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October 16, 2010

Re. Membership in the WFF-WBBF International Federation

Dear Sirs,
We are confirming that the National Federation of the Republic of Belorussia for Bodybuilding and Fitness, represented by the President Mr. Uladzimir Kurylchyk, is the Official Representative of the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and the World Body Building Federation (WBBF) in the Republic of Belorussia.
The WFF-WBBF International gives all rights to the National Federation Republic Belorussia to represent the WFF-WBBF Federation in the Republic of Belorussia as well as to organize the WFF-WBBF Contests in the Country.

International President
Edmundas Daubaras
WFF-International Official Information Only
Whom it may concern

November 27, 2010

Re. Membership in the WFF-WBBF International Federation

Dear Sirs,
We are confirming that the National Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Bodybuilding and Fitness, represented by the President Mr. Ali Reza Rasa, is the Official Representative of the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and the World Body Building Federation (WBBF) in the Islamic Republic of Iran .
The WFF-WBBF International gives all rights to the National Federation Islamic Republic of Iran to represent the WFF-WBBF Federation in the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as to organize the WFF-WBBF Contests in the Country.

International President
Edmundas Daubaras
WFF-International Official Information Only
2010 WFF-WBBF Executive Council International Congress Report
(October 28-31, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia)

World Fitness Federation (WFF) and World Body Building Federation (WBBF) uniting 94 Countries representing all Continents basing on the 2010 WFF-WBBF Executive Council International Congress decisions declare the following:

- President WFF-WBBF Asia PRINCE UPPAL (India)
- Secretary General WFF-WBBF Asia MANPREET PURI (India)
- Vice President WFF-WBBF Europe MIKHAIL DYAKONOV (Russia)
- President WFF-WBBF for Scandinavia Countries PALLE RASMUSSEN (Denmark)
- Chairman Disabled Sport Committee ANDREJUS LARIONOVAS (Lithuania)
- Chairman “Fit-Kid” Sport Committee ALEKSANDRA KOBIELAK (Poland).


- WFF-WBBF Asia Championship, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, April
- WFF-WBBF Amateur Europe Championship, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 7-9
- 43-d “Amber Prix International”, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 7-9
- WFF-WBBF Professional Europe Championship, 15 000 euro, Moscow, Russia, May 13-15
- WFF-WBBF South America Championship, Rosario, Argentina, October
- WFF-WBBF Africa Championship, Republic South Africa, October
- WFF-WBBF North America Championship, Mexico, Mexico, October
- WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship, October 28-30, Gdansk, Poland
- WFF-WBBF “Universe”, October 28-30, Gdansk, Poland
- WFF-WBBF World Professional Championship, 20 000 euro, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia, November 4-6
- WFF-WBBF Professional “Amber Prix OLYMPIA”, 20 000 euro, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia, November 4-6

International Headquarters,
Secretary WFF-WBBF International EDITA SENDRIENE
WFF-International Official Information Only
Šiandien 2010 metų WFF-WBBF „Universe“ čempionas ALEKSANDRAS NEVSKIS kalba per „Amerikos balso“ radiją:

