WFF / WBBF forum

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- Atletas - 09-02-2006

eigu cia teisibe tai monstras!!!

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:eigu cia teisibe tai monstras!!!

Jam del ūgio neduoda profuose laimėti. O šiaip jis ne monstras - jis eilinis šiuolaikinis kačiokas-kultūristas (ne fitnesistas).

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

Nereikia jau ,venetai tokiu! pasakei cia eilins!

- Darius D. - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:Nereikia jau ,venetai tokiu! pasakei cia eilins!

Anglijoje tokiu kelios dešimtys. Čia Lietuvoje tik du su puse...

- Guest - 09-02-2006

wff_edita Wrote:
Atletas Wrote:eigu cia teisibe tai monstras!!!

Jam del ūgio neduoda profuose laimėti. O šiaip jis ne monstras - jis eilinis šiuolaikinis kačiokas-kultūristas (ne fitnesistas).

a girdzia atletas,tau edita tiktu i mamas,jau taip viska aiskiai apie kaciuokus zino ir papasakojo,kaip mamyte suneliui kad kokia nauja knyga su paveiksliukais kad rodytu..- vo cia kaciuokas,vo cia fitnesistas suneli.. :lol: sunelis-a kodel?,mamyte-a neznau-tete taip sake :D

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

Bet eigu paskaicioti ant gyventuju skaiciaus(procentais), panasei gausis! :lol: vistek venetai

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

kestuti nereikia nereikia!!

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:Bet eigu paskaicioti ant gyventuju skaiciaus(procentais), panasei gausis! :lol: vistek venetai

O Ameriką paimk? O Pietų Ameriką? Vien Brazilija šiandien turi pora dešimčių panašių atletų ir, kai atvažiuoja į Europą, visiems pakrauna.
O vokiečiai, o italai???
O Olandai? Vien Amsterdamo centrinis klubas turi porą dešimčių panašaus lygio sportininkų.

- Guest - 09-02-2006

wff_edita Wrote:
Atletas Wrote:Bet eigu paskaicioti ant gyventuju skaiciaus(procentais), panasei gausis! :lol: vistek venetai

O Ameriką paimk? O Pietų Ameriką? Vien Brazilija šiandien turi pora dešimčių panašių atletų ir, kai atvažiuoja į Europą, visiems pakrauna.
O vokiečiai, o italai???
O Olandai? Vien Amsterdamo centrinis klubas turi porą dešimčių panašaus lygio sportininkų.

cia visaziniu ir expertu uzveze :lol:

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

nu sutavim ginciatis ziuriu be prasmiska!! tebune!! bet malonu paziureti ji jos !

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Niceboy29 Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:
Atletas Wrote:Bet eigu paskaicioti ant gyventuju skaiciaus(procentais), panasei gausis! :lol: vistek venetai

O Ameriką paimk? O Pietų Ameriką? Vien Brazilija šiandien turi pora dešimčių panašių atletų ir, kai atvažiuoja į Europą, visiems pakrauna.
O vokiečiai, o italai???
O Olandai? Vien Amsterdamo centrinis klubas turi porą dešimčių panašaus lygio sportininkų.

cia visaziniu ir expertu uzveze :lol:

mes ne paveiksliukus žurnaluose žiūrim ir stradalinam, o tiesiogiai bendraujame su įvairių šalių sportininkais.

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

aga su latviais, rusais... :lol:

- Guest - 09-02-2006

wff_edita Wrote:
Niceboy29 Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:
Atletas Wrote:Bet eigu paskaicioti ant gyventuju skaiciaus(procentais), panasei gausis! :lol: vistek venetai

O Ameriką paimk? O Pietų Ameriką? Vien Brazilija šiandien turi pora dešimčių panašių atletų ir, kai atvažiuoja į Europą, visiems pakrauna.
O vokiečiai, o italai???
O Olandai? Vien Amsterdamo centrinis klubas turi porą dešimčių panašaus lygio sportininkų.

cia visaziniu ir expertu uzveze :lol:

mes ne paveiksliukus žurnaluose žiūrim ir stradalinam, o tiesiogiai bendraujame su įvairių šalių sportininkais.

nebutina zet paveiksliuku kuriuos cia jus kisat,as vasara galiu nueit i pliaza ar i atleta ir pamatyt tuos jusu sportininkus ir pabendraut gyvai,nereik cia makaronu kabint :idea:

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:aga su latviais, rusais... :lol:

Kai ateisi pas tėvą paimti naujų žurnalų, jis tau parodys korespondenciją su šimtu šalių...
kasdien plaukia krūvos laiškų ir į juos reikia atsakyti...

