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Sendriene Edita Wrote:WFF-International Headquarters received one more letter from Spain. As this letter is connected with this forum topic about the various federations, we post in here too:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.

Gino Wrote:
Sendriene Edita Wrote:WFF-International Headquarters received one more letter from Spain. As this letter is connected with this forum topic about the various federations, we post in here too:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.


there are so many different interpretations on the same thing..
WFF-WBBF goes it's own way and we are not going to make a common unions with
any other structure, especially with not official one.
Nearly all so called "international federations" are not official by Law as
sport federations and can not be accepted as such.
In most cases that are private companies with their private business.
WFF-WBBF is strong enough today (if not the strongest federation by Law) to
lead the International Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness.
We do it.
It is NABBA-3 of Joe Lopez that was with us in Greece together last month.
Australian Joe Lopez is out of the game for a number of years.
Today in NABBA-3 there are 5-6 active country members only.
NABBA-3 was with a German organisation for 3-4 years, but now they split.
We do not care much about other federations as these federations are not
official federations.
But we never neglect positive and friendly initiative of them.
Every federation consists of people and there are many good persons in every
We should respect and we do respect them.
NABBA-3 too.
Every of us has some positive and negative characteristics.
On June 14, 2008 NABBA-3 proposed to organize NABBA World Championship and
WBBF World Amateur Grand Prix in Greece.
We accepted their proposal.
Being in Greece we received the official letter from India Officials, asking
for membership in WFF-WBBF.
They asked the permittion to organize the annual WFF-WBBF Asia Championships
and some other great International Events in India.
Again we argeed as this initiative is fine.
WFF-WBBF is working a number of years on organizing Asia Championships.
India, Pakistan, Iran, Philippines, Maldives, Ceylon are supporting our
If it is India to take the initiative, then why not?
wff_edita Wrote:WFF-WBBF goes it's own way and we are not going to make a common unions with
any other structure, especially with not official one.
Nearly all so called "international federations" are not official by Law as
sport federations and can not be accepted as such.
In most cases that are private companies with their private business.
WFF-WBBF is strong enough today (if not the strongest federation by Law) to
lead the International Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness.
We do it.
It is NABBA-3 of Joe Lopez that was with us in Greece together last month.
Australian Joe Lopez is out of the game for a number of years.
Today in NABBA-3 there are 5-6 active country members only.
NABBA-3 was with a German organisation for 3-4 years, but now they split.
We do not care much about other federations as these federations are not
official federations.
But we never neglect positive and friendly initiative of them.
Every federation consists of people and there are many good persons in every
We should respect and we do respect them.
NABBA-3 too.
Every of us has some positive and negative characteristics.
On June 14, 2008 NABBA-3 proposed to organize NABBA World Championship and
WBBF World Amateur Grand Prix in Greece.
We accepted their proposal.
Being in Greece we received the official letter from India Officials, asking
for membership in WFF-WBBF.
They asked the permittion to organize the annual WFF-WBBF Asia Championships
and some other great International Events in India.
Again we argeed as this initiative is fine.
WFF-WBBF is working a number of years on organizing Asia Championships.
India, Pakistan, Iran, Philippines, Maldives, Ceylon are supporting our
If it is India to take the initiative, then why not?

I understand this very clearly.
IFBB becomes more democratic:
Last weekend IFBB Latvia Secretary General participated at the Europe Championship of another federation in Italy and became a Champion.
But what do think Mr.Fileborn and Mr.Santocha???
What is next?
Life sentence, hanging or shooting?
IFBB becomes more democratic:
Last weekend IFBB Latvia Secretary General participated at the Europe Championship of another federation in Italy and became a Champion.
But what do think Mr.Fileborn and Mr.Santocha???
What is next?
Life sentence, hanging or shooting?

:roll: :twisted: :roll: :twisted:
IFBB becomes more democratic:
Last weekend IFBB Latvia Secretary General participated at the Europe Championship of another federation in Italy and became a Champion.
But what do think Mr.Fileborn and Mr.Santocha???
What is next?
Life sentence, hanging or shooting?

