01-09-2020, 08:09 AM
On January 1 and January 3, 2020 the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Headquarters received several letters and calls from a famous UK Bodybuilder and a NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Assocoation) Chairman EDDY ELWOOD.
EDDY ELWOOD is angry about the unintelligent behavior of GRAEME LANCEFIELD. EDDY insists that GRAEME LANCEFIELD must stop telling lies about his connections with NABBA as he has nothing to do with this great organization. GRAEME LANCEFIELD’S lies about NABBA and WFF-WBBF history are terrible.
«Hi, Edmundas,
as you know Graeme Lancefield is in competition with your own WFF. I want the truth be known. Daniel his son is claiming the WFF history as theirs. And I know the history you told me is yours from a show called the Amber Prix. Would you mind if you would Please Comment on my post saying you run the WFF and the 1968 history Graeme Lancefield and his WFF have stolen off you and is in fact history from a show you have ran since 1968 called the Amber prix and WFF was formed in the mid 90s with yourself and Klaus Hoffman This will clarify the birth of the WFF and help us both.
Thank you,
Eddy Ellwood»
“Hi Edmundas,
NEWS from the original Nabba since 1950.
After seeing a post from Nabba India incorporating myself in a joint NABBA/WFF (Lancefield) promotion and other posts with fabricated history on!
It was necessary to post the following to show NABBAs stance with the WFF!
It was discussed at the NABBA Universe congress that NABBA has never had any affiliation with WFF (Lancefield).
NABBA is a lone non profit making amateur organisation,with democracy and a committee that decides any change democratically, we make decisions as a committee and an amalgamation of the two organisations was never voted on or approved.
Nabba has always stood alone.
The WFF (Lancefield) and it’s fake fabricated history of 1968,was set up to organise fitness classes it has no democratic committee, their decisions are made by its President The organisation was set up by Klaus Hoffman and Edmundas Daubaras, in 1995 and not 1968 which is the fake history seen on Wikipedia without any history, it is actually stolen without permission from its organiser Edmundas Daubaras, a competition called the Amber Prix which dates back to 1968 and belongs to Edmundas! Not WFFs history?
Eventually Edmundas and Klause parted ways and if you are bothered to research it, there’s now two WFF federations,neither of which supports the other, one belonging to Edmundas,the other to Graeme Lancefield, who eventually took over from Klaus Hoffman in 2013. Graeme used his NABBA status to influence and join all NABBA countries to WFF (Lancefield) and eventually without democracy joined it to the Nabba name , no votes were ever taken.and I have the evidence of the true history if anyone cares to see it ! When the reigns of the Nabba Presidency were handed to me, It was my duty to the members to be loyal to Nabba and assist its members to do my best for its future and remain one of the best, certainly the most historic,authentic and oldest bodybuilding federation in the world!
Without prejudice and from what I see and now know about the WFF (Lancefield), I rightly started asking questions, about the authenticity of the WF F(Lancefield) and its 1968 history! Nabba is transparent and does not fabricate, invent,make up lies or dictate to its members, we do not support the way in which the WFF (Lancefield) is managed! We at the original NABBA are all in agreement and we have asked for all Nabba countries to remove the Nabba name and logo from any WFF promotion! So please do not use my photo alongside any WFF (Lancefield) promotions and please respect our decision to stand alone!
We have no problem in countries wanting to stay affiliated to both federations, but it has to be done separately.
NABBA and its members stand alone!
This is a true and accurate statement,and has the support of the Original Nabba since 1950
However any country representatives running both federations, we ask that nabba receives the same equal commitment, or somewhere close to the same support at international events.
Eddy Ellwood
Nabba international president”
Working from 1968, today WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International is evident International Bodybuilding Leader. The WFF-WBBF unites National Organizations from 135 Countries, that represent all Continents. Every year WFF-WBBF organizes 60 International Events in various Countries. WFF-WBBF International Work is seen by various International Institutions. During the activities the WFF-WBBF International received State Awards from Governments of various Countries. State Vatican as well (2011).
