Estonians started organizing in Tallinn the International „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) competition. The contest was nearly on regular basis and local governments somehow supported it.
Similar to Estonians did the bodybuilders of Czechslovakia. To hide the real bodybuilding basis they added a number of power exercises in their contests.
In Lithuania competitions were held underground and without public. In 1974 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized the fourth historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2022, Klaipeda, Lithuanian Republic). It was held in a city bomb shelter. After this the „Amber Prix“ was organized regularly. In 1976 the International Competition was held in Kalinin (Tver, Russian Federation). The Contest was done in a small city gym. In 1977 an International Contest was organized in a small Lithuanian SSR city Kedainiai and it was held in a small gym too. Lithuanians as well as bodybuilders of other Socialist Countries were hiding the bodybuilding with the power exercises.
In 1974 in Estonian SSR the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R. which was more or less supported by the Government. Though the U.S.S.R. polititians were prohibiting to do this.
Due to political reasons in 1973 bodybuilding was prohibited in the Socialist World. Gyms were closed, competitions not allowed. Many bodybuilders stopped training and organizers left the sport. Due to this in 1973 the „Georg Tenno Momorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») was not organized. The 1974 contest in Estonian SSR was something like a trial – what will happen? The contest was held in public, not underground. Many frightened bodybuilders did not dare to come to Estonian SSR. The organizer of the competition INNAR MARDO (1946 – 2002, Иннар Мардо) was risking as well as the competive bodybuilders. Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“ INNAR MARDO was the first one in the Socialist World who dared to go against the political bodybuilding prohibition. In 1975 VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала) did the same in Czechoslovakian SSR. The 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“  braked the prohibition of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. If all would  be well, then the Estonians could try it again. Anyway, until DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) organized 1978 „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2023, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) -  the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one public bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R.. For all U.S.S.R. bodybuilders this contest was the World Championship, the Europe Championship and the „Mr. Universe“ at the same time.
We do not know what bad happened after the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial‘ in Estonian SSR, but the Estonians could not organize this competition in 1975.
27 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Latvian SSR.
First Hight Category
1.    MISIURA ARVYDAS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
3.    OTSUS INDREK, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
6.    ARRO ARNE, Estonian SSR
Main Categories
First Hight Category
7.    GORELIK JEVGENIJ (Евгений Горелик), Lithuanian SSR
8.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
9.    TOLSTYCH SERGEJ (Сергей Толстых), R.S.F.S.R.
Second Hight Category
11. LOBACHOV JURIJ (Юрий Лобачёв), R.S.F.S.R.
12. ZURENKO JURI (Юрий Журенко), Lithuanian SSR
Third Hight Category
13. ANNUS OLEV, Estonian SSR
14. DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
15. DUDIN SERGEJ (Сергей Дудин), R.S.F.S.R..
Over All Champions: Juniors SEMION BEREZOVSKIJ, Main Categories PRANAS MURAUSKAS.
(the Article will be continued)
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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Prohibition of bodybuilding sport still was very hard. Due to the prosecution of bodybuilders the Estonians could not organize traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) in 1976. Fare away of public due to the work of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the 1976 „Amber Prix“ Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) was organized in a small city of Telshiai (Lithuanian SSR). In 1976 Russians tried to organize the International contest in Kalinin (now Tver, R.S.F.S.R.), but finally ended illegaly at a local gym withour public and without spectators.
The 1976 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was organized by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 - 2002). There was an intrique at the 1976 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ between OLEV ANNUS (Олев Аннус, Estonian SSR) and STASYS CUKANOVAS (Стасис Цукановас, Lithuanian SSR). In 1976 the illegal International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was held. The contest was organized outside the city in a subburb facory. Again no public, no spectators. OLEV ANNUS was very huge at this competition but out of definition. CESLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич) – the trainer of STASYS CUKANOVAS was preparing his bodybuilder to win at the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ against the Estonian. STASYS CUKANOVAS did his best. When OLEV ANNUS came on the stage all of the present there were in shock. OLEV ANNUS was unbelievably cut. It was the first time in the bodybuilding history of the U.S.S.R. when a bodybuilder used diet. Bodybuilders were in shape only basing o their nature or basing on a tremendous work done at their gyms. For example at the Vilnius „Victoria“ (вильнюсский клуб «Виктория») gym bodybuilders used to do 100 sets in high repetitions that were performed without any rest. Due to OLEV ANNUS a new tomes of the Soviet bodybuilding appeared. Bodybuilders started using diets. The sport was changed basically.
At the contest participated 47 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Ukraine SSR.
Final results
First Hight Category
1. OTSUS INDREK (Estonian SSR)
2. UCKUS BENAS (Lithuanian SSR)
3. KISELIOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Киселёв, Lithuanian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1. DOLGOV BORIS (Борис Долгов, Lithuanian SSR)
Main categories
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    POLIAKOV STANISLAV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIJ RICHARD (Ричард Криницкий, Lithuanian SSR)
3.    ALEKSENKO ALEKSANDR (Александр Алексенко, Ukraine SSR)
Third Hight Category
1.    ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
2.    CUKANOVAS STASYS (Lithuanian SSR)
3.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов, R.S.F.S.R.)
Over All Winners:
Juniors – INDREK OTSUS, Main Categories – OLEV ANNUS.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
34 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR and Ukrainian SSR participated in 1972 at the second „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно»).
Final Results
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Jevgenijus Gorelikas), Lithuanian SSR
3.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
3.    CHARIN ALEKSANDR (Александр Харин), Lithuanian SSR.
At the fifth place was Estonian OLEV ANNUS.