I have found let us say "mistakes" at the official IFBB Greece Internet page.
They write about the recognition of IFBB by the International Olympic Committee, but this is incorrect information.
IFBB was granted the short "test" period by the IOC ten years ago.
After these two years of testing IOC sayed NO for the IFBB and closed the door for them.

False information is here:
The GFBB has been an active member of IFBB since the middle '70s, and supports IFBB so far.
IFBB, with 172 nations affilliated, is provisionally recognised by the International Olympic Committee since 1998.
Dita Wrote:I have found let us say "mistakes" at the official IFBB Greece Internet page.
They write about the recognition of IFBB by the International Olympic Committee, but this is incorrect information.
IFBB was granted the short "test" period by the IOC ten years ago.
After these two years of testing IOC sayed NO for the IFBB and closed the door for them.

False information is here:
The GFBB has been an active member of IFBB since the middle '70s, and supports IFBB so far.
IFBB, with 172 nations affilliated, is provisionally recognised by the International Olympic Committee since 1998.

IFBB is giving false information on every corner.
rob Wrote:
Dita Wrote:I have found let us say "mistakes" at the official IFBB Greece Internet page.
They write about the recognition of IFBB by the International Olympic Committee, but this is incorrect information.
IFBB was granted the short "test" period by the IOC ten years ago.
After these two years of testing IOC sayed NO for the IFBB and closed the door for them.

False information is here:
The GFBB has been an active member of IFBB since the middle '70s, and supports IFBB so far.
IFBB, with 172 nations affilliated, is provisionally recognised by the International Olympic Committee since 1998.

IFBB is giving false information on every corner.

No, not on every corner. But IFBB really gives much not right information. Just propaganda, nothing more.
And there are many sportsmen who believe this!
wff_Edita.S Wrote:
rob Wrote:
Dita Wrote:I have found let us say "mistakes" at the official IFBB Greece Internet page.
They write about the recognition of IFBB by the International Olympic Committee, but this is incorrect information.
IFBB was granted the short "test" period by the IOC ten years ago.
After these two years of testing IOC sayed NO for the IFBB and closed the door for them.

False information is here:
The GFBB has been an active member of IFBB since the middle '70s, and supports IFBB so far.
IFBB, with 172 nations affilliated, is provisionally recognised by the International Olympic Committee since 1998.

IFBB is giving false information on every corner.

No, not on every corner. But IFBB really gives much not right information. Just propaganda, nothing more.
And there are many sportsmen who believe this!

me not! :twisted:
The problems that the “B&A” in California were facing were the many threats and delays. Yes, it would have helped to have a team of WFF-WBBF guarantee teams 5-8 Competitors from Europe, Asia, and Africa in each Category.
We still have to rely on local and North American allies to join in our efforts and events. Nothing is impossible!

There were many Americans who promised to help both my event and the B&A event in California. They all ran with their tails between there legs. They feared chastisement from the American powers that control our in dustry in the USA with lots of money backing them. Yes, success to any WFF-WBBF Contest in the USA, providing we have very large sponsors and T.V. in the USA. ……………I will never do another show in the USA without all those elements.

Things are totally different in the USA and as in Russia or Lithuania as I mentioned before. Judging, political underwriting of money and support. It is a game of chest in any country. We have to make the right moves to make it all happen where everyone reaches their goals.

Yes, it could mean in time, A WFF-WBBF Contest is a success at any way and at any turn of happenings. The USA is hungry for new events without the dictates of the president controlling groups who have and are daily trying to monopolize the athletes and sponsors. We want to have free independent events under the WFF-WBBF FLAGS FLYING HIGH AT EACH EVENT IN THE USA. Then, and then only the rest International Sportsmen including USA would come and make all the magic come alive.

We want nothing more than to have a guarantee number of high level competitors, sponsors, and tons of money at any show in the USA or any Country. Edmundas will have to make the final choice if the necessary details are discussed and agreed with the Contest Organizer World Wide.