Александр Невский снимает фильм «Мистер Вселенная»
Надежный источник новостей и информации
Олег Сулькин | Нью-Йорк
Актер, продюсер и культурист Александр Невский объявил о начале съемок фильма «Мистер Вселенная». Это римейк документальной ленты 1977 года «Качай железо», давшей старт международной моде на бодибилдинг и карьере Арнольда Шварценеггера. Как сообщили ряд изданий, в конце октября Невский завоевал титул Universe на 60-м чемпионате мира по бодибилдингу среди любителей, проходившем по версии Всемирной федерации бодибилдинга и фитнеса (WBBF) в Брусно Купеле (Словакия). С Александром Невским, выбравшим своей московской резиденцией отель Ritz Carlton, побеседовал по телефону нью-йоркский корреспондент «Голоса Америки» Олег Сулькин.
Олег Сулькин: Почему ты решил снимать римейк «Качай железо»?
Александр Невский: Друзья отговаривали меня ехать на чемпионат в Словакию. И я себя почувствовал себя как Рокки Бальбоа в последнем фильме Сильвестра Сталлоне. Он хочет вернуться в бокс, а ему говорят: не ходи, а то побьют. Я решил - раз я еду на чемпионат, раз я решил исполнить мечту всей жизни, то надо снять об этом кино. В 1993 году документальный фильм «Цель – Вселенная» сделал меня известным в России. Заслуга «Качай железо» в том, что чемпионаты по бодибилдингу показаны не как цирк или зверинец, а как своего рода искусство, спорт высшей пробы. Мне тоже хочется сделать достойное кино.
О.С.: Где будут проходить съемки?
А.Н.: Мы снимали на чемпионате в Словакии, будем снимать и в России, и в Америке. Фильм выйдет на английском языке. Мне важно, чтобы молодые люди в разных странах почувствовали вкус к бодибилдингу, поняли, что это спорт не для перекачанных экстремалов, а для гармоничных людей.
О.С.: Если не ошибаюсь, ты не собирался выступать на чемпионате...
А.Н.: В июне на московскую премьеру моего нового фильма «Убийство в Лас-Вегасе», в январе выходящего в США под названием «Magic Man», пришло много моих друзей. Среди них - президент Всемирной федерации бодибилдинга и фитнеса (WBBF) Эдмундас Даубарас, легендарный человек, выводивший культуризм из подполья в Советском Союзе. На премьере он меня официально пригласил на чемпионат в Словакию.
О.С.: У тебя не возникло сомнений?
А.Н.: Ты имеешь в виду мой возраст? Да, 17 июля мне исполнилось 39 лет. В тот день я находился на волшебном гавайском острове Мауи. Мне как будто кто-то в ухо нашептал, что делать дальше. Я понял, что должен обязательно выступить. Я начал заниматься бодибилдингом в 1986 году. Благодаря этому, стал известен в 90-е годы в России, где активно пропагандировал и пропагандирую этот вид спорта.
О.С.: И в Голливуд ты прорвался...
А.Н.: Несколько позже и не благодаря бодибилдингу. В 80-90-е годы российские атлеты не участвовали в конкурсах «Мистер Вселенная», так что пройти маршрутом Шварценеггера мне не удалось. Он сначала получил титул «Мистер Вселенная», а потом покорил Голливуд. Но заноза у меня осталась, и я решил: либо сейчас, либо никогда. Меня поддержали моя мама и потрясающая девушка, Оксана Сидоренко, которая находится теперь со мной рядом. Я познакомился с Оксаной, чемпионкой мира по бальным танцам, на телеконкурсе «Танцы со звездами», где мы дошли с ней до финала. Так вот, за невероятно короткий срок в три с половиной месяца мне нужно было восстановить мышечную массу и ее «отсушить».
О.С.: Судя по результату, тебе все удалось...
А.Н.: Да, и во многом благодаря тому, что я всегда наращивал мышцы без анаболиков. В итоге мы с Оксаной привезли пять кубков, причем один из них мы получили вместе за победу в парах по бодибилдингу и фитнесу, а еще один получил я как обладатель титула Universe. Все по версии WBBF. Оксана молодец, она поставила нам показательную программу «Геракл и Афродита», оригинально совмещающую бодибилдинг и танцы. Свою победу я использую, чтобы привлечь внимание подростков и молодежи к натуральному бодибилдингу, спорту без стероидов.
О.С.: Где для тебя важнее карьера – в Голливуде или в России?
А.Н.: Пытаюсь совмещать обе. Когда я уехал из России в 2000 году, российский кинопрокат собирал 5-7 млн долларов в год, а сейчас превысил отметку в 1 млрд долларов. Это серьезный рынок, и мне, как продюсеру, очень важно наращивать здесь свое присутствие. Но не буду скрывать, мне нравится Америка. Я гражданин России, но у меня есть гринкарта. Я всегда хотел жить в Калифорнии, в Мекке бодибилдинга и кинобизнеса. Образно говоря, я такой «мускулистый мостик» между Россией и Америкой.
О.С.: Какие роли нравятся «мускулистому мостику»?
А.Н.: Я никогда не играю отмороженных русских бандитов, не хочу потакать таким стереотипам. Снимаю фильмы, в которых действуют русские герои, вызывающие симпатию. Когда я в России слышу негативные высказывания об Америке, всегда стараюсь их развенчивать. Я себя одинаково комфортно чувствую и в Москве, и в Лос-Анджелесе.
О.С.: Кто режиссер фильма «Мистер Вселенная» и когда он выйдет на экраны?
А.Н.: Снимает фильм Артур Аллан Сейделман, обладатель премии «Эмми» и создатель культового фильма «Геркулес в Нью-Йорке». Я продюсирую его вместе с кинокомпанией Hollywood Strom при участии концерна Magic Crystal. Мировая премьера запланирована на первую половину 2011 года.
Šios dienos Azijos spauda rašo apie tai, kad Azija užveria duris RAFAELIO SANTOCHOS IFBB federacijai ir baudžia Azijos federacijas, kurios dalyvauja Azijoje nepripažintos IFBB federacijos varžybose:

Omani officials barred from Beach Games bodybuilding
Muscat Daily Staff Writer , December 01, 2010

Officials of the Oman Bodybuilding Committee have been barred from being part of the Asian Beach Games by the world and Asian governing bodies for the sport as a penalty for participating in competitions organised by two rival bodies recently.

At one point, even Oman's team was on the verge of being barred from the competition to be held at the City Amphitheatre, Qurm from December 9 to 11. But the host's team was finally cleared 'in the interests of the bodybuilders' and under certain conditions including fresh dope tests.

The bodybuilding competition at the Beach Games is being held by Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation (ABBF) and the World Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Federation (WBPF), both operating under the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).

The Beach Games is being held in Muscat and Musannah from December 8-16 under the patronage of the OCA.

However, the ABBF and WBPF objected to Oman's participation in an Asian championship (Bahrain, October) and a world championship (Azerbaijan, November) organised by the rival federations - Asian Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (AFBF) and International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (IFBB).

These two rival federations are not recognised by the OCA. Speaking exclusively to Muscat Daily from Singapore, Paul Chua, ABBF and WBPF secretary- general, said, “We were upset with the participation of Oman teams at the championships organised by the rival bodies. The Oman Bodybuilding Committee (OBC) is responsible for the athletes' participation. But the executive council of the ABBF, in the interests of the bodybuilders, unanimously decided that Omani competitors will be allowed to participate at the Asian Beach Games on certain conditions.

“The executive council agreed that the athletes should not suffer for the violations committed by the Oman Bodybuilding Committee. One of our primary conditions for an athlete to participate is that he must provide a dope test clearance certificate from a recognised International Olympic Committee laboratory. We want to ensure a dope free event, which is one of the main goals of OCA. Besides that, athletes will have to follow the competition rules of the ABBF and the WBPF.”

However, Chua confirmed there would be no place for members of the Oman Bodybuilding Committee at the Games. “None of the members, even if they are qualified judges, will be allowed to officiate at the Asian Beach Games,” he said. “There is no role, be it technical or another, for any member of the Omani committee. We have already announced a high-powered delegation for the Muscat Games. The participation of Oman teams in the rival Asian and world championships has not gone down well with us and we want to send a clear warning.

“Having said that, we have high regard for the Oman Olympic Committee (OOC), which is making all efforts to make the Games a success. We would like to ensure that the Muscat Asian Beach Games is a grand success. I have been in Muscat twice and am happy with the arrangements made for the competition.”