Main Categories
First hight Category
1.    GRIEZE JULIUS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
3.    MURAUSKAS ALGIS, Lithuanian SSR
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIS RICARDAS (Ричард Криницкий), Lithuanian SSR
2.    SUSLENKOV VLADIMIR (Владимир Сусленков), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    NIKIFOROV ALEKSANDR (Александр Никифоров), R.S.F.S.R.
Third Hight Category
1.    DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    ZURCEV EUGENE (Zurcevas Jevgenijus, Евгений Журцев), Lithuanian SSR.
All first places in the categories were taken by the representatives of the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). Only VLADIMIR DUBININ from Russia was an exception. The same result was also in 1974 at the third „Georg Tenno Memorial“. Chairmen of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский).
The 1972 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ Over All Champions were:
Main Categories – VLADIMIR DUBININ.
Due to political reasons after 1971 bodybuilding in Socialist Countries was in problems. Finally in 1973 bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and all Socialist Countries. Bodybuilding activities were prosecuted. The press was full of negative articles about bodybuilding. Competitions were not organized at that time. But there were some exceptions.
Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») a representative of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was the first in all Socialist Countries to break the prohibition of bodybuilding. In 1975 the same did bodybuilding leader of the Czechoslovakian SSR VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала). Then in 1974 INNAR MARDO and his friends started pressing the polititians of the Estonian SSR.  They presented bodybuilding as a national kind of sport in Estonian SSR. They spoke about old Estonian traditions in power sports, strongmen and wrestling. All remembered such known Estonian sport persons as GEORG LURICH (Георг Лурих, 1876 - 1920), GEORG HACKENSCHMIDT  (Георг Гаккеншмидт, 1878 – 1968), Olympic Champion KRISTIAN PALUSALU  (Kristian Trossmann, Кристиан Палусалу, 1908 – 1987).  Estonian GEORG TENNO(Георг Тенно, 1911 - 1967)  for long years on was working at the high sport offices of the U.S.S.R.. This was in 1971 when Estonians started organizing in Tallinn the International „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) competition. The contest was nearly on regular basis and local governments somehow supported it.
Similar to Estonians did the bodybuilders of Czechslovakia. To hide the real bodybuilding basis they added a number of power exercises in their contests.
In Lithuania competitions were held underground and without public. In 1974 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized the fourth historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2022, Klaipeda, Lithuanian Republic). It was held in a city bomb shelter. After this the „Amber Prix“ was organized regularly. In 1976 the International Competition was held in Kalinin (Tver, Russian Federation). The Contest was done in a small city gym. In 1977 an International Contest was organized in a small Lithuanian SSR city Kedainiai and it was held in a small gym too. Lithuanians as well as bodybuilders of other Socialist Countries were hiding the bodybuilding with the power exercises.
In 1974 in Estonian SSR the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R. which was more or less supported by the Government. Though the U.S.S.R. polititians were prohibiting to do this.
Due to political reasons in 1973 bodybuilding was prohibited in the Socialist World. Gyms were closed, competitions not allowed. Many bodybuilders stopped training and organizers left the sport. Due to this in 1973 the „Georg Tenno Momorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») was not organized. The 1974 contest in Estonian SSR was something like a trial – what will happen? The contest was held in public, not underground. Many frightened bodybuilders did not dare to come to Estonian SSR. The organizer of the competition INNAR MARDO (1946 – 2002, Иннар Мардо) was risking as well as the competive bodybuilders. Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“ INNAR MARDO was the first one in the Socialist World who dared to go against the political bodybuilding prohibition. In 1975 VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала) did the same in Czechoslovakian SSR. The 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“  braked the prohibition of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. If all would  be well, then the Estonians could try it again. Anyway, until DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) organized 1978 „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2023, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) -  the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one public bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R.. For all U.S.S.R. bodybuilders this contest was the World Championship, the Europe Championship and the „Mr. Universe“ at the same time.
We do not know what bad happened after the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial‘ in Estonian SSR, but the Estonians could not organize this competition in 1975.
27 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Latvian SSR.
First Hight Category
1.    MISIURA ARVYDAS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
3.    OTSUS INDREK, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
6.    ARRO ARNE, Estonian SSR
Main Categories
First Hight Category
7.    GORELIK JEVGENIJ (Евгений Горелик), Lithuanian SSR
8.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
9.    TOLSTYCH SERGEJ (Сергей Толстых), R.S.F.S.R.
Second Hight Category
11. LOBACHOV JURIJ (Юрий Лобачёв), R.S.F.S.R.
12. ZURENKO JURI (Юрий Журенко), Lithuanian SSR
Third Hight Category
13. ANNUS OLEV, Estonian SSR
14. DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
15. DUDIN SERGEJ (Сергей Дудин), R.S.F.S.R..
Over All Champions: Juniors SEMION BEREZOVSKIJ, Main Categories PRANAS MURAUSKAS.
Prohibition of bodybuilding sport still was very hard. Due to the prosecution of bodybuilders the Estonians could not organize traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) in 1976. Fare away of public due to the work of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the 1976 „Amber Prix“ Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) was organized in a small city of Telshiai (Lithuanian SSR). In 1976 Russians tried to organize the International contest in Kalinin (now Tver, R.S.F.S.R.), but finally ended illegaly at a local gym withour public and without spectators.