Count on North American if, and when all these details are in line. I will, as I have supported the WFF-WBBF International. Perhaps now that we have an active WFF-WBBF president in Mexico, we can pool their resources and USA and our allies in Canada to create a real 2009 WFF-WBBF NORTH AMERICAN. This was, as you know, tried with Mr. Juan Carlos in Mexico after I made him president of the WFF-WBBF MEXICO CITY IN 2006. Mr. Carlos event the Coloso Classic was a big regional show with much potential. This was to be the Center stage in Mexico for the 2007 WFF-WBBF North American. However, after dozens of phone calls to Mexico on both our parts we have only lip service to add to Mexico and all the efforts. The Coloso Classic that I was head judges on behalf for the WFF-WBBF was the biggest, best and well run that I have attended in many years. Again, it takes lots of money to pull this off in North America.

What do you think?

Mike Glass President WFF North America

Mike Glass-USA Wrote:The problems that the “B&A” in California were facing were the many threats and delays. Yes, it would have helped to have a team of WFF-WBBF guarantee teams 5-8 Competitors from Europe, Asia, and Africa in each Category.
We still have to rely on local and North American allies to join in our efforts and events. Nothing is impossible!

There were many Americans who promised to help both my event and the B&A event in California. They all ran with their tails between there legs. They feared chastisement from the American powers that control our in dustry in the USA with lots of money backing them. Yes, success to any WFF-WBBF Contest in the USA, providing we have very large sponsors and T.V. in the USA. ……………I will never do another show in the USA without all those elements.

Things are totally different in the USA and as in Russia or Lithuania as I mentioned before. Judging, political underwriting of money and support. It is a game of chest in any country. We have to make the right moves to make it all happen where everyone reaches their goals.

Yes, it could mean in time, A WFF-WBBF Contest is a success at any way and at any turn of happenings. The USA is hungry for new events without the dictates of the president controlling groups who have and are daily trying to monopolize the athletes and sponsors. We want to have free independent events under the WFF-WBBF FLAGS FLYING HIGH AT EACH EVENT IN THE USA. Then, and then only the rest International Sportsmen including USA would come and make all the magic come alive.

We want nothing more than to have a guarantee number of high level competitors, sponsors, and tons of money at any show in the USA or any Country. Edmundas will have to make the final choice if the necessary details are discussed and agreed with the Contest Organizer World Wide.

Count on North American if, and when all these details are in line. I will, as I have supported the WFF-WBBF International. Perhaps now that we have an active WFF-WBBF president in Mexico, we can pool their resources and USA and our allies in Canada to create a real 2009 WFF-WBBF NORTH AMERICAN. This was, as you know, tried with Mr. Juan Carlos in Mexico after I made him president of the WFF-WBBF MEXICO CITY IN 2006. Mr. Carlos event the Coloso Classic was a big regional show with much potential. This was to be the Center stage in Mexico for the 2007 WFF-WBBF North American. However, after dozens of phone calls to Mexico on both our parts we have only lip service to add to Mexico and all the efforts. The Coloso Classic that I was head judges on behalf for the WFF-WBBF was the biggest, best and well run that I have attended in many years. Again, it takes lots of money to pull this off in North America.

What do you think?


it is interesting to know the position of the internetionla federation to this?
Philip Wrote:
Mike Glass-USA Wrote:The problems that the “B&A” in California were facing were the many threats and delays. Yes, it would have helped to have a team of WFF-WBBF guarantee teams 5-8 Competitors from Europe, Asia, and Africa in each Category.
We still have to rely on local and North American allies to join in our efforts and events. Nothing is impossible!

There were many Americans who promised to help both my event and the B&A event in California. They all ran with their tails between there legs. They feared chastisement from the American powers that control our in dustry in the USA with lots of money backing them. Yes, success to any WFF-WBBF Contest in the USA, providing we have very large sponsors and T.V. in the USA. ……………I will never do another show in the USA without all those elements.