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

nu nu priko cia laiskai!!

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

o del zurnalu tai nekada nebuvou pas gerb daubara bet noreciau!!

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:nu nu priko cia laiskai!!

Laiškai - tai kadieninis pulsas viso tarptautinio sportinio gyvenimo. be interneto nieko gero nebūtų. O dabar visi žino viską.

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

baigiu diskusija vistek nenusileisi!

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:baigiu diskusija vistek nenusileisi!

Čia mano kasdieninis darbas. kas to nedaro - nesupras.

- Atletas - 09-02-2006

Ok perdok vyrui linkejimus ir palaikima!tegul ruosiasi varzibom! ir kojas gerina! tegul atvaro i palanga padesim litelbit!

- wff_edita - 09-02-2006

Atletas Wrote:Ok perdok vyrui linkejimus ir palaikima!tegul ruosiasi varzibom! ir kojas gerina! tegul atvaro i palanga padesim litelbit!


- Sendriene Edita - 09-06-2006

Edita Sendriene Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV WFF prezidento MAIKLO GLASO.
Paskutiniu metu jis intensyviai susirašinėja su kultūrizmo legenda SERGE NUBRETU. Serge kėtina prisijungti prie WFF veiklos ir yra didelė tikimybė jį išvysti lapkričio 24-26 pasaulio profesionalų varžybose Vilniuje.
Čia kelios mintys iš paskutinio Segre Nubreto laiško:

"I red your e-mail with a lot of attentions. Evry thing on it remind me the time I was with the IFBB, it was a nightmare. You took to long to undestand the Weiders brother. I would like to know everything about the WFF...
...I saw many of your show and I know too what you capable to do. What a pitty we did not joined our power before...."
All the best
Serge Nubret

Dialogas tarp WFF ir SERGE NUBRETO tęsiasi. JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS šios dienos laiške tai patvirtina dar kartą:

"It would be great to have Serge Nubret on the WFF team. There are many issues to work on but anything is possible.

- Bikvir - 09-06-2006

It is really??

- Edita Sendriene - 09-06-2006

Bikvir Wrote:It is really??

Dear Sir,
All official WFF-International information is correct on this forum.
For more info about SERGE NUBRET contact President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS:

- laima - 09-06-2006

Edita Sendriene Wrote:
Bikvir Wrote:It is really??

Dear Sir,
All official WFF-International information is correct on this forum.
For more info about SERGE NUBRET contact President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS:

Vadinasi cia jus kalbates, o mes nesuprantam. eikit i anglu foruma!

- Sendriene Edita - 09-09-2006

paskutiniu metu vis didėjantis legendinio kultūristo ir WABBA įkūrėjo SERGE NUBRETO noras dirbti tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje kiek pristabdytas tarptautinės WFF federacijos prezidento E.Daubaro laišku:

It is a very complicated question.
Today WFF-International is "on the wave" going ahead as a rocket.
WFF-International has over 80 country-members now.
In May there was the first WFF South America Championship with a number of countries. Last weekend all South America countries gathered in a Congress under the leadrship of the President WFF South America JORGE CEDALE and decided to hold 2006 WFF South America Cup in December.
For three years WFF-International has Pro Division and organizes annual Pro World and Pro Europe Open with 20000 US dollars prize money each. Starting with 2007 WFF-International aims to have as many as possible "WFF Pro Workd Grand Prix International" contests with prize money in different countries.
WFF-International has it's official magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding (in Russian, English and Lithuanian) and "Fitness Alive" (in Spanish). The magazines are given free at all most important international sport events World wide.
On October 2006 visits of the President WFF-International are planned to Arab Countries and South America. In Septenber representatives of the UA Emirates are coming to Lithunaia to meet WFF-International President.
Segre is out of WABBA that he created so he can not act of the name of WABBA.
So what can be a unit of WFF-International and Serge??? It is hard to say now. At least I can not imagine. I respect Serge as well as all Legends of our sport.
WFF-International is not a child and it KNOWS very well what to do and HOW to do. If anybody comes to WFF-International, this MUST make the federation stronger. Coming for talking round about and fighting with others has no future and is only waste of time. WFF-International is open to all federations and individuals. It is not going to fight against anyone until the Law is not broken.