The 1976 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was organized by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 - 2002). There was an intrique at the 1976 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ between OLEV ANNUS (Олев Аннус, Estonian SSR) and STASYS CUKANOVAS (Стасис Цукановас, Lithuanian SSR). In 1976 the illegal International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was held. The contest was organized outside the city in a subburb facory. Again no public, no spectators. OLEV ANNUS was very huge at this competition but out of definition. CESLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич) – the trainer of STASYS CUKANOVAS was preparing his bodybuilder to win at the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ against the Estonian. STASYS CUKANOVAS did his best. When OLEV ANNUS came on the stage all of the present there were in shock. OLEV ANNUS was unbelievably cut. It was the first time in the bodybuilding history of the U.S.S.R. when a bodybuilder used diet. Bodybuilders were in shape only basing o their nature or basing on a tremendous work done at their gyms. For example at the Vilnius „Victoria“ (вильнюсский клуб «Виктория») gym bodybuilders used to do 100 sets in high repetitions that were performed without any rest. Due to OLEV ANNUS a new tomes of the Soviet bodybuilding appeared. Bodybuilders started using diets. The sport was changed basically.
At the contest participated 47 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Ukraine SSR.
Final results
First Hight Category
1. OTSUS INDREK (Estonian SSR)
2. UCKUS BENAS (Lithuanian SSR)
3. KISELIOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Киселёв, Lithuanian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1. DOLGOV BORIS (Борис Долгов, Lithuanian SSR)
Main categories
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    POLIAKOV STANISLAV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIJ RICHARD (Ричард Криницкий, Lithuanian SSR)
3.    ALEKSENKO ALEKSANDR (Александр Алексенко, Ukraine SSR)
Third Hight Category
1.    ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
2.    CUKANOVAS STASYS (Lithuanian SSR)
3.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов, R.S.F.S.R.)
Over All Winners:
Juniors – INDREK OTSUS, Main Categories – OLEV ANNUS.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
BOOK TWO (covering time 1973-1991).
Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International unites 140 Country – Members and organizes nearly 60 annual Amateur and Professional International Events World Wide. Looking from the juridical point of view the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International is no doubt the Real World Bodybuilding Leader.
Crowning it‘s 56 years of  International Bodybuilding activities, the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  works on the Unique Global International Bodybuilding Project -  the „World Bodybuilding  Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма», “Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”).
Part One of the Encyclopedia covering period since ancient times to 1973 is finished. Now we are working on the Second Book covering period of time since 1973 until 1991.
Working on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” it came to our mind to underline the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contest. There are many reasons and among them these:
-       When bodybuilding sport in 1973 was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries – the “Georg Tenno Memorial” and the “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2002, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania, Organizer DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) were the only ones regular International competitions in the Socialist World. That was and still is a part of the World bodybuilding history.
-       The “Georg Tenno Memorial” was organized by the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding” INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Since 1998 until his death he was the president of the National W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. federation.
-       In 1987 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for several months was working in Tallinn. INNAR MARDO was ill. Then DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) and Estonian INDREK OTSUS (Индрек Отсус) organized the 1987 “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
-       Since the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” and „Amber Prix International“ best bodybuilders of the U.S.S.R. participated at these competitions. For them that was the only one chance to “go to another country regularly” at that time.
Step by step we will write the stories about each of the “Georg Tenno Memorial”. Also we will touch International happenings that were connected with the “Georg Tenno Memorial”.
The topic has been already covered in the first part of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедия мирового культуризма»). Nevertheless we will touch several important points again.
The A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) started it’s work in the nineteenth century and for long time it was as a “Sport Ministry” of the USA. American BOB HOFFMAN always was very much connected with the A.A.U. and it’s Chairmen. A department of A.A.U. weightlifting was a member of  F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; after 1972 I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation”). At the same time the F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Since 1947 until 1969 F.I.H.C. ruled official World bodybuilding sport. No one other International bodybuilding organization could even try to lead the World bodybuilding. We mean structures like N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) association and at that time private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) company. Though the owners of the I.F.B.B. WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN everywhere copied BOB HOFFMAN’s work they had no chances to win. Behind BOB HOFFMAN was the A.A.U. and the F.I.H.C.. Today I.F.B.B. sport historians diminish the work of BOB HOFFMAN in the World’s bodybuilding development because of envy.
In 1959 the F.I.H.C. World weightlifting championship was held in Warszawa (capital of the People’s Republic of Poland). Traditionally since 1947 during every  World weightlifting championship F.I.H.C. organized the World Bodybuilding Championship (“Universe”). It was BOB HOFFMAN who first brought bodybuilding to the Socialist World. First time in the sport history in Warszawa socialist people saw bodybuilders and got really acquainted to bodybuilding. In 1959 the Over All F.I.H.C. “Mr. Universe” was French bodybuilder GUY MIERCZUK.
As F.I.H.C. was the I.O.C. member bodybuilding was understood of two parts – body presentation and physical exercises. We know from sport history that power exercises were used at the competitions in Socialist countries until ninetees of the last century. Czechoslovakia bodybuilders did it even longer.
Nobody had idea why bodybuilding competitions had power exercises. Most thought that during the prohibition of bodybuilding Socialist bodybuilders did power exercises to make negativeness of political Governments not so strong. Nobody thought that all National Weightlifting Federations were members of F.I.H.C. and I.O.C.. All respected the official status of the F.I.H.C. organization and along the weightlifting recognized bodybuilding too. This was how power exercises came and remained in bodybuilding contests so long.
Since that time bodybuilding was growing fastly in the Socialist World. But in 1973 due to political reasions Communist Governments prohibited bodybuilding. Always at the bodybuilding contests power exercises had equal value with the demonstration of the body. It was the reason that after the 1959 F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ weightlifters often participated at the bodybuilding competitions.