Things are totally different in the USA and as in Russia or Lithuania as I mentioned before. Judging, political underwriting of money and support. It is a game of chest in any country. We have to make the right moves to make it all happen where everyone reaches their goals.

Yes, it could mean in time, A WFF-WBBF Contest is a success at any way and at any turn of happenings. The USA is hungry for new events without the dictates of the president controlling groups who have and are daily trying to monopolize the athletes and sponsors. We want to have free independent events under the WFF-WBBF FLAGS FLYING HIGH AT EACH EVENT IN THE USA. Then, and then only the rest International Sportsmen including USA would come and make all the magic come alive.

We want nothing more than to have a guarantee number of high level competitors, sponsors, and tons of money at any show in the USA or any Country. Edmundas will have to make the final choice if the necessary details are discussed and agreed with the Contest Organizer World Wide.

Count on North American if, and when all these details are in line. I will, as I have supported the WFF-WBBF International. Perhaps now that we have an active WFF-WBBF president in Mexico, we can pool their resources and USA and our allies in Canada to create a real 2009 WFF-WBBF NORTH AMERICAN. This was, as you know, tried with Mr. Juan Carlos in Mexico after I made him president of the WFF-WBBF MEXICO CITY IN 2006. Mr. Carlos event the Coloso Classic was a big regional show with much potential. This was to be the Center stage in Mexico for the 2007 WFF-WBBF North American. However, after dozens of phone calls to Mexico on both our parts we have only lip service to add to Mexico and all the efforts. The Coloso Classic that I was head judges on behalf for the WFF-WBBF was the biggest, best and well run that I have attended in many years. Again, it takes lots of money to pull this off in North America.

What do you think?


it is interesting to know the position of the internetionla federation to this?

Dear Michael,
Nothing is easy in every Country.
Especially when you make big Events.
The WFF-WBBF International President will explain the official position soon.
But being strong today we have many enemies, and we can not say everything more here... sorry.
The only one thing I can say about the one today's secret of WFF-WBBF:
we are on the right way and it seems we will have a number of the Events much bigger than that one promissed of "B&A".

And we do have had such bigger Events before!
Dear friends, our World Sport Center changes placing from USA to a number of other Countries of other Continents.
You want this or not!
And this is a real fact today!
wff_edita Wrote:
Philip Wrote:
Mike Glass-USA Wrote:The problems that the “B&A” in California were facing were the many threats and delays. Yes, it would have helped to have a team of WFF-WBBF guarantee teams 5-8 Competitors from Europe, Asia, and Africa in each Category.
We still have to rely on local and North American allies to join in our efforts and events. Nothing is impossible!

There were many Americans who promised to help both my event and the B&A event in California. They all ran with their tails between there legs. They feared chastisement from the American powers that control our in dustry in the USA with lots of money backing them. Yes, success to any WFF-WBBF Contest in the USA, providing we have very large sponsors and T.V. in the USA. ……………I will never do another show in the USA without all those elements.

Things are totally different in the USA and as in Russia or Lithuania as I mentioned before. Judging, political underwriting of money and support. It is a game of chest in any country. We have to make the right moves to make it all happen where everyone reaches their goals.

Yes, it could mean in time, A WFF-WBBF Contest is a success at any way and at any turn of happenings. The USA is hungry for new events without the dictates of the president controlling groups who have and are daily trying to monopolize the athletes and sponsors. We want to have free independent events under the WFF-WBBF FLAGS FLYING HIGH AT EACH EVENT IN THE USA. Then, and then only the rest International Sportsmen including USA would come and make all the magic come alive.

We want nothing more than to have a guarantee number of high level competitors, sponsors, and tons of money at any show in the USA or any Country. Edmundas will have to make the final choice if the necessary details are discussed and agreed with the Contest Organizer World Wide.