- Marius - 09-09-2006

Sendriene Edita Wrote:paskutiniu metu vis didėjantis legendinio kultūristo ir WABBA įkūrėjo SERGE NUBRETO noras dirbti tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje kiek pristabdytas tarptautinės WFF federacijos prezidento E.Daubaro laišku:

It is a very complicated question.
Today WFF-International is "on the wave" going ahead as a rocket.
WFF-International has over 80 country-members now.
In May there was the first WFF South America Championship with a number of countries. Last weekend all South America countries gathered in a Congress under the leadrship of the President WFF South America JORGE CEDALE and decided to hold 2006 WFF South America Cup in December.
For three years WFF-International has Pro Division and organizes annual Pro World and Pro Europe Open with 20000 US dollars prize money each. Starting with 2007 WFF-International aims to have as many as possible "WFF Pro Workd Grand Prix International" contests with prize money in different countries.
WFF-International has it's official magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding (in Russian, English and Lithuanian) and "Fitness Alive" (in Spanish). The magazines are given free at all most important international sport events World wide.
On October 2006 visits of the President WFF-International are planned to Arab Countries and South America. In Septenber representatives of the UA Emirates are coming to Lithunaia to meet WFF-International President.
Segre is out of WABBA that he created so he can not act of the name of WABBA.
So what can be a unit of WFF-International and Serge??? It is hard to say now. At least I can not imagine. I respect Serge as well as all Legends of our sport.
WFF-International is not a child and it KNOWS very well what to do and HOW to do. If anybody comes to WFF-International, this MUST make the federation stronger. Coming for talking round about and fighting with others has no future and is only waste of time. WFF-International is open to all federations and individuals. It is not going to fight against anyone until the Law is not broken.

Įdomiai čia gaunasi...

- Stepas - 09-09-2006

Marius Wrote:
Sendriene Edita Wrote:paskutiniu metu vis didėjantis legendinio kultūristo ir WABBA įkūrėjo SERGE NUBRETO noras dirbti tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje kiek pristabdytas tarptautinės WFF federacijos prezidento E.Daubaro laišku:

It is a very complicated question.
Today WFF-International is "on the wave" going ahead as a rocket.
WFF-International has over 80 country-members now.
In May there was the first WFF South America Championship with a number of countries. Last weekend all South America countries gathered in a Congress under the leadrship of the President WFF South America JORGE CEDALE and decided to hold 2006 WFF South America Cup in December.
For three years WFF-International has Pro Division and organizes annual Pro World and Pro Europe Open with 20000 US dollars prize money each. Starting with 2007 WFF-International aims to have as many as possible "WFF Pro Workd Grand Prix International" contests with prize money in different countries.
WFF-International has it's official magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding (in Russian, English and Lithuanian) and "Fitness Alive" (in Spanish). The magazines are given free at all most important international sport events World wide.
On October 2006 visits of the President WFF-International are planned to Arab Countries and South America. In Septenber representatives of the UA Emirates are coming to Lithunaia to meet WFF-International President.
Segre is out of WABBA that he created so he can not act of the name of WABBA.
So what can be a unit of WFF-International and Serge??? It is hard to say now. At least I can not imagine. I respect Serge as well as all Legends of our sport.
WFF-International is not a child and it KNOWS very well what to do and HOW to do. If anybody comes to WFF-International, this MUST make the federation stronger. Coming for talking round about and fighting with others has no future and is only waste of time. WFF-International is open to all federations and individuals. It is not going to fight against anyone until the Law is not broken.

Įdomiai čia gaunasi...

Вabar, kai WFF tai gerai sekasi, daug kas nori pasisildyti prie lauzelio!

- Sendriene Edita - 09-09-2006

Stepas Wrote:
Marius Wrote:
Sendriene Edita Wrote:paskutiniu metu vis didėjantis legendinio kultūristo ir WABBA įkūrėjo SERGE NUBRETO noras dirbti tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje kiek pristabdytas tarptautinės WFF federacijos prezidento E.Daubaro laišku:

It is a very complicated question.
Today WFF-International is "on the wave" going ahead as a rocket.
WFF-International has over 80 country-members now.
In May there was the first WFF South America Championship with a number of countries. Last weekend all South America countries gathered in a Congress under the leadrship of the President WFF South America JORGE CEDALE and decided to hold 2006 WFF South America Cup in December.
For three years WFF-International has Pro Division and organizes annual Pro World and Pro Europe Open with 20000 US dollars prize money each. Starting with 2007 WFF-International aims to have as many as possible "WFF Pro Workd Grand Prix International" contests with prize money in different countries.
WFF-International has it's official magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding (in Russian, English and Lithuanian) and "Fitness Alive" (in Spanish). The magazines are given free at all most important international sport events World wide.
On October 2006 visits of the President WFF-International are planned to Arab Countries and South America. In Septenber representatives of the UA Emirates are coming to Lithunaia to meet WFF-International President.
Segre is out of WABBA that he created so he can not act of the name of WABBA.
So what can be a unit of WFF-International and Serge??? It is hard to say now. At least I can not imagine. I respect Serge as well as all Legends of our sport.
WFF-International is not a child and it KNOWS very well what to do and HOW to do. If anybody comes to WFF-International, this MUST make the federation stronger. Coming for talking round about and fighting with others has no future and is only waste of time. WFF-International is open to all federations and individuals. It is not going to fight against anyone until the Law is not broken.

Įdomiai čia gaunasi...

Вabar, kai WFF tai gerai sekasi, daug kas nori pasisildyti prie lauzelio!

President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and former President WABBA-International SERGE NUBRET

- Arunas - 09-09-2006

Sendriene Edita Wrote:
Stepas Wrote:
Marius Wrote:
Sendriene Edita Wrote:paskutiniu metu vis didėjantis legendinio kultūristo ir WABBA įkūrėjo SERGE NUBRETO noras dirbti tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje kiek pristabdytas tarptautinės WFF federacijos prezidento E.Daubaro laišku:

It is a very complicated question.
Today WFF-International is "on the wave" going ahead as a rocket.
WFF-International has over 80 country-members now.
In May there was the first WFF South America Championship with a number of countries. Last weekend all South America countries gathered in a Congress under the leadrship of the President WFF South America JORGE CEDALE and decided to hold 2006 WFF South America Cup in December.
For three years WFF-International has Pro Division and organizes annual Pro World and Pro Europe Open with 20000 US dollars prize money each. Starting with 2007 WFF-International aims to have as many as possible "WFF Pro Workd Grand Prix International" contests with prize money in different countries.
WFF-International has it's official magazine "Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding (in Russian, English and Lithuanian) and "Fitness Alive" (in Spanish). The magazines are given free at all most important international sport events World wide.
On October 2006 visits of the President WFF-International are planned to Arab Countries and South America. In Septenber representatives of the UA Emirates are coming to Lithunaia to meet WFF-International President.
Segre is out of WABBA that he created so he can not act of the name of WABBA.
So what can be a unit of WFF-International and Serge??? It is hard to say now. At least I can not imagine. I respect Serge as well as all Legends of our sport.
WFF-International is not a child and it KNOWS very well what to do and HOW to do. If anybody comes to WFF-International, this MUST make the federation stronger. Coming for talking round about and fighting with others has no future and is only waste of time. WFF-International is open to all federations and individuals. It is not going to fight against anyone until the Law is not broken.

Įdomiai čia gaunasi...

Вabar, kai WFF tai gerai sekasi, daug kas nori pasisildyti prie lauzelio!

President WFF-International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and former President WABBA-International SERGE NUBRET

geras laiskas!