First International contest among all Socialist countries was organized in 1966 in Vilnius (Lithuanian SSR). Then the winners were Lithuanians RYTIS MACIJAUSKAS (Ритис Мацияускас), KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS (Клеменсас Альшаускас) and Russian IGOR PETRUCHIN (Игорь Петрухин, (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
In 1968 during the International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was established first Socialist International Bodybuilding Federation (Visuomeninis T.S.R.S. atletinės gimnastikos (kultūrizmo) komitetas“, «Общественный комитет по атлетической гимнастике С.С.С.Р.»). The Chairmen of the organization were five persons: Lithuanians  VALERIJ KORESKOV (Валерий Корешков), VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS (Витаутас Зумерис); Russians ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз), GENADIJ BALDIN (Геннадий Балдин) and VLADIMIR PETROV (Владимир Петров).
In 1968 two International contests were organized in the Lithuanian SSR – one in Kaunas and another one was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023, Klaipeda, Republic Lithuania). Category winners were Lithuanians KLEMENSAS ALSAUSKAS, LIONGINAS DANILEVICIUS (Лёнгинас Данилявичус) and LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). The Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS.
In 1971 and in 1972 two U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championships («Чемпионат С.С.С.Р.) were organized in the Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.). In 1971 category winners were Russians:  ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов) – the first place; VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) the second place; VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв) – the third place.
In 1972 the U.S.S.R. champions were:
-       Low Hight Category
1.    VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьянен)
2.    BORIS ZITKOV (Борис Житков)
3.    DMITRIJ CIANEV (Дмитрий Чанев), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
-       Middle Hight Category
1.    VALDAS ALIUBAVICIUS (Валдас Алюбавичус, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    SERGEJ KIZIN (Сергей Кизин, Russian Federation)
3.    ALEKSANDR NIKIFOROV (Александр Никифоров, Russian Federation).
-       Highest Category
1.    VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин)
2.    ALEKSANDR LEMECHOV (Александр Лемехов)
3.    VLADIMIR CHOMULIOV (Владимир Хомулёв), all from Russian Federation (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.).
Before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) in 1970 the first International contest was organized in Tallinn. Also before the 1973 prohibition of bodybuilding some International competitions were held in the Czechoslovakian SR and in the Peoples Republic of Poland.
At the end of sixties of the last century among all Socialist countries International contests were held in Lithuanian SSR only. First Socialist International contest was held in 1966 in Vilnius. In 1968 International contests were organized Peoples Republic of Poland (first time) and in the Lithuanian Kaunas and Klaipeda. In Klaipeda it was the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023). Both in Kaunas and in Klaipeda the Over All Champion was LEONAS PIVORIUNAS (Ляонас Пиворюнас). LEONAS PIVORIUNAS was representing the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма») that was led by talanted CELSLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич).
Bodybuilders of the Estonian SSR followed Lithuanians. In 1970 they organized International contest in Tallinn just before the first „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989). Twenty six athletes from Russian Federation (R.S.F.S.R., Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR took part at the event.
In Junior categories winners were Lithuanians HENRIKAS BIKINAS (Генрикас Бикинас) and ALBINAS MAGELINSKAS (Альбинас Магелинскас). Main categories were won by Russians VLADIMIR LIPJAINEN (Владимир Липьяйнен), IVAN FREGATOV (Иван Фрегатов) and Estonian ARVO MERE (Арво Мере). At that time a famous heavyweight Russian bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин) lost to ARVO MERE, who was the over All Champion of the contest too.  
This article is based on the documents that were given to the International President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). INNAR MARDO used to be called “the Soul of Estonia Bodybuilding”). He was the organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989, Tallinn, Estonian SSR) contests, President of the National Federation of Bodybuilding of the Estonian SSR, President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Estonian Republic, one of the organizers of the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn.
Bodybuilders of four countries participated at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” – the R.S.F.S.R. (Р.С.Ф.С.Р.), the Estonian SSR, the Lithuanian SSR and the Latvian SSR. The competition was of two parts – posing and power exercises. This system was in all Socialist countries since 1959 F.I.H.C. World Championship (“Mr. Universe”) that was held in Waszawa (People’s Republic of Poland).
Results of the 1971 “Georg Tenno Memorial”:
Junior categories
First hight category
1.    Daugela Kazys, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Vandys Valentinas, Lithuanian SSR
3.    Zvjagin Viktor, (Виктор Звягин), Estonian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Aliubavicius Valdas, Lithuanian SSR
2.    Valge Aare, Estonian SSR
3.    Civilis Paulius, Lithuanian SSR
Main age categories
First hight category
1.    Zitkov Vladimir, (Житков Владимир), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Kurgpold Ulo, Estonian SSR
3.    Sajkovskij Feliks, (Феликс Сайковский), Latvian SSR
Second hight category
1.    Charkevic Viktor, (Виктор Харкевич), Lithuanian SSR
2.    Smotsujev Valentin, (Валентин Смоцуев), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Kuzmenko Andrej, (Андрей Кузьменко), R.S.F.S.R.
Third hight category
1.    Dubinin Vladimir, (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    Lemechov Aleksandr, (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    Chomuliov Vladimir, (Владимир Хомулёв), R.S.F.S.R..
The Over All Winners were:
34 bodybuilders from Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR and Ukrainian SSR participated in 1972 at the second „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно»).
Final Results
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Jevgenijus Gorelikas), Lithuanian SSR
3.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
3.    CHARIN ALEKSANDR (Александр Харин), Lithuanian SSR.
At the fifth place was Estonian OLEV ANNUS.
Main Categories
First hight Category
1.    GRIEZE JULIUS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
3.    MURAUSKAS ALGIS, Lithuanian SSR
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIS RICARDAS (Ричард Криницкий), Lithuanian SSR
2.    SUSLENKOV VLADIMIR (Владимир Сусленков), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    NIKIFOROV ALEKSANDR (Александр Никифоров), R.S.F.S.R.