Count on North American if, and when all these details are in line. I will, as I have supported the WFF-WBBF International. Perhaps now that we have an active WFF-WBBF president in Mexico, we can pool their resources and USA and our allies in Canada to create a real 2009 WFF-WBBF NORTH AMERICAN. This was, as you know, tried with Mr. Juan Carlos in Mexico after I made him president of the WFF-WBBF MEXICO CITY IN 2006. Mr. Carlos event the Coloso Classic was a big regional show with much potential. This was to be the Center stage in Mexico for the 2007 WFF-WBBF North American. However, after dozens of phone calls to Mexico on both our parts we have only lip service to add to Mexico and all the efforts. The Coloso Classic that I was head judges on behalf for the WFF-WBBF was the biggest, best and well run that I have attended in many years. Again, it takes lots of money to pull this off in North America.

What do you think?


it is interesting to know the position of the internetionla federation to this?

Dear Michael,
Nothing is easy in every Country.
Especially when you make big Events.
The WFF-WBBF International President will explain the official position soon.
But being strong today we have many enemies, and we can not say everything more here... sorry.
The only one thing I can say about the one today's secret of WFF-WBBF:
we are on the right way and it seems we will have a number of the Events much bigger than that one promissed of "B&A".

And we do have had such bigger Events before!
Dear friends, our World Sport Center changes placing from USA to a number of other Countries of other Continents.
You want this or not!
And this is a real fact today!

plain and clear...
I found this foto
Tomas Wrote:I found this foto

What does it mean and who is "Bob"???
Can anybody say me?
Janakis Wrote:
Tomas Wrote:I found this foto

What does it mean and who is "Bob"???
Can anybody say me?

Mike Glass can say only...
Yes, I found this on the internet. Getbig.COM I believe.

Bob, now runs the camp for the great Russ Deluca and NEW OWNERS. He works very closely with the NPC / IFBB. That’s all I know. I am sure if you run a search there is more on him on GOOGLE.


~ Mike ~
Mike Glass President WFF North America

Mike Glass-USA Wrote:Yes, I found this on the internet. Getbig.COM I believe.

Bob, now runs the camp for the great Russ Deluca and NEW OWNERS. He works very closely with the NPC / IFBB. That’s all I know. I am sure if you run a search there is more on him on GOOGLE.


~ Mike ~

yes, but who is this "Bob'? I do not know him!
Never forget: the very important topic WFF-WBBF speaks on is THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING.
And there is much lies in it, there is much lies in the way it is presented.
First of all in 2008 Sport World celebrates 110 years Anniversary of Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding was born in Europe (not in America!!!) and the first Bodybuilding Contests started in 1898 in Russia.
First still living Bodybuilding Magazine "Health&Strength" is in UK.
America was strong in Bodybuilding only ending the 20-th century.
Weider's Magazines propaganda speak other way, but that are commercial, not sport magazines.
They serve for Weider Commerce, not for sport in general.
Never forget this.
E.Sendriene Wrote:Never forget: the very important topic WFF-WBBF speaks on is THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING.
And there is much lies in it, there is much lies in the way it is presented.
First of all in 2008 Sport World celebrates 110 years Anniversary of Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding was born in Europe (not in America!!!) and the first Bodybuilding Contests started in 1898 in Russia.
First still living Bodybuilding Magazine "Health&Strength" is in UK.
America was strong in Bodybuilding only ending the 20-th century.
Weider's Magazines propaganda speak other way, but that are commercial, not sport magazines.
They serve for Weider Commerce, not for sport in general.
Never forget this.

this magazine is living from 1898! I know it very well!
john Wrote:
E.Sendriene Wrote:Never forget: the very important topic WFF-WBBF speaks on is THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING.
And there is much lies in it, there is much lies in the way it is presented.
First of all in 2008 Sport World celebrates 110 years Anniversary of Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding was born in Europe (not in America!!!) and the first Bodybuilding Contests started in 1898 in Russia.
First still living Bodybuilding Magazine "Health&Strength" is in UK.
America was strong in Bodybuilding only ending the 20-th century.
Weider's Magazines propaganda speak other way, but that are commercial, not sport magazines.
They serve for Weider Commerce, not for sport in general.
Never forget this.

this magazine is living from 1898! I know it very well!