Reacting to the development, an official from the Oman Bodybuilding Committee told Muscat Daily, “We are happy that our athletes are participating at the Games as we have hopes for medals from them. They have trained hard. I would not like to get into any debate on our past participation and I am happy that we have managed to resolve the row for the moment.”

© Muscat Daily
"Moscow Times" šiandien rašo:

Meet the ‘Russian Arnold Schwarzenegger’
01 December 2010
By Joy Neumeyer

After 15 minutes of talking, Alexander Nevsky — aka "Mr. Universe" — is hungry. Really hungry.
“Mind if we take a break?” he asks, his fork hovering eagerly over his brunch.
Granted permission, Nevsky dives into the mammoth plate of five eggs before him. The self-proclaimed "Russian Arnold Schwarzenegger" is still celebrating his return to cholesterol after the punishing diet that helped earn him his bodybuilding title in late October — and flaunting the critics who say his "Mr. Universe" mantle is not the one that Nevsky’s idol first captured in 1967.
At an imposing 6 feet 7 inches, with hulking biceps and a broad smile, it’s hard to believe that Nevsky once favored books over barbells. Born in Moscow in 1971 to an engineer and a professor, Nevsky says that as a child he didn’t play sports.
“I didn’t understand my friends — they were all running around with a ball, and I was sitting with a book,” such as the Anna Akhmatova poetry beloved by his mother.
When he sprouted up to a beanpole-like 200 centimeters, the 14-year-old Nevsky encountered problems with his peers. “Boys who’d basically never read any poetry didn’t like that ‘skinny pencil neck’ was getting more attention from girls when [I] couldn’t even do push-ups,” he said. “So they started picking on me.”
To fight back, he began training at a boxing gym. Soon, “all the bad guys in our school, they were surprised,” he said. “Suddenly that ‘pencil neck’ started to fight with them and put them in their place.” But while his self-confidence soared, his appearance remained the same. Frustrated, he asked his mother for money to buy dumbbells and began lifting weights on his own.
Nevsky may have remained a mere at-home fitness enthusiast if it weren’t for one singularly muscled inspiration. When he saw Arnold Schwarzenegger’s star-making turn in “Conan the Destroyer” in 1986, Nevsky knew he had found his life’s dream. “Schwarzenegger was at his prime, muscle-wise, in the movie. I was in shock,” he said. “As soon as the movie finished, I knew what I should do.
“I should start bodybuilding.”
Nevsky worked on his training in between classes at the State Academy of Management. Though bodybuilding had gained global popularity in the '60s and '70s — thanks in large part to Schwarzenegger — in the '80s it was still illegal in the Soviet Union. Nevsky says that at the time, there were only two bodybuilding gyms in Moscow, and they operated under strict discretion. “You couldn’t even put a Schwarzenegger poster on the wall.”
In the early '90s, the Soviet Union’s collapse was accompanied by an explosion of Russian bodybuilding; at last its buff practitioners could bare their chests and compete openly. As his biceps expanded, Nevsky’s star began to rise. At 25, he changed his last name from "Kuritsyn," which in Russian bears an unfortunate resemblance to "kuritsa," or "chicken," to the more robust "Nevsky," reminiscent of the Russian medieval hero. (Nevsky says it’s also his mother’s maiden name.)
Nevsky seized upon the wave of consumerist self-reinvention that accompanied Russia’s shift to capitalism, marketing fitness as a lifestyle. In 1996, Nevsky penned his first book, which combined self-help advice with exercises, and called it “How to Become Arnold Schwarzenegger in Russia.” A television show called “Self-Made Man” and several more books followed.
In 1999, Nevsky moved to Los Angeles to pursue a film career. According to him, in 2000 he had the opportunity to meet his idol when he presented Schwarzenegger with a book signed by Mikhail Gorbachev. (Nevsky says he befriended Gorbachev after defending him from a heckling Communist on a Russian political talk show in the '90s.) “He likes my films, by the way,” Nevsky said.
After improving his English and studying acting, he has produced and starred in several English-language action movies filmed in Moscow, including “Moscow Heat” with Michael York and “Treasure Raiders” with David Carradine. So far, Nevsky’s films have been widely panned in Russia, and have gone straight to DVD in the United States.
Though Schwarzenegger’s international movie stardom has eluded his grasp, Nevsky finally got a shot at one of his idol’s crowning achievements: the Mr. Universe title. In June, Edmundas Daubaras, head of the World Bodybuilding Federation (WBBF) and World Fitness Federation (WFF), which sponsor the tournament, approached him with an offer to compete in this year’s 60th anniversary competition.
Three and a half months later, Nevsky and Oksana Sidorenko (Nevsky’s recent "Dancing With the Stars" partner and now-girlfriend) took the stage in Brusno Kupele, Slovakia. They dressed as Hercules and Aphrodite, posing alongside their competitors for hours beneath bright stage lights without drinking water. (“You want your muscles to be more defined,” Nevsky explained.) On Oct. 29, Nevsky’s press agency announced that he was anointed Mr. Universe, Sidorenko won World Champion in Model Fitness, and together they took the pairs crown.
However, some fitness buffs claim that the WBBF/WFF event has no relation to the Mr. Universe competition in which Schwarzenegger participated, which was sponsored by the National Amateur Body Builders’ Association (NABBA). Russian bodybuilding web site led the charges, proclaiming: “Nevsky, the king of bodybuilding, has turned out to be 'naked,' since he won a competition that has conferred global status on itself and has no relation to the prize recognized by the best sportsmen.”
In a press release issued by Nevsky’s PR agency, WBBF general secretary Andrei Basov denied the claims, asserting that the WBBF competition is the current official Mr. Universe competition, and that the current NABBA Mr. Universe is not registered. For his part, Nevsky shrugs off the allegations. “When you’re successful, other people are jealous,” he said.
Despite the doubts surrounding his title, Nevsky is seizing on publicity from the event to promote his new film projects, starting with a remake of Schwarzenegger’s 1977 biographical film, “Pumping Iron.”
Unlike his hero, Nevsky says that for now he has no designs to run for office. However, he does believe he has a special political mission of his own. As he polished off the last morsels of his toast, Nevsky said his ultimate goal is to foster better relations between his native and adopted countries. “I’m kind of like a bridge between Hollywood and Moscow,” he said. “I’m trying to show that Russia and America, they can work together. They can fight evil together. They can be friends.”
Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev should take note. As his classmates learned several decades ago, when Alexander Nevsky speaks, it’s wise to listen.