Third Hight Category
1.    DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
2.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов), R.S.F.S.R.
3.    ZURCEV EUGENE (Zurcevas Jevgenijus, Евгений Журцев), Lithuanian SSR.
All first places in the categories were taken by the representatives of the famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“Вильнюсская школа культуризма»). Only VLADIMIR DUBININ from Russia was an exception. The same result was also in 1974 at the third „Georg Tenno Memorial“. Chairmen of the „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ were CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский).
The 1972 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ Over All Champions were:
Main Categories – VLADIMIR DUBININ.
Due to political reasons after 1971 bodybuilding in Socialist Countries was in problems. Finally in 1973 bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R. and all Socialist Countries. Bodybuilding activities were prosecuted. The press was full of negative articles about bodybuilding. Competitions were not organized at that time. But there were some exceptions.
Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») a representative of the Estonian SSR INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was the first in all Socialist Countries to break the prohibition of bodybuilding. In 1975 the same did bodybuilding leader of the Czechoslovakian SSR VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала). Then in 1974 INNAR MARDO and his friends started pressing the polititians of the Estonian SSR.  They presented bodybuilding as a national kind of sport in Estonian SSR. They spoke about old Estonian traditions in power sports, strongmen and wrestling. All remembered such known Estonian sport persons as GEORG LURICH (Георг Лурих, 1876 - 1920), GEORG HACKENSCHMIDT  (Георг Гаккеншмидт, 1878 – 1968), Olympic Champion KRISTIAN PALUSALU  (Kristian Trossmann, Кристиан Палусалу, 1908 – 1987).  Estonian GEORG TENNO(Георг Тенно, 1911 - 1967)  for long years on was working at the high sport offices of the U.S.S.R.. This was in 1971 when Estonians started organizing in Tallinn the International „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) competition. The contest was nearly on regular basis and local governments somehow supported it.
Similar to Estonians did the bodybuilders of Czechslovakia. To hide the real bodybuilding basis they added a number of power exercises in their contests.
In Lithuania competitions were held underground and without public. In 1974 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized the fourth historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2022, Klaipeda, Lithuanian Republic). It was held in a city bomb shelter. After this the „Amber Prix“ was organized regularly. In 1976 the International Competition was held in Kalinin (Tver, Russian Federation). The Contest was done in a small city gym. In 1977 an International Contest was organized in a small Lithuanian SSR city Kedainiai and it was held in a small gym too. Lithuanians as well as bodybuilders of other Socialist Countries were hiding the bodybuilding with the power exercises.
In 1974 in Estonian SSR the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R. which was more or less supported by the Government. Though the U.S.S.R. polititians were prohibiting to do this.
Due to political reasons in 1973 bodybuilding was prohibited in the Socialist World. Gyms were closed, competitions not allowed. Many bodybuilders stopped training and organizers left the sport. Due to this in 1973 the „Georg Tenno Momorial“ (1971 – 1989, «Мемориал Георга Тенно») was not organized. The 1974 contest in Estonian SSR was something like a trial – what will happen? The contest was held in public, not underground. Many frightened bodybuilders did not dare to come to Estonian SSR. The organizer of the competition INNAR MARDO (1946 – 2002, Иннар Мардо) was risking as well as the competive bodybuilders. Organizing the 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“ INNAR MARDO was the first one in the Socialist World who dared to go against the political bodybuilding prohibition. In 1975 VOJTECH FIALA (Войтех Фиала) did the same in Czechoslovakian SSR. The 1974 „Georg Tenno Momorial“  braked the prohibition of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. If all would  be well, then the Estonians could try it again. Anyway, until DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) organized 1978 „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2023, „Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз») in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR) -  the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was the only one public bodybuilding contest in the U.S.S.R.. For all U.S.S.R. bodybuilders this contest was the World Championship, the Europe Championship and the „Mr. Universe“ at the same time.
We do not know what bad happened after the 1974 „Georg Tenno Memorial‘ in Estonian SSR, but the Estonians could not organize this competition in 1975.
27 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Latvian SSR.
First Hight Category
1.    MISIURA ARVYDAS, Lithuanian SSR
2.    KIRSIPUU PEEP, Estonian SSR
3.    OTSUS INDREK, Estonian SSR
Second Hight Category
6.    ARRO ARNE, Estonian SSR
Main Categories
First Hight Category
7.    GORELIK JEVGENIJ (Евгений Горелик), Lithuanian SSR
8.    KURGPOLD ULO, Estonian SSR
9.    TOLSTYCH SERGEJ (Сергей Толстых), R.S.F.S.R.
Second Hight Category
11. LOBACHOV JURIJ (Юрий Лобачёв), R.S.F.S.R.
12. ZURENKO JURI (Юрий Журенко), Lithuanian SSR
Third Hight Category
13. ANNUS OLEV, Estonian SSR
14. DUBININ VLADIMIR (Владимир Дубинин), R.S.F.S.R.
15. DUDIN SERGEJ (Сергей Дудин), R.S.F.S.R..
Over All Champions: Juniors SEMION BEREZOVSKIJ, Main Categories PRANAS MURAUSKAS.
Prohibition of bodybuilding sport still was very hard. Due to the prosecution of bodybuilders the Estonians could not organize traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 – 1989) in 1976. Fare away of public due to the work of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the 1976 „Amber Prix“ Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) was organized in a small city of Telshiai (Lithuanian SSR). In 1976 Russians tried to organize the International contest in Kalinin (now Tver, R.S.F.S.R.), but finally ended illegaly at a local gym withour public and without spectators.
The 1976 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was organized by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 - 2002). There was an intrique at the 1976 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ between OLEV ANNUS (Олев Аннус, Estonian SSR) and STASYS CUKANOVAS (Стасис Цукановас, Lithuanian SSR). In 1976 the illegal International contest in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) was held. The contest was organized outside the city in a subburb facory. Again no public, no spectators. OLEV ANNUS was very huge at this competition but out of definition. CESLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич) – the trainer of STASYS CUKANOVAS was preparing his bodybuilder to win at the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ against the Estonian. STASYS CUKANOVAS did his best. When OLEV ANNUS came on the stage all of the present there were in shock. OLEV ANNUS was unbelievably cut. It was the first time in the bodybuilding history of the U.S.S.R. when a bodybuilder used diet. Bodybuilders were in shape only basing o their nature or basing on a tremendous work done at their gyms. For example at the Vilnius „Victoria“ (вильнюсский клуб «Виктория») gym bodybuilders used to do 100 sets in high repetitions that were performed without any rest. Due to OLEV ANNUS a new tomes of the Soviet bodybuilding appeared. Bodybuilders started using diets. The sport was changed basically.
At the contest participated 47 bodybuilders from R.S.F.S.R., Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Estonian SSR and Ukraine SSR.
Final results
First Hight Category
1. OTSUS INDREK (Estonian SSR)
2. UCKUS BENAS (Lithuanian SSR)
3. KISELIOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Киселёв, Lithuanian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1. DOLGOV BORIS (Борис Долгов, Lithuanian SSR)
Main categories
First Hight Category
1.    GORELIK EUGENE (Евгений Горелик, Lithuanian SSR)
2.    POLIAKOV STANISLAV (Станислав Поляков, Latvian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1.    KRINICKIJ RICHARD (Ричард Криницкий, Lithuanian SSR)
3.    ALEKSENKO ALEKSANDR (Александр Алексенко, Ukraine SSR)
Third Hight Category
1.    ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
2.    CUKANOVAS STASYS (Lithuanian SSR)
3.    LEMECHOV ALEKSANDR (Александр Лемехов, R.S.F.S.R.)
Over All Winners:
Juniors – INDREK OTSUS, Main Categories – OLEV ANNUS.
In 1977 the prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R. was more strict. In December, 1977 the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) issued a new order prohibiting bodybuilding. It seemed unbelievable to organize competitions then. Anyway there were four bodybuilding contests that were done in the U.S.S.R. in 1977. First of all it was the traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1971 – 1989) which was organized by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002). Making this contest INNAR MARDO  was also in a big risk. If Estonians had a hidden support of their Government, no other Countries could dream of it. So, in 1977 three more contests were organized in the U.S.S.R.. First of them was a hidden competition in a small city of Kedainiai (Lithuanian SSR). The contest was done to memorize ten years of a local gym. The competition was held in a gym – no public present. To be on the safe side the constst included power exercises. The other two contests were organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Др. Эдмундас Даубарас) in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS dared to risk and to make the „Lithuania National Cup“ and the traditional „Amber Prix“ («Янтарный приз», „Gintarinis prizas“, 1968 – 2023). Both contests were held in the Klaipeda Sea Port Palace of Culture full of spectators. The public was collected by the bodybuilders and their friends.
In sutuation like this the 1977 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ was extremelly important for the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders. But nobody knew what the reaction of the political powers will be next.
44 bodybuilders of the R.S.F.S.R., Ukrainian SSR, Belorussian SSR, Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR and Lithuanian SSR participated at the 1977 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn.
First Hight Category
1. OTSUS INDREK (Estonian SSR)
2. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)
3. CLEBORODOV VIACESLAV (Хлебородов Вячеслав, Lithuanian SSR)
Second Hight Category
1. DOLGOV BORIS (Долгов Борис, Lithuanian SSR)
3. STANIUS PETRAS (Lithuanian SSR)
Main Categories
First Hight Category
2. ZITINSKIJ BORIS (Житинский Борис, Estonian SSR)
3. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)
Second Hight Category
2. ALEKSENKO ALEKSANDR (Алексенко Александр, Ukrainian SSR)
3. JELUFIMOV VLADIMIR (Елуфимов Владимир, Estonian SSR)
Third Hight Category
1. ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
2. CUKANOVAS STASYS (Цукановас Стасис, Lithuanian SSR)
Over All Winners
Juniors – INDREK OTSUS, Main Categories – OLEV ANNUS.
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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1978 traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1971 – 1989) was organized during the prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. In December, 1977 the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) issued a new order prohibiting bodybuilding. Organizing the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn (Estonian SSR) INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was at big risk. Nobody could say what the reaction of the U.S.S.R. polititians would be.
In 1978 two more bodybuilding competitions were held in the U.S.S.R. plus to „Georg Tenno Memorial“. First was the ten years anyversary of a bodybuilding gym in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) and another one was the historic traditional „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR). Kaunas contest was illegal and it was held in a subburb factory without public.
1978 „Amber Prix International“ was organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in public with full hall of spectators. The venue was the Palace of Culture of Klaipeda Sea Port. How it could happen so that the bodybuilding contest was organized when bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R.?
In 1978 before the „Amber Prix International“ DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS under his risk wrote the petition and personally brought it to the Capital of the U.S.S.R. Moscow. The petition was to defend the bodybuilding sport (петиция Др. Эдмундаса Даубараса в защиту культуризма). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS presented the petition to the U.S.S.R. Central Committee of the Communist Party (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической Партии С.С.С.Р.) and to the  U.S.S.R. Ministry Council (Совет Министров С.С.С.Р.). As a result of this the Communist Party gave permittion for bodybuilders of Klaipeda city to train. Also DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was permitted to organize „Amber Prix International“ competition in Klaipeda. At the same time bodybuilding was still prohibited in the U.S.S.R..
As the specialists and historians of bodybuilding say the 1978 „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ („neoficialus T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo čempionatas“, «неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). And after the 1978 this contest remained the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ until 1988 (in 1988 the first U.S.S.R. Official Cup of Bodybuilding was held In Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.), „первый официальный кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму“). Later the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) recognized the „Amber Prix International“ as it had been the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“. By the way the stage of the 1978 competition, prizes diplomas and medals were decorated as the  „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ - „Amber Prix“.
Friendship of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the organizer of the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ contests INNAR MARDO started in 1975. Since that time both bodybuilding leaders discussed about the strategic World and the U.S.S.R. bodybuilding guestions, both discussed about the details of the competitions they have organized. INNAR MARDO remained a friend of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS until his death in 2002. Since 1995 from time to time he participated at the International work of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation). INNAR MARDO registered officially the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. National Federation of the Estonian Republic. INNAR MARDO together with PAVEL KOSENKO (Павел Косенко) organized the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn (Estonian Republic).
53 bodybuilders of the R.S.F.S.R., Belorussian SSR, Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR and Lithuanian SSR participated at the 1978 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn.
First Weight Category
1. CLEBORODOV VIACESLAV (Хлебородов Вячеслав, Lithuanian SSR)
2. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)
3. STANIUS STASYS (Lithuanian SSR)
Second Weight Category
Main Categories
First Weight Category
1. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)
2. ZITINSKIJ BORIS (Житинский Борис, Estonian SSR)
Second Weight Category
1. ZDEJEV EUGENE (Здеев Евгений, Estonian SSR)
Third Weight Category
2. ZASTER KONSTANTIN (Застер Константин, Estonian SSR)
3. KARPECAS IGORIS (Карпец Игорь, Lithuanian SSR)
Fourth Weight Category
1. ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
Over All Winners
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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1978 traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1971 – 1989) was organized during the prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. In December, 1977 the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) issued a new order prohibiting bodybuilding. Organizing the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn (Estonian SSR) INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was at big risk. Nobody could say what the reaction of the U.S.S.R. polititians would be.
In 1978 two more bodybuilding competitions were held in the U.S.S.R. plus to „Georg Tenno Memorial“. First was the ten years anyversary of a bodybuilding gym in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) and another one was the historic traditional „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR). Kaunas contest was illegal and it was held in a subburb factory without public.
1978 „Amber Prix International“ was organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in public with full hall of spectators. The venue was the Palace of Culture of Klaipeda Sea Port. How it could happen so that the bodybuilding contest was organized when bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R.?
In 1978 before the „Amber Prix International“ DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS under his risk wrote the petition and personally brought it to the Capital of the U.S.S.R. Moscow. The petition was to defend the bodybuilding sport (петиция Др. Эдмундаса Даубараса в защиту культуризма). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS presented the petition to the U.S.S.R. Central Committee of the Communist Party (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической Партии С.С.С.Р.) and to the  U.S.S.R. Ministry Council (Совет Министров С.С.С.Р.). As a result of this the Communist Party gave permittion for bodybuilders of Klaipeda city to train. Also DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was permitted to organize „Amber Prix International“ competition in Klaipeda. At the same time bodybuilding was still prohibited in the U.S.S.R..
As the specialists and historians of bodybuilding say the 1978 „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ („neoficialus T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo čempionatas“, «неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). And after the 1978 this contest remained the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ until 1988 (in 1988 the first U.S.S.R. Official Cup of Bodybuilding was held In Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.), „первый официальный кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму“). Later the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) recognized the „Amber Prix International“ as it had been the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“. By the way the stage of the 1978 competition, prizes diplomas and medals were decorated as the  „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ - „Amber Prix“.
Friendship of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the organizer of the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ contests INNAR MARDO started in 1975. Since that time both bodybuilding leaders discussed about the strategic World and the U.S.S.R. bodybuilding guestions, both discussed about the details of the competitions they have organized. INNAR MARDO remained a friend of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS until his death in 2002. Since 1995 from time to time he participated at the International work of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation). INNAR MARDO registered officially the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. National Federation of the Estonian Republic. INNAR MARDO together with PAVEL KOSENKO (Павел Косенко) organized the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn (Estonian Republic).
53 bodybuilders of the R.S.F.S.R., Belorussian SSR, Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR and Lithuanian SSR participated at the 1978 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn.
First Weight Category
1. CLEBORODOV VIACESLAV (Хлебородов Вячеслав, Lithuanian SSR)
2. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)
3. STANIUS STASYS (Lithuanian SSR)
Second Weight Category
Main Categories
First Weight Category
1. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)
2. ZITINSKIJ BORIS (Житинский Борис, Estonian SSR)
Second Weight Category
1. ZDEJEV EUGENE (Здеев Евгений, Estonian SSR)
Third Weight Category
2. ZASTER KONSTANTIN (Застер Константин, Estonian SSR)
3. KARPECAS IGORIS (Карпец Игорь, Lithuanian SSR)
Fourth Weight Category
1. ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
Over All Winners
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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1978 traditional „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1971 – 1989) was organized during the prohibition and the prosecution of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. In December, 1977 the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) issued a new order prohibiting bodybuilding. Organizing the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn (Estonian SSR) INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1946 – 2002) was at big risk. Nobody could say what the reaction of the U.S.S.R. polititians would be.
In 1978 two more bodybuilding competitions were held in the U.S.S.R. plus to „Georg Tenno Memorial“. First was the ten years anyversary of a bodybuilding gym in Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR) and another one was the historic traditional „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968 – 2023) organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in Klaipeda (Lithuanian SSR). Kaunas contest was illegal and it was held in a subburb factory without public.
1978 „Amber Prix International“ was organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in public with full hall of spectators. The venue was the Palace of Culture of Klaipeda Sea Port. How it could happen so that the bodybuilding contest was organized when bodybuilding sport was prohibited in the U.S.S.R.?
In 1978 before the „Amber Prix International“ DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS under his risk wrote the petition and personally brought it to the Capital of the U.S.S.R. Moscow. The petition was to defend the bodybuilding sport (петиция Др. Эдмундаса Даубараса в защиту культуризма). DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS presented the petition to the U.S.S.R. Central Committee of the Communist Party (Центральный Комитет Коммунистической Партии С.С.С.Р.) and to the  U.S.S.R. Ministry Council (Совет Министров С.С.С.Р.). As a result of this the Communist Party gave permittion for bodybuilders of Klaipeda city to train. Also DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was permitted to organize „Amber Prix International“ competition in Klaipeda. At the same time bodybuilding was still prohibited in the U.S.S.R..
As the specialists and historians of bodybuilding say the 1978 „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ („neoficialus T.S.R.S. kultūrizmo čempionatas“, «неофициальный чемпионат С.С.С.Р. по культуризму»). And after the 1978 this contest remained the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ until 1988 (in 1988 the first U.S.S.R. Official Cup of Bodybuilding was held In Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.), „первый официальный кубок С.С.С.Р. по культуризму“). Later the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Sport (U.S.S.R. Goskomsport, Госкомспорт С.С.С.Р.) recognized the „Amber Prix International“ as it had been the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“. By the way the stage of the 1978 competition, prizes diplomas and medals were decorated as the  „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Championship“ - „Amber Prix“.
Friendship of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the organizer of the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ contests INNAR MARDO started in 1975. Since that time both bodybuilding leaders discussed about the strategic World and the U.S.S.R. bodybuilding guestions, both discussed about the details of the competitions they have organized. INNAR MARDO remained a friend of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS until his death in 2002. Since 1995 from time to time he participated at the International work of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation). INNAR MARDO registered officially the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. National Federation of the Estonian Republic. INNAR MARDO together with PAVEL KOSENKO (Павел Косенко) organized the 2001 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe Championship in Tallinn (Estonian Republic).
53 bodybuilders of the R.S.F.S.R., Belorussian SSR, Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR and Lithuanian SSR participated at the 1978 „Georg Tenno Memorial“ in Tallinn.
First Weight Category
1. CLEBORODOV VIACESLAV (Хлебородов Вячеслав, Lithuanian SSR)
2. BOGDANOVIC VALERIJ (Богданович Валерий, Belorussian SSR)
3. STANIUS STASYS (Lithuanian SSR)
Second Weight Category
Main Categories
First Weight Category
1. GORELIK EUGENE (Горелик Евгений, Lithuanian SSR)
2. ZITINSKIJ BORIS (Житинский Борис, Estonian SSR)
Second Weight Category
1. ZDEJEV EUGENE (Здеев Евгений, Estonian SSR)
Third Weight Category
2. ZASTER KONSTANTIN (Застер Константин, Estonian SSR)
3. KARPECAS IGORIS (Карпец Игорь, Lithuanian SSR)
Fourth Weight Category
1. ANNUS OLEV (Estonian SSR)
Over All Winners
More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.

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I.O.C., A.A.U., F.I.H.C., N.A.B.B.A..
Why „Socialist“ bodybuilding was so much diferent from the „Western“ one? To get the answer we must to study the biography of American BOB HOFFMAN and the documents of the International Weightlifting F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile) federation. Only then the answer will come. And this is the ABC of bodybuilding. One can not read and one can not write if he does not know the ABC.
All his life BOB HOFFMAN was working together with the A.A.U. („Amateur Athletes Union“). A.A.U. was the Ministry of Sport in the USA by fact. BOB HOFMAN wanted bodybuilding to become the Olympic sport and step by step he was keeping on this direction. Due to his efforts in 1947 a member of the I.O.C. International F.I.H.C. federation included bodybuilding in it‘s programmes. F.I.H.C. started ruling official bodybuilding sport. This way BOB HOFFMAN saw the real recognition of bodybuilding as sport. He was always supported by the Chairmen of the A.A.U., the F.I.H.C., the National Olympic Committe of the USA and by the I.O.C.. For many years the Chairman of the A.A.U., the National Olympic Committe of the USA and of the I.O.C. was a good friend of BOB HOFFMAN. That was AVERY BRUNDAGE (1887 – 1975). No other companies or organizations could compete with BOB HOFFMAN during the time of his active work in bodybuilding because the A.A.U., the F.I.H.C., the National Olympic Committe of the USA and of the I.O.C. was behind BOB HOFFMAN.
After the WWII WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN started their private company „I.F.B.B.“ (International Federation of Bodybuilders) but the company worked only in the USA and Canada. In 1950 N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) started it‘s work in Great Britain, but that was a National Association only.
It is evident today that it was BOB HOFFMAN who brought bodybuilding sport to many countries, the Great Britain as well. Due to his efforts in 1947 the F.I.H.C. started ruling the official bodybuilding sport. The first in the sport history „Mr. Universe“ contest was organized in 1947 in the USA. Since that time it was always held together with the F.I.H.C. World Weightlifting Championship. In 1947 the Over All „Mr. Universe“ Champion was a pupil of BOB HOFFMAN American STEVE STANKO.
By the initiative of BOB HOFFMA