At the 49-th „Amber Prix International“ (2016) among present several Members of the Parliament Republic Lithuania the Official Representative of the Prime Minister Republic Lithuania ANTANAS VINKUS announced the congratulating words to the WFF-WBBF International and named the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS being „the Embassador Republic Lithuania in the World Countries“.
In 2016 WFF-WBBF International initiated registration of the International Sport University (ISU). In 2012 the WFF-WBBF in various languages started unique global work – the World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia covers information from 1898 until now and reflects the history and statistics of all traditional International Federations and important International Sportsmen and Organizers.
We will not go into details of the WFF history. We has spoken about it widelly before. During the fivety years of the International work the WFF left a number of false persons. Some of them were from Lithuania and twenty years ago they had to leave the WFF-International due to the intriques and jealousy. Then they unsuccessfully tried to work with IFBB Lithuania and after joined the Intternational Federation of Homosexual Bodybuilders. Some of them were from Latvia and ten years ago they had to leave the WFF-International when being drunk during the WFF contest in front of the Major City Prague (Czech) behaved awfully and made problems for the WFF federation. Also the Latvians was the reason when a number of athletes had to go to hospital under surgery operation due the false „supplements“ the mentioned Latvians were producing and selling to the sportsmen (we have documents about this). These presonalities never did any strategic International work, they have never did anything sufficient Internationally during their lives. They were only the observers to the Global historic work that was done by other persons. It seems like a humour when now these persons try to make false WFF-International history and try to present it in public.
We have been publishing many times the history of the WFF-International and WBBF-International federations.
Graeme Laqnciefield is only 2-3 years in International Sport. We know, that Graeme Lancefield does not know many historical things of our sport. Basing on the false public information of Graeme Laqnciefield today a number of persons republish false materials of Graeme Lanciefield.
Does Graeme Lanciefield know what is it „1968“???
Does Graeme Lanciefield ever heard of the WFF federation in Germany before 1996???
Does Graeme Lanciefield know that «his WFF“ egzisted in Germany only from 2005 until 2013?
We think that for publishing false information Graeme Lancefield could stand in front of Court one day. Court of any Country will find the truth easy and the liar will be punnished according the Law.
It is already some time when the mentioned telltalers and loosers try to make false WFF-International history. They try to use illegally our patented names like WFF, World Fitness Federation, „Amber Prix International“, etc. Some years ago they did it too, but then we warned them about our addressing to the Court to clear the matter then they appologized in public about their illegal actions.
Gaeme Lancefield plans some contests in Lithuania and other countries in 2017. Using our patented names will lead Graeme Lancefield and his assistants to Court. Maybe through this Civil Court Prosecution Graeme Lancefield wants to sponsor the WFF-WBBF Federation???
Here we present some sayings about the WFF of a number of Internationally well known Bodybuilding Presons.
1. KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN (in 1995 KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN together with DSC. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS established the WFF-International):
„You are one of the most interesting and intelligent personalities I learned to know in my life...
That‘s You!
I never gave compliments normally but You are a great fighter for You, Your family, ideas for Lithuania and maybe Europe“ (the original letter of 2004 is attached to this article).
2. EDDIE ROBINSON (contemporary President NABBA-WFF USA, famous USA Pro Bodybuilder):
„Thank you Mr. DSc Edmundas Daubaras truth needs to be known!! We all know you are WFF!! And are sick of all the fabricated lie bull shit!!“.
„Wishing you continued success WFF Mr. DSc Edmundas Daubaras International President“.
„Much Respect to you Mr. DSc Edmundas Daubaras as I wish you nothing but The Best! Thank you for confirming the truth as the information was taken of your WFF International page per the true history of facts per the WFF, Amber Prix, Figure World Grand Prix and the forming of WFF Project“.