© Copyright 2010. The Moscow Times. All rights reserved.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:"Moscow Times" šiandien rašo:

Meet the ‘Russian Arnold Schwarzenegger’
01 December 2010
By Joy Neumeyer

After 15 minutes of talking, Alexander Nevsky — aka "Mr. Universe" — is hungry. Really hungry.
“Mind if we take a break?” he asks, his fork hovering eagerly over his brunch.
Granted permission, Nevsky dives into the mammoth plate of five eggs before him. The self-proclaimed "Russian Arnold Schwarzenegger" is still celebrating his return to cholesterol after the punishing diet that helped earn him his bodybuilding title in late October — and flaunting the critics who say his "Mr. Universe" mantle is not the one that Nevsky’s idol first captured in 1967.
At an imposing 6 feet 7 inches, with hulking biceps and a broad smile, it’s hard to believe that Nevsky once favored books over barbells. Born in Moscow in 1971 to an engineer and a professor, Nevsky says that as a child he didn’t play sports.
“I didn’t understand my friends — they were all running around with a ball, and I was sitting with a book,” such as the Anna Akhmatova poetry beloved by his mother.
When he sprouted up to a beanpole-like 200 centimeters, the 14-year-old Nevsky encountered problems with his peers. “Boys who’d basically never read any poetry didn’t like that ‘skinny pencil neck’ was getting more attention from girls when [I] couldn’t even do push-ups,” he said. “So they started picking on me.”
To fight back, he began training at a boxing gym. Soon, “all the bad guys in our school, they were surprised,” he said. “Suddenly that ‘pencil neck’ started to fight with them and put them in their place.” But while his self-confidence soared, his appearance remained the same. Frustrated, he asked his mother for money to buy dumbbells and began lifting weights on his own.
Nevsky may have remained a mere at-home fitness enthusiast if it weren’t for one singularly muscled inspiration. When he saw Arnold Schwarzenegger’s star-making turn in “Conan the Destroyer” in 1986, Nevsky knew he had found his life’s dream. “Schwarzenegger was at his prime, muscle-wise, in the movie. I was in shock,” he said. “As soon as the movie finished, I knew what I should do.
“I should start bodybuilding.”
Nevsky worked on his training in between classes at the State Academy of Management. Though bodybuilding had gained global popularity in the '60s and '70s — thanks in large part to Schwarzenegger — in the '80s it was still illegal in the Soviet Union. Nevsky says that at the time, there were only two bodybuilding gyms in Moscow, and they operated under strict discretion. “You couldn’t even put a Schwarzenegger poster on the wall.”
In the early '90s, the Soviet Union’s collapse was accompanied by an explosion of Russian bodybuilding; at last its buff practitioners could bare their chests and compete openly. As his biceps expanded, Nevsky’s star began to rise. At 25, he changed his last name from "Kuritsyn," which in Russian bears an unfortunate resemblance to "kuritsa," or "chicken," to the more robust "Nevsky," reminiscent of the Russian medieval hero. (Nevsky says it’s also his mother’s maiden name.)
Nevsky seized upon the wave of consumerist self-reinvention that accompanied Russia’s shift to capitalism, marketing fitness as a lifestyle. In 1996, Nevsky penned his first book, which combined self-help advice with exercises, and called it “How to Become Arnold Schwarzenegger in Russia.” A television show called “Self-Made Man” and several more books followed.
In 1999, Nevsky moved to Los Angeles to pursue a film career. According to him, in 2000 he had the opportunity to meet his idol when he presented Schwarzenegger with a book signed by Mikhail Gorbachev. (Nevsky says he befriended Gorbachev after defending him from a heckling Communist on a Russian political talk show in the '90s.) “He likes my films, by the way,” Nevsky said.
After improving his English and studying acting, he has produced and starred in several English-language action movies filmed in Moscow, including “Moscow Heat” with Michael York and “Treasure Raiders” with David Carradine. So far, Nevsky’s films have been widely panned in Russia, and have gone straight to DVD in the United States.
Though Schwarzenegger’s international movie stardom has eluded his grasp, Nevsky finally got a shot at one of his idol’s crowning achievements: the Mr. Universe title. In June, Edmundas Daubaras, head of the World Bodybuilding Federation (WBBF) and World Fitness Federation (WFF), which sponsor the tournament, approached him with an offer to compete in this year’s 60th anniversary competition.
Three and a half months later, Nevsky and Oksana Sidorenko (Nevsky’s recent "Dancing With the Stars" partner and now-girlfriend) took the stage in Brusno Kupele, Slovakia. They dressed as Hercules and Aphrodite, posing alongside their competitors for hours beneath bright stage lights without drinking water. (“You want your muscles to be more defined,” Nevsky explained.) On Oct. 29, Nevsky’s press agency announced that he was anointed Mr. Universe, Sidorenko won World Champion in Model Fitness, and together they took the pairs crown.
However, some fitness buffs claim that the WBBF/WFF event has no relation to the Mr. Universe competition in which Schwarzenegger participated, which was sponsored by the National Amateur Body Builders’ Association (NABBA). Russian bodybuilding web site led the charges, proclaiming: “Nevsky, the king of bodybuilding, has turned out to be 'naked,' since he won a competition that has conferred global status on itself and has no relation to the prize recognized by the best sportsmen.”
In a press release issued by Nevsky’s PR agency, WBBF general secretary Andrei Basov denied the claims, asserting that the WBBF competition is the current official Mr. Universe competition, and that the current NABBA Mr. Universe is not registered. For his part, Nevsky shrugs off the allegations. “When you’re successful, other people are jealous,” he said.
Despite the doubts surrounding his title, Nevsky is seizing on publicity from the event to promote his new film projects, starting with a remake of Schwarzenegger’s 1977 biographical film, “Pumping Iron.”
Unlike his hero, Nevsky says that for now he has no designs to run for office. However, he does believe he has a special political mission of his own. As he polished off the last morsels of his toast, Nevsky said his ultimate goal is to foster better relations between his native and adopted countries. “I’m kind of like a bridge between Hollywood and Moscow,” he said. “I’m trying to show that Russia and America, they can work together. They can fight evil together. They can be friends.”
Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev should take note. As his classmates learned several decades ago, when Alexander Nevsky speaks, it’s wise to listen.