The first ever known Bodybuilding Championship was held in 1897 in Russia.
The organizer was the Count ROBOPJER Athletic Union.
Sendriene;WFF Wrote:
john Wrote:
E.Sendriene Wrote:Never forget: the very important topic WFF-WBBF speaks on is THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING.
And there is much lies in it, there is much lies in the way it is presented.
First of all in 2008 Sport World celebrates 110 years Anniversary of Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding was born in Europe (not in America!!!) and the first Bodybuilding Contests started in 1898 in Russia.
First still living Bodybuilding Magazine "Health&Strength" is in UK.
America was strong in Bodybuilding only ending the 20-th century.
Weider's Magazines propaganda speak other way, but that are commercial, not sport magazines.
They serve for Weider Commerce, not for sport in general.
Never forget this.

this magazine is living from 1898! I know it very well!

The first ever known Bodybuilding Championship was held in 1897 in Russia.
The organizer was the Count ROBOPJER Athletic Union.

This is a new information.
Alan Wrote:
Sendriene;WFF Wrote:
john Wrote:
E.Sendriene Wrote:Never forget: the very important topic WFF-WBBF speaks on is THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING.
And there is much lies in it, there is much lies in the way it is presented.
First of all in 2008 Sport World celebrates 110 years Anniversary of Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding was born in Europe (not in America!!!) and the first Bodybuilding Contests started in 1898 in Russia.
First still living Bodybuilding Magazine "Health&Strength" is in UK.
America was strong in Bodybuilding only ending the 20-th century.
Weider's Magazines propaganda speak other way, but that are commercial, not sport magazines.
They serve for Weider Commerce, not for sport in general.
Never forget this.

this magazine is living from 1898! I know it very well!

The first ever known Bodybuilding Championship was held in 1897 in Russia.
The organizer was the Count ROBOPJER Athletic Union.

This is a new information.

Once somebody starts correcting false history and the truth begins to come out.
E.Sendriene Wrote:Never forget: the very important topic WFF-WBBF speaks on is THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING.
And there is much lies in it, there is much lies in the way it is presented.
First of all in 2008 Sport World celebrates 110 years Anniversary of Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding was born in Europe (not in America!!!) and the first Bodybuilding Contests started in 1898 in Russia.
First still living Bodybuilding Magazine "Health&Strength" is in UK.
America was strong in Bodybuilding only ending the 20-th century.
Weider's Magazines propaganda speak other way, but that are commercial, not sport magazines.
They serve for Weider Commerce, not for sport in general.
Never forget this.

Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ visited the National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus and had a meeting with the Secretary NOC Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN.
Important international questions were spoken over and among them the possible WFF-WBBF International cooperation with NOC Belarus.
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ visited the National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus and had a meeting with the Secretary NOC Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN.
Important international questions were spoken over and among them the possible WFF-WBBF International cooperation with NOC Belarus.

Secretary National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN,
Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ,
Headquarters NOC Republic Belarus,
Minsk, July, 2008
Sendriene E.>WFF' Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ visited the National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus and had a meeting with the Secretary NOC Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN.
Important international questions were spoken over and among them the possible WFF-WBBF International cooperation with NOC Belarus.

Secretary National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN,
Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ,
Headquarters NOC Republic Belarus,
Minsk, July, 2008

Sendriene E.>WFF' Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ visited the National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus and had a meeting with the Secretary NOC Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN.
Important international questions were spoken over and among them the possible WFF-WBBF International cooperation with NOC Belarus.

Secretary National Olympic Committee Republic Belarus GEORGIJ KATULIN,
Vice President WFF-WBBF International OLEG BURINSKIJ,
Headquarters NOC Republic Belarus,
Minsk, July, 2008

I like the way WFF works.
It is a very serious position to all it does.

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