On January 1 and January 3, 2020 the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Headquarters received several letters and calls from a famous UK Bodybuilder and a NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Assocoation) Chairman EDDY ELWOOD.
EDDY ELWOOD is angry about the unintelligent behavior of GRAEME LANCEFIELD. EDDY insists that GRAEME LANCEFIELD must stop telling lies about his connections with NABBA as he has nothing to do with this great organization. GRAEME LANCEFIELD’S lies about NABBA and WFF-WBBF history are terrible.
«Hi, Edmundas,
as you know Graeme Lancefield is in competition with your own WFF. I want the truth be known. Daniel his son is claiming the WFF history as theirs. And I know the history you told me is yours from a show called the Amber Prix. Would you mind if you would Please Comment on my post saying you run the WFF and the 1968 history Graeme Lancefield and his WFF have stolen off you and is in fact history from a show you have ran since 1968 called the Amber prix and WFF was formed in the mid 90s with yourself and Klaus Hoffman This will clarify the birth of the WFF and help us both.
Thank you,
Eddy Ellwood»
“Hi Edmundas,
NEWS from the original Nabba since 1950.
After seeing a post from Nabba India incorporating myself in a joint NABBA/WFF (Lancefield) promotion and other posts with fabricated history on!
It was necessary to post the following to show NABBAs stance with the WFF!
It was discussed at the NABBA Universe congress that NABBA has never had any affiliation with WFF (Lancefield).
NABBA is a lone non profit making amateur organisation,with democracy and a committee that decides any change democratically, we make decisions as a committee and an amalgamation of the two organisations was never voted on or approved.
Nabba has always stood alone.
The WFF (Lancefield) and it’s fake fabricated history of 1968,was set up to organise fitness classes it has no democratic committee, their decisions are made by its President The organisation was set up by Klaus Hoffman and Edmundas Daubaras, in 1995 and not 1968 which is the fake history seen on Wikipedia without any history, it is actually stolen without permission from its organiser Edmundas Daubaras, a competition called the Amber Prix which dates back to 1968 and belongs to Edmundas! Not WFFs history?
Eventually Edmundas and Klause parted ways and if you are bothered to research it, there’s now two WFF federations,neither of which supports the other, one belonging to Edmundas,the other to Graeme Lancefield, who eventually took over from Klaus Hoffman in 2013. Graeme used his NABBA status to influence and join all NABBA countries to WFF (Lancefield) and eventually without democracy joined it to the Nabba name , no votes were ever taken.and I have the evidence of the true history if anyone cares to see it ! When the reigns of the Nabba Presidency were handed to me, It was my duty to the members to be loyal to Nabba and assist its members to do my best for its future and remain one of the best, certainly the most historic,authentic and oldest bodybuilding federation in the world!
Without prejudice and from what I see and now know about the WFF (Lancefield), I rightly started asking questions, about the authenticity of the WF F(Lancefield) and its 1968 history! Nabba is transparent and does not fabricate, invent,make up lies or dictate to its members, we do not support the way in which the WFF (Lancefield) is managed! We at the original NABBA are all in agreement and we have asked for all Nabba countries to remove the Nabba name and logo from any WFF promotion! So please do not use my photo alongside any WFF (Lancefield) promotions and please respect our decision to stand alone!
We have no problem in countries wanting to stay affiliated to both federations, but it has to be done separately.
NABBA and its members stand alone!
This is a true and accurate statement,and has the support of the Original Nabba since 1950
However any country representatives running both federations, we ask that nabba receives the same equal commitment, or somewhere close to the same support at international events.
Eddy Ellwood
Nabba international president”
Working from 1968, today WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International is evident International Bodybuilding Leader. The WFF-WBBF unites National Organizations from 135 Countries, that represent all Continents. Every year WFF-WBBF organizes 60 International Events in various Countries. WFF-WBBF International Work is seen by various International Institutions. During the activities the WFF-WBBF International received State Awards from Governments of various Countries. State Vatican as well (2011).