© Copyright 2010. The Moscow Times. All rights reserved.

Alexander Nevsky, right, posing with his childhood hero, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Baigiantis metams Argentinos WFF-WBBF federacija rengia dar vienas varžybas:

Campeonato Argentino W.F.F. 2010
Domingo 12 de Diciembre
Sala Luz y Fuerza de Rosario, Paraguay 1135.
Inscripcion a partir de las 14:30hs.
Fitness Infaltil: 15:00hs / Fitness Figura Adultos: 17:00hs
Entrada Gral.: $20 / Inscripcion Infantil: $20 / Inscripcion Adulto: $55 y te llevas la remera del torneo de regalo!!!
Todas las categorias segun el reglamento internacional W.F.F.
Organizan: Alejandra Rubio - Campeona Mundial de Fitness / Facundo Corvalan - Representante WFF para la Prov. de Santa Fe.
Comunicate: (0341) 155-521163 / 155-048135 - Mail: /
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Baigiantis metams Argentinos WFF-WBBF federacija rengia dar vienas varžybas:

Campeonato Argentino W.F.F. 2010
Domingo 12 de Diciembre
Sala Luz y Fuerza de Rosario, Paraguay 1135.
Inscripcion a partir de las 14:30hs.
Fitness Infaltil: 15:00hs / Fitness Figura Adultos: 17:00hs
Entrada Gral.: $20 / Inscripcion Infantil: $20 / Inscripcion Adulto: $55 y te llevas la remera del torneo de regalo!!!
Todas las categorias segun el reglamento internacional W.F.F.
Organizan: Alejandra Rubio - Campeona Mundial de Fitness / Facundo Corvalan - Representante WFF para la Prov. de Santa Fe.
Comunicate: (0341) 155-521163 / 155-048135 - Mail: /

Sekančią savaitę Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS planuoja kelionę į Maskvą (Rusiją). Maskvoje kartu su kitais klausimais bus aptarti pasiruošimo 2011 metų tarptautiniam trenerių seminarui darbai (seminaras vyks 2011 m. vasario mėnesį Maskvoje).
Taip pat planuojami Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidento EDMUNDO DAUBARO vizitai į Italiją (gruodžio 15-18 d.) ir Turkiją.

Šiandien verčiame naują sportinio gyvenimo puslapį. Esame nusiteikę optimistiškai. Matysime, ką atneš ateinantys nauji laiko tarpsniai. Kaip ir anksčiau, Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacija, vienijanti 93 šalių nacionalines federacijas atstovaujančias visus kontinentus, lieka vienintelė oficiali teisiškai registruota visuomeninė nesiekianti pelno tarptautinė kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija pasaulyje, turinti registruotą konstituciją, savo vėliavą bei himną. Paskutiniai keleri metai, o ypač 2010, buvo be galo reikšmingi tarptautiniam kultūrizmo ir fitneso sportui. Sparčiai gausėja visokių neoficialių niekur įstatymiškai neregistruotų nelegalių struktūrų, kurios save įvardija visokio plauko tarptautinėmis organizacijomis ir tai kelia dar didesnę sumaištį pasauliniame sporte.
Parėję metai gausūs svarbiais tarptautiniais įvykiais: sporto pasaulį paliko autoritetingi BENAS VEIDERIS (Ben Weider) ir AIVANAS DANBARAS (Ivan Dunbar). Prie privačios Beno Veiderio Kanadoje registruotos IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) komercinės firmos (save ilgai vadinusios „tarptautine kultūrizmo federacija“) palikimo kilo negražios dalybos: grupė pretendentų į nuosavybę su ispanu RAFAELIU SANTOCHA (Rafael Santonja) priešakyje, apgaule, klastodami juridinius dokumentus, perėmė valdžią. Tai sukėlė likusiųjų pretendentų nepasitenkinimą ir lėmė IFBB komercinės firmos skilimą. IFBB teisininkui iš Austrijos ALEKSUI BAUERIUI (Alex Bauer) paviešinus IFBB komersantus kompromituojančius dokumentus (dokumentų kopijos išsiųstos IOC (International Olympic Committee) ir jo nacionaliniams padaliniams, tame tarpe atsiskyrusios IFBB dalies prašymu publikuojami forume temoje „EFBB/IFBB illegal financial deals“), visiems tapo aišku, kad IFBB nėra ir niekad nebuvo sporto federacija, o tik privati komercinė firma.
Taip vidinių kovų dėl valdžios komercinėje IFBB firmoje dėka sporto pasaulyje atsirado dar viena tarptautinė struktūra, save vadinanti „tarptautine federacija“ (IFBB-2), kuriai vadovauja Jungtinių Arabų Emyratų šeichas OSAMA AL ŠAFARAS (Osama Al Shafar) irbuvęs ilgametis BENO VEIDERIO pagalbininkas bei tarptautinės IFBB vice prezidentas POLAS ČIUA (Paul Chua) iš Singapūro.
Anglijos NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) sportinį klubą, save įvardijantį, kaip tarptautinę sporto organizaciją, palikus AIVANUI DANBARUI, jo vietą užėmė mažai žinomas niekur nepasireiškęs sporto veikėjas iš Australijos, tad tarptautinė NABBA padėtis nė kiek nepagerėjo.
Komercinė maisto papildais prekiaujanti prancūzo FABIJANO DE BEKO (Fabian De Beck) privati firma, įvardijanti save, kaip tarptautinė WABBA (World Body Building Association) asociacija, vis labiau nueina nuo tarptautinės sporto arenos.
Atsiranda eilė naujų tarptautinių struktūrų, kurios įvairiai pulsuoja, dalinasi, jungiasi, bet kaip anksčiau, taip ir dabar, jokio reikšmingo vaidmens oficialiame tarptautiniame sporte nevaidina. Dėl taip vadinamų „tarptautinių“ kultūrizmo ir fitneso organizacijų padrikos ir, kalbant apie jų juridinį statusą, nelegalios veiklos padėtis tarptautiniame sporte vis labiau komplikuojasi. Minėtų organizacijų bei paties sporto autoritetas nuolatos smunka. Yra daug įvairių nuomonių, tačiau faktas yra faktas: po to, kai Tarptautinis Olimpinis Komitetas (IOC) atsisakė pripažinti ir remti IFBB federaciją, po to, kai Pasaulio žaidynės (World Games) triukšmingai pašalino IFBB iš savo narių, po to, kai IFBB suskilo į dvi dalis, dabar nė viena save įvardijanti tarptautinė kultūrizmo ar fitneso struktūra nebevaidina jokio vaidmens oficialiame pasaulinio sporto judėjime. Visa tai dar labiau sureikšmina Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos pastangas, nuosekliai dirbant prie oficialaus kultūrizmo ir fitneso pripažinimo sporto šaka.


Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija gyvena audringą organizacijos stiprėjimo laikotarpį. Per paskutinius kelerius metus apie WFF-WBBF federaciją sukasi įvairūs sporto pasaulyje gerai žinomi žmonės, atstovaujantys įvairias nacionalines bei tarptautines organizacijas. Jie ateina su įvairiais pasiūlymais, idėjomis. Kai kurie šių pasiūlymų atrodo fantastiniai ir nerealūs. Būna teigiamų rezultatų, būna ir nusivylimų. Tačiau nieko nuostabaus – neišbandžius, idėjos tik ir liks idėjomis. Ir Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija šias idėjas bandė ir bando realizuoti.
Taip buvo kuriami planai steigti Pasaulinės WFF federacijos būstinę Vokietijoje, tam įsigyjant patalpas garsiajame Frankfurto biznio centro dangoraižyje. Šiuo tikslu Vokietijoje vyko eilė susitikimų, buvo apžiūrėtos konkrečios patalpos debesis siekiančiame pastate. Taip buvo kuriami bei pradėti realizuoti perspektyviniai planai tarptautinei WFF-WBBF federacijos veiklai vystyti kartu su garsia Rusijos komercine firma, tačiau rusams tarpusavyje susipykus, bendradarbiavimas nutrūko.
WFF-WBBF įvairiame lygmenyje bendradarbiauja su nacionalinėmis ir tarptautinėmis organizacijomis. Pasitaiko visokių netikėtų situacijų. Neseniai dirbome su viena save įvardijančia „tarptautine kultūrizmo federacija“ Italijoje: kai sėdome pasirašyti bendradarbiavimo sutartį, WFF-WBBF atstovai pateikė Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos juridinius rekvizitus, sutartį patvirtino federacijos antspaudu, o italo atstovaujama „tarptautinė federacija“ sugebėjo pateikti tik fizinio asmens vardą, o antspaudą uždėjo vieno Italijos miestelio pašto skyriaus, nes minėta „tarptautinė federacija“, pasirodo, savojo neturėjo. Per paskutinius metų minėta Italijos „tarptautinė organizacija“ tris kartus skilo, po savęs palikdama dar tris į save panašias „tarptautines sporto organizacijas“. O tokių, taip vadinamų, „tarptautinių sporto federacijų“, su kuriomis kasdien susiduriame ir bendraujame, yra dauguma...
2009 metais rimtai dirbome prie didelio tarptautinio sporto projekto Indijoje, tačiau, kai atėjo laikas pasirašyti mūsų paruoštą sutartį su aiškiai išdėstytais reikalavimais, pasirodė, kad antras sutarties dalyvis nėra tinkamai pasiruošęs tokiam projektui. Tačiau, 2010 metais bendras projektas su Indija yra atnaujinamas.
Skilus tarptautinei IFBB, daugiau nei 30 Azijos ir arabų šalių vienijantis struktūrinis padalinys, remiamas Azijos olimpinio komiteto (OCA – Olympic Council of Asia), pareiškė norą prisijungti prie WFF-WBBF federacijos. Gegužės pradžioje Londone (Anglija) buvo organizuojamas Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidento EDMUNDO DAUBARO susitikimas su Azijos IFBB prezidentu JAE šeichu OSAMA AL ŠAFARU bei IFBB vice prezidentu POLU ČIUA, tačiau rengiamo susitikimo data sutapo su WFF-WBBF Europos čempionatu Klaipėdoje, o tolimų kraštų atstovams, rengiantis atvykti į Lietuvą, kilo keblumų dėl greito ES vizų išdavimo tvarkos. Taip šie ketinimai liko nerealizuoti.
Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija realizuoja ilgalaikį tarptautinį projektą Slovakijoje. 2009 metais Slovakijoje vyko tarptautinis WFF-WBBF „Universe“ turnyras, šiais metais Slovakijos Brusno Kupele kurorte sėkmingai organizuoti pasaulio profesionalų ir mėgėjų čempionatai bei „Universe“ turnyras, o nuo 2011 metų slovakai imasi kasmet organizuoti WFF-WBBF profesionalų „Gintarinio prizo OLYMPIA“ („Amber Prix OLYMPIA“) turnyrą. Turnyro prestižas nemenkas, juolab, kad jo istorija prasidėjo 1968 metais Lietuvoje ir tęsiasi iki šiol.
Paskutinėmis dienomis gavome išskirtinį finansinį pasiūlymą iš daugelį dešimtmečių tarptautinį kultūrizmo sportą globojančių žmonių. Jie pateikė tiesiog grandiozinį tarptautinį kultūrizmo vystymo projektą, kuris remiasi realiais šešiaženkliais finansiniais ištekliais. Siūlomas keturių metų projektas su teisę jį pratęsti dar keturiems metams. Kodėl jie pasirinko Pasaulinę WFF-WBBF federaciją galima spręsti iš to nerimto požiūrio į kultūrizmo bei fitneso sportą, kurį demonstruoja kitos tarptautinės sporto organizacijos. Aišku, projekto realizavimui reikia dar daug pastangų įdėti, be to, dar pati WFF-WBBF federacija turi savo konkrečią oficialią poziciją ir juridinius reikalavimus, tačiau derybos jau vyksta ir laikas parodys kas ir kaip.

Šis straipsnis keliauja per įvairių šalių informacines priemones.
Antradienį Kauno miesto savivaldybės meras Andrius Kupčinskas pagerbė ir apdovanojo mūsų miesto sportininkus, kurie šiais metais iškovoję aukštas vietas įvairiuose čempionatuose, turnyruose. Kaunas 2010 metais pripažintas sportiškiausiu Lietuvos miestu.

2010 m. gruodžio mėnesį Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS lankėsi Maskvoje (Rusija).
Maskvoje vyko Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos spaudos konferencija, furšetas su garsiais Holivudo aktoriais ir režisieriais, naujo kino filmo ir WFF-WBBF žurnalo pristatymas.
Jau artimiausiomis dienomis Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS lankysis į Italijoje.

Po neseniai Slovakijos Brusno Kupele kurorte vykusio WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation, 94 šalys, atstovaujančios visus kontinentus) pasaulio mėgėjų ir profesionalų čempionato bei tarptautinio „Universe“ turnyro įvairių šalių žiniasklaida nenustoja kalbėti apie didelę šių įvykių reikšmę. Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos vadovai, pristatydami organizacijos veiklą, įvairiose šalyse dalyvavo daugelyje spaudos konferencijų. Paskutinė vyko visai neseniai Rusijoje (Maskva).
Siekdama užsibrėžto tikslo propaguoti sveiką gyvenimo būdą, skatinti žmones sportuoti, ypač akcentuojant vaikus, jaunimą, neįgalius žmones, Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija siekia oficialaus kultūrizmo ir fitneso sporto pripažinimo. Pastaruoju metu Pasaulinės federacijos vadovai buvo priimti aukštame lygyje Rusijos Federacijos Prezidento administracijoje. Prieš kelias dienas 2010 metų pasaulio ir „Universe“ čempiono, didėlio sporto entuziasto, žinomo Holivudo kino aktoriaus ALEKSANDRO NEVSKIO iniciatyva Pasaulinės federacijos atstovai buvo priimti Rusijos federacijos Parlamente (Dūmoje). Visur sulaukta supratimo ir palaikymo, ogi kitaip ir būti negali.
Vakar Maskvoje vyko Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos vadovų susitikimas su žinomos Rusijos visuomeninės sporto organizacijos atstovais. Sutarta bendradarbiauti bendrose programose įvairiose srityse: vaikai, jaunimas, švietimas, neįgalūs žmonės. Rusijos sporto organizacija pasiūlė kartu rengti 2011 metų WFF-WBBF federacijos tarptautinį trenerių seminarą (Pasaulinė federacija seminarą organizuoja nuo 1994 metų). Klausimas suderintas, tad trenerių seminaras žada būti ypatingas, jis vyks 2011 metų balandžio viduryje Maskvoje.
Daugiau informacijos pateiksime greitai.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką apie IFBB daug metų skleidžiamą melą su prašymu paviešinti forume:

----- Original Message -----
From: Waheed Kamal
To: Rafael Santonja ; Adel Faheem ; Wada Marlyn ; Willium Tierrney ; Wada Info - main office ; Mauricio de Arruda
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Osama Al Shafar ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 3:20 AM

Dear All,
I read the IFBB Constitution. Interestingly, I came across Article 15.2 which stipulates:
2. Documented proof of the organization's acceptance by their Ministry of Sport, or National Olympic Committee, that they are the sole recognized national sport governing body for the sport of bodybuilding and fitness within their country. HOW MANY COUNTRIES SO CALLED MEMBERS OF THE "IFBB CORPORATION" ARE AFFILIATED TO THEIR OLYMPIC COMMITTEES AND TO THEIR SPORTS MINISTRIES???
3. A copy of their constitution and rules, said constitution and rules which must be in conformity with the Constitution and Rules of the IFBB HOW MANY COUNTRIES SUBMITTED THEIR CONSTITUTIONS TO THE IFBB corporation??? Not many have rules or constitution.
We should challenge the IFBB to produce the list of all the countries who are recognized by their Ministry of Sport or by their National Olympic Committee. We doubt that there are more than 40 or 50 countries recognized by their government or National Olympic Committees. Take for example, the English Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation & Australia federation ( they are operating under business). Only a handful number of countries are recognized: Asia, South Pacific and some Pan American/European countries.
The IFBB is actually not 179 countries strong....let's track back the past five years, how many nations participated in the World Men's Bodybuilding Championships, not over 65 and some of them do not even have athletes. Most of the delegates are gym owners and bodybuilders. Where are the 100 over nations?????
The "IFBB" hoodwink the governments. GAISF, IWGF and the sports authorities of the world.
Shame on them.
We thank the BRAVE OFFICIALS AXEL BAUER, OSAMA ALSHAFAR, PAUL CHUA for their bravery to stand up and say" NO THIS IS WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY" in running a federation. They have exposed the real crooks and cheats. There is a saying when the well runs dry. You can really see between a snake and a fish. The world knows who the snake is now.

Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija toliau dirba prie 32-o tarptautinio žurnalo “Sportinis fitnesas ir kultūrizmas” numerio.
Štai taip prasideda Indijos puslapiai:
Naujas Holivudo kino filmas apie Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos kultūrizmą tuojau pasirodys įvairių šalių kino ekranuose:


Александр Невский снимает новый фильм - "Мистер Вселенная" // Видео // KP.RU
УЧРЕДИТЕЛЬ И РЕДАКЦИЯ: ЗАО «ИД «Комсомольская правда».Сайт зарегистрирован Государственным комитетом Российской Федерации по печати, свидетельство № 019051 от 02.07.1999.Главный редактор - Сунгоркин В.Н.Шеф-редактор сайта - Носова О.В.
Šiandien gavome informaciją iš Afrikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidento TOMIO DU RANDO.
Jis informuoja, kad prie Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prisijungė Zimbabvė ir tai jau 96-ta Pasaulinės federacijos šalis narė.

WFF-WBBF in Africa is growing day by day.
Tommy Du Rand Africa President and Shamim Hussein from Zimbabwe had a meeting yesterday 21 December 2010, where it was decided that Shamim will be the President and Official Representative of the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and the World Body Building Federation (WBBF) in Zimbabwe.
The Africa Federation gives all rights to the National Federation of Zimbabwe to represent the WFF-WBBF Federation in Zimbabwe as well as to organize the WFF-WBBF Contests in the Country.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Ilgametis Slovakijos kultūrizmo ideologas PETERIS ZAVADSKIS sveikina visus mus su artėjančiomis šventėmis:
Lietuvos fitneso federacijos vardu visus sveikinu su gražiausiomis metų šventėmis ir linkiu niekad nenuleisti rankų. Būkite laimingi!
Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council
Secretary General WFF-WBBF Lithuania
Šiandien gavome šventinius sveikinimus nuo Argentinos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidento Marko Džentile Falubos (Marco Gentile Faluba):









Уважаемый Эдмундас !
Поздравляем с Рождеством Христовым !
Желаем Счастья , Мира и Добра !
С уважением ,
Ассоциация аэробного и атлетического фитнеса Украины
Linksmų švenčių visiems
ŠILTI ŠVENTINIAI SVEIKINIMAI IŠ RUSIJOS TAMPLIERIŲ ORDINO VADOVYBĖS (Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani Magisterium Porto)

Didžiojo Rusijos Priorato Didydis Prioras – Leitenentas ASLEKSEJUS ANDREJEVAS (Alexey Andreyev) visus nuoširdžiai sveikina su Šv. Kalėdomis.


Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija toliau dirba prie 32-o tarptautinio žurnalo “Sportinis fitnesas ir kultūrizmas” numerio:

Белорусская федерация WFF-WBBF поздравляет Всех с новогодними праздниками и презентует, совместно с издательством "АС МЕДИА ГРАНД", книгу о соревновательном бодибилдинге "Титаны массы", известного белорусского автора Сергея Антоновича, из серии "Fitness&Life", которая посвященна популяризации и пропаганде бодибилдинга, фитнесса и здорового образа жизни. Более подробная информация на сайте:
WFF-International Official Information Only

Белорусская федерация WFF-WBBF поздравляет Всех с новогодними праздниками и презентует, совместно с издательством "АС МЕДИА ГРАНД", книгу о соревновательном бодибилдинге "Титаны массы", известного белорусского автора Сергея Антоновича, из серии "Fitness&Life", которая посвященна популяризации и пропаганде бодибилдинга, фитнесса и здорового образа жизни. Более подробная информация на сайте:

Šiandien Pakistano nacionalinė kultūrizmo asociacija kreipėsi į Pasaulinę WFF-WBBF federaciją narystės. Pakvietėme juos dalyvauti artimiausiuose WFF-WBBF tarptautiniuose renginiuose: 2011 metų WFF-WBBF Azijos čempionate, Pasaulio gran pri turnyre bei Pasaulio čempionate.

Today we received a letter from Pakistan:
To whom it may concern,
We are an association of bodybuilders in Pakistan (Pakistan Amateur Bodybuilding Association) and require some information regarding the competitions and the registration process involved in order for our athletes to compete internationally. Following are the basic required pieces of information and an elaborate reply/explanation will be appreciated.
Can the athletes only apply as individuals or as a part of the Association
If the association apply for the contest can it send any number of contestants for said categories What is the registration process to enroll in the competition
Is there a prior experience required for the contestants to be able to compete
Finally what is the registration process involved in getting a registration/affiliation
Looking forward to an early reply
Spokes Person PABBA

The WFF-WBBF answer:
Dear Friends,
let us say You have a formal membership in the World Fitness Federation (WFF) and the World Body Building Federation (WBBF). We can make legal steps needed at the 2011 WFF-WBBF Asia Championship in India (April), later on at the 2011 WFF-WBBF World Grand Prix in Russia (May) and then at a number of contests in autumn - World Am and Pro Championship, "Universe" etc..
Let us be in touch.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF-International Official Information Only

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