At the 49-th „Amber Prix International“ (2016) among present several Members of the Parliament Republic Lithuania the Official Representative of the Prime Minister Republic Lithuania ANTANAS VINKUS announced the congratulating words to the WFF-WBBF International and named the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS being „the Embassador Republic Lithuania in the World Countries“.
In 2016 WFF-WBBF International initiated registration of the International Sport University (ISU). In 2012 the WFF-WBBF in various languages started unique global work – the World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia covers information from 1898 until now and reflects the history and statistics of all traditional International Federations and important International Sportsmen and Organizers.
We will not go into details of the WFF history. We has spoken about it widelly before. During the fivety years of the International work the WFF left a number of false persons. Some of them were from Lithuania and twenty years ago they had to leave the WFF-International due to the intriques and jealousy. Then they unsuccessfully tried to work with IFBB Lithuania and after joined the Intternational Federation of Homosexual Bodybuilders. Some of them were from Latvia and ten years ago they had to leave the WFF-International when being drunk during the WFF contest in front of the Major City Prague (Czech) behaved awfully and made problems for the WFF federation. Also the Latvians was the reason when a number of athletes had to go to hospital under surgery operation due the false „supplements“ the mentioned Latvians were producing and selling to the sportsmen (we have documents about this). These presonalities never did any strategic International work, they have never did anything sufficient Internationally during their lives. They were only the observers to the Global historic work that was done by other persons. It seems like a humour when now these persons try to make false WFF-International history and try to present it in public.
We have been publishing many times the history of the WFF-International and WBBF-International federations.
Graeme Laqnciefield is only 2-3 years in International Sport. We know, that Graeme Lancefield does not know many historical things of our sport. Basing on the false public information of Graeme Laqnciefield today a number of persons republish false materials of Graeme Lanciefield.
Does Graeme Lanciefield know what is it „1968“???
Does Graeme Lanciefield ever heard of the WFF federation in Germany before 1996???
Does Graeme Lanciefield know that «his WFF“ egzisted in Germany only from 2005 until 2013?
We think that for publishing false information Graeme Lancefield could stand in front of Court one day. Court of any Country will find the truth easy and the liar will be punnished according the Law.
It is already some time when the mentioned telltalers and loosers try to make false WFF-International history. They try to use illegally our patented names like WFF, World Fitness Federation, „Amber Prix International“, etc. Some years ago they did it too, but then we warned them about our addressing to the Court to clear the matter then they appologized in public about their illegal actions.
Gaeme Lancefield plans some contests in Lithuania and other countries in 2017. Using our patented names will lead Graeme Lancefield and his assistants to Court. Maybe through this Civil Court Prosecution Graeme Lancefield wants to sponsor the WFF-WBBF Federation???
Here we present some sayings about the WFF of a number of Internationally well known Bodybuilding Presons.
1. KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN (in 1995 KLAUS P.J.HOFFMANN together with DSC. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS established the WFF-International):
„You are one of the most interesting and intelligent personalities I learned to know in my life...
That‘s You!
I never gave compliments normally but You are a great fighter for You, Your family, ideas for Lithuania and maybe Europe“ (the original letter of 2004 is attached to this article).
2. EDDIE ROBINSON (contemporary President NABBA-WFF USA, famous USA Pro Bodybuilder):
„Thank you Mr. DSc Edmundas Daubaras truth needs to be known!! We all know you are WFF!! And are sick of all the fabricated lie bull shit!!“.
„Wishing you continued success WFF Mr. DSc Edmundas Daubaras International President“.
„Much Respect to you Mr. DSc Edmundas Daubaras as I wish you nothing but The Best! Thank you for confirming the truth as the information was taken of your WFF International page per the true history of facts per the WFF, Amber Prix, Figure World Grand Prix and the forming of WFF Project“.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt).